While reasonable effort s we re m ad e to ensu re that the information in this do cu men t
was complete and accu rate at the tim e of prin tin g, Luc e nt Technologies can assum e
no responsibility for any errors. Changes or corrections to the information contained
in this document may be incorporated into future issues.
Contact: Luce nt Technologie s Public ation s C e nter
For more i nf ormati o n a bout related documents, see Business Communications Systems Publications Catalog, 555-000-010.
This voice terminal is H e arin g Aid Comp atible (HAC). In addition, some units have
“HAC” printed on them.
Yo u are resp o nsible for the sec uri ty o f you r system. Lucen t Technologies does not
warrant that this prod uc t is im mune from or will prevent unauthorized use of
common-ca rrie r tele co mm unication ser vic es or facilitie s ac ce ss ed thr o ugh or
connected to it. Luc ent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that
result from such unauthorized use. Product administration to prevent unauthorized
use is your responsibility and your system manager should read all documents
provided with this prod u ct to fully un d erst a nd the feat ur es availab le th at m ay
reduce your risk of incurring charges.
DEFINITY and AUDIX are registered trademarks of Lucent Technologies.
Any references within this text to American Telephone and Teleg raph Corporation or
AT&T should be interpreted as references to Lucent Technologies Incorporated. The
exception is cross-references to books published prior to December 31, 1996, which
retain their original AT&T titles.
The 8405 voice terminal is available in four models. All of these mod els are sim ilar
in appearance and functionality except for the following differences:
•The 8405B has a one-way listen-only speaker, with no display
•The 8405B Plus has a two-way, listen and talk speakerphone, but does not have a
•The 8405D has a one-way, listen-only speaker, with a 2-line, 24-charac te r display
•The 8405D Plus has a two-way, listen and talk speakerphone, with a 2-line,
24-character display
Despite their differences, all four models are comprehensively equipped so you can
make the best use of the many features of the DEFINITY
Communications System
Generic 2 and the features of System 85.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the 8405B and 8405B Plus mode ls. Figure 3 and
Figure 4 show the 8405D and 8405D Plu s (with disp lay) mo dels . Fam iliar ize
yourself with your voice terminal , show n he re and e xplained on the following pages.
Volume control
Transfer button
Handset jack
Shift button
Test button
Mute button
Speaker button
Shift Transfer
Test Conf
Mute Drop
Speaker Hold
Reset Spkr
Dial pad
Confer ence button
10 Call appearance/
feature bu tto ns
Message light
Figure 1. One Version of the 8405B and 8405B Plus Voice Terminal
Line ja ck (on back
of voic e terminal)
headset adapter
jack (on back of
voice terminal)
5 Call appearance/
feature buttons
Message ligh t
Ring button
Test button
Mute button
Speaker button
Ring Transfer
Mute Drop
Speaker Hold
Line jack (on back
of voice terminal)
headse t ad ap ter
jack (on back of
voice te rmi na l)
Dial pad
Conference butto n
Handset jack
Drop butto n
Hold button
Figure 2. Another Version of the 8405B and 8405B Plus Voice Terminal
Volume control
Transfer button
5 Call appearance/
feature bu tto ns
Handset jack
Shift button
Test button
Mute button
Speaker button
Shift Transfer
Test Conf
Mute Drop
Speaker Hold
Reset Spkr
Dial pad
Confer ence button
Message light
Figure 3. One Version of the 8405D and 8405D Plus Voice Terminal
Line ja ck (on back
of voic e terminal)
headset adapter
jack (on back of
voice terminal)
5 Call appearance/
feature buttons
Message ligh t
Ring button
Test button
Mute button
Speaker button
Ring Transfer
Mute Drop
Speaker Hold
Line jack (on back
of voice terminal)
headse t ad ap ter
jack (on back of
voice te rmi na l)
Dial pad
Conference butto n
Handset jack
Drop butto n
Hold button
Figure 4. Another Version of the 8405D and 8405D Plus Voice Terminal
The following features on the 8405 vo ic e termi nals sho wn in Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4
are listed alphabetically for your convenience. Explanations for each feature are also
Conference button
Dial pad
For setting up conference calls. This button is labeled
The standard 12-button pad for dialing phone numbers and
accessing fea tur es . The lette rs “Q” and “Z” have be e n added
to the appropriat e dial pad k eys f or direc tory acces s, and the
“5” button on your dial pad has raised bars for visuallyimpaired user s.
