This Pilot’s Guide provides general information about the operation
of the NGT-9000. Refer to your FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual
(AFM) and its ight manual supplements for information specic to
your aircraft. If there is conicting information between the AFM and
this guide, the AFM takes precedence over this guide.
The term “Lynx NGT-9000” when used in this Pilot’s Guide
encompasses all models unless otherwise stated.
This Pilot’s Guide is subject to change without notice. The illustrations
in this guide are typical for the Lynx NGT-9000.
Screen information may look different on displays interfaced with
the Lynx NGT-9000. Refer to the pilot’s guide for that display for a
description of how information is depicted.
The installation of ADS-B In avionics provides the pilot with
supplemental information and does not replace a pilot’s see-andavoid responsibility. This equipment is not approved as a collision
avoidance tool. Any deviation from an air trafc control clearance
based on cockpit information must be approved by the controlling ATC
facility prior to commencing the maneuver. Uncoordinated deviations
may place an aircraft in close proximity to other aircraft under ATC
control not seen on the airborne equipment and may possibly result in
the issuance of a pilot deviation.
ADS-B is currently being deployed throughout the National Airspace
System (NAS). The availability of U.S. ground based transceivers
(GBT) is limited in selected areas. For information regarding the
FAA’s system of ADS-B, TIS-B, ADS-R, and FIS-B refer to the FAA’s
Aeronautical Information Manual sections 4-5-7 to 4-5-10.
Revision Highlights
Incorporate software release 2.1 for Lightning Detection, transponder
standby mode using discrete switch options, squawk VFR disable
button, and option to display terrain without alerts.
Pilot’s Guidei
Pilot’s Guide
Methods and apparatus disclosed and described herein have
been developed solely on company funds. No government or other
contractual support or relationship whatsoever has existed which
in any way affects or mitigates proprietary rights of ACSS® in these
developments. Methods and apparatus disclosed herein may be
subject to U.S. Patents existing or applied for. ACSS® reserves the right
to add, improve, modify, or withdraw functions, design modications,
or products at any time without notice.
Export Notice
This document consists of general capabilities information
that is not dened as controlled technical data under Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) Part 772.
ATAS ADS-B Trafc Advisory System
ATC Air Trafc Control
ATCRBS Air Trafc Control Radar Beacon System
BLW Below
BRT Brightness
CDTI Cockpit Display of Trafc Information
CEL Cell
CLR Clear
CONUS Contiguous United States
CPA Closest Point of Approach
DCM Detachable Conguration Module
DTIF Display Trafc Information File
DO- RTCA Document
EAR Export Administration Regulations
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
EVAcq Enhanced Visual Acquisition
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion
FLTA Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance
FIS-B Flight Information Service - Broadcast
ft Feet
ft/min Feet Per Minute
GA General Aviation
GBT Ground Based Transceiver
GALT GPS Altitude
GND Ground
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GPS Global Positioning System
GS Ground Speed
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
HAE Height Above Ellipsoid
HPLFD Horizontal Protection Level using a weighted FDE algorithm
hPa Hectopascals
Hz Hertz
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ID Identication
IDENT Identication
ITI Imminent Terrain Impact
InHg Inches of Mercury
kt/kts Knot (s)
lbs pounds
max Maximum
METAR Aviation Routine Weather Report
Horizontal Protection Level Using SBAS error estimates
Pilot’s Guidexi
List Of Abbreviations And Acronyms (cont.)
MHz Mega Hertz
MOD Mode
MSG Message
MSS Multilink Surveillance System
NACp Navigation Accuracy Category for Position
NAR Non Altitude Reporting
NAS National Airspace System
NEXRAD Regional and Next-Generation Radar
NIC Navigation Integrity Category
NOTAM Notices to Airmen
NM or nmi Nautical Miles
NRM Normal
OT Other Trafc
PA Proximity Advisory
PALT Pressure Altitude
PED Personal Electronic Device (e.g., tablet)
PIREP Pilot Report
P/N Part Number
R Reply
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
REF Reference
RTC Required Terrain Clearance
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Inc.
SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System
SIGMET Signicant Meteorological Information
SIL Source Integrity Level
SPECI Aviation Special Selected Weather
SPI Special Identication
STBY Standby
STAB Stabalization
STK Strike
SUA Special Use Airspace
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
TA Trafc Advisory
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
TAS Trafc Advisory System
TFC Trafc
TIF Trafc Information File
TRK Track
TFR Temporary Flight Restrictions
TIS-B Trafc Information Service - Broadcast
TSO Technical Standard Order
UAT Universal Access Transceiver
UNR Unrestricted
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VMC Visual meteorological conditions
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
Wx Weather
XPDR Transponder
Pilot’s Guidexii
Lynx ® NGT-9000
The Lynx NGT-9000 family of products are a Mode S Level 2 dens
Class 1 Transponder with an integrated GPS receiver providing
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) output using
1090ES (Extended Squitter). The Lynx NGT-9000 also receive ADS-B
data via 1090ES and UAT (978 MHz Universal Access Transceiver).
The panel mounted version of the Lynx NGT-9000 has a multifunction
touch screen display that allows the user to view transponder, trafc,
and weather information. The touch screen provides the means
to select screen views and interface with transponder, trafc, and
weather displays. See Figure 1-1.
The remote version of the Lynx NGT-9000 provides the same
functionality as the panel mount, but is controlled using a compatible
alternate display or controller. See Figure 1-2.
In addition to ADS-B surveillance, some models of the Lynx
NGT-9000 include an Active Trafc Advisory System (TAS) as well
as support for antenna diversity. Table 1-1 provides model and part
number information. The TAS and Diversity options are software
activated features.
The installed ADS-B OUT system has been shown to meet the
equipment requirements of 14 CFR 91.227.
Table 1-1: Model Options
NGT-9000D9029000-20000NoYe sNo
NGT-9000R9029000-40000NoNoYe s
NGT-9000R+9029000-40000YesNoYe s
NGT-9000RD9029000-40000NoYe sYes
NGT-9000RD+9029000-40000YesYe sYes
Pilot’s Guide1-1
Lynx ® NGT-9000
The panel mount versions of the Lynx NGT-9000 can display and
control the following information:
• Built-In Test and Operational Status
• Transponder Functions
• Trafc and Weather Output Interfaces
• Diversity (optional, model specic)
• ADS-B System
• Trafc Display
• TAS (optional, model specic)
• ATAS (Release 2.0 and greater, optional)
• Weather Displays (enable/disable)
• Graphical Weather
• Winds and Temps Aloft
• Textual Weather Reports
• TAWS, Class B (Release 2.0 and greater, optional)
• Terrain Awareness without Alerting (Release 2.1 and greater,
• Lightning Detection (Release 2.1 and greater, optional. Panel
mount version only)
The remote mount versions of the Lynx NGT-9000 provides the
same functionality as the panel mount, but is controlled using a CP2500 Control Panel (or compatible control panel) and cannot control
lightning detection or display TAWS information (callouts and lights
only). Display information is shown on a optional compatible display
or PED. See Figure 1-2.
The unit has multiple transmit/receive ARINC429, RS-422 and RS-232
data ports used to transmit data to trafc, weather, and PED displays.
The unit provides the transponder code, reply symbol, and mode of
operation to the display.
Figure 1-1: Example of Panel Mount Lynx NGT-9000
Pilot’s Guide1-2
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Figure 1-2: Example of Remote Mount Lynx NGT-9000
The transponder function of the Lynx NGT-9000 replies to Mode A,
Mode C and Mode S interrogations on 1030 MHz and transmitting
responses at 1090 MHz. Transponder operation is performed on the
left application screen.
Transponder Diversity Options
The Diversity option requires a specic model of the Lynx NGT-
9000. This feature offers enhanced transponder operation and trafc
awareness via 1090MHz using the ADS-B service. This option requires
the installation of an additional top mounted UAT (L-Band) antenna.
ADS-B System
The ADS-B system used by the Lynx NGT-9000 has the following
• 1090 In - Receives ADS-B, ADS-R and TIS-B
• 1090ES Out - Transmit ADS-B
• UAT In - Receives ADS-B, ADS-R, TIS-B, FIS-B
The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) improves
situational awareness and ight safety by providing real time trafc
The ADS-B In function is used to receive ground station supported
TIS-B and ADS-R trafc, and direct communication with ADS-B out
equipped aircraft.
The ADS-B Out (1090MHz) function is used to periodically broadcast
(without interrogation) information about the aircraft that includes
aircraft identication, position, altitude, velocity and other aircraft
status information.
Pilot’s Guide1-3
The Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Re-broadcast (ADS-R) is a
ground based broadcast service that repeats ADS-B messages from
one link (1090ES or UAT) to the other link for aircraft with ADS-B In.
