The information i n this manu al is pr ovided wit hout warr anty of a ny kind and is
subject to change wit hout not ice. Luc ent Techno logies Inc. ass umes no respon sibility, and shall have no liability of any kind arising from supply or use of
this publication or any material contained herein.
Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
•The device may not cause harmful interference.
•The device must withstand any interference received, including interfer-
ence that may cause undesired operation.
The Access Point rout er has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when this equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generat es, uses , an d can ra diate radi o-frequen cy e ner gy an d, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interfer ence to radio and televisi on communica tions. Oper ation of thi s
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide III
Important - Please Read
Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the FCC
Class A limits.
The Access Point™ IP Services family comprises a set of bridging routers with advanced bandwidth management and VPN server capabilities.
The Access Point QVPN Builder
monitor a virtual private network of Access Point systems. This guide
explains how to install, configure, and manage the Access Point QVPN
Builder application. Chapter titles and their subject areas are outlined
Chapter TitleAreas Treated
Product OverviewProvides an overview of the Access Point
Installing the QVPN BuilderProvides information about installing Access
Getting Started With Builder Provides general information about the
Managing VPNsExplains how to configure IPSEC tunnels
Managing QoS/Firewall
Managing NATExplains how to configure the Network
Advanced Features of
™ application lets you manage and
QVPN Builder application
Point QVPN Builder
Builder graphical user interface, applicationwide tasks, and associated applications
using VPN definitions
Explains how to set firewall rules and QoS
Address Translator (NAT)
Provides information about preferences,
logging, and user profiles for Builder
. . . . .
The Access Point product is a bridging router with advanced bandwidth
management and VPN capabilities. Configuring any IP routing engine
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide XI
requires considerable experience with routers, hubs, bridges, and other networking devices. In particular, Lucent Technologies assumes that persons
installing, configuring, and managing the Access Point product have several
years of networking experience.
The Access Point QVPN Builder application lets you configure and manage
virtual private networks from a cen tral management stati on. Build er is fl exibl e
enough to provis ion t he sec urit y prof iles , fir ewall rule s, and Quali ty of Servi ce
policies for small or large VPNs.
This guide uses the following conventions.
•Bold indicates items that you select from the Builder application.
•Italics indicates command.
•A vertical bar | between elements indicates that you must choose one of
•Square brackets [ ] indicate optional elements.
•Parentheses ( ) contain a group from which you make a selection.
•Angle bracket s < > con tain a n element that y ou sp ecify, suc h as a name o r
an address.
•Ellipses ... following a component, subcomponent, or parameter indicate
that it can be repeated.
The following safety symbols are used to call attention to certain topics. To
avoid equipment damage or possible injury, please devote special attention to
these areas and follow all applicable procedures and warnings.
This symbol calls attention to issues or practices that
could cause serious injury to yourself or others if safety
precautions are disregar ded .
CAUTION:This symbol calls attention to issues or practices that
could damage the equipment or cause loss of data if you
disregard the required safety precautions.
XII Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide
Contacting Lucent Support
For questions or probl ems with th e Access Point QVPN Builder app licati on or
the Access Point router, refer to this manual or to the Lucent Technologies
Lucent Worldwide Services Web site at:
If you are not able to find t he he lp you need, contact Lucent Technologi es I nc.
at one of the following locations:
The Access Point QVPN Builder™ applic ation (Builde r) lets you manage
and monitor a virtual private network consisting of Access Point
tems (APs). This application lets you:
As use of the Interne t for busi ness-class application s continues to grow , so
has the importance of virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs use a combination of encryption, authentication, and tunneling techniques to create
secure pathways, or tunnels, between geographicall y separ ated ho sts ove r
a public network infrastructure. Moreover, with the increasing flow of
data over costly infrastructure, bandwidth management and firewalling
capabilities are essential to classify and schedule IP traffic. Setting up
secure tunnels and managing bandwidth and firewalls to protect business
communications among widely dispersed sites can be time-consuming
and costly.