Display (only on the 8405D
and 8405D Plus)
Display control buttons
(only on the 8405D and
8405D Plus)
A 2-line by 24-character display.
These four buttons are labeled , , ,
• is used to enter Softkey Mode and access the
three feature option scre ens.
• is used for exiting the Display Mode and
return in g to N o rmal (call-han dl ing) M o d e .
• and are used for going back and forth
through the feature option screens.
Drop button
For disconnecting from a call or dropping the last party
added to a conference call.
terminals, this can be used
as a Hold/Ring button)
Line jack
(on back of voice terminal)
Message light
At least two of these 5 buttons are devoted to incoming and
outgoing calls ( call appearances) and are labeled
with an extens ion num ber; the rema inin g buttons access
features (feature buttons) and are labeled with a feature
name. Each has a re d light te lling you this is the line yo u
are using or this is the line yo u will get when you lift your
handset. The green status light next to each call appearance
and feature button tells you the line or feature is being used.
A handset is provided for placing and receiving calls.
(The handset is also known as the rec eiver.) In most cases,
you mu st lift the hand set (go of f-hook) or ac tivat e the
speaker or speake rphone before you can use a feature.
This jack is for connecting a hand se t to you r voice term in al.
The jack is labeled .
A red button for putting a call on hold.
If your 8405 has a button, you can press and
to select a personalized ring for your vo ice
terminal from eig ht po ssible ringing patte r ns.
This jack is used for connecting a line cord to your voice
terminal. The jack is labeled “LINE.”
A red light which goes on steadily when a message has been
left for you. This light may be labe led Message or .
Mute button
Ring button
Shift button
For turning off the microphone associa t ed with the hands et
(on all 8405 terminals) or the built-in spe ak erp hone (o n the
8405B Plus and 8405D Plus) so the o ther pers on on the call
cannot hea r yo u.
If your 8405 has a button, you can use this button to
select a personalized ring ing patt ern f rom e ight possible
ringing p a tte rns.
A blue button on some 8405 voice terminals which can be
used to access additional features (When is active,
the red light next to the button is on.):
•When used wit h , you can se le ct a p erso nalized
ring from among eight available patterns.
•When used wit h
(on some 8405B Plus and
8405D Plus voice terminals), you can perform an
acoustic test of the environment a nd adjus t the
speakerphone to the surrounding acoustic environment
for optimal performance (for the built-in speakerphone
option only).
Soft keys (on ly on the 8405D
and 8405D Plus)
adapter jack (on back of
voic e terminal)
Speaker button
The four buttons located belo w the 8405D and 8405D Plus
display and labeled wit h arr ows (), correspond to words
on the display scre e n. You can use the softkeys along w ith
display control keys to access up to 12 features on your voice
terminal in addition to those features administered on the
call appearance/feature buttons.
For a list of the features that can be accessed with the
softkeys, check with your system manager . For procedures
for using these softkey features, see “Using the Display,
Softkeys, and Display Control Buttons” later in this guide.
This jack is used for connectin g an exter n al spe ak erphone
(such as an S101A or S201A Speakerphone) or a headset
adapter (such as a 500A1 Headse t Adap ter) to your voic e
terminal. The jack is labeled .
On the 8405B Plus or 8405D Plus voice terminals, you can
use this button for accessing the built-in 2-way
speakerphone. If you are using an 8405B or 8405D , you c an
use this button to access a 1-way speake r.
Note: Your 8405B Plus or 8405D Plus voice terminal can
be set for either the Speaker (listen-only) feature or the
Speakerphone ( listen and talk) featu re. Check with your
system mana ge r to see how yo ur S peak e r bu tto n is to be
(On some 8405 voice
terminals, this can be used
as a Speaker/Re set Spkr
Test button
T ransfer button
If your 8405B Plus or 8405D Plus has the R eset Spkr label
under the button, you can also use the Re se t
Speakerphone feature. When you press and then
(your voice terminal must be on-hook, and it must
be set for the Speakerphone feature), you hear a set of tones
as the speakerphone perfor ms an acou sti c test of the
environment. When the tones stop, your speakerphone has
finished adjusting itself for optimal performance and is
ready for use.
