M2 Antenna Systems 2M8WL, 2M8WLHD Assembly Manual

M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
Model No: 2M8WL
Model ......................................... 2M8WL
Frequency Range ....................... 144 To 144.6 MHz
Front to back .............................. 26 dB Typical
Beamwidth ............................... E=20° H=21°
Feed type ................................... “T” Match
Feed Impedance. ....................... 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ........................ 1.5:1
Input Connector .......................... “N” Female
*Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd
Power Handling .......................... 2.5 kW
Boom Length / Dia ...................... 55’ / 2-1/2” To 1-1/2”
Maximum Element Length .......... 21-3/16”
Turning Radius: .......................... 29’
Stacking Distance ....................... 17’ High & 17’ Wide
Mast Size .................................... 1-1/2” to 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival ................... 5.5 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH
Weight / Ship Wt. ........................ 50 Lbs. / 59 Lbs.
The 2M8WL provides the user with not just improvements in gain and front to back ratio but also features a robust boom design, making the antenna capable of handling winds over 100 MPH. The 2M8WLHD features the same highly reliable, CNC machined, driven element components used on our other VHF and UHF yagis. The boom tapers from 2.5" in the 23 foot middle section to 1.5" at the rear and front. It is top guyed with dacron cord. A single 2M8WL provides the gain requirement to make EME contacts with even small 4 yagi stations. It passes the echo test by producing its own audible echoes even when pointed up with no ground gain! Obviously it is dynamite on Tropo! There's absolutely nothing else like it.
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722
Tel: (559) 432-8873 Fax: (559) 432-3059 Web: www.m2inc.com
©2009 M2 Antenna Systems Incoporated
TOOLS REQUIRED: Scr ewd ri ver , 11/32 wr enc h, s oc ket or sp in ti te, a 7/16" an d 1/2" w ren ch or so ck et,
tape measure. Please review these instructions and the 2M8WLHD DIMENSION SHEET before a ssembly.
1. BOOM ASSEMBLY Refer to the 2M8WLHD DIMENSION SHEET as a guide. Note the FRONT and REAR locations of the
antenna and that it is pictured looking from underneath. Prior to beginning the assembly of the boom find a LONG level surface to work on. Start by laying out the boom sections. Use 1/4-20 x 2” bolts and locknuts to join 1-1/2” to 2” sections; 2-1/2” bolts for 2” to 2” sections and 2” to 2-1/2” sections; 3” bolts for 2-1/2” to 2­1/2” sections. You will notice that several of the boom sections are the same length. The following notes will help you determine which-one-goes-where:
1-1/2” sections: The rear section has 4 through holes for the elements and one through hole
perpendicular to the others. Orient this section piece with the cross bolt holes facing towards the front. 2 x 48” sections: The rear section has the 5/16” elem ent through hole closer to its swaged end. 2 x 95” sections: Bo t h t h e f r o n t and r ear s ec tio n s h av e 11/32” ho l es for t h e e yeb o l ts. Th e r ear
section has a through hole for an element closer to its unswaged end. 2-1/2 x 95” SOE: The front section has a through hole for an element closer to its unswaged end.
2-1/2 x 95” SBE: The rear end has a through hole closer to a swaged end. After assembly, double check boom sections against ELEMENT SPACING figures on Dimension Sheet.
2. BOOM TO MAST PLATE At this time it may be convenient to add the boom to mast plate. The 6 x 8 x 1/4” plate mounts approximately
24” from the front element hole on the center most section of the boom. Use two 2-1/2 inch U-bolts and
cradles and the 5/16” stainless steel lockwashers and nuts. TEMPORARILY position the plate under the
boom. This way the boom can be laid across a bench or bucks and the plate will keep the boom from
rotating while installing the elements.
3. ELEMENT ASSEMBLY Lay out the elements by length and position as shown the DIMENSION sheet. Start with the reflector
(longest) element. Balance across finger to find center and push on a black button insulator to about 1/2”
from center. Insert the element through the holes 1/2" from the rear of the boom and install the second
button, snugging it up into boom. DO NOT BOTHER WITH ACCURATELY CENTERING the element at this
time and DO NOT INSTALL the stainless steel internal locking “KEEPERS” yet. This is easier to do after all
the elements are installed in the boom. Note that the Director Elements do not consistently diminish in
length from rear to front, so pay close attention to length and position. We have en c l o s ed a 1:1
scaled dimension chart to help sort out the 21 elements. Now begin centering the elements. Use a tape measure to EQUALIZE element length on each side of the
boom. Once you have all the elements centered, sight down the element tips from the rear comparing each
side. Look for any obvious discrepancies and correct if found.
4. ELEMENT KEEPER INSTALLATION Begin installing the stainless “keepers.” Use thumb and index finger to hold a keeper over end of the 3/8 x 3”
push tube (keeper dished into tube). Hold the element firmly and start the keeper onto the rod by applying
pressure with the push tube. Push the keeper until up tight against the button insulator (Locking pliers, lightly
clamped up against opposite button insulator will help maintain center reference and keep you from pushing
the first keeper too far). Repeat for the opposite side. Continue installing keepers until all elements are
locked in place.
5. DRIVEN ELEMENT INSTALLATION Mount the DRIVEN ELEMENT “T” MATCH ASSEMBLY to the BOTTOM of the boom using a single 1/4-20 x
1-3/4" bolt and lockwasher. Orient the block with feed connector facing to center and balun connectors
facing to rear.
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