LX Navigation Colibri User Manual

V 4.2
With SD card interface
LX navigation d.o.o.
Tkalska 10 tel.: +386 3 4904670 SI - 3000 Celje fax: +386 3 4904671
support@lxnavigation.si http://www.lxnavigation.si
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................3
1.1 Basic principles....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Hardware configuration........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Colibri - Physical Details ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Power requirements................................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 The Colibri keyboard and display ........................................................................................................... 5
The Keyboard and its functionality....................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Minimum preparation for an IGC flight.........................................................................6
2.1 Task declaration ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Task declaration procedure................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Entering Pilot and Glider data................................................................................................................. 7
Pilot data .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Glider data............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Preflight check ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3 Modes of operation............................................................................................................8
3.1 Powering up ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Menu structure ........................................................................................................................................ 9
GPS Mode............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
TP Mode............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Task Mode (for navigation only)........................................................................................................................................ 13
APT Mode.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
SETUP mode...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
VIEW FLIGHT RECORDER............................................................................................................................................ 19
4 Wiring and installation ...................................................................................................20
4.1 Wiring ................................................................................................................................................... 20
5 Communication................................................................................................................22
5.1 PC communication................................................................................................................................ 22
PC specifications................................................................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Communication with PDA.................................................................................................................... 25
5.3 Using of SD card................................................................................................................................... 25
Downloading of flights....................................................................................................................................................... 26
TP/TSK and Flight Info transfer......................................................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Communication with LX 5000/7000..................................................................................................... 27
6 Basic flight evaluation.....................................................................................................28
7 Problems...........................................................................................................................29
7.1 INIT MEMORY procedure................................................................................................................... 29
8 Baro calibration procedure............................................................................................. 29
9 Colibri USB Port..............................................................................................................30
9.1 Installing USB driver ............................................................................................................................ 30
9.2 Data transfer through USB.................................................................................................................... 32
9.3 Troubleshooting the Colibri/USB connection....................................................................................... 32
10 Tree structure diagram...................................................................................................33
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
1 Introduction
The primary task of the unit is to produce a secure flight record containing GPS position, GPS altitude, pressure altitude and engine operation at pre-determined intervals for subsequent analysis. Additionally, a number of attractive and useful features are implemented to enhance the unit’s capabilities. The flight recorder meets all IGC (International Gliding Commission) requirements and has unrestricted IGC Approval with no limitations. Full details of the approval are listed in the FAI website ( http://www.fai.org/gliding/gnss/lxncolibri.pdf ). Chapter 2 of this manual contains a quick reference for pilots in a hurry while later chapters describe the many features and functions in greater detail.
1.1 Basic principles
The unit does not need any programming or initialization to start recording, once the power is on and the antenna connected, the unit will start recording when one of the following conditions are met:
When a ground speed of more than 20 kph (12 kts) is detected, or
An increase of pressure altitude or climb, is detected.
Many of the recording parameters can be changed or implemented through the Setup menu, which are described in later chapters. Without an antenna connected, the unit will operate as a recording barograph.
Recorded data is downloaded using a PC or PDA and the corresponding program must be installed. All necessary software to achieve this is supplied with each instrument on a CD. While third party software exists to download the instrument, it is strongly recommended that the following programs from LX Navigation are used:
For downloading with a PC - LXe
For downloading with a PDA - ConnectLX
Colibri v4.0 is able to communicate with a PC via a USB port and for this purpose, a small mini B type connector is situated near the main RJ plug. When connected to a PC via the USB port, the unit is powered from the PC, making an external power supply un-necessary.
When the USB port is connected, the GPS module is automatically disconnected to save power. Thus powering through the USB port during flight is not an option as the GPS will be inoperative. The main RJ plug should be
removed before using the USB.
Important note!
The USB communication may not work on all computers and operating systems. It is essential that you follow the instructions for installing the USB drivers in chapter 8 very carefully.