Trafc Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B) is a ground based
broadcast service that provides secondary surveillance radar (SSR)
derived trafc data (ATC transponder equipped aircraft not equipped
with ADS-B Out capability) to ADS-B In equipped aircraft.
The Flight Information Services - Broadcast (FIS-B) function provides
pilots with a cockpit display of certain aviation weather and aeronautical
information for awareness of own aircraft location with respect to
reported weather, including hazardous meteorological conditions.
A composite of UAT / 1090ES trafc (UAT, 1090ES, ADS-R, TIS-B,
and TAS) is provided in Figure 1-3.
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Traffic Display
The Lynx NGT-9000 monitors the airspace around the aircraft using
ADS-B In (and TAS if equipped) to show other aircraft on the screen.
When within range of a participating ground station TIS-B and ADS-R
trafc services are also shown on the screen. Trafc is identied on
the screen using corresponding trafc symbols.
Traffic Advisory System (TAS)
The Trafc Advisory System (TAS) is an optional feature of the Lynx
NGT-9000. This feature provides the capability to interrogate nearby
aircraft transponders and issue Trafc Advisory (TA) alert as well as
a voice audio output that announces Trafc Advisories and relative
altitude to the ight crew. This option requires the installation of a
directional antenna.
ADS-B Traffic Advisory System (ATAS)
Release 2.0 or greater. The ATAS [also referred to as TSAA] option
provides trafc alerts using ADS-B In (ADS-B, ADS-R, and TIS-B)
trafc information. The TA alerts the ight crew aurally and visually in a
manner similar to a conventional Trafc Advisory System (TAS) which
assists the pilot in the visual acquisition of aircraft that may represent
a danger. Trafc Alerts are graphically depicted on the Lynx NGT-9000
panel mount units or on compatible external displays. ATAS and TAS
may operate at the same time with trafc information being correlated
by the unit. Refer to page 2-30 for details on operation.
Pilot’s Guide1-4
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Weather Display
The weather displays are optional features setup during installation
and when active are shown on the right application screen. Weather
information is obtained from the FIS−B system which is a ground
broadcast service provided through the ADS−B Services network
over the 978 MHz UAT data link. Three screens are available and are
designated as follows:
• Graphical Weather
• Winds and Temps Aloft
• Textual Weather Reports
Traffic and Weather Output Interfaces
The Lynx NGT-9000 can output trafc information via ARINC 429 and
RS-422. Weather information is output via RS-422. Weather and
trafc can be output on RS-232 via WiFI to be viewed on a personal
electronic device.
Built-In Test and Operational Status
The Lynx NGT-9000 uses fault monitoring on all stages of operation
from start up to power down and provides screen messages for
degraded or failed operation. In addition a system test is available
providing operational status of external data inputs.
Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS)
Release 2.0 or greater. The Terrain Awareness and Warning System
(TAWS) is an optional function that continuously monitors the aircraft’s
position, altitude, speed, track, and phase of ight and compares the
information to an internal terrain, obstacle, and runway database.
If TAWS predicts a potential Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT)
situation, the system alerts the pilot visually on the Lynx NGT-9000
display, aurally over the cockpit speakers or headset, or via cockpit
lamps (caution & warning).
Lightning Detection
Release 2.1 or greater. Lightning Detection is an optional function
provided by the interface of a WX-500 Stormscope. This information
is shown on the right application screen of the NGT-9000 Panel Mount
unit. This function is not available for the NGT-9000R Remote Mount
Pilot’s Guide1-5
+/- 10000 (TAS)
ATC-Ground Station
Other Aircraft 1090ES
70 nm ()TAS
30 nm (/ )TIS-B ADS-R
Other Aircraft
Own Aircraft
UAT / 1090ES
TAS (model option)
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Other Aircraft UAT
Other Aircraft
UAT Non-Equipped
Mode A/C Equipped
+/- 5000 (ADS-R)
+/- 3500 ft (TIS-B)
Figure 1-3: Example of Own Aircraft UAT, 1090ES, and TAS Traffic
Pilot’s Guide1-6
Lynx ® NGT-9000
The Lynx NGT-9000 MSS family consists of the following standard and
optional equipment. Refer to the Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement to
determine what optional equipment is installed. Chapter 5 provides a
list of optional cockpit switches and lamps.
