LXNAV LX Zeus 2.8 Retrofit, LX Zeus 4.3, LX Zeus 8.0, LX Zeus Mobile, LX Zeus 5.5 User Manual

LX Zeus
LX Zeus Mobile, 2.8, 4.3, 5.5, 7.0 and 8.0
User’s manual
( Version 3.4.3)
SI 3000 Celje
Tel: 00 386 3 490 46 70
Fax: 00 386 3 490 46 71
LX Zeus v 3.4.3 10.9.2014
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1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. - 7 -
1.1 Screen size options .................................................................................................................... - 7 -
1.1.1 LX Zeus 2.8 .............................................................................................................................. - 7 -
1.1.2 LX Zeus 2.8 Retrofit ................................................................................................................. - 7 -
1.1.3 LX Zeus 4.3 .............................................................................................................................. - 7 -
1.1.4 LX Zeus 5.5 .............................................................................................................................. - 8 -
1.1.5 LX Zeus 7.0 .............................................................................................................................. - 8 -
1.1.6 LX Zeus 8.0 .............................................................................................................................. - 8 -
1.1.7 LX Zeus Mobile ........................................................................................................................ - 8 -
1.1.8 LX Zeus CAI 302 ...................................................................................................................... - 8 -
1.2 Hardware concept ...................................................................................................................... - 8 -
1.2.1 USB and SD port ...................................................................................................................... - 9 -
1.2.2 Connections ............................................................................................................................. - 9 -
1.3 Software ....................................................................................................................................- 10 -
1.4 Technical data ...........................................................................................................................- 10 -
1.5 Operation and controls ............................................................................................................- 11 -
1.5.1 System push buttons (5) ........................................................................................................- 11 - VARIO / FLARM button .................................................................................................- 11 - TSK / MOVE button .......................................................................................................- 12 - STAT / EVENT button ...................................................................................................- 12 - SELECT / NEAR button ................................................................................................- 12 - SETUP / INFO button ....................................................................................................- 13 -
1.5.2 Navigation push buttons (3) ...................................................................................................- 13 - APT button (Airport, Turn point, Task) ..........................................................................- 13 - SUBP button (Subpage) ................................................................................................- 13 - 1-4 button ......................................................................................................................- 15 -
1.6 Rotary Switches ........................................................................................................................- 16 -
1.6.1 Zoom Rotary switch ...............................................................................................................- 16 - Additional functions of Zoom .........................................................................................- 16 -
1.6.2 Audio volume rotary switch ....................................................................................................- 16 - Additional functions .......................................................................................................- 17 -
1.7 Automatic jump out of edit ......................................................................................................- 17 -
1.8 Display organisation and management .................................................................................- 17 -
1.8.1 Display organization ...............................................................................................................- 17 - Indicators .......................................................................................................................- 17 - Bottom row customization .............................................................................................- 18 - Header customization ....................................................................................................- 19 -
2 SETUP ............................................................................................................................................- 20 -
2.1 Pilot specific settings...............................................................................................................- 20 -
2.1.1 Pilot ........................................................................................................................................- 20 - TDT calculation (task delta time) ...................................................................................- 20 - AAT calculation ..............................................................................................................- 20 -
2.1.2 Audio settings .........................................................................................................................- 21 -
2.1.3 Voice ......................................................................................................................................- 22 -
2.1.4 Vario settings .........................................................................................................................- 22 -
2.1.5 Indicators ................................................................................................................................- 23 - Secondary indicators .....................................................................................................- 24 -
2.1.6 Flarm ......................................................................................................................................- 24 -
2.1.7 Logger - Flight recorder settings ............................................................................................- 25 -
2.1.8 Airspace management ...........................................................................................................- 25 -
2.1.9 Wind .......................................................................................................................................- 26 -
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- 3 - Circling method ..............................................................................................................- 26 - Straight model ...............................................................................................................- 26 - Manual wind settings .....................................................................................................- 27 - Influence of wind in final glide .......................................................................................- 27 -
2.1.10 Graphics (User Interface) ..................................................................................................- 27 - Map settings ..................................................................................................................- 27 - Fonts .............................................................................................................................- 29 - TP/APT settings ............................................................................................................- 29 - Task settings ................................................................................................................- 30 - Airspaces ......................................................................................................................- 30 - Tail settings ..................................................................................................................- 30 - Track colour ..................................................................................................................- 31 - Track to destination colour ............................................................................................- 31 - View SUBP 3 .................................................................................................................- 31 - Auto close inactivity time out .....................................................................................- 31 - Statistics colours .......................................................................................................- 31 -
2.1.11 Layout ................................................................................................................................- 32 - Layout edit procedure: ...................................................................................................- 32 - Copy NAVBOXes .........................................................................................................- 36 - Copy layout ....................................................................................................................- 37 - NAVBOX as an indicator ...............................................................................................- 37 -
2.1.12 Brightness adjustment .......................................................................................................- 37 -
2.2 System Setup ............................................................................................................................- 38 -
2.2.1 Units .......................................................................................................................................- 38 -
2.2.2 Glider (glider polar selection) .................................................................................................- 38 - Speed indicator settings ................................................................................................- 38 - Flaps position settings ...................................................................................................- 38 - TE level and TE filter .....................................................................................................- 39 -
2.2.3 Checklist .................................................................................................................................- 40 -
