LX Navigation Zeus User Manual

LX Zeus v4.0.2
PART ONE – INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Preamble.......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Installation procedure (LX Zeus and Eos/Era)............................................................................. 7
1.4 Update procedure ........................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................. 10
PART TWO - SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Display organization and management ...................................................................................... 11
2.2 Setup .............................................................................................................................................. 14
2.3 System Setup ................................................................................................................................ 41
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3 NAVIGATION MODES ....................................................................................................................... 56
3.1 Navigation in APT / TP or TSK mode .......................................................................................... 56
3.1.3 Second navigation page (1st subpage) ...................................................................................... 57
3.1.4 Third navigation page (2nd subpage) .......................................................................................... 58
3.2 APT mode (navigation to airports) ............................................................................................. 58
3.3 How to select an airport?............................................................................................................. 59
3.4 TP mode (navigation to turnpoints) ............................................................................................ 60
3.5 TSK mode (navigation on task) ................................................................................................... 65
4 AIRSPACE MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 73
1.1 Basic airspace settings ................................................................................................................ 73
5 GPS SIGNAL MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 76
5.1 Colibri II socket ............................................................................................................................. 76
5.2 Flarm plug ..................................................................................................................................... 76
5.3 LX Eos – CAN plug ....................................................................................................................... 76
5.4 GPS signal for navigation ............................................................................................................ 76
6 LX ZEUS AND LX EOS/ERA ............................................................................................................. 77
6.1 LX Eos/Era power management .................................................................................................. 77
6.2 LX Eos/Era – Zeus interaction ..................................................................................................... 78
7 LX ZEUS AND COLIBRI II ................................................................................................................. 79
7.1 Colibri II power management ...................................................................................................... 79
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7.2 Colibri II – LX Zeus interaction .................................................................................................... 79
8 LX ZEUS AND FLARM ...................................................................................................................... 80
8.1 Flarm external displays ................................................................................................................ 81
8.2 Task declaration into Flarm ......................................................................................................... 81
8.3 Transferring files from Flarm ...................................................................................................... 81
8.4 LX Flarm RedBox / LX Flarm MiniBox update ........................................................................... 82
8.5 Flarm PINOUT ............................................................................................................................... 82
9 LX ZEUS AND GARRECHT .............................................................................................................. 82
9.1 LX Zeus and Garrecht TRX-1090 ADSB / TRX-2000 .................................................................. 82
9.2 LX ZEUS and Garrecht TRX-1500 ............................................................................................... 82
10 LX REMOTE STICK ........................................................................................................................... 83
10.1 Use of LX Remote Stick ............................................................................................................... 83
10.2 LX Remote Stick on second seat ................................................................................................ 83
11 LX JOY ............................................................................................................................................... 84
11.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 84
11.2 Button description ........................................................................................................................ 84
11 SECOND SEAT UNIT......................................................................................................................... 88
1.1 Connecting Vario Indicator and LX Remote Stick ................................................................... 88
11.3 Connecting LX Eos repeater to LX Zeus on second seat ........................................................ 89
11.4 Interaction LX Zeus – LX Zeus Second seat .............................................................................. 89
PART THREE – FLYING ............................................................................................................................ 90
12 FLYING WITH LX ZEUS .................................................................................................................... 90
12.1 Flight preparation on the ground ................................................................................................ 90
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12.2 During flight .................................................................................................................................. 92
12.3 After landing ............................................................................................................................... 104
12.4 ICAO charts ................................................................................................................................. 106
PART FOUR - MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................................................... 107
13 INSTALLATION (OTHER COMPONENTS)..................................................................................... 107
13.1 Installation of LX Flaps sensor ................................................................................................. 107
13.2 Electrical installation .................................................................................................................. 107
13.3 Installation of second seat units ............................................................................................... 110
14 EXPLANATION OF NAVBOX TERMS ............................................................................................ 111
15 FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) .................................................................................. 114
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PART ONE – Introduction
1.1 Preamble
Why LX Navigation?
LX Navigation is one of the oldest glider navigation brands. Its founders started experimenting with glider computers way back in the '70-ies and the Company has been working on improving your flight performance ever since.
Throughout the last 40 years or so it has been working on instruments that most pilots will have used at some time. In fact our equipment can be found in almost any gliding club !
Our equipment has always been ground-breaking.
Our motto?
Be the first. Be the best. Be different.
Why Zeus?
Because Zeus is a top of the line product. Crème de la crème.
Used by pilots from all over the world, our instruments offer the best for both cross country soaring and competitions. The LX Zeus is the latest in this tradition.
