Lütze DIOLINE PLC Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
COS-COM, Part-No. 746032
Version 03
Lütze Transportation GmbH Bruckwiesenstraße 17-19 D-71384 Weinstadt Tel.: +49 (0) 7151 6053-545 Fax: +49 (0) 7151 6053-6545 Sales.Transportation@luetze.de www.luetze-transportation.com
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
2 General Information ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 Symbol Description ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Copyright ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Disclaim of Liability................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Related Documents................................................................................................................ 7
3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Content of the Manual ............................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Intended Use .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Recipients............................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Operating Employees............................................................................................................. 8
3.5 Responsibility of the Operator ................................................................................................ 9
3.6 Protective Clothing and Equipment ........................................................................................ 9
3.7 Labeling.................................................................................................................................. 9
3.8 Reconstruction and Modifications of the Product ................................................................. 10
3.9 Safety Arrangement ............................................................................................................. 10
3.10 Special Safety Messages ..................................................................................................... 10
4 Product Overview....................................................................................... 11
4.1 Product Description .............................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Hardware Options ................................................................................................................ 11
4.3 Software Options.................................................................................................................. 12
4.4 System Overview ................................................................................................................. 13
4.5 Field of Application ............................................................................................................... 14
5 Transport and Storing ............................................................................... 15
6 Scope of Delivery ....................................................................................... 16
7 Product Assembly...................................................................................... 17
7.1 LED Display.......................................................................................................................... 18
8 Technical Data............................................................................................ 20
9 Mounting ..................................................................................................... 23
9.1 Mounting Options ................................................................................................................. 23
10 Initial Operation – Hardware ..................................................................... 24
10.1 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 24
10.2 L-Bus – Interface .................................................................................................................. 25
10.3 Serial Interface ..................................................................................................................... 27
10.4 SD Card Slot ........................................................................................................................ 28
10.4.1 Changing the SD Card ......................................................................................................... 29
10.5 Ethernet Interface................................................................................................................. 30
10.6 Fieldbus 1 Interface – CANopen Master .............................................................................. 31
10.7 Fieldbus 2 Interface – CANopen Slave ................................................................................ 32
11 Initial Operation – Software....................................................................... 33
11.1 Installation ............................................................................................................................ 34
11.1.1 MULTIPROG ........................................................................................................................ 34
11.1.2 ProConOS OPC Server........................................................................................................ 35
11.1.3 Lütze Addons ....................................................................................................................... 36
11.2 IP Configuration.................................................................................................................... 37
11.2.1 PC IP Address...................................................................................................................... 37
11.2.2 Communication Check ......................................................................................................... 39
11.2.3 PLC IP Address.................................................................................................................... 40
11.2.4 Resetting the TCP/IP Address ............................................................................................. 41
11.3 Development Environment System – MULTIPROG............................................................. 42
11.3.1 Creating a MULTIPROG Project .......................................................................................... 42
11.3.2 Ressource Settings .............................................................................................................. 44
11.3.3 Function Blocks and Firmware Libraries .............................................................................. 46
11.3.4 ProConOS.INI ...................................................................................................................... 51
11.3.5 Variables .............................................................................................................................. 52
11.4 Configuration of the Fieldbusses and other Interfaces......................................................... 58
11.4.1 L-Bus Configuration.............................................................................................................. 58
11.4.2 SD Card Configuration ......................................................................................................... 64
11.4.3 PFD – Parallel Flash Disk .................................................................................................... 67
11.4.4 Real Time Clock Configuration............................................................................................. 73