2.2.4 Notepad ..................................................................................................................................- 41 -
2.2.5 Transfer .................................................................................................................................- 41 - Transfer of Airport data .................................................................................................- 42 - Transfer of Turn Point data ...........................................................................................- 42 - Transfer of Airspace files ...............................................................................................- 43 - Transfer of Flarm net files .............................................................................................- 43 - Transfer Charts ..............................................................................................................- 43 - Transfer Checklist..........................................................................................................- 43 - Logbook transfer ............................................................................................................- 43 - Translation files transfer ................................................................................................- 43 -
2.2.6 Service ...................................................................................................................................- 44 - Screen rotation ..............................................................................................................- 44 - Compass calibration ......................................................................................................- 44 - AHRS Level adjust (Pitch and Roll)..............................................................................- 45 - Disable AHRS ...............................................................................................................- 46 - Detected hardware ........................................................................................................- 46 -
2.2.7 Locale .....................................................................................................................................- 46 -
3 UPDATE PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................- 46 -
4 NAVIGATION MODES ...................................................................................................................- 47 -
4.1 APT mode (navigation to airports) .........................................................................................- 47 -
4.2 How to select an airport? ........................................................................................................- 47 -
4.2.1 APT selection from NEAR function ........................................................................................- 48 -
4.3 Navigation in APT / TP or TSK mode ......................................................................................- 48 -
4.3.1 Sort by filter ............................................................................................................................- 48 -
4.3.2 Main graphic navigation page ................................................................................................- 48 -
4.3.3 Second navigation page (subpage) .......................................................................................- 49 -
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4.3.4 Third navigation page (2nd subpage) ......................................................................................- 49 -
4.3.5 Use of Remote Stick in APT...................................................................................................- 50 -
4.4 Turn point mode .......................................................................................................................- 50 - Edit TP ...........................................................................................................................- 51 - Creation of User Turn points .........................................................................................- 51 - Add Marker ....................................................................................................................- 52 - Delete TP .......................................................................................................................- 52 - Send TP .........................................................................................................................- 52 -
4.4.2 Selection of a Turn Point ........................................................................................................- 52 - Selection from Near .......................................................................................................- 53 -
4.4.3 Navigation to a Turn Point......................................................................................................- 53 - Use of Remote stick ......................................................................................................- 53 -
4.5 Task Mode .................................................................................................................................- 53 -
4.5.1 Task organization ...................................................................................................................- 53 - Task declaration ............................................................................................................- 53 -
4.5.2 Task selection ........................................................................................................................- 53 -
4.5.3 Task creation by “hand” .........................................................................................................- 54 - Create and Edit Zones .................................................................................................- 55 -
4.5.4 Task Start (ARM), Restart, Next TP, Clear, Save, Team Code, Limitations .........................- 56 - Task Start ......................................................................................................................- 56 - Task Restart function.....................................................................................................- 56 - Over Turn point ..............................................................................................................- 57 - Saving TSK to USB ......................................................................................................- 57 - Clear TSK .....................................................................................................................- 57 - Team Code ...................................................................................................................- 58 - Limitations .....................................................................................................................- 58 -
4.5.5 MOVE Function (during flight) ................................................................................................- 58 -
4.5.6 Task Zoom .............................................................................................................................- 59 -
4.5.7 Use of Remote Stick ..............................................................................................................- 59 -
5 AIRSPACE MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................................................- 60 -
5.1 Basic airspace settings............................................................................................................- 60 -
5.1.1 Hide airspaces above .............................................................................................................- 60 -
5.1.2 Other setups ...........................................................................................................................- 60 -
5.1.3 Define appearance of airspaces regarding zoom ..................................................................- 60 - Warnings .......................................................................................................................- 60 -
5.1.4 Disabling of airspace sections................................................................................................- 61 -
6 GPS SIGNAL MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................- 62 -
6.1 Colibri II plug .............................................................................................................................- 62 -
6.2 Flarm plug .................................................................................................................................- 62 -
6.3 GPS signal for navigation ........................................................................................................- 63 -
7 LX ZEUS AND COLIBRI II .............................................................................................................- 63 -
7.1 Colibri II power management ..................................................................................................- 63 -
7.2 Colibri II - Zeus interaction ......................................................................................................- 63 -
7.2.1 Commands and declaration transfer to Colibri II....................................................................- 63 -
8 LX ZEUS AND FLARM ..................................................................................................................- 64 -
8.1 Flarm external displays............................................................................................................- 64 -
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8.2 Task declaration into Flarm .....................................................................................................- 65 -
8.3 Transferring files from Flarm ..................................................................................................- 65 -
8.4 Flarm Red Box / Mini Box update ...........................................................................................- 65 -
8.5 Flarm PIN OUT ..........................................................................................................................- 65 -
9 LX ZEUS AND GARRECHT ..........................................................................................................- 66 -
9.1 LX ZEUS and Garrecht TRX-1090 ADSB / TRX-2000 .............................................................- 66 -
9.2 LX ZEUS and Garrrect TRX-1500 ............................................................................................- 66 -
10 REMOTE CONTROL ......................................................................................................................- 67 -
10.1 Use of Remote Stick .................................................................................................................- 67 -
10.2 Remote in second seat ............................................................................................................- 67 -
11 LX JOY ...........................................................................................................................................- 68 -
