Linux Driver
Visual Presenter
User Manual
Table of Content
1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................1
2. INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................1
3. CAMERA SETTING............................................................................................................. 2
4. BASIC OPERATION............................................................................................................ 3
4.1. Use in Gstreamer ..................................................................................................................................3
4.2. Use in Sound Recorder ........................................................................................................................4
4.3. Use in Skype..........................................................................................................................................4
4.4. Use in Xsane..........................................................................................................................................6
5. TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................7
5.1. Checking that driver installation is complete ....................................................................................7
5.2. Removing the driver .............................................................................................................................7
Date: 2009 July
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1. System Requirements
1.1. CPU:1GHz or better processor
1.2. RAM: 512 MB
1.3. Available Disk Space: 100 MB
1.4. USB 2.0 Host
2. Installation
2.1. Connect the power cord of the Visual Presenter and press the power button on the Visual
2.2. Remove the USB cable from Computer and Visual Presenter.
2.3. Launch the Linux Terminal application.
2.4. Key in the following command:
sudo dpkg –i visualpresenterlv1_ubuntu8.10-1.0.0_i386.deb or
sudo dpkg –i visualpresenterlv1_ubuntu9.04-1.0.0_i386.deb
<Note> Please remove the current driver version before upgrading to a new driver. For
more information, refer to 4.Troubleshooting 4.2 How do I remove the driver in this
2.5. Add user to video, audio group, key in the following command:
sudo gpasswd –a username video
sudo gpasswd –a username audio
2.6. Once the USB driver installation was completed, please connect one end of the USB cable to
2.7. Reboot the system now.
The username depends on which user you logged in
the Visual Presenter and the other to the USB port on your computer
Quick Start Guide 3. I/O Connection).
(refer to Visual Presenter
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3. Camera Setting
3.1. Launch the Linux Terminal application.
Key in the following command: vpcamerasetting
3.3. Basic :
Name Function
Auto Tune
Focus +/-
Zoom +/-
3.4. Advanced
Name Function
Automatically adjust focal length on an object.
Automatically adjust the image to have the best brightness and focusing
Manually adjust the brightness of the image.
Manually adjust focal length on an object.
Turn on / off the lamp.
switch a part of the live image
Rotate the image by 0°/90°/180°/270°.
Increase or decrease the image size.
Enter/Activate functions.
Move up, down, left or right to select the needed function.
Capture the image to the SD card (priority) or internal memory.
Freeze the current image to temporarily stay on the screen. Press again to defreeze.
Activate the setting menu function/exit menu.
PBP (Picture by picture): Compare live images with captured image files.
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