Technical Data Sheet
Mixing System
GM 1192
The mixing group GM 1192 is a regulation group which combines a
number of components in a single device able to maintain a pre-set
temperature in the radiant panels circuit of mixed heating systems. The
temperature in the panels is kept constant by a regulating valve which
mixes hot water coming from the boiler with the low temperature one
circulating in the panels. The GM 1192 can be connected directly to
Luxor manifolds for radiant panels by means of a G 1” male fitting with
soft seal. This makes the GM 1192 particularly convenient, since
it can be kept in stock as a modular component.
Moreover, the GM 1192 makes mixed heating systems extremely
flexible, since the regulation group can be adjusted to meet the future
requirements of the secondary circuit. It is therefore possible to expand
the radiant panels system simply by adding outlets, without temperature
or pressure issues downstream of the group.
The GM 1192 can be set both to increase the heating capacity
and to balance pressure drops.
Finally, thanks to its great regulation capacity, the GM 1192 allows to
make the secondary circuit independent from the primary in case of
replacement of important parts of the system, for example when a new
boiler with a different operating principle is installed. By means of the
bypass circuit, the circulation pump can keep on operating at design
This type of system can supply a max thermal power of 20 kW with a
temperature of the primary circuit of ≥ 70°C.
Max. differential pressure:
Regulation range on the bypass:
Max. temperature on primary circuit:
Max. working temperature on
secondary circuit:
Temperature adjustment range on
secondary circuit:
Connections on primary circuit (to
Connections to secondary manifold:
Adjustment range of therm. head:

CW 617 N – DW UNI-EN 12165:2016
CW 614 N – DW UNI-EN 12164:2016
Nickel-plated annealed copper
CW 617 N – DW UNI-EN 12165:2016; CW 614 N – DW UNI-EN 12164:2016
Transparent plastic material

GM 1192
Fixed point regulation group for floor heating systems, with
pump connection and thermostatic head.
GM 1193
Fixed point regulation group for floor heating systems with
pump connection.
1. Thermostatic regulating valve (boiler
delivery) controlled by thermostatic
head with remote probe, 0-10V
electrothermal head or 3-point or 010V electric motor
3. Ball valve for pump interception and
balancing of the secondary circuit
5. Secondary circuit shut-off valve and
safety valve (boiler return)
7. Automatic air vent valve
9. 3-piece union fittings with soft sealing
10. Fitting for circulation pump connection
13. Safety thermostat seat