When the voice term inal is in itially powered up, the gr een
light next to
flashes if the link wit h the DEF I N ITY
switch or with System 85 is not (or not yet) operational. The
light changes to steady green when the voice terminal is
able to communi cate with the DEF I N ITY switch or with
System 85, and then goes off after a short period of time.
After the voice terminal is powered up, you can press
test the lights and the display (if applicable) on your voice
For transferring a call to another voice terminal.
V olume control button
For adjusting the volume of the followin g:
•The speakerphone or speaker when a call is in progress
using the 2-way sp e aker p ho ne or 1-way speaker
•The handset receiver level while a call is in progress
using the hand se t
•The tone ringer when the speaker is off and either the
handset is inactive o r the to ne rin ge r is ac tive
Note: When the speaker is active, the ringer volume is
automatica lly red uc e d to a low set ting. The volume is
restored when the speaker is turned off.
Remember: The Volum e co ntrol but ton on your vo ice
terminal does not control the volume level of adjunct
A Quick Look at the Features
Here are brief descriptions of both voice features and display features that can be
used with the 8405 voice termi nal. Each desc ripti on incl ude s wha t each featur e does
and how you might want to use it.
Note: You will automatical ly hav e th e following features on your vo ic e term inal :
Conference, Drop, Hold, Message, Mute, Select Ring, Test, and Transfer voice
features and Normal Mod e/Exi t featu re (labele d on the voice term inal ) among
the display features. You may also be able to use the Speakerphone (and Reset
Speakerphone) or the Speaker feature. Check with your system manager to see what
other featu res yo u can use with a DE FIN ITY Generic 2 or with System 85.
Note: If you are using an 8405D or 8405D Plu s voice te rmin al, you m ay also be able
to use up to 12 othe r features acce ssed wi th the softkeys and display cont rol buttons.
These features are in addition to the features administered on the call appearance/
feature buttons on your voice terminal. Check with your system manager to see
which softkey features are available to you.
Voice Features
Abbreviated Dialing (AD) Allows you to store selected telephone nu mbers as three
or fewer digits for quick and eas y dialing. Each numbe r can be a comple te or partial
telephone number, an extension number, or a trunk or feature access code. There are
three possible types of lists — personal, group, and system— and you can have a
total of three lists. Numbers on a personal list are programmable by you; numbers
on group lists are programmable only by the system manager. Use this feature as a
timesaver for dialing frequently called, lengthy, or emergency numbers.
Note: Che ck with yo ur syste m m anager for the typ e s of lis ts yo u hav e and ho w
many of each list.
Automatic Callback Sends you a spec ial 3-bur st rin g ind ic atin g a pre viously busy
extension you diale d is no w avail able . Use to avoid constant redialing whe n yo u
want to speak to someone who is frequently busy on the telephone . Note: You can
use this feature only for extensions, not for outside numbers.
Bridging /Ma n ua l Exclusion Permits you to answer or join calls to someone else's
extension by p re ssi ng a bridged appearance button on your voice terminal. This
button can be any call appearance labeled with another user’s primary extension
number, as assigned to you by your sys te m man a ger. Use to assist in handling calls
for a des ignated coworker. Note : You can use the Manual Exc lusion feature to
keep other user s wit h who m yo u ha ve a brid ged call app e aran ce f rom liste n ing in on
an existing call.
Call Coverage/Consult Provid e s a utomat ic redire ction of certain ca lls to yo ur vo i c e
terminal for answ e rin g. (Your system manager determ ine s which calls will be sen t to
you.) Use to answ er cal ls for oth e r exte ns io ns for whom yo u p rov id e cov e rag e. C all
Coverage can also aut omatically redir ec t your calls when your vo ice te rminal is busy,
you are out of the office, or you have pressed the Send All Calls button.
Note: If you are a covering user, you can use the Consult feature, after ans w e ring a
coverage call, to call the principal (the person for whom you are answering calls) for
private consultation. Then, you can add the callin g party to the convers atio n,
transfer the call to the principal, or return to the calling party.
Call Forwarding — Busy/Don’t Answer Temporarily for war d s all your calls to
another extension or to the attend ant if your vo ice te rminal is busy or you do not
answer your calls within a preset number of rings. Use when you want your calls to
be forwarded to a telephone number of your choice.