Required Equipment
• GPS Antenna
• L-Band (978MHz/1030/MHz/1090MHz) Antenna
• Detachable Conguration Module (DCM)
Optional Equipment
• Directional Antenna (required for TAS operation, and models with
TAS and diversity operation)
• Additional L-Band Antenna (required for diversity operation, and
no TAS operation)
• Trafc Display
• Weather Display
• WiFi Serial Adapter and Personal Electronic Device (PED)
• CP-2500 Control Panel (required for the remote mount version)
• WX-500 Stormscope (panel mount version only)
GPS Antenna and Internal GPS Receiver
The GPS utilizes signals from Global Positioning System (GPS)
satellite constellation and Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems
(SBAS). The Lynx NGT-9000 has an internal GPS function that provides position, velocity, time and integrity (NIC, NAC etc) information
to the applications. The antenna is located on the top of the aircraft.
L-Band Antenna
The L-Band antenna is used by the Lynx NGT-9000 to receive
1030MHz, receive and transmit 1090MHz and receive 978MHz. It is
located on the bottom of the aircraft.
A second L-Band antenna is installed on the top of the aircraft for
models with Diversity. Installations with both TAS and Diversity
options can use the TAS directional antenna instead of the second
L-Band antenna.
Pilot’s Guide1-7
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Detachable Configuration Module (DCM)
The DCM is a solid-state device that retains software and hardware
conguration information. It is permanently attached to the aircraft via
the wiring harness and communicates with Lynx NGT-9000 via serial
bus. Conguration options are set up during installations and saved
in the DCM.
Directional Antenna
A directional antenna is used to receive 1090MHz and transmit
1030MHz for models with TAS.
Alternate Displays
Screen information may look different on displays interfaced with the
Lynx NGT-9000. Refer to that display’s manual for a description of
how information is depicted.
The operation and display features provided in this Pilot’s Guide are
specic to the information depicted on the Lynx NGT-9000.
Personal Electronic Device (PED)
The Lynx NGT-9000 supports the use of personal electronic devices
(e.g., tablets) via a WiFi connection. The PED must use compatible
applications that support the ADS-B broadcast services (i.e., ADS-B
In, TIS-B, ADS-R, and FIS-B). Check with an avionics dealer
or contact L-3 Avionics Systems for a current list of compatible
WiFi Serial Adapter
The Lynx NGT-9000 can be connect to a PED via WiFi using a
compatible WiFi Serial Adapter.
CP-2500 Control Panel
The CP-2500 is a control panel offered by L-3 Avionics Systems for
operation of the remote mount Lynx NGT-9000R. The operational
information provided in this guide is limited. Refer to the CP-2500
Pilot’s Guide (0040-17250-01) for detailed information.
WX-500 Stormscope
The WX-500 is a weather mapping system that detects electrical
discharges from thunderstorms within a 200 nmi radius of the aircraft.
This information plots the location of the thunderstorms and is shown
on the right application screen of the Panel Mount Lynx NGT-9000.
Pilot’s Guide1-8
Lynx ® NGT-9000
This chapter describes the operation of the Panel Mount version of the
Lynx NGT-9000. Details on the optional cockpit switches and indicator
lamps are provided in chapter 3.
The display of ADS-B data only supplements and does not replace
any operational procedure. All pilots/operators are reminded that the
airborne equipment that displays trafc is only for pilot situational
awareness. This equipment is not approved as a collision avoidance
tool and does NOT relieve the pilot of responsibility to “see-and-avoid”
other aircraft. Any deviation from an air trafc control clearance based
on cockpit information must be approved by the controlling ATC facility
prior to commencing the maneuver. Uncoordinated deviations may
place an aircraft in close proximity to other aircraft under ATC control
not seen on the airborne equipment and may possibly result in the
issuance of a pilot deviation.
• Occasionally the trafc display may show a “shadow” or duplicate
of your own aircraft on the trafc display. Generally this is caused
by a TIS-B track of the aircraft reported from a ground station. In
most cases, the own aircraft TIS-B tracks are detected and ltered
out by the NGT software. In some cases, own aircraft maneuvers
can cause enough separation of the TIS-B track from own aircraft
that it is treated as a new intruder and displayed. This is not an
error or malfunction in the system. As ground stations improve, the
occurrence of these shadows should be minimized or eliminated.
• Ground stations only produce TIS-B intruders for Mode C/S
equipped aircraft that have no ADS-B output. Mode A or nontransponder equipped aircraft are not reported as TIS-B intruders.
It is the pilots responsibility to “see and avoid”.