We offer a wide range of instruments suitable for both club and competition soaring.
Our systems combine two components:
First, a glider computer (LX Zeus) which is used for calculating and displaying all of the key information used by pilots. This glider computer is the brain of the operation.
The second part of the system is a variometer (Eos, Helios, and Era). Its job is to gather the information which the Zeus uses. The vario has pressure connections as well as the GPS antenna connection which is required for IGC logs.
There is a wide variety of choice for varios and for LX Zeus display sizes.
All our varios are standalone devices which can be used without a glider computer for displaying basic flight parameters such as final glide information, Speed Command (SC) as well as simple navigation. Our varios also have an internal battery which means that your IGC logs do not depend on your glider`s batteries.
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System extensions (second seat unit, remote control (LX Joy), compass, NavBox, MOP, Flap sensor, AHRS ...) are also possible. Everything is connected using a CAN bus (single cable for power and data). All connections are plug and play, which means no specialist is required to install the system.
1.2 Operation
Front panel interface
Communications between the pilot and the instrument is done via two rotary knobs and 8 push buttons.
All buttons and rotary switches have a double push function (short and long press). All buttons are labelled which makes unit manipulation very easy. The top labels are selected with a short press. Bottom labels are selected with a long press. On Zeus 2.8” and Zeus 4.3” there is a 4-4 button arrangement. On other screen sizes the button arrangement is 5-3.
Both rotary knobs are multifunctional as follows:
Default functions:
Volume rotary knob
o Volume adjustment function - scroll o Select (TP, APT, TSK) - short press o Shortcuts - long press
Zoom rotary knob
o Zoom adjustment function – scroll o Open more options (TP, APT, TSK) - short press o Edit NavBoxes – long press
In edit:
Volume rotary knob: bigger steps when selecting values and escape/cancel by pressing it Zoom rotary knob: scrolling and press confirmation
There are two ways of transferring files: either via USB or via SD port. A standard USB-A female port is available on each device (on Zeus 2.8 slim USB keys should be used). The port is exclusively used for data transfer and firmware updates. The micro SD port is only used when Flarm is connected (Flarm Red Box, Swiss Flarm and optionally Flarm Mini Box). The micro SD port is used for direct communication with Flarm, which means downloading flights stored on Flarm, uploading declaration and Flarm firmware updates.
Back panel interface
On the back side of the unit there are the following connectors:
2x CAN bus*  2x User ports  Flarm port (12 V power and data) *  Flarm display output  USB – A port
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Check labels near pneumatic connections on LX Eos/Era, during pneumatic tube connection
process to ensure correct connection.
* CAN bus connects LX Zeus to:
LX Eos (57/80)  LX Era (57/80)  Second seat unit  LX Joy  LX NavBox  LX Flaps sensor  LX MOP  LX AHRS
1.3 Installation procedure (LX Zeus and Eos/Era)
Installation of LX Zeus
The dimensions of larger units (4.3, 5.5 and 7.0) do not match air norm standards (57 or 80mm). A new cut out in the panel is necessary. There are two ways to prepare the panel:
The first option is to buy a new panel from the glider manufacturer and the second is to upgrade the existing panel. The user can also do a panel upgrade and, in that case, basic experience in fiberglass technology will help. (LX Navigation can provide additional instructions on how to rebuild the panel by yourself – just ask!)
Every unit (except the 2.8 inch, which fits an 80mm instrument hole) is supplied with a carbon which makes it possible to make the LX Zeus cut out by hand. If a CNC solution is planned, then please ask for .dwg file.
1.3.1 Installation of LX Eos/Era
The unit occupies one 57 mm or 80 mm standard cut-out. The maximum dimensions of LX Eos/Era 57 are 60x60 mm max and they do not exceed the dimensions of classic pneumatic instruments. LX Eos/Era 80
mm are 82x82 mm max. LX Eos/Era is shallow, which means that there shouldn’t be any problems
installing it as regards space behind the panel.
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At this side the rounded rubber is touching the
back plate of display, do not push it too tight
At this side the rounded rubber is
pressed fully to the plate.