11.4.5 CANopen Master Configuration ........................................................................................... 76
11.4.6 CANopen Slave Configuration .......................................................................................... 97
11.5 Compiling and Loading......................................................................................................... 99
11.5.1 Download of Configuration Files .......................................................................................... 99
11.5.2 Downloading a MULTIPROG Project ................................................................................. 100
11.5.3 Deleting the Flashdisk ........................................................................................................ 102
11.6 Visualization – ProVisIT ..................................................................................................... 103
12 Operation .................................................................................................. 104
12.1 Hardware Architecture........................................................................................................ 104
12.2 Software Architecture ......................................................................................................... 106
12.3 Memory Architecture (non volatile memory)....................................................................... 107
12.3.1 RAM Architecture (volatile memory)................................................................................... 108
12.3.2 Configuration of the PLC Memory Ranges......................................................................... 109
12.3.3 Monitoring the PLC tasks and CPU Capacity..................................................................... 112
12.3.4 L-Bus Performance ............................................................................................................ 115
13 Maintenance Software ............................................................................. 116
13.1 Update Firmware (ProConOs)............................................................................................ 116
13.1.1 Update via MULTIPROG.................................................................................................... 116
13.1.2 Updating the PLC via the SD Card..................................................................................... 118
14 Final Shutdown and Disposal ................................................................. 123
15 Service ...................................................................................................... 124
16 Error Treatment ........................................................................................ 125
16.1 Error Messages of the Function blocks .............................................................................. 125
16.1.1 L-BusInfo ............................................................................................................................ 125
16.1.2 MVBInfo, Sink and Source ................................................................................................. 125
16.1.3 CoRec and CoSend ........................................................................................................... 126
16.1.4 SetDateTime ...................................................................................................................... 127
16.1.5 FILE_OPEN........................................................................................................................ 127
16.1.6 FILE_READ........................................................................................................................ 127
16.1.7 FILE_WRITE ...................................................................................................................... 128
16.1.8 FILE_CLOSE...................................................................................................................... 128
17 Appendix ................................................................................................... 129
17.1 Content of the Firmware Libraries ...................................................................................... 129
17.1.1 MVB-IKS Firmware Library................................................................................................. 129
17.1.2 ProConOS Firmware Library .............................................................................................. 130
17.2 DIOLINE 20 Module Types ................................................................................................ 135
17.3 Autoexec.bat Commands ................................................................................................... 136
18 Revision of the Document....................................................................... 137
DIOLINE PLC Introduction
1 Introduction
This manual is part of the DIOLINE PLC. It contains important information about the handling and safety. To avoid hazardous situations read the manual before installing the product and using it.
Store the manual at a handy place. If selling, renting or in case of a divestiture pass the manual to the authorize person.
DIOLINE PLC General Information
2 General Information
2.1 Symbol Description
The manual contains several safety messages. Each safety message contains a defined signal word and a color. The color and the word are referring to an alert level. There are 4 levels. The safety messages point out hazardous situations and give information to avoid those.
2.2 Copyright
This manual is intended for the operator and his staff. It is forbidden to give the content to a third party, to duplicate, exploit or impart it. The Lütze Transportation GmbH has to allow it explicit in writing.
General data, text, images and drawings are copyrighted and are liable to the industrial property right. Contravention can be prosecuting criminally. The named brands and product names in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks by titleholder.
2.3 Disclaim of Liability
The manual was written under consideration of the applied standards, regulations and the current state of technology. The content is verified of accuracy. Discrepancies are not excluded. For those discrepancies we disclaim liability. Applicable changes and additional information will be in the next version of the manual.
The Lütze Transportation GmbH does not assume liability for any damages and accidents of following reasons:
▪ Nonobservance of the manual
▪ Untrained and unqualified employees
▪ Non conventional use
▪ Non approved reconstructions and functional modifications of the product
▪ Using non original or non admitted parts or equipment
▪ The real-time capability of the controller
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in minor or moderate injury.
Is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
DIOLINE PLC General Information
2.4 Related Documents
The programming environment of the DIOLINE PLC is a product of the company KW Software and Hilscher. The companies are responsible for the documentation and the compliance of standards. This document contains short parts of the software documentation. In particular cases apply to:
KW-Software GmbH Lagesche Straße 32 32657 Lemgo Tel. +49 52619373-0 Fax. +49 52619373-26
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH Rhein Straße. 15 65795 Hattersheim Tel. +49 61909907-0 Fax. +49 61909907-50
3.1 Content of the Manual
Read and follow the manual before using the product the first time.