• Information shown on the display is provided to the pilot as an aid
to visually acquiring trafc. When under ATC control pilots should
maneuver their aircraft based only on ATC guidance or positive
visual acquisition of the conicting trafc. Maneuver should be
consistent with ATC instructions. ATC should be contacted for
resolution of the trafc conict.
Pilot’s Guide2-1
Operation - Panel Mount
• The transponder signal must be transmitting during all ight and
ground operations. It may be placed in standby only if the system
is inoperable or if advised by ATC to disable ADS-B.
• Loss of input data may not cause the NGT-9000 to fail but could
degrade operation. Failure and degraded conditions will be
annunciated by the NGT-9000 to alert the pilot to the operational
status. In many cases, fault conditions will recover if erroneous
data inputs are restored.
• Aircraft will be displayed when the information received meets
ADS-B, ADS-R, and TIS-B data integrity requirements.
Lynx ® NGT-9000
1. Depending on the aircraft use either the battery switches or
avionics master switch to apply power.
2. After power is applied the unit begins initialization and self-tests
3. When on ground the unit cycles through the following screen
• Splash
• System Status / Version
• Flight ID (optional)
• Normal Operation
4. When in air and power is cycled the unit transitions to normal
operation within 5 seconds, bypassing the splash, version, and
ight ID screens.
Splash Screen
The splash screen is displayed in less than 5 seconds after power is
applied. The company name/Logo is shown on the left side and the
product name on the right. See Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1: Example of Splash Screen
Pilot’s Guide2-2
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Operation - Panel Mount
System Status / Versions Screen
The system status is shown on the left screen and should show
“System Pass” in green text along with an audio indication of “System
Test Passed”. The version screen is located on the right side and
shows the software and database version information. See Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2: Example of System Status / Version Screens
• If System Status is “System Fail”, then the message “Self-Test
Failures Occurred” is shown on the right side of the display and the
“System Test Failed” is heard through the aircraft audio system.
The option to restart the unit or to continue start up in a degraded
mode is shown on the right side of the display
• Tap the Restart button to restart the system.
• If the “System Fail” message continues to be seen tap the
Continue button to proceed. Refer to Chap. 5 (Troubleshooting)
for corrective actions.
• If System Status is “System Degraded”, then the message “See
MSG Window” is shown on the right side of the display.
• Tap Continue button to proceed. Refer to Chap. 5
(Troubleshooting) for corrective actions.
Pilot’s Guide2-3
Operation - Panel Mount
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Flight ID Screen (optional)
The Flight ID Screen is a conguration option that must be setup during
installation. Most general aviation aircraft will be operated in a manner
that does not require Flight ID. See Figure 2-3. It is shown after the
System Status/Version Screen and shows the following information:
• The Tail # (call sign) button, located in the upper left, may be tapped
to be activated in place of a Flight ID.
• The Flight ID Number is entered using the keypad. The keypad will
change to numbers after three alpha characters are entered. When
complete, tap the Done button to proceed to normal operation.
• The last Flight ID entered is shown after power is cycled.
Figure 2-3: Example of Flight ID Screen
Normal Operation
Figure 2-4 shows an example of the unit in normal operation. When the
aircraft is on ground the System Test button and ON-GND indication
are shown. Functional instructions are located in the Basic Operation
section below.
System Test
Application Indicators
Figure 2-4: Example of Normal Operation
Pilot’s Guide2-4
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Operation - Panel Mount
The touch screen display is divided into left and right screens that
show information specic to the selected application. The user can
select, input, and adjust information on the screen using buttons,
edit boxes and screen objects using gestures (actions) such as tap,
momentary press, drag, or swipe.
Screen Buttons
The buttons are used to select, input, and adjust screen information.
The buttons have the following common functionality:
• Buttons are typically gray background color with white or green
• The shape of a button can vary according it’s location.
• The button background highlights in blue when pressed.
• A button function that is inhibited has its button label grayed out.
Table 2-1 provides examples of screen buttons, edit boxes, and other
screen objects and their functionality.
Table 2-1: Button Functions
Momentary Button: Use a tap action
on the momentary button to perform a
onetime function
Latch Button: Use a tap action on the
latch button to set a single function to
On or Off. Once pressed the button
retains the latched appearance
indicating that it is active.
Toggle Button: The toggle button is
used to control related functions of
which only one may be active at a
time. Performs a onetime action when
pressed that changes the selected
indicator located at the bottom of the
button. The background is blue only
while pressed.