1.3.2 Screen rotation
The screen can be rotated by using password 9109 under Setup > Service > Admin password. The buttons must be rotated by hand. Follow the procedure below:
1. Open the unit (remove all screws and cover)
2. Move rounded rubber to the middle
3. Take out the button and rotate it to the proper position
4. Put button back on blue button (be careful that blue button is inside the black hose)
5. Put rounded rubber back to the first position (be careful with the Rotary knobs as the rubber must not be pushed all the way in)
1.3.3 Connecting LX Zeus with LX Eos/Era
This part of the installation is easy and doesn’t require any specialists. LX Zeus and LX Eos are connected via a CAN bus cable. Connect one end of the cable into Eos CAN bus port and the other into any of the CAN bus ports on the LX Zeus. LX Zeus receives power from LX Eos/Era. All data from and to LX Zeus and LX Eos/Era goes via a single CAN cable.
LX Eos receives power via two power lines, which should be connected to 12V glider power source and ground. The red wire is +12V and blue wire is Ground.
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When LX Eos/Era is connected, the terminator must not be connected to the system, because there
is a terminator integrated in LX Eos. Only one terminator should be used at once.
12 V
Connect supplied power cable with switch to 2-pole connector on LX Eos/Era.
LX Eos/Era and LX Zeus turn ON when the user switches the power ON. This is not the case if LX Eos/Era is a standalone version, which has different hardware and requires a push on the knob to turn ON.
For more information about LX Eos/Era refer to LX Eos/Era manual!
1.4 Update procedure
LX Zeus software is constantly being upgraded. Please contact your local dealer for the latest upgrade. The latest version, together with a change log, is always available on our website (www.lxnavigation.com).
The upgrade procedure is very simple, just follow these steps:
Put the upgrade file (Zeus-x.y.z.kus) onto a USB stick  Insert USB stick into LX Zeus  Turn on LX Zeus (If it is already powered on it should be restarted)  Hold VARIO/FLARM button until the blue window opens  Select upgrade with a push on the Zoom rotary knob  Find the update on the USB stick  Select the file with a push on the Zoom rotary knob  Wait for installation, when an Initial setup screen shows then the update is finished  All devices connected to CAN bus will be automatically updated  In a Double-seater configuration the system may ask if this is FIRST or SECOND seat (confirm
correct one)
In case of Double-seater configuration repeat the whole procedure on the second seat LX Zeus
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1.5 Technical specifications
LX Zeus 2.8
This version of Zeus can be installed into any standard 80 mm panel cut out and therefore does not require an instrument panel upgrade. Display orientation is only landscape.
LX Zeus 2.8 Retrofit
Zeus 2.8 Retrofit is the same display size as Zeus 2.8 but differs in hardware. Vario (USB-D) module is inside the main unit and only a vario indicator is needed. The back of the instrument is the same as for LX 5000 (2x 15pin connectors). If the LX 5000 had a 25-pin connector, an adapter for 2x15 to 25-pin is needed, which can be supplied from LX navigation. An old vario indicator can also be used. The attraction of the Retrofit solution is that all wiring remains as is.
LX Zeus 2.8 Retrofit is not available for purchase anymore so this instruction relates only to those pilots who have this system already fitted.
LX Zeus 4.3
This version has a 4.3-inch display with 800x480px resolution and has the following outline dimensions:
83x136x52 mm
LX Zeus 5.5
This version has a 5.5-inch display with 640x480px resolution and has the following outline dimensions:
106x146x52 mm
LX Zeus 7.0
This version has a 7.0-inch display with 800x480px resolution and has the following outline dimensions:
110x190x52 mm
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Follow me
Final glide
Digital Speed
Airspace info
PART TWO - Software
2.1 Display organization and management
The available information can be personalised and adjusted to meet the user`s requirements and is set out in the following paragraphs.
2.1.1 Display organization
LX Zeus display consists of the following:
Geographic map.  Bottom row (NavBox line).  Header.  Indicators. Indicators
Indicators are elements on the display which can be edited (existence, size, position, transparency). See Setup/Layout for details.
Here is a list of available indicators:
Header  Speed indicator  Sliding speed indicator  Speed indicator classic (circular)  Digital speed indicator  Variometer (bar)  Variometer classic (needle)  Wind indicator  Final glide indicator (selected MC)  Final glide (sel. MC, terrain aware)  Final glide indicator (MC 0.0)  Thermal assistant (available when
you are circling)
Compass  Compass needle
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Compass assistant (assists the pilot when flying with a compass module)  Airspace info (information about closest airspace. If no airspace is within selectable limits this
indicator is transparent.)