This applies to every person which is getting in touch with the product. Trained employees and experts especially qualified persons which had worked with similar products before have to read and understand the manual.
3.2 Intended Use
The DIOLINE PLC is designed for the exclusive use in railway vehicles.
▪ automation of simple vehicles
▪ as a subsystem controller or
▪ as a high capacity gateway for the realization of different vehicle specific bus
Use the DIOLINE PLC just for the listed cases and just with external devices recommended and allowed by Lütze Transportation GmbH.
3.3 Recipients
The operating manual adresses planers, project manager and programmers. It also adresses the operating employees which are responsible for the initial operation, the operating and for the maintenance of the products and systems. Regarding the employees different qualification levels are differentiated.
3.4 Operating Employees
Trained Employees
The employee was trained by the employer on the task and possible hazardous situations. The employee does not have any technical knowledge.
The employee has a technical education, knowledge and/or experience in the required field. The employee is capable to do specific operations on and with the product.
Electrically Qualified Persons
The employee has a technical education in the required field. The employee is capable to do special operations on and with the product.
The different sections referringt to the qualification level of the operating employees.
Risk of injury by deploying insufficient qualified operating employees. Inappropriate use of not qualified or insufficient personal can cause property damages and personal injuries. Tasks which apply special procedures should be done by trained and qualified employees or experts, especially electrically qualified persons.
3.5 Responsibility of the Operator
The operator is obligate by the law of occupational safety, if the product is used in a commercial field.
▪ The operator is responsible to train the employees and to inform himself about
the industrial safety regulation.
▪ The operator is responsible that safety-, environment protection regulations
and rules for accident prevention are observed.
▪ The operator has to run a risk assessment at the working environment/place
of installation to expose hazards and to alert those.
▪ The manual has to be stored near the product.
▪ The manual has to be obeyed.
▪ The product can just be run in a faultless technical condition.
3.6 Protective Clothing and Equipment
If working with or on the PLC special ESD clothing and equipment is mandatory. Also follow the instructions and regulations of the employer.
3.7 Labeling
On the product following label with following data can be found:
Fig. 1: Example Label
▪ Part-Number
▪ Hardware Revision
▪ Assembly Term
▪ Software-Version
▪ Serialnumber
Mind the original adhesive labels. Keep them readable.
3.8 Reconstruction and Modifications of the Product
3.9 Safety Arrangement
3.10 Special Safety Messages
Reconstructions and modifications of the product can cause property damages or personal injuries. Do not reconstruct or modify the product if the
manufacturer does not allow it explicit in writing.
Do not bypass protection equipment and safety arrangements. The product can be damaged by overvoltage and electric shocks are possible.
Use a nominal operating voltage of 24 Volts. The lower (16.8 Volts) and upper (30 Volts) threshold voltage is given in the technical data. A higher voltage can cause electric shocks and damage the product.
Dismount all electronic modules and their connections from the frame if you intend to do some welding. The product can be damaged by
compensating current.
DIOLINE PLC Product Overview
4Product Overview
4.1 Product Description
The DIOLINE PLC is a programmable compact controller in the automation system DIOLINE20. The product is based on a high-performance ARM = Microprocessor (Advanced Risk Machine). It is possible to connect several I/O modules over the L-Bus interface. The L-Bus is a Lütze invention. The product can provide up to 4 bus interfaces. The interfaces can be flexible configured. The DIOLINE PLC can be programmed and configured by the application development system MULTIPROG from KW software. The programming can be done in the established languages which are based on the IEC 61131 standard. The software can handle multiuser projects over a network access. There are several options regarding the interfaces and software.
