
Revision Number: 1.0.0
Distribution Date: MAY. 2018
Copyrights Notice
Copyright : 2006-2018 LUMANTEK Co., Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
This document contains information that is proprietary to LUMANTEK. CO., LTD. The
information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, LUMANTEK
assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this
document, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights to third parties resulting
from its use.
This publication may contain technical issues, inaccurate information or typos. These will be
revised in revised editions, if there is any. No part of this publication is subject to be
reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms, or any means without
prior consent by LUMANTEK.
X-CruiserTM, DTA-PlusTM, Media BlasterTM, are Trademarks of Lumantek. Co., Ltd.
Any other trademarks than stated above in this document belongs to its pertinent
Warranty Period
Lumantek's products comes with One (1) year limited warranty. Please contact below if you
need more information.
TEL : +82 - (0)2-6947-7400
FAX: +82 - (0)2-6947-7440

Installation Precautions
This page states the safety measures the users must take to avoid circumstances where the system may
occur physical damages or injuries. Please THOROUGHLY go over this page before the system installation/operation.
General Precautions
Maintain dust FREE condition during and after System Installation/Operation.
Please place the system cover in a safe location when opened.
Securely stow tools and cables away from the passages.
Avoid wearing loosened clothes or accessories during installation/Operation.
Avoid any unnecessary actions that may damage/harm system or personnel.
Do NOT open the system unless advised by Lumantek representative.
Lumantek takes no responsibility on units with broken RMA seals.
Power Precautions
Please check cable overload before connecting the system to the power supply.
Avoid wearing metal accessories (Rings, Earrings) connecting system to the power source.
Avoid operating on wet floors. Make sure power extension cables, floors, and instruments are
grounded and in a safe operating condition.
Please discharge static electricity by touching grounding metals before starting hardware installation.
The grounding parts must be disassembled last.
Manufacture takes no responsibilities on Direct/Indirect losses or damages
due to use of inappropriate parts or services by unauthorized service provider
Supplying power during the system installation may cause damages to the system and personnel.
AC Power Precautions
This unit utilizes AC power, the cord comes with a grounding function.
Please connect the system to the power socket with groundings.
Use Green/Yellow 0.75mm2 (18AWG) or higher grade grounding cables.
Do NOT block power sockets with tools or boxes. Please keep it clear at all times.

01. Introduction
LUMANTEK’s ez-Distributor is a 14 channels distributor in 1RU size. It has 1 x HDMI and 1 x
3G-SDI inputs, and 2 x HDMI outputs and 12 x 3G-SDI outputs. You can embed external audio
and de-embed incoming video audio. With 2.7 inch TFT LCD screen, you can check input Video
Display, Audio Meter Display, and Input Video Resolution Display.
① Support SD/HD/3G
② SDI Video In: SD/HD/3G-SDI (BNC 75Ω) x1
③ HDMI Video Input: SD/HD/3G (HDMI Type A) x1
④ SDI Video Output: SD/HD/3G-SDI (BNC 75Ω) x12
⑤ HDMI Video Output: SD/HD/3G (HDMI Type A) x2
⑥ Audio In/Output: XLR (Female) x2, XLR (Male) x2
⑦ 2.7 inch TFT LCD : Input Video Display(SDI or HDMI),
AUDIO Level Meter Display, Input Video Resolution Display