11.1 General ......................................................................................................................................- 68 -
11.2 Button description ....................................................................................................................- 68 -
12 SECOND SEAT UNIT ....................................................................................................................- 71 -
12.1 Connection of Vario and Remote ............................................................................................- 71 -
12.1.1 Secondary Vario setup ......................................................................................................- 71 -
12.2 Interaction LX Zeus – LX Zeus Second seat ..........................................................................- 71 -
12.2.1 TSK / TP / APT exchange ..................................................................................................- 72 -
12.2.2 Downloading flights from Second seat ..............................................................................- 72 -
13 FLYING WITH LX ZEUS ................................................................................................................- 73 -
13.1 Flight preparation on ground ..................................................................................................- 73 -
13.1.1 Before take off....................................................................................................................- 73 - Setting of the take-off elevation .....................................................................................- 73 - QNH setting ...................................................................................................................- 73 - ...........................................................................................................................................- 73 - Task declaration process ..............................................................................................- 74 -
13.2 During flight ..............................................................................................................................- 74 -
13.2.1 Set MacCready, Ballast, Bugs and QNH ...........................................................................- 74 -
13.2.2 Statistics .............................................................................................................................- 75 - Thermal Analysis ...........................................................................................................- 75 - OLC Calculation ...........................................................................................................- 76 - Baro trace graph ............................................................................................................- 76 - Task Statistics ..............................................................................................................- 76 - Route ............................................................................................................................- 77 -
13.2.3 Special functions ................................................................................................................- 77 - Event function ...............................................................................................................- 77 - Marker setting ...............................................................................................................- 77 - Pan mode .....................................................................................................................- 78 -
13.2.4 Task Start ..........................................................................................................................- 78 - Start Conditions / Limitations ........................................................................................- 79 - Task Restart ..................................................................................................................- 79 -
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- 6 - Restart Leg ....................................................................................................................- 79 -
13.2.5 Task Finish ........................................................................................................................- 79 -
13.2.6 Flying AAT (Assigned Area Task)......................................................................................- 80 -
13.2.7 Final glide calculation ........................................................................................................- 81 -
13.2.8 Finish line crossing ............................................................................................................- 81 -
13.2.9 Thermal assistant ..............................................................................................................- 82 -
13.2.10 Flarm management ............................................................................................................- 82 -
13.2.11 Artificial horizon – AHRS ...................................................................................................- 83 -
13.3 After landing .............................................................................................................................- 84 -
13.3.1 Downloading of flights ........................................................................................................- 84 - Downloading Colibri II flights ........................................................................................- 85 - Downloading of flights recorded by Zeus ......................................................................- 85 - Downloading flights stored in Flarm ..............................................................................- 85 - Colibri II – Zeus interaction after landing .......................................................................- 85 -
13.3.2 Recommendations for safe operation ................................................................................- 86 -
13.4 ICAO charts ...............................................................................................................................- 86 -
14 INSTALLATION ..............................................................................................................................- 87 -
14.1 Mechanical installation ............................................................................................................- 87 -
14.1.1 Installation of Vario unit .....................................................................................................- 87 -
14.2 Screen rotation .........................................................................................................................- 87 -
14.3 Electrical installation................................................................................................................- 88 -
14.3.1 Installation of USB D 60 (Vario unit) ..................................................................................- 88 - USB-D 60 wiring ............................................................................................................- 89 -
14.4 Installation of second seat units .............................................................................................- 90 -
14.4.1 Electrical installation ..........................................................................................................- 90 -
15 EXPLANATION OF TERMS ..........................................................................................................- 91 -
16 ZEUS MOBILE ...............................................................................................................................- 92 -
17 FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) ................................................................................- 93 -
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1 System description
The system consists of a minimum of two units. One of them is a gliding computer the other unit is a 57 mm vario. The vario unit is also available as an 80 mm option. The gliding computer has a sunshine readable and anti-reflective 5.5 inch colour display and a high power Linux running computing device. The vario is a standalone unit and has its electronics based on high precision digital sensors and transducers. The connection between vario and computer unit is via LX system bus. System extensions (second seat unit,
remote control, compass ....) are also possible after connecting the LX system bus solution. All connections
are plug and play, which means no specialists are required to install the system.
1.1 Screen size options
LX Zeus comes in five different screen size variants, which makes it possible to install the LX Zeus system into practically any instrument panel. The complete electronics and also all functions are the same for all variants. The only difference is, that the 2.8 and 4.3 options use the 2x4 push button organization where as
5.5, 7.0 and 8.0 have a 5x3 push button organization. Every unit except the 2.8 option is delivered with a suitable steel template which makes it possible to prepare a new cut out by hand. There are two orientations possible*: landscape or portrait orientation. This can be specified during ordering. The user can also change the orientation in the system settings. *Zeus 2.8 is only available in landscape orientation.
1.1.1 LX Zeus 2.8
This version of Zeus can be installed into any normal 80 mm panel cut out and therefore does not require an instrument panel upgrade. Display orientation is only landscape.
1.1.2 LX Zeus 2.8 Retrofit
Zeus 2.8 Retrofit is the same display size as Zeus 2.8 but differs in hardware. Vario (USB-D) module is inside of the main unit and only a vario indicator is needed. Back plate is equal to LX 5000 (2x 15pin connectors). If LX 5000 has a 25 pin connector, an adapter for 2x15 to 25 pin is needed, which can be supplied from the LX Navigation Company. The purpose of Retrofit solution is that all wiring remains as is, also an old vario indicator can be used!
1.1.3 LX Zeus 4.3
The display diagonal of the system is 4.3-inch and has following outline dimensions:
83x136x52 mm
Pictures used in this manual may slightly differ from the LX Zeus original screens.
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1.1.4 LX Zeus 5.5
This is the most common used variant and comes with 5.5-inch display. Layout size is:
106x146x52 mm
1.1.5 LX Zeus 7.0
This version size can be fitted in the majority of instrument panels used in modern gliders. The display size is 7-inch and the unit layout is:
110x190x52 mm
1.1.6 LX Zeus 8.0
This is the biggest LX Zeus model and its display diagonal is 8-inch.
161x218x52 mm
1.1.7 LX Zeus Mobile
LX Zeus Mobile is a derivate from LX Zeus 4.3. The unit uses a 4.3-inch display, the same as by Zeus 4.3. The unit is prepared to be installed as an integral part of the panel, but can be also used as a mobile device installed on panel by using a gooseneck. A vario unit is also a part of delivery and its default configuration is a black box solution. An upgrade to color display and the needle is possible at any time.