4.2 Hardware Options
Option Item Number
CAN Controlled Area Network
MVB Multi Vehicle Bus (Slave) (EMD)
MVB+ Multi Vehicle Bus (Slave) (ESD+)
COM CANopen Master
COS CANopen Slave
DI Local Digital Inputs (24V)
DO Local Digital Outputs (24V)
DIOLINE PLC Product Overview
4.3 Software Options
RS485 Two Wire Serial Bus
RSBUS One Wire Serial Bus
NFB No Field Bus
Option Description Item Number
Suite+ V 4.8
▪ Multiprog development
▪ IEC61131 Editor
▪ SYCON.NET CANopen fieldbus
▪ ProVisIT visualizing editor
▪ ProVisIT runtime license
DR-PC2-SW-KWPD KW ProVisIT Development
Pro+ V 4.8
▪ MULTIPROG download and
debugging environment
DR-PC2-SW-KWOPC ProConOS OPC Server 2.1 Desktop 746093
DR-PC2-SW-KWPR ProVisIT Runtime 746095
Pro+ V 4.8
▪ Multiprog development
▪ IEC61131 Editor
DIOLINE PLC Product Overview
4.4 System Overview
The DIOLINE PLC can be integrated in the product line of the DIOLINE 20 automating system as follows. The DIOLINE product line contains modular components. A unit consists of a controller with an integrated CPU and an extension module. It is possible to connect max. 10 local I/O extension modules on the controller. The extension modules are connected over the L-Bus. The graphic shows the DIOLINE product after their intelligence. The first module is the most intelligent one. The last one is a module with the fewest intelligence.
Vehicle Control Unit
Compact Control Unit
Buscoupler Ethernet IP Adapter Remote I/O Modules
Buscoupler MVB Slave Remote I/O Modules
Buscoupler CANopen Slave Remote I/O Modules
Unmanaged Ethernet Switch
DIOLINE PLC Product Overview
4.5 Field of Application
The DIOLINE PLC is designed for use in railway vehicles. It can be used for automation of simple vehicles, as subsystems or for high-capacity gateways to transfer vehicle specific bus signals. The graphic below shows possible application areas in trains:
Fig. 2: Example Application 1: Powerpack Control Unit
Fig. 3: Example Application 2: Fire Protection Control Unit
DIOLINE PLC Transport and Storing
5 Transport and Storing
▪ Protect the product from humidity. Store the product in a dry room
between -40 and 85°C.
▪ Make sure that the PLC is safely packaged for transporting, that
possible crushes can be absorbed.
Dust can destroy electronic components. The circuit board of the PLC is
coated. But try to store and transport it in a dust free environment to avoid damages of the PLC.
DIOLINE PLC Scope of Delivery
6 Scope of Delivery
▪ Dummy connector for L-Bus interface
▪ Shielding Cover for SUB-D interface
▪ Instruction Leaflet
The software for the DIOLINE PLC can be downloaded in the internet. The Link and the password will be send by e-mail.
DIOLINE PLC Product Assembly
7 Product Assembly
1 LED-Diagnosis Display
2 User and Reset Button
3 L-Bus Interface X8
4 RS 232 Interface X7
5 Ethernet Interface X6
6 Fieldbus 2 – CANopen Master Interface outgoing X5
7 Fieldbus 2 – CANopen Master Interface incoming X4
8 Fieldbus 1 – CANopen Slave outgoing X3
9 Fieldbus 1 – CANopen Slave incoming X2
10 Mounting Tab X0
11 Power Supply
DIOLINE PLC Product Assembly
7.1 LED Display
LED Color State Description
PLC yellow 0.1s on/0.9s off
0.5s on/0.5s off
0.8s on/0.2s off on off
PLC is ready – no project PLC is in STOP mode PLC alert an error PLC is in RUN mode PLC is defect
APP green
on on
User defined green User defined red
FB1ST– CANopen green flashes one time
flashing on
Stop mode. Preoperational mode. Operational mode.
