| Technical data might change without prior notice
Network Audio Adaptor
M-9000 Series IP Network PA System
LY International Electronics Co., Ltd
Address:Room 1206, NO.26 Jinlong Road, Nansha District,
Guangzhou, China
LY International Electronics Co., Ltd
Safety precautions
Do not i nsert the power plu g of the unit in to th e grid bef ore c on n ec ting the s ys tem
Ens ur e that the v oltag e input to the d evic e is as ex ac tly th e s ame as the volt ag e
req uirements of this equ ipm en t, ot her wi se there is a risk of bur ning eq ui pme nt .
Mac hine wit h hi gh press ure! To avoid the ris k of electric s hock, do not open the
cabinet .
When th e power switch of this e quipm ent is in" of f" s tate, the machine is not
completel y di sconn ec t ed f rom the power supply. For the sake of saf et y, p lease
unplug the p ower cord when th e equ ipm en t is not in use,.
Do not plac e t he de vice in a su bc ool ed or over heated place.
Ens ur e that the working en vi ron ment of th e e qu ipm en t is well v entilated to avoid
dam ag in g the m ac hi ne caused by excessi ve heat d iss ipat i on during operati on .
When t he weath er is wet , un plug the p ow er plug to pr ev ent leakage
Bef or e remo ving or re as s em bl ing an y p arts of the eq uip ment, di s c onnec t or
re-connect all electrical plugs or other connections to the equipment, be sure to unplug the
power plug to ensure that the equipment is completely disengaged from the grid.
When t he devic e is d ef ec tive, pl eas e do not op en the c ab inet to repai r wi th out
per mis s ion in order t o av oid accid ents or inc rease the degr e e of damage t o
equipm ent.
Do not plac e any corr os ive c h emic als near th e equipm ent.
Please note the following symbols:
To reduce the risk of electric shock or equipment damage, please follow
the instructions below:
Lightning triangular symbol is used to alert the user of the risk of electric
The exclamation mark triangle symbol is used to alert the user of important
operation or maintenance instructions