Limitations (Start conditions)  Map scale  AHRS  Flaps position  Follow indicator (shows position of a Flarm object being followed)  Flarm indicator (used to show Flarm collision warnings. If no warning is available this indicator is
Best alternate APT info (shows the pilot the best alternate airfield nearby (APT database) besides
the one being navigated to). If no APT is available this indicator is transparent. NavBox line customization
The bottom row consists of customisable NavBoxes. This means that the pilot is able to create his own configuration. This simple procedure is also available during flight. The user can set different configurations for TP, APT and TSK navigation. It is possible to copy configurations from one page to another. (Done under Setup>Layout). The procedure starts with a long press on the Zoom rotary knob. After the long press a frame appears around the first NavBox. Rotating the Zoom rotary knob positions the frame. When the desired frame position is reached, a short press of the Zoom rotary knob again will open a list of available NavBoxes.
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G-force Circling radius Last full turn time Recommended flaps position Current flaps position Wind speed Wind direction Air temperature Distance in NM to selected TP/APT Distance to selected TP/APT Off course distance OLC distance OLC home distance OLC speed OLC speed in last hour OLC score Horizontal distance from airspace Vertical distance from airspace Arrival QFE (no reserve) ETE - Estimated time en-route Current efficiency Average efficiency Required efficiency Track Bearing Radial TP/APT Compass heading Digital clock Analog clock Flying time ETA (current speed) ETA (average speed) ETA (McCready speed) List of available NavBoxes
Indicated air speed  True air speed  Ground speed  Vario  Average vario  Netto vario  Average netto vario  Relative vario  Optimum speed to fly
Altitude QFE  Altitude QNH  Altitude QNH in ft  Maximum altitude QNH  Altitude IGC  Altitude GPS  Above ground level  Flight level  Thermal gain  Thermal last 30  Thermal average  Thermal all  Set MacCready  Required MacCready  Sink speed  Final glide (selected MC)  Final glide (with terrain)  Final glide (MC 0.0)
Time on task  Time on leg  Time to go  Required speed  Task speed  Task speed in last hour  Task elapsed distance  Task remaining distance  Task delta time  Team code  Team bearing  Team distance  Leg speed  Task distance
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All settings active at the moment of
new pilot creation under “Pilot” will
be adopted.
To terminate the process, press the Volume rotary knob (“Go back”).
Up to nine bottom rows can be used selectable with 1-4 push buttons. To create a new row simply press 1­4 and a new row will open. The display configuration may consist of one, two or three NavBox rows. See Setup/Layout for details. Header
The header cannot be customized. Only the transparency can be set: go to Setup>Layout. From left to right there is information about:
Current navigation page (TSK, TP or APT)  Current navigation turn-point  Distance and steering information to get to the navigation point  LX Joy status (N = normal, Z = zoom, P = pan)  Battery status  GPS signal status  Current time in selected format (hh:mm:ss)
2.2 Setup
2.2.1 Setup
The setup menu is available after a short press on the push button labelled SETUP. The menu is divided into two sections (Pilot and System settings). System settings are settings that are valid for the whole system and are not pilot specific settings. Pilot settings may vary from pilot to pilot according to individual requirements. Icons with text will help in finding the menu of interest.
Use Zoom rotary knob and rotate it to find the
menu of interest (selected icon is highlighted)
Use push function of Zoom rotary knob to enter
menu Pilot specific settings
The data stored in this part of Setup is pilot specific data. After pilot selection on initial setup, the data of an individual pilot becomes active. All settings are saved to the pilot profile and are active when the pilot is selected (reserve altitude, logger settings, NavBox container, layout settings, task colours etc.) It is possible to export/import user profile settings with a USB stick.
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2.2.2 Pilot
The Pilots name and certain personal data can be stored. All stored pilot names will be offered during initial setup and selecting a pilot is mandatory. The system offers a
default user profile with the name DEFAULT which can be used as a default pilot. Furthermore, plenty of empty positions are offered and this can be used for another pilot using the instrument. Some additional parameters can be entered, such as pilot’s weight, default ballast and reserve altitude – all settings are used for final glide calculation.
TDT calculation (task delta time)
This information is shown in a NavBox and presented only if the task time has been set. If task time is set the unit will recognize this task as assigned area task (AAT). The purpose of TDT is to inform the pilot of early or late arrival to the finish line/cylinder.
For TDT calculation one can choose between 4 different options:
Average task speed is based on current task speed
MacCready is based on actual based MC value
Ground speed is based on average ground speed in last 20 seconds
Combined (default) is based on multiple parameters including: selected MC, wind
sped/direction, polar, bugs, ballast, reserve altitude. This is the recommended method for calculation
AAT calculation
To help the pilot optimize distance inside a sector there are equidistant lines displayed. They are shown inside the active zone. This feature is only available in automatic AAT mode. Flying along these lines will not increase the distance and may lose time on task. Ideally one should fly perpendicular to the lines.