The Access Point QVP N Builder application is a powerful tool that l ets
you create and deploy VPNs easily from a central management station.
While most VPNs must be configured on a host-by-host basis, Builder
enables VPNs to be defined at a single location and exported to defined
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 1
Integrated Applications
sets of hosts (Acce ss Po int systems) without network disrupt ions. Builder also
lets you incorporate firewall and Quality of Service (QoS ) parameters as part
of a VPN definition, allowing you to rate-limit and shape traffic flowing over
tunnels. Thus, you get the benefits of IP QoS integrated within a remotely
managed tunnel framework, or QVPN.
This section provides general information about installing the Access
Point QVPN Builder application (Builder) and performing initial startup
tasks. Read through the installation and initial startup sections to determine specific requirements for those tasks.
Before installing or using Builder, make sure the Access Point systems
(APs) are configured and reachable through SNMP. Otherwise, Builder
will not be able to configure these systems. You must configure the AP
with Access Point version 2.2.1 or later software beforehand (including
SNMP access and routing informat ion) so that the Builder can connect to
each AP to perform its tasks.
The Builder has two versions — standalone and client/server.
The standalone version has these features:
•Installs on a single system
•Supports up to 250 QVPN nodes per VPN (VPN count is limited
by only disk space)
The client/server version has these features:
•Installs on a single server or many clients of the central server
•Supports up to 800 QVPN nodes per VPN (VPN count is limited
by only disk space)
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 5
Installing Builder
This section describes how to install either the standalone or the client/server
version of the Builder on Solaris or Windows NT systems. You will find
instructions fo r installing Bui lder from bot h a CD-ROM and an exec utable file.
Refer to one of the following sections to install the Builder.
•“Installing the Standalone Version on Solaris Systems” on Page 6
•“Installing the Clie nt/Server Version on Solaris Systems” on Page 9
•“Installing the Standalone Version on Windows NT Systems” on Page 13
•“Installing the Client/Server Version on Windows NT Systems” on Page
Builder runs on a Sun SPARC workstation with these system requirements:
•Solaris 2. 6 operating system
•The JDK patches for Solaris SPARC 2.6 (5.6) with these patch IDs:
To download the patches, start at and fol-
low the link s to download the JDK; the patche s are available on the same
page as the JDK. Follow the instructions to load the patch from the
README.sparc file.
•100 MB disk, 256 MB RAM (standalone version)
Builder is distributed on a CD-ROM. LUxavs, the standalone version of the
Builder applica ti on, co me s as a directory pack age that is ready f or i nst allation.
The following procedure describes how to install Builder:
1Make sure you are logged on as a superuser (root).
2To install Builder, enter the following command:
The installation asks if you want to create the installation directory if it
doesn’t already exist.
4Next, the installation asks if you want to run the included scripts as root.
Answer “y”.
5You’ll be asked additional questions about how you want to configure
Builder. After you’ve answered all the questions, the installation begins.
6After the in stallation completes , you can check if the package is installed
or retrieve additional package information by entering the following command:
pkginfo -l -R <installed-package-path> LUxavs
To remove the Builder installation from the system, enter the following
pkgrm -R <installed-package-path> LUxavs
. . . . .
NOTE Be sure to use the pkgrm command to delete the installation,
so files are removed in an orderly manner.
Solaris systems provide man pages for th e various pac kage commands jus t
7After Builder is installed, you can go to the installation directory where
you will find the AccessView subdirectory. The QVPNBuilder script is
located in the bin subdirectory. You can include the path to Build er in your
shell initialization file. You can also create a soft link to the Builder using
the ln -s com mand.
Start Builder with the following command:
> QVPNBuilder
NOTEYou must not be logged on as the superuser when starting the
To install the standalone version of Builder from an executable file, complete
the following steps:
1Make sure you are logged on as a superuser (root).
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 7
Installing Builder
2Copy the xavs2_4_R001.bin program to the appropriate directory.
3Use the chmod +x command (specifying your program file) to change the
privileges so you can execute the program.