1.1.8 LX Zeus CAI 302
All Zeus units can be connected to Cambridge vario CAI 302 as a plug and play solution. Cambridge vario must be connected to Zeus Flarm port, so in case of CAI configuration Flarm cannot be connected to LX Zeus. Zeus is exchanging following data with CAI:
QNH Vario data Airspeed GPS MC Volume
CAI 302 vario is powered from LX Zeus device.
1.2 Hardware concept
The system is designed to offer flexible solutions of system configurations, so the pilot is able to provide some kind of custom design. At the back side of the unit there are plenty of connectors which make it possible to connect (plug and play) a various palette of GPS signal sources, as the unit does not have integral an GPS receiver. Units as Colibri, LX 20, VL and any other GPS source which is capable of delivering NMEA data at nearly any baud rate, are compatible.
A special plug is provided for Colibri II connection and in that case Colibri II is also powered from Zeus. Using of Colibri II offers some important benefits for the pilot. The benefits are:
automatic switch on of Colibri II as Zeus is powered on. automatic power off after Zeus will be switched off and the system is no longer in flying mode; if
flight status is detected, Colibri II will continue logging its own internal battery.
downloading of flights via Zeus USB stick
When two GPS sources are connected at the same time, both signals are combined and losing one of the GPS sources will not degrade system availability. Colibri II is used as an IGC flight recorder in the case of an IGC approved solution. In that case a high level of communication is established between Colibri II and Zeus and the pilot is able to operate the system in the same way as by an integral flight recorder. The Colibri II unit can operate in portrait and in landscape orientation. Changing orientation is very easy and can be done by pilot. See Colibri II user manual for more information.
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Commercially available versions:
LX Zeus IGC: package consists of LX Zeus Computer, Colibri II high level approved flight recorder
with ENL, OAT sensor, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and USB D cables
LX Zeus Flarm: LX Zeus Computer, Flarm which is not IGC (optionally can be IGC), Flarm dipole
antenna, SD card for Flarm, Flarm cable to Zeus, Flarm SD cable to Zeus, Flarm GPS antenna, OAT sensor, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and USB D cables
LX Zeus Flarm IGC: LX Zeus Computer, Flarm which is not IGC (optionally can be IGC), Flarm
dipole antenna, SD card for Flarm, Flarm cable to Zeus, Flarm SD cable to Zeus, Flarm GPS antenna, Colibri II high level approved flight recorder with ENL, OAT sensor, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and USB D cables
LX Zeus: LX Zeus Computer, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and
USB D cables
Rotary switches and push buttons
There are 8 push buttons and two rotary switches on the front of the unit. Also the rotary switches have a double push function (short and long press). On one side there are five push buttons which all have a double push function (short and long press) and on the other side there are three push buttons with one push function. Buttons are labelled and this makes unit manipulation very easy. (Zeus 2.8 has a 4x4 push button organization.)
Both rotary switches are multifunctional as follows:
Default functions:
audio volume adjustment function zoom selector
In edit:
zoom: scrolling and press confirmation volume: bigger steps of scrolling and escape/cancel by pressing
1.2.1 USB and SD port
An A-size USB port is situated on the front panel. The port is exclusively used for data transfer and firmware updates. The customer can also easily update the firmware. The SD port is only used when a Flarm is connected (Flarm Red Box, Swiss Flarm and optionally Flarm Mini Box). The SD port makes direct communication with Flarm possible, which means downloading of flights stored in Flarm, uploading of declaration and also Flarm updating.
1.2.2 Connections
On the back side of the unit there are following connectors:
4x 485 system bus (Zeus 2.8 has 2x 485)* 2x CAN bus** Colibri II port (5V and data)*** Flarm port (12 V power and data)**** 2x Flarm display outputs 1x Flarm SD 1x OAT plug to connect OAT sensor
Zeus 5.5/7.0 with AHRS:
1x Pst connector 1x Ptot connector 1x USB (not in use)
* 485 connects LX Zeus to:
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USB D 60 Vario unit Remote control stick Secondary Vario indicators Compass module Voice module
** CAN bus:
Connects Second seat unit
*** Colibri II port:
Makes possible to arrange direct connection of LX Zeus to Colibri II only via cable (special cable
required, is included when purchased together) **** Flarm port can be also used to connect any other GPS source which has an IGC standard connector. For instance: Colibri LX 20, VL… If Flarm is connected, two Flarm displays can be connected to the system by using Display 1 and Display 2 plugs. The SD connector is directly connected to the micro-SD card reader on the front of the Zeus.
1.3 Software
SW package is completely developed by LX Navigation and is running on Linux operation system. The logic used kept the well-known LX Navigation philosophy, but some new approaches have been involved. The SW is continuously developed and upgrades are regularly published. Upgrades of SW can easily be done by user without requiring any passwords. Contact your dealer to get notified of future updates.
1.4 Technical data
Computer module 4.3, 5.5, 7.0, 8.0:
4.3, 5.5, 7.0 or 8.0 inch sunshine readable anti-glare display Landscape or portrait orientation Power requirements: typically 400 mA at 12 V (may vary due to backlight intensity settings) 8 push buttons 2 rotary switches with push functions USB size A port SD card reader (for Flarm only)
Computer module Zeus 2.8:
2.8 inch sunshine readable antiglare display Power requirements: typically 300 mA at 12 V Layout: 80 mm size, landscape only orientation 8 push buttons 2 rotary switches with push functions USB size A port SD card reader (for Flarm only)
Vario module (USB D 60):
57 mm air norm (60x60 mm) Optionally 80 mm Mechanical needle with colour display Power consumption: 120 mA at 12 485 bus compatible unit
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1.5 Operation and controls
8 push buttons and two rotary switches are used to control the Zeus. LX Navigation Remote Stick or LX joy can also be used to control the unit.