Call Forwar di ng — Follow Me Temporarily forwards all your calls to another
extension or to an outside number, depending on your system. Use when you want
your calls to be automatically forwarded to a telephone number of your choice.
Call Park Puts a call on hold at your voice terminal, for ret rieval at any ex tension.
Use when you need to go elsewhere to get informat io n duri ng a call, or whene ver you
wish to complete a call from a differ e nt locat ion . Als o, if the call receiv e d is for
someone else, use it to hold the call until the called party can answer it from another
voice termi nal.
Call Pickup Lets you answer a call at your voice terminal for anothe r extens io n in
your pickup group. Use when you wish to handle a call for a group member who is
absent or otherwise unable to answer. Note: You can us e this fea ture onl y if you an d
the called party have been assigned to the same pickup group by your system
Conference Allows you to add a third party to a cal l, so you can conduct a 3-way
conversation. (If you want to conference more than three parties, call your attendant
for assistance.) Use to set up time-saving conferences, or to spontaneously include a
third party important to a discussi on.
Drop Disconnects f rom a call wit ho ut requiring you t o ha ng up the handset, tur n off
the speakerphone , or press the switchhook. Can also be used with the Conference
feature to disconnect the last party added. Use whenever you want to continue using
the handset or speakerphone af te r end ing a call.
Hold Puts a call on hold until you can return to it. While a call is on hold, you can
place another call, activate anoth e r featur e, ans wer a wait ing c all, or leave your
voice terminal to do ano th e r task . Use wh e n you have a call you don’t want to dr op ,
but have to interrupt briefly to do something else.
Intercom (Automatic/Dial) Gives yo u quick access to spec if ie d voic e ter minals. With
Automatic Intercom, you can call a predetermined person by pressing a single
feature button. With Dial Intercom, you can call any member of a predetermined
grou p. (F or the D i a l Intercom feat u re, yo u n e ed to know the gr oup m ember’s 2- or
3-digit code.) Use to rapidly dial frequently called numbers.
Last Number Dialed Automatically redials the last number you dialed, either an
extension or an outside number. Use to save time in redialing a busy or unanswered
number. Available with a DEFINITY Generic 2 and with System 85 R2V4 and some
R2V3 system s. Check w ith your system man age r to see if the featur e is available in
your system.
Leave Word Calling (LWC) Leaves a message for another extension to call you back.
The called party will be able to dial mes sage center, AUDIX
, or a covering user to
retrieve a short, stan d ard m essage that gives you r name and exte n sio n, the dat e and
time you called, and the num ber of times you c alle d. Use any tim e you want to have
someone call you bac k; it will help cut down on rep eate d call attem p ts. Th is feature
also allows other people in your system to leave a message for you.
Message Lets you know a caller has left a message for yo u wh en the m essage ligh t
goes on. You can then follow your system manager’s local message retrieval
procedures to get your message. Note: This light may be labeled Message or .
(See also the Message Retrieval procedures under the Display Features heading.)
Mute Allows you to turn off the microphone of the built-in speakerphone or the
handset. Use wh en you want to confer with some o n e in th e room wit h yo u, but yo u
do not want the other person on the call to hear your conversation.
Priority Call ing Allows you to call an ex tension with a distinct ive 3- bur st rin g to
indicate your call requ ire s im me d iate attention. Use whe n yo u hav e important or
timely inform ation f o r som eo ne .
Reset Speakerphone On those 8405B Plus or 8405D Plus voice terminals on which
the Reset Spkr label ap pears under the button, you can use this f eature to
initiate an acoustic test of the surrounding acoustic environment by using a series of
tones. Whe n the to ne s sto p, you r spe a k e rpho ne has finishe d adju sti ng itself for
optimal performance. It is now ready for use. Use whenever you move your voice
terminal to a different location (even in the same room), or whenever the red light
next to
speakerphone needs to be reset. This feature is accessed by pressing
or pressing the softkey below the word “Begin” on the display.
is fluttering, or when the display shows you a message that the
and then
Important: You need to use this fea ture only if the Reset Spkr label appears under
the button.
Select Ring Allows you to choose yo ur ow n p erso nalized ring ing pa ttern for your
voice terminal from among eight available patterns. Use to help distinguish your
incoming calls from those of other nearby voice terminals. Note: According to the
8405 voice terminal you are using, this feature is accessed either by pre s sing
and then (if your 8405 has a button) or by pressing (if your
voice terminal has a button).