– CANopen red off
flashes one time
flashes two times
At least one error counter of the CAN-Controller has reached the warning limit.
An error control event or a heartbeat event occured.
CAN-Controller is in the mode: bus off
FB2ST– CANopen green flashes one time
flashing on
Stop mode. Preoperational mode. Operational mode.
– CANopen red off
flashes one time
flashes two times
At least one error counter of the CAN-Controller has reached the warning limit.
An error control event or a heartbeat event occured.
CAN-Controller is in the mode: bus off
L-Bus green
Initialization of L-Bus is OK, waiting on PLC.
L-Bus in RUN mode­configuration is OK
L-Bus error
UL green on
Power supply of the logic is OK.
Power supply is defect.
DIOLINE PLC Product Assembly
LNK green on
Ethernet connection is OK.
No Ethernet connection.
ACT yellow flashing
Ethernet data transfer is OK.
No Ethernet data transfer.
DIOLINE PLC Technical Data
8 Technical Data
Dimensions 123x141.5x64.1 mm (wxhxd)
Weight 0.550kg/piece
Housing Aluminum, anodized surface
Mounting Top Hat Rail TS 35 7.5 mm
Electrical Characteristics
Power Supply DC 24 V (voltage range 16.8-30 V)
Ripple Max. 10 %
Power Consumption 5 W + L-Bus Module Consumption
Protective Device Inverse-polarity protection, overvoltage protection
Potential Separation AC 500 V CAN and electronic
AC 500 V Ethernet and electronic
DIOLINE PLC Technical Data
▪ RS232
▪ Ethernet 100Base TX
▪ SD Card Slot
Fieldbus Interfaces ▪ L-BUS
▪ CANopen
Operating System Real-Time Operating System rcX
Controller Software IECX 61131 Soft-PLC ProConOS KW Software
Processor ARM9-CPU NetX 500, 32 Bit
Monitoring External Watchdog voltage monitor of the control
Boot time Run up time state: “ready“ after switching on the
power supply <15s
Internal Serial Flash Memory
4 MB Serial Flash Memory
Internal RAM 32 MB SDRAM
Internal FRAM 4 kB
Internal parallel Flash Memory
2 MB
Diagnosis Interface Ethernet 100BaseTX
Diagnosis LED 10 LED for visual device diagnosis
Switches/Key-Buttons 1 reset key button, 1 key button, evaluated in the
control software
Clock Real Time Clock RTC
Enviromental Condition
Operating Temperature -40°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Relative Humidity 100% short time condensation allowed
DIOLINE PLC Technical Data
International Protection Class (IP)
EN 50155 Electronic Equipment on Railway Vehicles
EN 5021-3-2 Electromagnetic Compability
EN 50124-1 Insulation Coordination
EN 61373 Vibration and Shock
9 Mounting
9.1 Mounting Options
The DIOLINE PLC can be mounted on a top-hat rail. Following mounting options are possible:
Risk of injury by electric current. Persons can be injured by electric current and the product can be damaged. De-energize the system before mounting.
Mount the product with a distance of 5 mm minimum to other products to provide good air conditions.
1. Hook the product into the lower part of the top-hat rail.
2. Push the product a little bit up.
3. Push the product back that it catches the top-hat rail.
DIOLINE PLC Initial Operation – Hardware
10 Initial Operation – Hardware
10.1 Power Supply
The initial operation has to be done by expert employees.
Short circuits and electric shocks by wrong voltage application and wrong wiring. Switch off the power of the whole system before wiring. Make sure that
the connectors are wired correctly before switching on the power. Use a direct voltage of 24 V according to the train standard EN 50155.
Do not operate the product without the protective conductor. If the product is defect, the housing can be energized and can cause electric shocks.
1. Switch off the power.
2. Connect the devices regarding the pin assignment.
3. Switch on the power.
4. The device is booting.
The PLC LED is flashing yellow.