Pilot’s Guide2-5
Not Selected - Selected
Not Selected - Selected
Operation - Panel Mount
Position Indicator
Slide Bar
Table 2-1: Button Functions (continued)
Radio Button: The radio button is used
to control related functions of which
only one may be active. The circular
button indicator is bright green when
the button function is active and is
dark when not active.
Options Button: The gear shaped
options button is used to access
options available for the application
screen. Tap the button to open the list
of options. The gear is blue only while
Brightness Button: Used to increase
or decrease the display brightness
level. Tap the button to open a slide
bar. The button is blue only while
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Not Selected - Selected
Not Selected - Selected
Not Selected - Selected
Scroll Bar: The scroll bar is used to
navigate vertically through a list or
block of text. Use a drag or swipe
action to move the scroll bar.
Slider Bar: A slider bar is used to
increase or reduce a value. Use a drag
or swipe action to move the slider bar.
Options Tab: The Options Tab is
comprised of at least two latch buttons
and a “Done” momentary button. It is
used on the application option screens
to select between two “pages” of
information by tapping on the desired
page name on the tab.
Scroll Bar
Position Indicator
Pilot’s Guide2-6
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Message Text
Function Activ
Table 2-1: Button Functions (continued)
Selection List: Selection Lists are
used where there is a list of items
from which a selection can be made.
A green lled circle is shown when
an item is selected. A drag or swipe
action is used to scroll the list up or
Message Window: The message
window is used when a system
message is present that requires a
user response. Two function active
buttons can be arranged in a row
below the message text.
On/Off Button: This button is used to
indicate whether a function is enabled
(green) or disabled (dark).
Application Screens
Operation - Panel Mount
Self-Test Failures
Self-Test Failures
The display is divided into left and right screens with each screen
having access to a particular application. An Application indicator is
located at the bottom of each screen. The indicator shows the number
of available applications for that side of the display as well as the
current application setting. Each application can slide into view using
both Drag and Swipe actions. See Figure 2-4.
Left Screen
The left screen has two application indicators. The rst indicator (from
left to right) corresponds to the Transponder the second indicator
corresponds to Alternate Trafc.
The Transponder screen Displays Mode A Squawk Code, Pressure
Altitude, Flight ID or Call Sign (tail number).
The Alternate Trafc screen displays a Birds-eye display of trafc and
own-ship compliant with the requirements of AC 20-172B and DO317B for the purpose of supporting the Enhanced Visual Acquisition
(EVAcq) and Basic Airborne (AIRB) CDTI applications.
Pilot’s Guide2-7
Operation - Panel Mount
Lynx ® NGT-9000
Right Screen
The right screen has between two and six application indicators. The
number of indicators is dependent on the feature enablement.
The two screens that are always available are the Trafc and the
FIS-B Graphical Data Screen.
The Trafc Birds-eye display of trafc and ownship for the purpose
of supporting the Enhanced Visual Acquisition (EVAcq) and Basic
Airborne (AIRB) CDTI applications. This includes display of trafc
advisories, when installed and enabled (TAS or ATAS Optional).
The FIS-B Weather Graphic screen is a simplied moving map display
with depiction of ownship and the ability to selectively overlay graphical
FIS-B products such as METAR, TAF, NOTAMs, AIRMET, SIGMETs,
The following four screens are dependent on the feature enablement:
TAWS, Lightning, FIS-B Graphical Winds and Temps Aloft, and FIS-B
Textural Data.
The Terrain Awareness and Warning System screen displays a birds-
eye display of terrain, obstacles, airports, and ownship for the purpose
of supporting a Class B TAWS.
The Lightning screen displays electrical discharges from thunderstorms
within a 200 nmi radius of the aircraft. This Lightning data depicted as
cells or strikes. A “Nearby Strike Indicator (lightning bolt)” is shown
over the lightning application Dot when storm activity is detected.
The FIS-B Weather Graphic Winds & Temp Aloft screen is a simplied
moving map display with depiction of ownship and the ability to
selectively overlay winds and temps aloft at the desired ight level.
The FIS-B Weather Textual Data screen displays airport associated
textual products provided by FIS-B including METAR, TAF, NOTAMs.
The application indicators and their screens have the following order
(from left to right) when enabled: Trafc, TAWS, Lightning, FIS-B
Graphic Data, FIS-B Graphical Winds & Temps Aloft, and FIS-B
Textual Data.
Pilot’s Guide2-8
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