AAT calculation offers two options:
Automatic (default)
This method doesn’t need any pilot assistant at all and the pilot can turn to next turn point at any time without using any commands. Zeus will automatically detect the optimum point in every sector on task. Switching to the next turnpoint is performed by:
o Reaching the line which is crossing the centre of the sector or a moved turnpoint. Reaching
this point will only switch navigation to next turnpoint (for your information). One can still proceed inside this sector and Zeus will find the optimum position inside the sector to start the new leg. A new leg in statistics will start automatically when the optimum point is reached.
o Leaving an active sector. When the glider is more than 5km out of the sector it will switch. This
is done only if there was no automatic switch inside the sector (you did not cross the line over centre of the sector or moved point) or if the next Next TP button was not pressed manually whilst inside the sector.
o Using Next TP button. This command can be used without influencing statistics. It will only
change navigation data.
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Manual switching requires specific action in every sector on task. The Next TP button has to be
pressed to switch to next Turnpoint. The position at which Next TP button was pressed is then used for task statistic calculation. In the case of a wrong decision the pilot should use the leg restart function and, when he is ready again, he should then press next TP.
Limiting altitude
Limiting altitude means altitude limit set that will turn on the altitude warning alert.
When this is set, the pilot can choose:
Warn before Warn with audio signal Show dialog when over limit
User defined warnings
The pilot can make user defined warnings, which will give and alert when the conditions assigned have been fulfilled.
To make a user defined warning go to Setup > Pilot select User defined warnings and select add new”.
1. Then can be defined:
o Conditions check frequency (How
often Zeus checks if the conditions are fulfilled).
o Repeat interval (How often should
the warning be repeated).
o Auto close after (the length of
time the warning should remain before disappearing).
2. To add the text to appear on the screen as a warning, select Text, and add the desired text.
3. The final step is to add conditions (one or more) which will determine when the warning appears: o Choose a parameter (Choose from -
flight time, air temperature, ballast, air speed, QFE altitude, battery voltage, distance to destination (to current TP or APT)
o Operator (Choose relation to the
reference parameter)
o Value (depending on chosen
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o Connect condition with (if there is more than one condition, select what conditions are
to be connected with AND or OR)
o When your condition is complete select “Add cond (if you want to remove it, select
Clear cond”).
o When finished select Exit
It is possible to edit all user-defined warnings, and to delete them.
Other useful information
User (pilot) settings can also be saved to the USB stick and importing a user done by pressing the buttons: Import user (VARIO/FLARM) and Save user (TSK/MOVE). There is also an option to a set password to each pilot profile to prevent other pilots flying with the same unit and changing the pilot settings (this function was specially developed for flying in clubs). After a press on clear password the password will be removed. To delete a user, simply select delete user.
2.2.3 Audio
This menu defines audio configuration. The audio generator is a part of the vario unit (USB D 60), but settings are stored in LX Zeus. Audio settings do not appear if there
is a LX Eos connected to the system. Instead there is a LX Eos icon where the LX Eos can be set up. For more information please check the LX Eos chapter.
Speed command mode:
Defines audio in SC. The most commonly used setting is both which means SC will beep in both positive and negative deflections
Speed command volume:
Defines audio volume in SC; it may be increased or decreased
Vario tone:
Defines audio in vario mode; the frequencies can be adjusted and also the types of audio; use Test vario after adjustment
Alarm: The audio generator is also capable of generating some alarms (warnings) combining two frequencies. Set frequencies and time intervals and use Test to check.
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2.2.4 LX Eos
All settings for LX Eos are done on LX Zeus.
LX Eos settings appear only if LX Eos is connected to LX Zeus, otherwise, there are audio settings for vario (see previous chapter for more information).
If the battery is too empty for the LX Zeus, the LX Eos will still work because it has an internal battery. In this case, settings for LX Eos are set on the LX Eos device (for settings on LX Eos see LX Eos manual)
Warnings are used to inform the pilot that some flight related data is outside the desired margins. When a LX Eos detects a warning state, the pilot will get a red warning message box with a description of what is outside the margins.
By ticking the box the pilot can enable audio and Flarm warnings.
o Audio: If disabled, voice warning will not be
generated – the only warning will be visual in message box.
o Flarm: Flarm warning page will be seen only on
the Flarm radar page if this flag is disabled, otherwise it will override any Eos page/menu when a warning is detected.
o Inputs: Must be turned on to enable input port
warnings such as airbrakes, gear etc
o Altitude: Warning when flying above a selected
o Stall speed: Warning when the glider speed is
lower than stall speed.
o Vne speed: Warning when speed exceeds Vne.
