Owner´s manual
Manual version 10-11-2007
Placement of the BW-1
The BW-1 BassDirect speaker is specifi cally build to stand up against a wall.
If you have a rectangular room, our exprerience is that you get the best sound if they are placed along
the longest wall. This will give you a wider stereo image than if they are placed along the short wall.
Main Speakers
Place you main speakers the way you would place them normally. It is not nescasarry to place them close
to the BW-1s.
If applying RoomPerfect you can even place the main speakers up against the back wall.
When connecting the BW-1s, always connect ”+” and ”-” from the amplifi er to the corresponding ”+” and
”-” terminals on the BW-1 input.
Connect your speakers the same way to avoid phase errors.