User’s Guide
For Three Devices - Mac, iPad, iPhone, PC, Smartphones & Tablets

Table of Contents
Package Contents
System Requirements / Technical Support
Macally Product Information
Hardware Basics
Fn Key, Fn Lock Mode and Shortcuts
Pairing the keyboard with Mac
Pairing the keyboard with Windows PC
Pairing the keyboard with iPhone/iPad
Pairing the keyboard with Android Smartphones and Tablets

Thank yo u for purc hasing the Mac ally Blu etoot h Keyboard for M ac, iPho ne, iPad, P C, Android Smartp hones and Tablets. This
paten ted keyb oard suppor ts up to three Bluetoot h devices. One -touch quick swi tching allows you t o type and switch from devices
seamlessly. Whether it is doing work with a computer, sending message s on a smar tphone, or enjoying vid eos on a tablet, it is
truly the only keyboard tha t you ne ed for all your applications. This product utilizes thin keycaps with a sensitive and responsive
touch which provides a more comfortable and faster typing exp erience. It is d esigned with m any features an d flexibilit y to help
improve your prod uctivity. This keybo ard even h as built-in Lithium-I on rechargab le bat ter y so it saves you hassles a nd money
in changing batteries.
Befor e you begin using this prod uct, be sure to rea d this user’s guide in its ent iret y.
Package Contents
• ACEBTKEY Bluetoot h Keyboard
• User’s Guide
System Requirements
• Any Mac or PC comput er with a Bl uetoot h host
• Mac OS X v10.6 to Mac OS X v10.12 and above
• Window s 7/8/10
• iPhone, iPad/Pro and iPad min i
• Most Andrio d device s (Smar tph ones and Tablets)
• iOS 5.0 and ab ove; Android OS 3.0 and above
Macally Product Information
Technical Support
Pleas e E-mail us at te chsupport@macally.com, or call us at 1-909-230 -68 88 Mon day to Friday, 8:30A M to 5:30PM,
Pacific Standard Time

Macally Product Information
This manual is fur nishe d under license and may be used or co pied only in accordance with the terms of such lice nse.
Excep t as pe rmit ted by such license, n o par t of this publ ication may b e repr oduce d, stor ed in a retrieval system, o r
transmitte d, in any for m or any me ans, ele ctronic, mechanical, record ing, or otherwise, including transla tion to another
language or format, without the prior written permission of Macally Peripherals.
The content of this manual is furni shed fo r informational use only, is subject to change without not ice, and should no t be
const rued as a commitment by M acally Pe riphe rals. M acally Peripherals as sumes n o responsibility or liability for any error s
or inacc uracie s that may appear in this b ook.
Macally is a tra demar k of the M ace Group, Inc. A ll othe r produ ct names, trademar ks and registered tr ademarks in t his
document are the property of their respective holder.
Copyright® 2017 by Macally Peripherals
FCC Information
This dev ice complies wi th par t 15 of the FC C Rules. Opera tion is subjec t to the fo llowin g two co nditions: (1) this device
may not cause harmful interfe rence and (2) this device must acce pt any inte rfe rence receive d, includ ing inte rference that
may cause undesired operation.
Macally periphera ls warr ants th at this produc t will be free from defec ts in title, materials and manufacturing wo rkmanship
for two years f rom the d ate of pur chase. I f the product i s found to b e defec tive then, as your sole remedy and as the
manufa cturer’s only obligation, Ma cally will repai r or repl ace the p roduc t. This warrant y shall n ot apply to produ cts th at
have be en subje ct to abuse, misus e, abnor mal ele ctr ical or environmental co nditions, or any conditi on othe r than wh at can
be considered as norm al use.
Warranty Disclaimers
Macally Peripherals makes no other war ranties, exp ress, implied o r other wise, regar ding the BTkey, and sp ecifi cally
disclaims any war rant y for merchantability or fitness for a p art icular purpose. The exc lusion of implied warranties is n ot
permi tted in some states and the exclusion s speci fied he rein may not appl y to you. This warranty provides you with specific
legal r ights . There m ay be oth er rights tha t you have w hich var y form state to state.
Limitation of Liability
The liability of M acally Per ipherals arisin g from this warranty and s ale shal l be limit ed to a ref und of the purchase pric e.
In no even t shall M acally Pe ripherals be liable fo r costs of procurement of substitute p roducts or ser vices, or for any
lost profit s, or for any con sequ ential, incidental, direct or indirect damages, ho weve r caus ed and on any the ory of
liabilit y, aris ing from this w arranty and sal e. The se limitations shall app ly not withstandi ng any failure of essential
purp ose of any limited remedy. V1.1.