M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
Model No: 2MXP20
2MXP20 4 Bay Array
Model ......................................... 2MXP20
Frequency Range ....................... 144 To 146 MHz
*Gain .......................................... 15.3 dBi
Front to back .............................. 25 dB Typical
Beamwidth ............................... E=30° H=34°
Feed type ................................... “T” Match
Feed Impedance. ....................... 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ........................ 1.5:1
Input Connector .......................... “N” Female
*Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd
Power Handling .......................... 2.5 kW
Boom Length / Dia ...................... 21’ 7” / 1-1/2” To 1”
Maximum Element Length .......... 40-1/2”
Turning Radius: .......................... 146”
Stacking Distance ....................... 11’ 6” High & 12” Wide
Mast Size .................................... 1-1/2” to 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival ................... 1.9 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH
Weight / Ship Wt. ........................ 8 Lbs. / 12 Lbs.
This dual polarized yagi was computer designed for the serious Moonbouncer. The very good G/T is a result of
low side and back lobes and the design has been optimized for stacking. This antenna is remarkable in that the stacking
gain for four antennas exceeds 6 dB. Even using a single Horizontal/Vertical relay, you have a moonbounce package
that can outperform larger, linear arrays. Additional relay switching providing 4 different types of signals. Losses from spe-
cial polarity and Faraday rotation virtually disappear. EME reliability approaches 100%. M
power dividers and phasing lines (using Times' new light-weight, low-loss LMR400 and/or LMR600 cable) coupled with ‘T’
brace kits, fiberglass H-frame packages, OR2800P Azimuth Rotator, and our New MT-1000 Elevation Motor provide the
building blocks for a whole new generation of high performance EME arrays.
's new 2MXP20 antennas,
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722
Tel: (559) 432-8873 Fax: (559) 432-3059 Web: www.m2inc.com
©2015 M2 Antenna Systems Incoporated

1. Start by laying out the boom sections using the DIMENSION sheet as a guide. Use 8-32 screws
and locknuts to join sections. Sections are swaged to fit each other.
2. Lay out the elements by length and position as shown the DIMENSION sheet. Start with the
HORIZONTAL reflector (longest) element and push on a black button insulator to about 1/2” from
center. Push the element through the holes 1/2" from the rear of the boom and install the second
button, snugging it up into boom. DO NOT BOTHER WITH ACCURATELY CENTERING the
element at this time and DO NOT INSTALL the stainless steel SHAFT RETAINERS yet. This is
easier to do after all the HORIZONTAL elements are installed in the boom.
3. Install the 3/16” rod DRIVEN ELEMENT as you did the reflector. Then continue with the installation
of the HORIZONTAL DIRECTORS. N ote that the D ire cto r Eleme nts do not consiste ntly diminish in
length from rear to front, so pay close attention to length and position.
4. Now begin centering the elements. Use a tape measure to EQUALIZE the amount the element
sticking out on each side of the boom. Once you have all the elements centered, sight down the
element tips from the rear comparing each side. Look for any obvious discrepancies and correct if
5. NOTE: The SHAFT RETAINERS, used for securing the elements, should always be used for
permanent and long term antenna installations. For portable or temporary use, or whenever it is
anticipated that the antenna will be disassembled within a short time, the retainers may be left off.
The button insulators, normally a tight fit, hold the elements quite securely.
Begin installing the stainless shaft retainers. Use thumb and index finger to hold a Shaft Retainer