Push buttons are divided into two groups. Group of 5 buttons situated between the two rotary switches are meant for system inputs. All five buttons support two functions; long or short press. Short press activates the top labelled function and long press (approximately 2 seconds) activates secondary function, which is labelled below the top one. Next three push buttons are used during navigation to switch between navigation modes. These buttons do not support long press functions.
1.5.1 System push buttons (5)
Vario / Flarm TSK / Move Stat / Event Select / Near Setup / Info VARIO / FLARM button
VARIO (short press): input of MC, Ballast, Bugs and QNH FLARM (long press): activation of Flarm radar screen Explanation of VARIO screen
Load Factor
Wing load
Wing load and MAX Wing load allowed
Polar in use
Theoretic speed at current MC setting
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- 12 - TSK / MOVE button
TSK: task management, for next actions use press buttons near to the labels MOVE: executing of move function by AAT STAT / EVENT button
STATISTICS: flight and task statistics EVENT: activation of Event function in Colibri II SELECT / NEAR button
SELECT: selection of APT, TP, TSK, Airspace and activation of Pan mode (see flying) NEAR: activation of near function (Landable points / Markers, Turnpoints, Airspaces…)
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- 13 - SETUP / INFO button
SETUP: direct access to Setup menu
INFO: information about GPS source, and other data, system configuration (latest software
version), selected pilot with all data, glider configuration and sunrise/sunset time. Here you can find
also a message about disabled AHRS.
1.5.2 Navigation push buttons (3)
Three buttons are used to leaf through the navigation menus of LX Zeus.
APT SUBP 1-4 APT button (Airport, Turn point, Task)
After each press the next mode will be selected. This will only change the main page. SUBP button (Subpage)
SUBP (subpage): after every push, subpage of APT, TP or TSK screen will open. The procedure is circular.
1st subpage is divided into two parts. The upper
part consists of vertical terrain profile and lower
part consists of Airport / TP data and TSK
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subpage is divided into map and 3D terrain display or Artificial horizon (AHRS), if it is the part of the system. First navigation subpage
First navigation subpage is available after press on SUBP button and this is valid for all three navigation modes. The page is divided into two sections. Upper section is reserved for vertical terrain profile, the lower part shows
APT and TP data / circling log/ wind at different altitudes. Subpage at TSK shows task’s statistics by legs / circling log / wind at different altitudes. Switching between lower info can be done after press on 1-4 button.
Vertical terrain profile shows glider position regarding to the terrain and the airspace. Final glide profile for MC 0 and actual MC is also visualized as a cone.
The terrain is shown in all 3 pages (TP, APT, TSK). The profile of the terrain is chosen according to the terrain from current position to selected TP, APT and through all TPs on the TSK. The terrain mode also shows the airspaces in a vertical profile with different colours. With Zoom knob you can adjust the scale. Second navigation subpage
This page shows 3D terrain data regarding to glider present position. If the artificial horizon is integrated in the Zeus, then the second navigation page will be an artificial horizon (AHRS).
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To select next bottom row which is still empty simply press on 1-4 button. 1-4 button
LX Zeus uses the bottom row for NAV BOX presentation. Infinite variants are fully programmable and selectable by the 1-4 push button.
The colours, transparency and presentation of the bottom NAV BOX container is a matter of custom design. See more in Setup Layout.
Actual bottom row variant is shown by a number (1-4) which is located in the right lower corner of ZEUS screen. Custom creation of bottom rows (NAV BOX row)
Any NAV BOX position can be custom designed. The procedure starts after a long press on Zoom button. A yellow marked window shows ready status.
Rotate Zoom to find position for your NAV BOX and press Zoom. A list of possible NAV BOX information will open. Rotate Zoom to find NAV BOX of interest and confirm it with press on Zeus. Bottom row layout
Bottom row can be positioned on the bottom of the display and as well on the top (in fact any position can be chosen). The info row can be used as single row, double or triple row. For more information see Setup/Layout.
Examples of bottom row layouts
Editing of bottom row is also possible during flight.
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1.6 Rotary Switches
Both rotary switches are multifunctional; their basic functions are audio volume adjustment and zoom adjustment. The push function on the rotary switches also offers significant help connected with editing and selection.
1.6.1 Zoom Rotary switch
Its direct function is the selection of zoom factor (scale of the map) in graphic page. After every change a new scale factor will be selected and the actual scale is shown as 1: xxxxxx and not in kilometres or Nm (as it was in older LX Navigation units). Additional functions of Zoom
After press has been activated the function of Zoom rotary switch will change and the switch will become the most common used switch for LX Zeus operation during editing and selection processes. Any input and also scrolling can be done after using of Zoom switch.
Example 1: update of MC
 press Vario button  select item (MC, Bal..) by Zoom knob (rotate)  press on Zoom knob  adjust new value, rotating Zoom or Volume  press on Zoom to confirm it  press on Volume knob to escape
1.6.2 Audio volume rotary switch
The volume adjustment can be done for vario (in vario mode) and for SC (in SC mode) A bar will show audio volume status after rotation.
Press on Zoom should be used after any attempt to make inputs. After press immediate inputs are possible when rotating the knob.
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The main secondary function of volume rotary switch is its press function. When pressed in edit mode will execute jump out of the menu. The push function isn’t active in navigation menus (APT, TP and TSK). After activation all already done edit inputs will remain, so the button is not a cancel button. By pressing the volume button in TP, APT in TSK menu, the shortcut to select the TP, APT or TSK will open. Scrolling audio switch will increase volume by 5%. During input of numbers and letters, rotating will delete wrong input character and move cursor one position back.
