M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
Model No: 432-12EME
Model ............................................. 432-12EME
Frequency Range ........................... 430 To 436 MHz
*Gain ............................................... 16.4 dBi
Front to back ................................... 23 dB Typical
Beamwidth .................................... E=26° H=29°
Feed Impedance. ............................ 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ............................. 1.2:1 Typical
Input Connector .............................. “N” Female
Model .............................................. 432-12EMEX4
Frequency Range ............................ 432 To 436 MHz
*Gain ............................................... 22.44 dBi
Front to back.................................... 23 dB Typical
Beamwidth ..................................... E=13° H=15°
Feed Impedance. ............................. 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ............................. 2.0:1 Typical
Input Connector ............................... “N” Female
*Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd
This is the latest addition to the high performance M
specifically designed as a potent yet compact EME (Moon bounce)array. It is ideal for home and trips (DXpeditions). Its light weight
and rear mount capabilities keep phasing lines short and mounting simple. When used only for terrestrial and stacked 4 high the
azimuth beamwidth is still 26 degrees, but the gain is over 20 dBd! EME CW or JT65B, you’l l be amazed!
POLARITY DIVERSITY is possible by adding 4 more in the opposite polar ity to a slightly ext ended “H” frame. Note also that it
covers the satellite band! What a nice extra.
Construction is classic M
the boom on UV stabilized insulators and locked in place with stainless steel shaft retainers. The driven element module is CNC
machined and all connectors O-ring sealed. Internal connections are encapsulated in a space- age silicone gel. Balun connectors are
triple-sealed to the coax. Our “H” frame used for the above specs is 2” x .125 x 60” cross boom and 2” x .065 x 60” risers. As k about
special configurations for your special project. And don’t forget we make the MT1000 elevation rotator . It easily handles 4X2M9SSB
for long term electrical and mechanical integrity. Elements are 3/16” 6061-T 6 rod, mounted through
family of weak signal antennas. As the name implies, the 432-12EME has been
Power Handling ............................... 1 kW
Boom Length / Dia ........................... 116” / 1” To 3/4” Tip
Maximum Element Length ............... 13.5”
Turning Radius: ............................... 83’
Stacking Distance ............................ 54” High & 56” Wide
Mast Size ......................................... 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival......................... 0.65 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH
Weight / Ship Wt. ............................. 2.5 Lbs. / 4 Lbs.
Power Handling ............................... 3 kW
Boom Length / Dia .......................... 116’ / 1” To 3/4” Tip
Maximum Element Length .............. 13.5”
Turning Radius: ............................... 83”
Stacking Distance ........................... 54” High & 56” Wide
Mast Size ........................................ 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival ........................ 2.6 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722
Tel: (559) 432-8873 Fax: (559) 432-3059 Web: www.m2inc.com
©2012 M2 Antenna Systems Incoporated

1. Start by laying out the boom sections using the DIMENSION sheet as a guide. Use 8-32 X 1-1/4
screws and locknuts to join sections. Sections may be swaged to fit each other.
2. Lay out the elements by length and position as shown the DIMENSION sheet. Start with the
reflector (longest) element and push on a black button insulator to about 1/2” from center. Push the
element through the holes 1/2" from the rear of the boom and install the second button, snugging it
up into boom. DO NOT BOTHER WITH ACCURATELY CENTERING the element at this time and
DO NOT INSTALL the stainless steel internal locking “KEEPERS” yet. This is easier to do after all
the elements are installed in the boom.
3. Install the 3/16” rod DRIVEN ELEMENT as you did the reflector. Then continue with the installation
of the DIRECTORS. Note tha t the Director Ele ments do not consistently diminish in length from
rear to front, so pay close attention to length and position.
4. Now begin centering the elements. Use a tape measure to EQUALIZE the amount the element
sticking out on each side of the boom. Once you have all the elements centered, sight down the
element tips from the rear comparing each side. Look for any obvious discrepancies and correct if
5. Begin installing the stainless “keepers.” Use thumb and index finger to hold a keeper over end of
the 3/8 x 3” push tube (keeper dished into tube). Hold the element firmly and start the keeper onto
the rod by applying pressure with the push tube. Push the keeper until up tight against the button
insulator (Locking pliers, lightly clamped up against opposite button insulator will help maintain
center reference and keep you from pushing the first keeper too far). Repeat for the opposite side.
Continue installing keepers until all elements are locked in place.