Variometer sound frequency can be changed.
Negative frequency means the frequency when the variometer indicates sink of -5.0 m/s (-10 kts).
Zero frequency is frequency when variometer indicates 0.0m/s.
Positive frequency is frequency when variometer indicates climb of 5.0 m/s (10 kts).
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LX Eos offers the possibility of five different user defined inputs. Each input can be set accordingly.
There are seven options to choose from:
None: nothing is connected to the input. SC: the device changes mode from vario to SC
VP: (vario priority) the device goes to vario mode
no matter what the SC is selected to
Event: an event when a flight recorder is activated
and pilot gets a message shown on display
Gear: If enabled under warnings, warnings will be
generated such as gear up/down warnings after takeoff / before landing
Airbrakes: if enabled under warnings, will
generate airbrakes warning if they are opened during takeoff
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The pilot can also select if the switch is working in normal mode or if it is working in inverted mode. Normal mode means that the switch is enabled when contact is closed, inverted means that switch is enabled when contact is opened.
If two or more inputs are the same, the corresponding action will be made when all of them are active (active = switch opened!). The answer as to how to connect switches to external switch interface, and what “active state” is, can be found in the external switch installation section of LX Eos manual.
This setup page is used to set what data is sent to a third­party unit connected through Bluetooth or USER port. The pilot can set baud rate (BR) for communication through the USER port or Flarm port.
The pilot can select from: BR4800, BR9600, BR19200, BR38400, BR57600 and BR115200 options.
LX Eos is capable of sending NMEA data to third party units such as PDAs or PNAs. The data is available on the connector marked as USER and Bluetooth port. Five data strings are offered. Selected (check box) NMEA data will be sent over the USER port and Bluetooth:
GPGGA – Global Positioning System 3D-Fix Data GPRMC – Recommended Minimum Specific
GPRMB – TP navigation info
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When Radio option is enabled (KRT2 or ATR833) all other outputs on User port are disabled, but are still present on Bluetooth port.
LXWPx – sentences contain pressure and altitude information in addition to IAS data PFLAx – Flarm traffic info. Data must be enabled, if Flarm data is required on a PDA Radio – Select which radio is connected to Eos USER port. KRT2 and ATR833 were tested and are
supported at the moment. Baud rate on USER port is automatically set to 9600
The pilot can select which main pages are active on LX Eos. A page is active when its box is checked.
There are five main pages available:
TA (thermal assistance) Flarm TP (turnpoint) TSK (task) GPS info (basic GPS information) AHRS (if AHRS module is connected)
2.2.5 Voice
In the case of LX Eos, or if LX Voice Module is a part of the system, the following settings can be used: If Enable all or Disable all are pressed the pilot can enable / disable all voice commands at once.
Voice volume: defines volume of voice messages Vario mixer: defines the balance of volume between Audio and Voice
General Information:
Enable or disable general information about pilot, glider and elevation
Task Information:
Enable or disable information about task, turn point, final glide and time
Enable or disable warnings
Enable or disable information about Flarm and warnings
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2.2.6 Vario-SC
Settings in this menu define vario characteristics and some other important inputs connected to vario and speed command.
Vario filter defines the dynamics of the vario
needle. Lower number means faster reaction and vice versa.
Integration time (displayed on vario unit)
The time period used for the integrator
Vario scale, three options (2.5, 5 and 10 m/s) (or
5, 10 and 20 kts, if selected in Units).
Silence range, defines range of no audio around
zero when in speed command
SC switching threshold, changeover speed at which it will change from Vario to SC if Automatic SC
switching is enabled
Automatic SC switching, defines speed parameters for automatic change over to SC External switch mode*, determinates external SC switch status which change over to SC
*LX Zeus-LX Eos
Connect the external switch of input interface, which is connected to the input port on the rear of LX Eos. It does not matter to which of the 5 inputs it is connected. Then go to the Setup page on Zeus and navigate to LX Eos page. Next go to input and select one input as the SC option.
Next, go to Vario-SC setup:
Setting the External switch mode to ON means that closing the switch will enable SC mode, and setting External switch mode to OFF means that closing the switch will select Vario mode. There is a third option that can be enabled by setting External switch mode to Toggle and connecting a push button. Now each press will toggle between SC and Vario (This is the obligatory setting when using the LX Remote or LX Joy).