1.7 Automatic jump out of edit
If you get lost in edit, simply don’t touch any command for approximately 15 seconds and the unit will change back to the last selected menu. This time out in seconds can be set in Setup/User interface/Auto close
inactivity time out.
1.8 Display organization and management
Additionally to geographic map there are also several extra indicators which make the display information much more effective than a fixed predetermined solution. How to create custom design is explained in Setup/Layout. Customization of the display doesn’t require any special tools or a computer; all this can be done in the Zeus by using the rotary switches and push buttons.
1.8.1 Display organization
LX Zeus display consists of the following:
geographic map bottom row (navigation boxes) indicators (header is also an indicator) Indicators
Indicators are elements of the display, which can be edited (existence, size, position, transparency). See Setup/Layout for details.
Available indicators are:
Header Speed indicator Sliding speed indicator Variometer (bar) Variometer classic (needle) Wind indicator Final glide indicator (selected MC) Final glide indicator (MC 0.0) Thermal assistant Compass Compass needle Compass assistant Airspace info Limitations (Start conditions)
Speed ind.
Final glide Wind
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Map scale AHRS Flaps position Flarm indicator Bottom row customization
Bottom row consists of NAV BOXes which are all custom specific, which means that the pilot is able to create his own configuration. The procedure is extremely simple and also executable during flight. The configuration may differ regarding to mode of operation. The procedure starts with long press on zoom. After long press the first NAV BOX becomes a frame. Rotating of the zoom button can move the position of the frame. As the correct frame position is reached, pressing zoom again will open a list of available NAV BOXes.
Available NAV BOXES are:
Indicated air speed True air speed Ground speed Vario Average vario Netto vario Average netto vario Relative vario Altitude QFE Altitude QNH Altitude QNH in ft
Maximal altitude QNH
Altitude IGC Altitude GPS Above ground level Circling radius Flight level Thermal gain Thermal last 30 Thermal average Thermal all Set MacCready Sink speed Final glide (selected MC) Final glide (MC 0.0) Time on task Time on leg Time to go Required speed Task speed
Task elapsed distance
Task remaining distance Task delta time Team code Team bearing Team distance Leg speed Recommended flaps position Wind speed Wind direction Air temperature
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Distance in NM to selected TP/APT
Distance to selected TP/APT Off course distance OLC distance OLC home distance OLC speed Horizontal distance from airspace Vertical distance from airspace Arrival altitude Estimated time en route ETE Current efficiency TP/APT/Task Required efficiency TP/APT/Task Track TP/APT/Task Bearing TP/APT/Task Radial TP/APT Compass heading Digital clock Analog clock Flying time ETA (current speed) TP/APT/Task ETA (average speed) TP/APT/Task ETA (MacCready speed) TP/APT/Task GPS position Battery GPS signal
To terminate the process, press the volume button. There is an infinite number of bottom rows available, selectable with 1-4 push button. To create a new row
simply press 1-4 and a new row will open. The display configuration may consist of one, two or three bottom rows. See Setup/Layout for details. Header customization
Customization of the header should be done in the similar way as by bottom row. After a long press on volume the customization can start. Size of indicators can be adjusted by rotating Volume button. Box types can be selected after press on Zoom button. Rotating the zoom button will give the option to select the position for the indicator.
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2 Setup
Setup menu is available after short press on SETUP labelled push button. The menu is divided into two sections (Pilot and System settings). System settings are settings that are valid for the whole system and are not pilot specific data. Pilot connected items may vary from pilot to pilot and depend on individual requirements. Suitable symbols with text will help you to find the menu of interest.
use Zoom button and rotate it to find out menu of
interest (selected menu size will increase)
use push function of Zoom to enter menu.
2.1 Pilot specific settings
The data stored in this part of Setup are pilot specific data. After pilot selection during booting, the data of individual pilot becomes active. All settings are saved to the personal saved pilot profile and are active when the pilot is selected (reserve altitude, logger settings, NAV BOX line, layout settings, task colours etc…)
2.1.1 Pilot
Pilots name and certain personal data can be stored. All stored pilot names will be offered during booting. Selection of one pilot is mandatory. The system offers one name called as DEFAULT - can be used as a default pilot. Furthermore plenty of empty positions are offered and this can be used for pilot names input. Additionally to the name some additional parameters can be entered, such as pilot’s weight, default ballast and reserve altitude – all that will be calculate into final glide. TDT calculation (task delta time)
This information can only be visualized as navbox and present only in case of task time being set. If task time is set the unit will recognise this task as assigned area task (AAT). The only function of TDT is to inform the pilot of early or late arrival.
For TDT calculation you can choose between 4 different options:
Average task speed is based on current task speed.
MacCready is based on actual based MC value
Ground speed is based on average ground speed in last 20 seconds.
Combined (default*) is based on multiple parameters including: selected MC, wind sped/direction,
polar, bugs, ballast, reserve altitude. AAT calculation
To help the pilot to optimize distance inside sector we offer pilot equidistant lines. This feature is only available in automatic AAT mode. Flying along this lines will not increase the distance but only lose time on task. You should fly perpendicular to the lines.
All settings active at the moment of new pilot creation under “Pilot” will be adopted.
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AAT calculation offers two options:
Automatic (default)
This method doesn’t need any pilot assistant at all, so pilot can turn to next turn point at any time without using any command. Zeus will automatically detect optimal point in every sector on task. Switch to next turnpoint is performed by
o Reaching the line which is crossing centre of the sector or already moved turnpoint. Reaching
this point will only switch navigation to next turnpoint (for your information). You can still proceed inside this sector and Zeus will find optimal position inside the sector to start new leg. New leg in statistics will start automatically when optimal point is reached.
o Leaving active sector. When you are more than 5km out of the sector. This is done only if there
was no automatic switch inside sector (you didn’t cross the line over center of sector or moved point) or if you didn’t manually press Next TP button inside the sector.
o Using Next TP button. You can always use this command without influencing statistics. You will
change only navigation data.