Send All Calls Temporarily sends all your ca lls to the ex te nsion of a person
designated to answer them when you cannot (perhaps a secretary or receptionist).
Use when you will be away from your desk for awhile, or when you do not want to be
interrupted by telephone calls.
Speaker (Listen-Only) In the listen-only mode, allows you to place calls or access
other voice featu res without lifting yo u r han d se t. Ho we ver, in order to speak to the
other party, you must use the handset. Use with features that require listening only,
such as on-hook dialing, monitoring calls on hold, and re tri ev ing messages.
Note: All 8405B and 8405D voice terminals ha ve a listen-o nly speake r. If you are
using an 8405B Plus or an 8405D Plus, you r voic e terminal can be set for either the
Speaker (listen-on ly) or the Speakerphone function. Check with the syst em manager
to see how your voic e term i nal is ad m in iste red .
Speakerphone Al lo ws yo u to place and answer calls or access other voice features
without lifting the han d se t. Use the built-in speak erp hone any time you pre fer
hands-free communication, both speaking and listening, or for group conference
situations. Note: Only 8405B Plus and 8405D Plus voice terminals hav e a 2-way
speakerphone. If you are using one of these voice ter mi nals , your vo i ce termin al i s
set for either the Speaker (listen-only) or the Speakerphone (listen and speak)
feature. Che c k with yo ur syste m m a nager to see how you r voice terminal is
Note: On th o se 8405 vo ice te rmin als which have a button and on which the Reset Spkr label appears under the button, you can press and then
to initiate the Reset Sp ea k erp hone feature. As the built-in speak erp hone
performs a test of the surrounding acoustic environment, you will hear a sequence of
tones. Whe n the to ne s sto p, you r spe a k e rpho ne has finishe d adju sti ng itself for
optimal performance. It is now ready for use. (See “Rese t Speakerphone.”)
T est When the voice terminal is initially powered up, the green light next to
flashes if the link wit h the DEF I NI TY switc h o r wit h System 85 is not (or not yet)
operational. The light changes to steady green when the voice terminal is able to
communicate with the DEFINITY switch or with System 85, and then goes off after
a short period of time. After the voice terminal is powered up, you can press
to test the lights and the d isplay (if applicable) on your voice te rminal.
Transfer Transfers a call from your voice terminal to another extension or outside
number. Use when your caller needs to speak further with someone else.
Note: Calls from an outside number to your voice terminal can be transferred only
to an extension, not to another outside number.
Display Features and Features Used with the Softkeys
Note: If you are using an 8405D or an 8405 D Plus vo ic e termi nal, you ma y also be
able to use up to 12 additional features accessed with the softkeys and display
control buttons. Your system manager can tell you which softkey features are
available to you.
Exit Use
and retu rn to Norm a l ( call-handling) Mode . Once you a r e in Normal Mode, y o u ca n
use the display to identify current call appe aran ce, callin g/ call ed pa rt y, and
calling/called number.
to leave Display Mod e (afte r us ing any d isp lay or softk e y feat ur e)
Feature Status Indication Indicates the status of each feature accessed with the
softkeys. If the feature is active, an arrow ( ) appears above the feature
abbreviation; if the arrow does not appear above the feature, the feature is off.
Inspect Shows you call-related informatio n for an incom in g call wh e n you are
already active on a call. Use to identify and screen ne w calls .
Message Retrieval Allows you to retrieve messag es left fo r you when your Mes sag e
light is on. Will also let you retrieve m e ssages for other voice te rm in als no t eq ui ppe d
with a display (if you are authorized as a systemwide message retriever by your
system manager). Use to quickly and conveniently check messages, even when you
are already on a call.
Normal See “Exit.”
Time/Date Shows you the date and time. Use as a handy calendar and clock.
Timer Allows you to measure elapsed time . Use in orde r to kee p track o f time sp ent
on a call or task.
How to Use the Features
The procedures which appear in the sections, Voice Feature Procedures and
Displa y Feature Procedur es, give short, step-by-step instructions for using each
feature. For your convenience, the features in each section are listed alphabetically.
General Instructions
Use the following special instructions for operating your voice terminal.