The following description of the flight files is for information only and can be skipped by the non-technical reader. When a flight is downloaded, two files are generated, one with a .LXN extension and another with an .IGC extension. The .LXN file is a binary file while the .IGC file is text file and can be opened using a text editor. An example of the content of an .IGC file is shown below:
ALXNC3EFLIGHT:1 'A' record gives recorder 3digit IGC S/N HFDTE120404 'H' record is the extended flight info HFFXA100
C1204041717391204040001002 'C' record lists the task declaration in the form: C5100000N00818416ESCHAMEDE Take Off
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
C5108588N00756023ETSKSTART Task Start C5208588N00756023TP001 Turnpoint 1 C5208588N00856023TP007 Turnpoint x C5100000N00818416ESCHAMEDE Task finish C5100000N00818416ESCHAMEDE Landing LFILORIGIN0924405108590N00756026E B0924405108590N00756026EA0021500375 'B' records show time, position, pressure and B0924525108589N00756026EA0021500369 GPS altitudes, as well as optional records such as B0925045108590N00756026EA0021400379 ENL (Engine Noise Level) B0925165108590N00756026EA0021500371 B0927045108590N00756024EA0021400371999 G1FFFFA7E810EA2A83B88847A3825C8331FEC65DF5 'G' record (file integrity)
The B record contains following data:
UTC time (hh,mm,ss)
The GPS Coordinates (dd,mm.mmm) terminating with N(S) or E (W).
The GPS status, an ‘A’ indicates a good fix while a ‘V’ indicates a bad fix
GPS altitude (00371)in meters
Pressure altitude (00214)in meters
The example shows engine noise level (ENL) as the last 3 numbers; this record is set as required by the
pilot and is not obligatory for pure gliders.
The G record is always the last record and is used exclusively for data security purpose. Flights without a valid G record will fail security and are not acceptable for FAI/IGC purposes.
The .LXN file type is binary and cannot be opened using a text editor. When using LXe or ConnectLX, the binary .LXN file will automatically be converted into an .IGC file.
IGC requires that some additionally programs are made available for flight recorder downloading and flight evaluation. These programs are mostly used by third party competition analysis software. These additional programs are available on http://www.fai.org/gliding/gnss and are also included on the CD supplied with every Colibri.
IGC-LXN.DLL A Windows program running in conjunction with IGC-Shell
DATA-LXN.EXE A DOS program for flight downloading
CONV-LXN.EXE A DOS program which converts an .LXN file into an .IGC version
VALI-LXN.EXE A DOS program which checks the data integrity of the .IGC file
However, LX Navigation strongly recommend that only LXe, See You or ConnectLX are used to download flight records from the Colibri.
1.2 Hardware configuration
The Colibri flight recorder contains the following sub-modules:
A GPS receiver with antenna
A microprocessor with volatile memory that is backed up with a 3.0V Lithium cell. The memory
battery life is expected to be at least five years, and it is recommended that the battery is replaced after this period. Battery replacement can only be carried out by an authorized LX service station as the unit will require resealing after the battery replacement.
A pressure sensor which measures pressure altitude based on the International Standard Atmosphere,
1013.2 HPa
A physical and digital secure device. The unit is sealed with both a physical seal placed over one of
the case securing screws, and an electronic seal that is broken if the case is removed. If a non authorized person opens the unit, then both the physical and electronic seals will be broken and the message SEAL NOT VALID will appear after power on. While the unit is fully operable in this condition, any flight record downloaded will be not be secure and is not acceptable for FAI/IGC purposes. Only an authorized LX Navigation service station can restore the seals.
An engine noise level (ENL) sensor for the detection of engine noise in self launched and self sustainer
gliders. The ENL is enabled as a factory option in all units.
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
A power and PC plug of RJ type
A mini ‘B’ USB port to communicate with a PC which also powers the unit while the port is in use.
A SD card slot makes possible to exchange data without using pf PC.
A suitable mounting bracket for easy installation in the glider.
1.3 Colibri - Physical Details
At the present time, the Colibri is the smallest IGC approved flight recorder available on the market, and is easily installed. It can also be installed on the instrument panel where it can be used as an in flight GPS navigation aid.
Dimensions……………………………….52x100x32mm Weight……………………………………220 g
A suitable mounting bracket is supplied to facilitate installation in the glider so that it is easily removable when required.
1.4 Power requirements
The unit will accept DC power from 8V DC up to 24 V DC via the 6 pole RJ type connector. Power consumption is about 100 mA at 12V. When the USB is used, the microprocessor is powered directly from the PC and the GPS receiver is automatically switched off to conserve power.
1.5 The Colibri keyboard and display
The unit is operated via a membrane keyboard with 9 buttons arranged in three rows of three. A two line, eight character dot matrix is positioned above the keyboard. While the display is temperature compensated, it is recommended to keep it out of direct sunshine when the temperature could easily exceed 70 ْ C causing the display to darken. The phenomenon is reversible and will not cause permanent damage.
1.5.1 The Keyboard and its functionality
Two horizontal arrows ( ), these buttons are used to change the mode of operation and therefore
they have the highest priority. During the editing procedure, they can be used to retrace the cursor to correct mistakes.
Two vertical arrows (▲▼) are used to scroll vertically in a specific mode such as selecting turn
Enter is used either as a confirmation key, or is used to start an input or selection.