Manual requires manual action in every sector on task. You need to press Next TP button to switch
to next Turnpoint. Position at which next tp button was pressed is then used for task statistic calculation. In case of wrong decision pilot should use leg restart function, and when he is ready again he should press next TP again.
Limiting altitude means setting of altitude limit that will turn on the altitude warning alert. You can also save user (pilot) settings to the USB stick and import user by pressing the buttons: Import user (VARIO/FLARM) and Save user (TSK/MOVE). There is also an option to put a password to each pilot profile, to prevent, that other pilots flying with the same unit will be able to change settings to the pilot (this function was especially developed for flying in the aero club). After press on clear password a password will be removed, also valid for delete user.
2.1.2 Audio settings
This menu defines audio configuration. The audio generator is a part of the vario unit (USB D 60), but settings are stored in LX Zeus.
Speed command mode:
Defines audio in SC, there are several variants the
most common used setting is both which means no beep indication by positive deflections.
Speed command volume:
Defines audio volume in SC, may be increased
Vario tone:
Defines audio in vario mode, you can adjust
frequencies and also types of audio, use Test
vario after adjustment
Alarm: The audio generator is also capable to generate
some alarms (warnings), combining two frequencies. Set frequencies and time intervals and use Test to check.
Use Test vario option to play the audio variant. It is important to change over to SC before test;
otherwise vario audio variant will be
The frequencies set are also valid for SC audio.
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2.1.3 Voice
In case that LX Voice Module is a part of the system following settings can be arranged. Enable or disable all functions is possible after press on screen buttons. Voice unit should be selected at SETUP / GLIDER – voice unit present (icon – CHECK)
Voice volume: defines volume of expressed
Vario mixer: defines volume proportion
General Information:
Enable or disable general information about pilot,
plane and elevation
Task Information:
Enable or disable information about task, turn
point, final glide and time
Enable or disable warnings
Enable or disable information about Flarm and
2.1.4 Vario settings
Settings in this menu define vario characteristics and some other important inputs connected to vario and speed command.
vario filter defines dynamic of vario needle. Lower
number means faster reaction and vice versa.
smart varioIntegration time (display on vario unit)  vario scale, three options (2.5, 5 and 10 m/s) (5,
10 and 20 kts, if defined in Units)
Silence range, defines no audio area around zero
by speed command
SC switching threshold, changeover speed which
will change from Vario to SC in case of Auto setting
Automatic SC switching, defines way of automatic
change over to SC
External switch mode*, determinates external SC
switch status which change over to SC
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*LX Zeus has a connection for an external speed command switch, which is wired to the vario unit (USB
D 60). With using an external switch it is possible to switch between SC and Vario manually. Setting the
External switch mode to ON means that closing of the switch will cause SC mode, and setting External switch mode to OFF means that closing the switch will select Vario mode. There is a third option by setting External switch mode to Toggle and connecting a push button. Now each press will toggle between SC
and Vario (obligatory setting when using the LX Remote).
2.1.5 Indicators
By Indicator, the vario indicator with its mechanical needle and colour graphic display is meant. One indicator is incorporated into USB D 60 vario unit. The system is also capable to drive secondary indicators. Secondary indicators may be simple repeaters or may also indicate different data sets, all depends on indicator address. Vario unit is always addressed as Number 1, secondary indicators can be addressed from 1 up to four.
In general every indicator consists of: mechanical needle, SC dot, needle status indicator, upper / lower digital indicator, battery indicator and GPS signal indicator. It is important to point out that the settings should be done separately for vario and SC mode of operation. A radial moving dot serves as a continuous speed to fly indicator, this cannot be changed.
Some explanations of terms:
Vario needle : means needle function in vario mode, alternatives; vario, Netto*, SC, Relative** SC needle: means needle function in SC mode, alternative; Netto, Relative, Vario Vario upper nr: display indication by option: integrator, time, flight time, leg time Vario lower nr: display indication by option: altitude, distance, glide difference, true air speed, leg
speed, QNH, flight level
SC upper nr: display indication by option: integrator, time, flight time, leg time
Setting: ON
Status: VAR
Setting: OFF
Status: SC
Setting: ON
Status: SC
Setting: OFF
Status: VAR
SC* dot ind.
Needle status indicator
Lower num. indicator
Upper num.
SC, Marked
SC, Marked cable
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SC lower nr: display indication by option: altitude, distance, glide difference, true air speed, leg
speed, QNH, flight level Secondary indicators
Secondary indicators should be connected via 485 system bus. There are three 9P connectors at the back of the unit. All contacts are absolutely parallel, so it doesn’t matter which one is occupied. The unit can be also used as 485 system bus splitter. To define indicator number use DIP switches which you find at the back of the unit.
After indicator functions have been defined, switch the unit off and then on again, this procedure will memorize the settings and you will be able to adjust settings on Zeus.
2.1.6 Flarm
This menu is mainly used to adapt flarm objects visualization on Zeus display. The only executive command which can be send to flarm unit is privacy mode. Activation of privacy mode will send flarm unit into so­called stealth mode, which means that the data which are transmitted to and from flarm unit are limited.
Others commands:
show objects till zoom command (defines zoom till
flarm object will appear on the map)
default flarm collor (custom designed color of flarm
x x
x x
Note! Indicators which operate in second seat, should be connected to second seat with 485 bus
* Vertical speed of air mass ** Vertical speed – 0.8 m/s
Setting Altitude QNH means Altitude
indication in ft, doesn’t matter what is
set in Units.
Units having Adr1 will simply repeat what is displayed on the vario. Higher addresses make different sets possible.