4Use the ./xavs2_4_R001.bin command to install the program.
You are asked if you want to con figur e the QVPN Reques t Confi g daemon
to start at system boot as part of the installation procedure. If you reply
with yes, then the necessary boot script files are created and the installation procedure asks if you want to start the QVPN Reques t Config daemon
immediately. If you reply with yes, the Config daemon is started immediately. If you reply with no, you can start the daemon at any time with the
QVPNRequestConfigDaemon command. Refer to “Using the QVPN
Request Config Daemon” on Page 32 for more information.
You will see output simila r to the following:
Installing Lucent Technologies Access Point QVPN Builder Client/Server version: 2.4.B002 02-27-2001...
Checking for available space...
Shutting down the ObjectStore Server in /AV2.4/Acc essView /odi/ostore on host psara.
Shutting down the ObjectStore Cache Manager in /AV2.4/Acce ssView/odi/ostore on host psara.
Shutting down Cache Manager process
010321 140658.168 ObjectStore Release 6.0 Service Pack 4 Database Server
The ObjectStore server is running.
Successfully created /etc/rc2.d/S80ostore4.
Successfully created link from /etc/rc2.d/K80ostore4
to /etc/rc2.d/S80ostore4.
This script will now verify the installation:
The ObjectStore Server daemon process is accessible.
Schema databases are accessible.
The cache manager launcher (/AV2.4/AccessView/odi/ostore/lib/oscminit6)
has correct modes and ownership.
ObjectStore configuration completed.
Do you wish to evolve existing databases ? [yes] no
QVPNBuilder setup ...
Lucent Access Point QVPN Builder configuration completed.
QVPNRequestConfigDaemon setup ...
8 Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide
Do you want the QVPNRequestConfigDaemon configured to start at system boot ? [yes]
Successfully created /etc/rc2.d/S90rcd.
Successfully created link from /etc/rc2.d/K90rcd
to /etc/rc2.d/S90rcd.
Do you want to start the QVPNRequestConfigDaemon now ? [yes]
Lucent Access Point QVPN Builder 2.4.B002 02-27-2001 Installation Complete:
To start the QVPN Builder application run /AV2.4/AccessView/bin/QVPNBuilder
To start the Tunnel Status application run /AV2.4/AccessView/bin/TunnelStatus
To start the Traffic Status application run /AV2.4/AccessView/bin/TrafficStatus
To control the Request Config Daemon use the "/etc/rc2.d/S90rcd <start|stop>" command
Note that the Tunnel Status and Traffic Status applications were installed
and can be run. Refe r to “Usin g the Traffic Status and Tunnel Status Appli-
cations” on Page 29 for more information.
Installing Builder
. . . . .
5You can include the path to Builder in your shell in itializatio n file. You can
also create a soft link to the Builder using the ln -s comman d. The Builder
executable file is located in the directory where you installed the application.
After installing Builder, you can start up the application with this command:
> QVPNBuilder
NOTEYou must not be logged on as the superuser when starting the
To uninstall the application, execute this command as the superuser:
# ./uninstall
This procedure keeps the AccessView directories for upgrade purposes. To
completely remove the application, delete the AccessView directory.
Builder runs on a Sun SPARC workstation with these system requirements:
•Solaris 2. 6 operating system
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 9
Installing Builder
•The JDK patches for Solaris SPARC 2.6 (5.6) with these patch IDs:
To download the patches, start at and fol-
low the link s to download the JDK; the patche s are available on the same
page as the JDK. Follow the instructions to load the patch from the
README.sparc file.
•200 MB disk, 256 MB RAM (client/server version)
If you already have Builder V2.1 installed on your system, it is
recommended that you install V2.4 directly over it without
uninstalling the V2.1 software to ensure that the existing
databases are evolved properly.
If you install Builder V2.4 in a different directory than the one in
which V2.1 was installed, see Page 18 for information about
how to evolve the existing databases manually.