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LX Zeus v4.0.2
Setting: ON
Status: VARIO
Setting: OFF
Status: SC
Setting: ON
Status: SC
Setting: OFF
Status: VARIO
SC marked
*LX Zeus-USB D 60:
LX Zeus has a connection for an external speed command switch, which is wired to the vario unit (USB D
60). By using an external switch, it is possible to switch between SC and Vario manually. Setting the
External switch mode to ON means that closing the switch will enable SC mode, and setting External switch mode to OFF means that closing the switch will select Vario mode. There is a third option that can
be enabled by setting External switch mode to Toggle and connecting a push button. Now each press will toggle between SC and Vario (This is the obligatory setting when using the LX Remote).
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2.2.7 Indicators
SC* dot ind.
Needle status indicator
Lower num. indicator
Upper num.
* Vertical speed of air mass
** Vertical speed – 0.8 m/s
Setting Altitude QNH ft sets Altitude indication in ft, no matter what is set in Units.
The indicators page is used for setting up varios with mechanical needles and colour graphic displays. One indicator is defined as a variometer. The system is capable of driving secondary indicators identified as ‘’Number 1’’ through to ‘‘Number 4’’. For LX Eos repeater, connect it to Lx Zeus second seat CAN bus port.
LX Zeus v4.0.2
In general, every indicator consists of a mechanical needle, SC dot, needle status indicator, upper/lower digital indicator, battery indicator and a GPS signal indicator. It is important to point out that the settings should be done separately for vario and SC mode of operation. A radial moving dot serves as a continuous speed to fly indicator; this cannot be changed. On the LX Eos, there is a radial moving arc that serves as a speed to fly indicator. Additionally, there are GS (ground speed) and wind indications, plus some other status icons (Flarm, Bluetooth, etc.) which cannot be changed.
Used terms explanations:
Vario needle: means the needle function in vario mode, alternatives are: vario, Netto*, SC,
SC needle: means the needle function in SC mode, alternatives are: Netto, Relative, Vario Vario upper No.: means the display indication with option of: integrator, time, flight time, leg time Vario lower No.: means the display indication with option of: altitude, distance, glide difference,
true air speed, leg speed, QNH, flight level
SC upper No.: means the display indication with option of: integrator, time, flight time, leg time SC lower No.: means the display indication with option of: altitude, distance, glide difference, true
air speed, leg speed, QNH and flight level
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LX Zeus v4.0.2
x x
x x
Indicators installed for the second seat should be connected to front seat with 485 bus
Units having Adr1 will simply repeat what is displayed on the vario. Higher addresses make different settings possible. Secondary indicators
Secondary indicators should be connected via the 485-system bus; there are three 9P connectors at the back of the unit. All contacts are in parallel so it doesn’t matter which one is occupied. The unit can be also used as a 485-system bus splitter. To define indicator number use DIP switches which you find at the back of the unit.
Once indicator functions have been defined, switch the unit off and then on again, this procedure will memorize the settings and it will then be possible to adjust the settings on LX Zeus.
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2.2.8 Flarm
This menu is used for changing the Flarm visualisation parameters. The only executive command which can be sent to Flarm unit is privacy mode.
Activation of privacy mode will send the Flarm unit into stealth mode, which means that the data transmitted to and from Flarm unit is limited.
Others commands are:
Show objects till zoom defines the distance at
which a Flarm object appears on the map
Rel. altitude interval sets the altitude difference
for a Flarm object to appear
Glider icon size Airliner icon size (any powered aircraft) Show Flarm tails Tail colour Tail width Use above/below colour coding (makes it possible
to define the colour for above and below Flarm objects)
LX Zeus v4.0.2
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2.2.9 Logger
Pilot and glider data are sent after task Declaration process has been executed. See section Flying.
LX Zeus uses LX Eos and/or Colibri II as an IGC approved flight recorder. Both units collaborate so that all necessary settings can
be sent to all flight recorders connected to the system (LX Eos, Colibri II). No action is required on LX Eos and Colibri II when flight recorders are connected to LX Zeus.
Recording interval is set to 5 seconds by default. Event repetitions are set to 20 and event fix interval to 1 second. This means that when press “Event” button is executed the logger will create 20 records in 20 seconds (one per second).
The extra recording option means that you can select the recording of Ground speed into log file.
LX Zeus v4.0.2
This menu is usable only if LX Eos and/or Colibri II is connected to LX Zeus. If settings are changed, they will not affect Flarm IGC or any other connected Flight recorder.
In a double seat configuration, the second seat pilot is also able to change flight recorder settings. The process is the same as for the first seat.