Fig. 1: Cage Clamp with Mounting Tab X1, X0
If the LED is not flashing or is permanently on the product might be defect.
For possible error solutions see chapter "Error Treatment" on page 125. If problems are still occuring please contact Lütze Transportation GmbH.
Pin Signal Description
1 VCC 24 V
Supply Voltage
2VCC24 V
Supply Voltage
3 PE Protective Earth
40V0 V
Supply Voltage
5 0V 0 V
Supply Voltage
10.2 L-Bus – Interface
The L-Bus interface is for connecting DIOLINE20 I/O modules. The L-Bus, also called Lütze Bus, is a special Bus invented by company Lütze.
Switch off the power when connecting or disconnecting the I/O modules. If not observe, the whole system can be damaged. Hot Plugging is not supported by the system.
Connect max 10 I/O modules over the L-Bus interface. Mind the current consumption of the single modules. In the appendix on Seite 135 you can find a table with the according values. A total current of max 1 A is possible on the L-Bus.
1. Switch off the power
2. Mind the pin assignment
Fig. 2: L-Bus Master, X8
Pin Signal Description
1 24 V Supply Voltage
2 24 V Supply Voltage
3 GND 0 V Potential
4 /L_BUS_
Module Reset
5 BUS_END Identifier Bus End
6 OUT_OK Data Confirmation
7 SDIN Receiving Serial Data
8 SCK Clock
9 SDOUT Transmitting Serial
10 GND 0 V Potential
It is not possible to change the pin assignment.
3. Connect the DIOLINE 20 I/O Modules over the L-Bus interface.
4. Switch on the power.
5. The LB LED is green.
The device is ready.
Fig. 3: L-Bus connector
Fig. 4: PLC with connected I/O Modules
10.3 Serial Interface
The serial interface can be programmed by MULTIPROG and should only be used for diagnosis.
It is not possible to program or parameterize the PLC over the serial interface RS232. The serial Interface can be programmed out of MULTIPROG.
The access to the serial interface is only possible by the user specific applicationsoftware. We recommend to use the interface only for diagnosis.
1. Connect the PLC and the devices with a suitable cable. “Hot Plugging“ is possible.
Fig. 5: Serial Interface SUB-D, X7
Pin Signal Description
Connector Housing
PE Protective
1 NC Not connected
2 RXD Receiving
3 TXD Transmitting
4 NC Not connected
5 GND 0 V Potential
6 NC Not connected
7 RTS Request to
8 CTS Clear to Send
9 NC Not connected
10.4 SD Card Slot
The PLC comes with a SD card slot. You can find the slot for the card on the left side of the PLC housing. The slot is covered by a foil to protect the PLC from incoming dust and other environmental influences.
If saving a high capacity of data on the SD card, there can be a delay in the L-Bus communication.
▪ The delivered and recommended
SD card by Lütze has a 1 GB memory. It is possible to use a SD card with a maximum of 2 GB.
▪ The card can be used for saving
maintenance data.
10.4.1 Changing the SD Card
To change the SD Card follow these steps:
If changing the SD Card to a new one, make sure that you are using a special industrial card which is specified by Lütze.
1. Pull out the card by using tweezers. See the pictures.
2. Put in the new card by pushing the card in the slot as far as it will go.
10.5 Ethernet Interface
The Ethernet interface is for the communication between PLC and PC. Over this interface the PLC can be programmed, visualized, parameterized and debugged in the application software.
The Ethernet interface is hot plugging compatible. There is no need to
switch of the power when connecting or disconnection the Ethernet interface.
1. Connect the PLC with the PC with a suitable cable over the Ethernet interface.
2. The Ethernet connection is active.
The ACT LED is on.
Fig. 6: Ethernet Interface M12, X6
Pin Signal Description
Connector Housing
PE Protective
1 TXD+ Transmitting
2 RXD+ Receiving
3 TXD- Transmitting
4 TXD- Receiving
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