Builder is distributed on a CD-ROM. LUxavd, the database (client/server) version of the Builder application, comes as a directory package that is ready for
installation. The following procedure describes how to install Builder:
1Make sure you are logged on as a superuser (root).
2To install Builder, enter the following command:
Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files [y,n,?,q]
The installation asks if you want to create the installation directory if it
doesn't already exist.
5Next, the installation asks if you want to run the included scripts as root.
Answer “y”.
10 Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide
Installing Builder
6You’ll be asked additional questions about how you want to configure
Builder , including whether you want to insta ll as a cl ie nt or a ser ver. After
you’ve answere d all the questions, the installation begins.
7After the in stallation completes , you can check if the package is installed
or retrieve additional package i nformation by entering the follo wing command:
pkginfo -l -R <installed-package-path> LUxavd
To remove the Builder installation from the system, enter the following
pkgrm -R <installed-package-path> LUxavd
NOTE Be sure to use the pkgrm command to delete the installation,
so files are removed in an orderly manner.
Solaris systems provide man pages for th e various pac kage commands jus t
. . . . .
8After Builder is installed, you can go to the installation directory where
you will find the AccessView subdirectory. The QVPNBuilder script is
located in the bin subdirectory. You can include the path to Build er in your
shell initialization file. You can also create a soft link to the Builder using
the ln -s com mand.
Start Builder with the following command:
> QVPNBuilder
NOTEYou must not be logged on as the superuser when starting the
T o install the client/server version of Builder from an executable file, complete
the following steps:
2Copy the xavd2_4_R001.bin program to the appropriate directory.
Builder cannot be installed in an NFS mounted partition.
Make sure you are logged on as a superuser.
3Use the chmod +x command (specifying your program file) to change the
privileges so you can execute the program.
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 11
Installing Builder
4Use the ./xavd2_4_R001.bin command to install the applicat ion as a se rver
or as a client.
To install the application as a server, use the -s option.
To install the application as a client, use the -c option.
If you install the app li cat i on as a client, you are ask ed t o provide the name
of the server and the full pathname for the master database. This information can be found in the DatabaseInfo.txt file located in the AccessView
installation directory of your database server. If your client is using a Windows NT server, you must specify the full pathname using escape characters. To represent a colon (:), a space, or a backslash (\), place a backslash
(\) in front of these special characters. For example, to represent the full
pathname of the master database in the default database directory on a
Windows NT server, enter:
To represent the full pathname of the master database in the default database directory on a Solaris server, enter:
The rest of the installation is the same for either the server or the client.
You are asked if you want to con figur e the QVPN Reques t Confi g daemon
to start at system boot as part of the installation procedure. If you reply
with yes, then the necessary boot script files are created and the installation procedure asks if you want to start the QVPN Reques t Config daemon
immediately. If you reply with yes, the Config daemon is started immediately. If you reply with no, you can start the daemon at any time with the
QVPNRequestConfigDaemon command.
The QVPNRequestConfigDaemon uses port 161. If another
application or service (such as snmpdx) is using port 161, the
QVPNRequestConfigDaemon might not start at system boot.
Refer to “Using the QVPN Request Config Daemon” on Page 32 fo r more
Note that the Tunnel Status and Traffic Status applications were installed
and can be run. Refe r to “Usin g the Traffic Status and Tunnel Status Appli-
cations” on Page 29 for more information.
5You can include the path to Builder in your shell in itializatio n file. You can
also create a so ft li nk to Buil der us ing the ln -s command. Th e Build er exe -
12 Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide
Installing Builder
cutable file is located in the directory where you installed the application.
After installing Builder, you can start up the application with this command:
> QVPNBuilder
NOTEYou must not be logged on as the superuser when starting the
To uninstall the application, execute this command as the superuser:
# ./uninstall
This procedure keeps the AccessView directories for upgrade purposes. To
completely remove the application, delete the AccessView directory.
Builder ru ns on PCs with these system requirements:
. . . . .
•Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5 or greater) operating systems
•400 MHz system with 50 MB disk, 128 MB RAM (standalone ver-
Builder requires Java Runtime Environment version 1.2.2 software. If this
software is not already on your system, the installation procedure lets you add
Builder is distributed on a CD-ROM. The following procedure describes how
to install Builder.
1Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2Double click on the CD-ROM drive icon.
3Double click on the Setup.exe file.
If you have a previous version of Builder installed, the installation procedure asks if you want to remove it. After the previous installation is
removed, double click on the Setup.exe file to restart the installation.
4Follow the instructions on the screen.
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 13
Installing Builder
To install Builder from an executable file, complete the following steps:
1Close down all Windows programs.
2In Windows Explorer, double-click on the self-extracting executable pro-
gram (xavs_2.4.R001.exe) and follow the InstallShield prompts.
By default, Builder is installed in the
C:\Program Files\Lucent\AccessView directory.
3Optionally, the icons for the applications can be placed on your desktop.
Start up the application by clicking on the icon on your desktop (if available)
or selecting Start → Programs → Lucent Access Point → QVPN Builder.
To uninstall the application, select Start → Settings → Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs. Select AccessView from the list and click
Add/Remove. This procedure keeps the AccessView directories for upgrade
purposes. T o completely remove the application, delete the AccessView folder.
Builder ru ns on PCs with these system requirements:
•Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5 or greater) operating systems
•400 MHz system with 270 MB disk, 256 MB RAM (client/server ver-
Builder requires Java Runtime Environment version 1.2.2 software. If this
software is not already on your system, the installation procedure lets you add
The installation requires 270 MB of disk space, including 180
MB in your system’s TEMP directory. Make sure you have
enough disk space, especially if your TEMP and installation
directories are on the same disk.
After installation, the system requires at least 100 MB to run
the application. Remember that the number of VPNs depends
on available disk space.
14 Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide
Installing Builder
Builder is distributed on a CD-ROM. The following procedure describes how
to install Builder.
1Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2Double click on the CD-ROM drive icon.
3Double click on the Setup.exe file.
If you have a previous version of Builder installed, the installation procedure asks if you want to remove it. After the previous installation is
removed, double click on the Setup.exe file to restart the installation.
4Follow the instructions on the screen.
. . . . .
If you have previously installed Builder, complete the following before installing a new version of the application:
1Uninstall Builder (existing databases will remain after the uninstall)
2Uninstall ObjectStore
Now you can reinstall Builder.
To install Builder from an executable file, complete the following steps:
1Make sure you are logged on as an administrator.
2Close down all Windows programs.
3In Windows Explorer, double-click on the self-extracting executable pro-
gram (xavd_2.4.R001.exe) and follow the InstallShield prompts.
Install the application as a server or as a client by selecting the Object
Database Server (default) or Object Database Client radio button. If you
install the application as a client, you are asked to provide the name of the
server and the full pathname for the master database. If you install the
application as a client and you intend to communicate with a UNIX database server, you must set up access to the UNIX database server as
described on “Accessing UNIX Server Databases From Windows NT Cli-
ent Systems” on Page 19.
The installation procedure requests a destination path for Object Database
Access Point QVPN Builder User Guide 15
Initial S tar tu p Tasks
Installation. The default installation destination path is C:\ODI.
By default, Builder is installed in C:\Program Files\Lucent\AccessView
directory. The C:\Program Files\Lucent\AccessView\db directory is the
default database destination path. Remember the destination path, as you
must use it when starting up the application.
Optionally, the icons for the applications can be placed on your desktop.
4You must reboot after the installation.
Start up the application by clicking on the icon on your desktop (if available)
or selecting Start → Programs → Lucent Access Point → QVPN Builder.
To uninstall the client/server version, you must uninstall the
application (by selecting Start
→ Add/Remove Programs) before you uninstall the
ObjectStore software.
Uninstall the ObjectStor e software by selecting Start →
Programs→ObjectStore Win32→ ObjectStore Uninstall.
This procedure keeps the AccessView directories for upgrade
purposes. To completely remove the application, delete the
AccessView folder.