ESC is a multifunction key:
- It will call the navigation pages in the TP, TSK and APT menus
- It will confirm the whole row when in edit mode (the edit mode is indicated by a blinking
cursor), replacing multiple pressing of the enter button
- It closes the edit procedure
EVENT/PC is a multifunction button; during flight it will activate the event marker function, while on
the ground it will connect the unit to a PC.
DECL is a single function button which will go directly to the task declaration screen.
PILOT/GLIDER A single press will enable pilot selection or the adding of a new pilot. A double
press allows glider type selection or the adding of a new glider type. This feature simplifies the programming of units used in a Club environment as the Colibri is able to store up to 100 pilot names and 30 glider types.
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
2 Minimum preparation for an IGC flight
This chapter is intended as a quick reference for the busy pilot. The succeeding chapters will give a more detailed explanation of the procedures.
To meet the IGC requirements for a badge or record flight, the following inputs are mandatory:
Task declaration
Pilot and glider identification
It is strongly recommended that the unit is powered up approximately 5 minutes before take off. This will ensure that GPS is locked onto the satellites prior to take off, and that the barogram will have a base line. After landing wait until the SECURITY CHECK message appears on the display and switch the unit off after the message has disappeared. If the SECURITY CHECK message was not seen when it appeared after landing, a check that the flight has finished and that the security check has been done, is that the status STOP will be seen in the GPS mode menu. If the unit is powered off immediately after landing, then the landing base line will be lost, but not the flight log or data security. The unit will go through the SECURITY CHECK procedure after next power on.
2.1 Task declaration
Pressing the Decl button will open a dialog allowing the declaration of the task which it is intended to fly. Declaration is only possible if the turn points or task it is intended to declare are already stored in the Colibri memory. If the required turn points are not stored in the unit, then they must either first be programmed through the TP menu, or the declaration loaded via a PC, using the LXe, See You, or ConnectLX programs.
2.1.1 Task declaration procedure
Reference should be made to the subsequent chapters if any of the procedures outlined below are not fully understood.
Press Decl button and select COPY, EDIT or DELETE with the vertical arrows ▲▼. COPY is
selected if the task that it is required to declare is one of the possible 100 tasks already programmed in the unit. Select EDIT if you want to modify an already declared task. DELETE will delete the last declared task leaving a completely empty task framework to re-enter the new task. Deleting the last declared task has no effect on any tasks that might already be stored in the task memory.
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
A declared IGC task must have the following structure:
Take off (T)
Start (S)
Turn points 0-9 (P)
Finish (F)
The functions SELECT, INSERT and DELETE of turn points will help you to modify an already declared task.
SELECT will replace the turn point with a new one
INSERT will insert a new turn point (TP) one step towards the finish. For instance, using insert on
point 3 will produce point 4 and all remaining points will be shifted towards the finish and landing.
DELETE will delete TP
Selecting a take off point will be automatically enter the same point as the landing point. If this is not the case, use select to replace the landing point
The task declared in this menu will be automatically be copied into the TSK mode and is immediately ready for
Once a task has been declared, it will remain in the unit until a new declaration is made.
Once all the TPs have been entered, the procedure is closed by pressing Esc when if the procedure has been done correctly, a very clear message and a “beep” will show:
If the declaration procedure is not terminated by pressing Esc, the unit will activate an audio alarm after 30 secondsand display the message:
Selecting ‘Y’ will finish the declaration procedure while ‘N’ will reopen the edit dialog.
Task declaration can also be implemented from a PC or PDA, using the “Flight info” data transfer procedure.
2.2 Entering Pilot and Glider data
2.2.1 Pilot data
Pressing the Pilot/Glider button once will show the last active pilot. Use the vertical arrows ▲▼ to select, and Enter to confirm, a new pilot. If the required pilot’s name is not already programmed, then select PILOT ADD
and press Enter.
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
Enter the new pilot’s name and press Esc and confirm with ‘Y’.
Separate first name and surname using a space or _. When data is transferred from a PC or PDA using “Flight info”, a new pilot name will be added automatically. There is no edit procedure; use SETUP to edit or remove pilots. A maximum of 100 pilot names can be stored.
2.2.2 Glider data
Pressing the Pilot/Glider button twice will show the actual glider selection, simple finish with Esc if correct, or select the glider using ▲▼ and confirm with Enter. If the glider type isn’t present, then select GLIDER ADD to add a new one.
Enter the glider type, confirm with Esc, input REG.NUMBER, COMPETITION NUMBER and COMPETITION CLASS. Finish the procedure with Esc and confirm with Y if all the data is correct. There is no edit function in this menu. To edit or remove glider data use SETUP.