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Hide above airplane option will remove airspace
sections which are higher than the setting. This will reduce the clutter on the graphic page significantly.
Show on zoom, defines appearance of particular airspace sections on the display. Appearance is connected to zoom. Airspace warning can be set as active ( ) or as not active ( ).
LX Zeus v4.0.2
2.2.10 Airspace
All settings connected to Airspace management are available in this menu.
Example of Hide airspace above:
The maximum vertical and horizontal distance to which airspace in Airspace info box on map is displayed can be set. If there isn't any airspace that fulfil these conditions the Airspace info box will not appear
Hide above QNH altitude to disable airspace that is above set QNH altitude
Audio warnings (on vario) when airspace warning appears on the LX Zeus can be dismissed
(dismiss buttons)
Default warnings for airspace are set to 2 km horizontally and 100 m vertically but these warning settings can be adjusted. Warning timeout at takeoff is pre-set to 5 minutes, which means, that during the first 5 minutes after takeoff there will not be any airspace warnings.
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LX Zeus v4.0.2
2.2.11 Wind
LX Zeus is able to measure wind using different methods; these can be selected in the Wind menu. Wind calculation results are shown as a standalone indicator on the
main graphic page and also as a NavBox, if set.
The pilot can choose between two circling methods: one which measures wind during circling flight and the second method using straight flight. The wind calculation is used for numerous calculations (TDT, Final glide, etc.). Circling model
Speed difference is based on the variation of ground speed (GS) using the wind detected whilst in
circling flight. This method is only active during circling. (In straight flight the wind data remains unchanged). The process is started automatically once circling is detected. After two circles the wind indication (direction and speed) will be updated and displayed. This method is based on the ground speed being affected by the wind. GS is, of course, at its maximum with a tailwind and minimum with a head wind and this is used for the GS difference calculation method. To get a result the pilot should do two turns as a minimum, more turns will improve the result. Please note that up to 90 degrees turn or more is required as some time is needed to detect circling status. It is important to keep constant IAS speed during circling. However, other factors are also taken into account to cancel out the fluctuations of airspeed while circling. This wind calculation method is the default and preferred approach.
Position drift calculates wind regarding to position change during circling. Such a method needs
more circles than speed difference (from 4 up to 8). The number of circles should be set in Drift circles option. If both methods, straight model and position drift are selected, the Zeus will give a combined result. Straight model
None: If you select none, you will have the wind from the latest circling method.
Iterative: This method will update the wind in straight flight. It is a special method developed by
LX Navigation and delivers accurate wind measurements by using sophisticated algorithms. With this method, you do not need a compass. The pilot will, however, get good wind speed and direction results. This method does not supplement Head/Tail method and, for best results, a constant IAS is required.
Compass: The Compass system requires the compass module to be connected to the unit using
the 485 bus or CAN bus. Wind calculation is based on the wind triangle method. Under this approach, airspeed, ground speed and wind create a triangle of vectors. A compass device offers magnetic heading, which defines the direction of the airspeed vector. To measure wind using a compass straight flight speed and direction must be kept as stable as possible.
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LX Zeus v4.0.2
*Compass module is a standalone electronic device, which can be connected to LX Zeus via 485 bus (or CAN bus for newer versions.) The unit delivers the magnetic track to the LX Zeus. However, to get accurate measurements, it is essential to have good compass calibration.
Compass option is available only if the compass module is connected.
Head/Tail: Shows difference between GS and IAS.
Time for straight flight: Time in seconds that will be taken for one measurement (valid for straight
model). The longer the period the better the result. This is valid only for the compass method and not for the Head/Tail one.
Drift circles: Sets how many circles are required to calculate the position drift.
Compass assistant: Is a special symbol that appears on the display and helps to keep flight
parameters (speed and direction) stable during calculation. Manual wind settings
Set manually - manual wind speed and direction can be set which will be displayed and used for
all calculations. Influence of wind in final glide
The actual wind data (speed and direction) influences the final glide calculation. In task mode the final glide indication is based on the remaining distance over all TPs until the finish (not over turn points already overflown). Wind influence for individual legs is based on actual wind data. Using the Head/Tail method will define wind direction on actual track being flown and this value will be taken into final glide calculation.
2.2.12 Task
The Task menu allows the setting of default zones for quicker and easier task creation.
Under Other settings can be set:
- TDT calculation sets the task delta time calculation method
- AAT calculation sets whether the next TP is set automatically or by hand
- Task start navigation sets the point to which your glider computer will navigate
- Sync with TP navigation sets the same turnpoint for Task and TP menu
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