LY International Electronics M-9000 Series, M-9153, M-9154, M-9151, M-9152 User Manual

The technical data may be changed without prior notice
Network broadcast digital amplifier
M-9000 Series IP Network PA System
M-9151 M-
9152 9153
Addr: Room 1206, Aoyuan Business Building, No. 26 Jinlong Road Nansha District, Guangzhou China. 511458 Tel: +86-20-39390663 Email: Http://
Safety precautions
Content s
Content s
War ni ng ! To reduce the risk of electric shock or equipment damage, please
follow the following requirements:
Please do n ot u se the eq ui pment nea r th e water.
Clean dry c lo th only w he n cleanin g.
Please do n ot b lock an y ve ntilati on h oles. P le ase insta ll t he equi pm ent accor di ng to the
manuf ac tu rer's i ns tructio ns .
Please do n ot i nstal l th e device ne ar a ny heat s ou rce, such a s ra diato r, st ove or othe r he ating devic e.
Please do n ot w eaken t he s afe use of th e gr oundi ng p lug. Th e po larit y pl ug has two fl at p ins, one is wi de r, an d the oth er i s narrowe r,
Cannot be u se d for thi s pr oduct. Th e groun di ng plug h as t wo f lat pin s an d one groun di ng pin, which i s su it able fo r th e inserti on o f this pr od uct Head. Wid er i nsert o r th ird pin has a s af e prote ct ive eff ec t. If the a tt ached p lu g is not plug ge d into th e so ck et,Th e el ectri ci an s hould r ep lace the ol d so cket wi th e lectric ia n.
Please pr ot ect the p ow er cord, pr ev ent it fr om b eing tram pl ed or squ ee zed, espe ci ally th e plug and co nv enien t so cket, and e xt end fro m th is equipm en tPart o ut .
Only use th e ac cesso ri es / Accesso ri es spec if ied by the ma nu factu re r.
The p ow er p lug of th is e quipm en t sh ould be r em oved when l ig htnin g, r ainstor m or n ot for lo ng
All mainte na nce mus t be d one to qual if ied mai nt enance pe rs onnel . The equip me nt is damag ed i n an y form an d mu st be check ed Repair, su ch a s power l in es or plugs a re d amage d, l iquid spi ll s or obje ct s fall into t he d evice , the dev ic e ex posed t o ra in or damp, Un able to r un n ormally, d rop, et c.
The p ow er s witch o f th e equip me nt i s not dis co nnect ed f ro m the gri d po wer when th e po wer switc h is i n "o ff" s ta te, so as t o be s afe,
If you do n' t us e the equ ip ment, ple as e unplu g th e power cab le p lug.
Please do n ot e xpose t he e quipmen t to r ain or mo is ture in ord er t o reduc e th e risk of fir e or
electri c sh ock.
The equip me nt shou ld n ot be expos ed t o dripp in g or wateri ng . Articl es f illed wit h li quids s ho uld not be pl ac ed o n the equ ip ment (suc h as f lower s bo ttle).
To ensu re t ha t the inp ut v oltag e to t he e quipm en t is in lin e wi th t he volt ag e require me nts of th e equipme nt , other wi se there is t he d anger o f bu rning out t he e quipm en t.
In order to p re vent el ec tric shoc k, p lease d on 't remove t he c over. Th ere are n o us er servi ce ab le comp on ents in the d ev ice. Ma in tenance w or k shoul d be c ombined t he maint en an ce staf f of the gr id c omplete d.
Please note the following symbols:
Intr oduction
Prof ile of Produc t
Feat ures
Prod uct imforma tion
Wiring a nd Instal lation
Syst em Diagram
Conn ection Di agram
Inst allation
Sett ing Sip
Technical P aramete r
Pack ing list
Lightni ng t riang ul ar symbol s ar e used to a le rt the user t o th e risk of e le ctric sho ck .
The excla ma tion po in t triangl e sy mbol is u se d to alert th e us er to imp or tant operati on al or mai nt enance in st ructi on s.
Introdu ction
Product Information
Thank you for choosing our products. All products have been rigorously tested before leaving the factory, abide by the quality of commitment. Th is p ro du ct i s widely used in schools, gymnasiums, square venues, parks, parking lots, railway stations, airports, villas, shopping malls and other places, is the ideal choice for public broadcasting. In order to facilitate your installation, commissioning and use of this product, please read this manual before installation.
Profile o f Product
Network broadcast digi tal amplifier is a professional dev ice designed for use in a web-cast env iron ment with four models a nd f our different output power. All models are light we ight and durable, in th e sa me pro duct has the most excelle nt.
Feat ures
High-level p ro te ct io n ci rc ui t, a n ou tp ut s ho rt c ir cu it p ro te ct io n, o ve rl oa d
protection, overheating protection and other protection and warning functions.
Built-in high efficiency digital amplifier, 70V/100V constant voltage output,
up to 90% efficiency.
Can be separated from the network and the host independent operation .
Support web mode configuration parameters: static IP, volume control, sensitivity,
priority settings, etc..
Built-in mass storage, built-in program source, with the timer function.
● Support audio formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, FL AC , APE a nd s oo n.
Can play from the host system background music, emergency paging, alarm
Can be controlled by the network broadcast management software, play.
With log function, can be automatically saved to the local and server.
AUX line input, one AUX line output, easy to expand the local other sound broadcast, and
local power expansion.
EMC out 24V and short-circuit contact two strong broadcast output interface, can
connect speaker audio controller use.
● 10/100M adaptive, support DHCP/static IP, support LAN and WAN.
Clea r si gn al displ ay with five status indicators.
● 1U body design, anodized aluminum alloy panel, beautiful and durable.
Front panel
2 3
1. The power switch (it will light up when it is on)
2. The volume knob
3. Status indicator ("protection" "limit" "clipping" "signal" "70V gear")
4. Install pendant
Rear panel
5. Amplifier output
6. Audio signal input (RCA)
7. Audio signal output (RCA)
8. Power interface
9. 70V/100V output
10. EMC outp ut
11. Fan
12. Power in te rfac e (~ 220 V / 50 Hz )
Heigh t
(Unit: mm )
LY International Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ 4 hidden pages