To scroll through the glider data use the horizontal arrows . Reg. number and Competition class must be
2.3 Preflight check
Check task declaration using edit function and modify the task if necessary
Select pilot and glider
Check flight recorder settings and adapt, if necessary (check ENL on in motor gliders or turbos!)
Switch the unit on approximately 5 minutes before take off
3 Modes of operation
This chapter describes the many features of the Colibri . It is recommended that all users read this part carefully.
3.1 Powering up
There is no ON/OFF switch on the unit. Immediately after connecting the power, initialisation will follow and will indicate the:
Serial Number
Active pilot name
Airport data base version
Flight recorder memory capacity
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
The memory capacity indicator does not show free memory, but the recorder’s total memory capacity in hours that is available for flight records. The total memory capacity depends on settings only, the main one being the recording interval; the shorter the recording interval, the less total memory capacity available. The total memory capacity displayed will not reduce as flight data is stored. Once the memory capacity is filled with flight data, the oldest data is erased and the new data recorded. For instance, if the total memory capacity is shown as 71 hours, then the unit is storing the last 71 hours of flight data, and flights made more than 71 hours ago will have been automatically deleted without any warning.
3.2 Menu structure
There are six modes of operation; the selection of which are controlled by the horizontal arrows ( ). The six modes are:
3.2.1 GPS Mode
There are no user inputs possible in this mode
To scroll through the mode use the vertical arrows ▲▼.
GPS Status
LAT and LON indicator
Pressure altitude indicator
Time (local) and date
Battery voltage indicator and DOP (dilution of precision)
Flight recorder status: LOG, STOP, RUN, NEAR (if near to the TP), INSIDE (if inside of sector),
and MEMory capacity in hours
3.2.2 TP Mode
The unit is able to store up to 600 turn points and 100 tasks. Turn points and tasks may be entered manually or by transfer from a PC.
Manual input of turn point name and GPS coordinates.
Transfer of .da4 files from, PC (LXe,SeeYou, Strepla), PDA (ConnectLX,,Downloader), LX 5000,
LX7000,LX 7007.
The .da4 extension is the LX standard format developed for use with all LX instruments. One .da4 file can store up to 600 turn points and 100 tasks. See next chapters for details. TP selection and navigation to TP
After selecting the TP mode with the horizontal arrows ( ), the last selected TP will be ready for navigation. Initially, up to 8 characters of the assigned name will be displayed.
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
After approximately one second the display will change to the first navigation page, where the first 4 characters of the name and basic navigation data will be displayed (t…track, b….bearing, k/m…. distance).
Pressing Esc will change to a second navigation page in which the ground speed replaces the name of the TP.
kh…… Grund speed
A further press of Esc will display the wind calculation.
The wind calculation is based on measuring drift while climbing in a thermal. Two full circles are necessary before the wind can be displayed. The procedure is fully automatic and requires no pilot manipulation other than to try and keep the speed constant while thermalling.
To scroll through the stored TPs use the vertical arrows ▲▼. The longer the press, the faster the scrolling. The TPs are always sorted alphabetically. Editing TP data and the input of new data
Pressing Enter when the TP mode is selected will open the following menu. Use the vertical arrow keys ▲▼ to scroll through the following options.
123°t CUND
123° t 134 kh
126° b 235km
234 ° 24 kh
Colibri Manual Ver. 4.2 Dec 2006 LX Navigation d.o.o. www.lxnavigation.si
The tasks stored in the Colibri memory can only be accessed and edited from this menu; the TSK mode is used exclusively for navigation. Input of a new TP
Selecting ‘Y’ enables an airport already in the APT menu to be copied into the TP library as a new TP, while selecting ‘N’ enables the input of a new TP. See the chapter on APT for details how to select an airport.
Manual input of a new turn point
Use ▲▼ to scroll through the alphabet and confirm each input with Enter. A maximum of eight characters can be used in the TP name. Once the name is complete, press Esc.
Use ▲▼ to input LAT, confirm each input with Enter and finish with Esc.
Use ▲▼ to input LON, confirm each input with Enter and finish with Esc.
Use▲▼to input of TP elevation, confirm with Enter and finish with Esc.
Selecting ‘Y’ and pressing Enter will store the TP data while selecting ‘N’ and pressing Enter will restart the procedure to allow the correction of wrong inputs. Edit TP
TP data can be modified at any time by use of the EDIT TPOINT function. The name, GPS coordinates and elevation can all be changed and stored.
Copy APT
Data? N
LON E 000
+ 24 hidden pages