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use above/below color coding (makes possible to
define above and below color of flarm objects)
2.1.7 Logger - Flight recorder settings
LX Zeus uses Colibri II as an IGC approved flight recorder. Both units collaborate so that all necessary settings can be sent to flight recorder (Colibri II) via Zeus meaning that no actions on Colibri II are necessary. Recording interval is set to 9 seconds per default; event repetitions are set to 20 and event fix interval to 1.
Extra recording means that user can select also recording of Ground speed into log file.
This menu is usable only if Colibri II is connected to
Zeus. If you change settings, these settings won’t
change in Flarm or any other Loggers.
In a double seat configuration the second seat pilot is also able to change logger settings. The process is equal as on first seat.
2.1.8 Airspace management
All settings connected to AS management are available in this menu.
Example of Hide airspace above
You can set maximal vertical and horizontal distance to which airspaces in Airspace info box on map are displayed. If there isn't any airspace that fulfill this conditions Airspace info box will not appear.
Hide above QNH altitude to disable airspaces that are above set QNH altitude.
You can disable audio warnings (on vario “didldil”) when airspace warning appear on the
Pilot and glider data are sent after task Declaration process has been executed. See section flying.
Hide above airplane
option will remove airspace
sections which are higher than set. This will reduce load on graphic page significantly.
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Zeus (warning with dismiss buttons).
Default warnings for airspaces are set to 2 km horizontally and 100 m vertically, but these warning settings can be adjusted. Warning timeout at take off is pre-set to 5 minutes, which means, that first 5
minutes after take off there won’t be any airspace warnings.
2.1.9 Wind
LX Zeus is able to measure wind under different methods. The method can be selected in Wind menu. Wind calculation results are shown as a standalone indicator in main graphic page and also as NAV BOX if set.
Pilot can choose between two circling methods, which measures wind during circling and two straight model methods during straight flight Circling method
Speed difference is based on ground speed (GS) oscillation due to wind influence in circling. The
method is active exclusively during climbing process. During straight flight the wind data remain unchanged. The process is started (automatically) after circling is detected. After two* circles wind indication (direction and speed) will be updated. The method is based on fact that the ground speed is affected by wind. GS is maximal by tailwind and minimal by head wind. This phenomenon is used by GS difference calculation method. To increase reliability two turns are necessary for a new result. To get result the pilot should do two turns as a minimum, more turns will improve result. Note that up to 90 degrees more is required, as some time is needed to detect circling status. It is important to keep constant speed during circling.
Position drift calculates wind regarding to position offset during circling. Such a method needs
more circles (from 4 up to 8). Number of circles should be set in Drift circles option. If both methods, straight model and position drift are selected Zeus indicates a combined result. Straight model
None: if you select none, you will have the wind from the latest circling method
Iterative: This method will update wind even in straight flight, but when you are circling, Zeus will
automatically switch to circling method. The result of this method is wind speed and direction. This method does not supplement Head/Tail method and gives good results in case of accurate IAS reading.
Compass: Compass module should be connected to the unit on 485 bus. Wind calculation is based
on well-known wind triangle method. Airspeed, ground speed and wind create a triangle of vectors. A compass device offers magnetic heading, which defines direction of airspeed vector. To measure wind by compass a straight flight with speed and direction as stable as possible is required.
Show on zoom, defines appearance of particular airspace sections on the display. Appearance is connected to zoom. AS warning can be set as active or as not active ().
*Compass is a standalone electronic device which can be connected to LX Zeus 485 bus. Integrated AHRS option also offers the same functions. The unit’s task is delivering of magnetic course to Zeus computer.
Compass option is available only if compass is connected.
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Head/Tail – no circling method needed (shows difference between GS and IAS)  Time for straight flight: time in seconds that will be taken for one measurement (valid for straight
model). Longer period means better result. Valid only for Compass method and not for Component.
Drift circles: means how many circles are required to calculate the position drift.  Compass assistant: is a special symbol that appears on the display and helps to keep flight
parameters (speed and direction) stable during calculation. Manual wind settings
Set manually - user can set manually wind speed and direction Influence of wind in final glide
The actual wind data (speed and direction) influences the final glide calculation. In task mode the final glide indication is based on remaining distance over all TP until finish (not over already flown turn points). Wind influence for individual legs is based on actual wind data. Using of component method will define wind direction on actual track and this value will be taken into final glide calculation.
2.1.10 Graphics (User Interface)
In User interface the pilot can adjust most of graphics, except for the layout which has its own menu. All settings are saved to currently selected pilot profile. Map settings
Under map settings menu user can select map palette colours, glider image, map orientation, distance circles on the map, range… Map palette
To change map colours regarding to pilot personal requirements, use this menu. There are 12 different map schemes offered. You can also edit 5 user defined map
schemes. The last option is to disable map (very useful if
you want to see only airspaces and task data).
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Glider image icon can be in all colours and can also be adjusted by size.
Colour white Size 25 (maximum size can be 60) Map Orientation
The map orientation of LX Zeus can be used in three different ways as follows:
Track up (The glider always points to the top of the screen) North up (North is always on the top of the screen) Track circ north(Combination of track up and north up regarding to flight status (circling, straight
flight)) Distance circles
In this section it is possible to select number, size and colour of distance circles on the map. Range (graphic glide reach)
Activation of this feature shows glide range curve from actual position to all direction. This curve is not necessary a circle due to the in calculated elevation. Show range from zoom defines appearance of feature regarding of zoom settings (Set on never - function not active) Next three setting are connected to fill colour, outline colour and outline width.
Range is calculated and displayed by using following parameters:
Reserve altitude glider polar MC ballast bugs elevation wind
Note: Range is than displayed only in TP and APT view.
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