M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
Model No: 222-10EZ
Model ......................................... 222-10EZ
Frequency Range ....................... 222 To 226 MHz
*Gain .......................................... 14.1 dBi
Front to back .............................. 23 dB Typical
Beamwidth ............................... E=34° H=39°
Feed type ................................... “T” Match
Feed Impedance. ....................... 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ........................ 1.2:1
Input Connector .......................... “N” Female
*Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd
Power Handling .......................... 1.5 kW
Boom Length / Dia ...................... 9’ 9” / 1”
Maximum Element Length .......... 26-3/8”
Turning Radius: .......................... 5’ 6”
Stacking Distance ....................... 78” High & 80” Wide
Mast Size .................................... 1-1/2” to 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival ................... 0.075 Sq. Ft. / 100MPH
Weight / Ship Wt. ........................ 4 Lbs. / 5 Lbs.
The 222-10EZ is an easily assembled, medium sized, computer designed Yagi that covers 222 to 226 MHz with
flat gain and VSWR. Strong, yet lightweight and streamlined, it compliments any VHF system. The heart of the 222-10EZ
is a unique Driven Element Module with superior weather resistance and power handling abilities. All connectors are Oring sealed to the CNC machined block and internal connections are sealed in a space-age silicone gel with a dielectric
strength nearly 4 times greater than air. The Balun coax connectors are triple sealed.
Other key mechanical and electrical parts are CNC machined from 6061-T6 aluminum and all hardware except Ubolts is stainless steel. It features our silicone-gel sealed, weatherproof driven element assembly and a unique internal
balun. Want higher power capability or some other change? Please contact the factory for details.
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722
Tel: (559) 432-8873 Fax: (559) 432-3059 Web: www.m2inc.com
©2015 M2 Antenna Systems Incorporated

Tools required: screwdriver, 11/32”, 7/16”, and 1/2” end wrenches and / or sockets, measuring tape.
1. Assemble the two 1” boom sections using 8-32 x 1-1/4" screws and locknuts.
2. Lay out the 3/16” elements by length and position as shown the DIMENSION sheet. Start with the
REFLECTOR element. Balance across finger to find center and push on a black button insulator to
about 1/2” from center. Push the element through the holes 1/2" from the rear of the boom and
install the second button, snugging it up into boom. DO NOT BOTHER WITH ACCURATELY
CENTERING the element at this time and DO NOT INSTALL the shaft retainers yet. This is easier
to do after all the elements are installed in the boom.
3. Install the DRIVEN ELEMENT as you did the reflector. Then continue with the installation of the
DIRECTORS. Note that the Director Elements do not consistently diminish in length from rear to
front, so pay close attention to length and position.
4. Now begin centering the elements. Use a tape measure to EQUALIZE the amount the element
sticking out on each side of the boom. Once you have all the elements centered, sight down the
element tips from the rear comparing each side. Look for any obvious discrepancies and correct if
5. Install the stainless steel SHAFT RETAINERS onto the element rods. NOTE: The shaft retainers
should always be used for permanent and long term antenna installations. For portable or
temporary use, or whenever it is anticipated that the antenna will be disassembled within a short
time, the retainers may be left off. The button insulators, alone, hold the elements quite securely.
To install, use thumb and index finger to hold a retainer over end of the 3/8 x 3” push tube
(retainer dished into tube). Hold the element firmly and start the retainer onto the rod by applying
pressure with the push tube. Push the retainer until up tight against the button insulator. Locking
pliers, lightly clamped to rod and up against opposite button insulator will help maintain center
reference. If the retainer is pushed too far, remove the element from the boom, push the retainer
off, and start over. Install opposing retainer. Repeat for all elements.