LUMISCOPE 2000-T Operation Manual

Transcutaneous Electrical
Nerve Stimulation
(TENS) Device
Model 2000-T
Operation Manual
Read this manual before operating the TENS device. Save this manual for future reference.
contentS.of.thIS.2000-t.kIt Product.SPecIfIcatIonS InStructIonS.for.uSInG.the.2000-t uSInG.eLectrodeS: carInG.for.the.2000-t trouBLeShootInG: Warranty
Packaging, warranties, products, and specications are
subject to change without notice. GF Health Products, Inc. is not responsible for typographical errors.
2000-T TENS 2
This device is restricted to sale or use by or on the order of a physician licensed in the state in which he or she is practicing. It is to be used solely for the symptomatic relief of chronic in­tractable pain.
1. Do not place the TENS electrodes over the carotid artery (neck) region.
2. Patients with implanted electronic devices (for example, a pacemaker) or metallic im­plants should not undergo TENS treatment without rst consulting a physician.
3. Do not apply the TENS electrodes so that current passes transcerebrally (through the head).
4. The use of TENS whenever pain symptoms are undiagnosed and the etiology has not been established.
To the Patient
You have been diagnosed as having a type of pain discomfort that may be alleviated by the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. The
2000-T TENS 3
2000-T generates electrical pulses that are sent through the electrodes which are placed over nerve centers. The various pulses employed by 2000-T can block pain signals normally sent to the brain through nerve bers, thereby inter­rupting the brain’s awareness of pain. The 2000-T may activate the release of endorphins which are chemicals used by the body to suppress pain naturally.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is:
- Safe.
- Non-invasive.
- Non-pharmaceutical.
- Non-addictive.
Many clinical studies have shown the effective­ness of TENS for the relief of pain. Your 2000-T can reduce the need for pharmaceuticals if used as prescribed by your physician. Abide by the warnings and contraindications listed in this manual when undergoing TENS treatment.
2000-T TENS 4
WarnInG:.Indicates.a.potential.hazard.situ­ation.or.unsafe.practice.that,.if.not.avoided,. injury.
Caution: Indicates a potential hazard or un­safe practice that, if not avoided, could result in minor personal injury or product/property damage.
Warnings been.established.
WarnInG:.the.effectiveness.of.tenS.for. pain.of.central.origin, has.not.been.established. only.under.the.continued.supervision.of.a. physician.
WarnInG:.tenS.devices.have.not.been.­ment,­ a.protective.mechanism.
2000-T TENS 5
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