•The first time you use these procedures, you will nee d to customize t hem for
yourself by obtaining the followin g inf orm ation from your syste m m anager:
➤Your system manager may assign call appearances or features to the 5 call
appearance/feature buttons on your voice terminal. To the right of each
feature name in this section is a box. For each fe atu re that you have on your
voice termi nal or f ea tur e you can ac ce ss with the softkeys ( see “Note” below),
mark a in the blank box as a reminder. (The Conference, Drop, Hold,
Message, Mute, Select Ring, Test, and Transfer voice features, for all sets, and
the Normal/Exit mode dis play fea ture , for users of the 8405D or 8405D P lus,
are already marked for you.) You may also be able to use the Speakerphone
(and Reset Speakerphone on some 8405B Plus and 8405D Plus voice
terminals) or the Speaker feature. Check with your system manager to see
what other feature s yo u can use with a DEFI NI T Y Ge ner ic 2 or with
System 85.
Note: If you are using an 8405D or 8405D Plu s voice te rmin al, you m ay also
be able to use up to 12 additional features accessed with the softkeys and
display control butto ns . Che c k wit h yo ur syste m m anager to see which
softkey features are available o n your voice te rmin al and then put a check in
the box beside each of those features.
➤Any feature not appearin g on a butto n or ac cessed with the dis play and
softkeys can be activated or can celed by dialing a 1-, 2-, or 3-digit feature
access code . Ask yo ur syste m m a n a ger f o r the feature access codes for th e
features you need, and then write the assigned code number in the provided
blanks in each feature procedure.
•If you receive an intercept tone (high-pitched , altern ating high and low to ne)
while attempting to operate any featu re , you have tak e n to o muc h time to
complete a procedural step or have made a dialing error. Hang up, get dial tone,
and begin again at Step 1.
Conventions Used in The Following Procedures
Feature xxxxx
L WC CnLWC AutCB Timer
[feedback tones]
Each of these boxes represents a button that has a
feature assigne d to it. Th e button is labe led with the
feature name , some tim e s fo llo wed by an e xte ns io n
number (shown as xxxxx) or a person’s name.
This rectangular box, 2 lines by 24 ch aracte rs ,
represents the 8405 display screen (for those sets that
have a built-in display). Like the example to the left,
the second line appearing on the display will most
likely list the features you can access with the softkeys.
For directions on using the display and softkeys, see the
section titled Using the Display, Softkeys, and Display Control Buttons.
The tone that appears in brac k ets after a ste p, such as
[dial tone], indicates what you should hear from your
handset (o r sp e ak er p ho ne ) af te r su ccessfully
performi ng that step. For a list of tone s and their
meanings, see the section titled Tones and Their Meanin gs.
Troubleshooting (Later in This Guide)
Later in this guide yo u will find a short section on troubleshootin g. Use the
procedures listed in that section if you ha ve pro ble ms in using your voice te rminal.
Quick Reference Lists (at the Back of This Guide)
At the back of this guide is a set of quick reference lists. Use them to record your
feature access codes and trunk codes, Abbreviated Dialing personal list items, and
message and atte nd ant ext en sions. Once you ha ve com plet e d the lis ts, rem ov e the
page from the guide (tear along the perforati on ) , and keep the list s near your voi ce
Using the Display, Softkeys and Display
Control Buttons
If you are using an 8405D or 8405D Plus voice terminal, the following information
will help you use the display, the softkeys, and the display control buttons.
The softkeys are the four keys labeled with arrows () located directly below
the display. The four display co ntr ol b utton s, labele d , ,
and are located under the softkeys. Figure 5 shows the location of the
softkeys in relat ion to the display above the sof tkey s and the disp lay co n tro l bu tto ns
below them.
Figure 5. The Display, Softkeys, and Display Control Buttons
Display control buttons
Entering Softkey Mode and Viewing the Three Feature Option Screens
There are three separate feature option screens. Each of these screens allows you to
select from four different features.
You can enter Softkey Mode by pressing the display option button label ed .
The following is an example of a feature option screen.
The top line of each feature option screen shows you the status of each of the four
features. An arrow appears above the name of the feature if that feature is active. If
there is no arrow above the feature, the feature is not active. In the above example,
the Automatic Callback feature is act ive bec au se the re is an arro w above that
feature abbre viation.
Note: If the feature requires you to dial a telephone number or extension, such as
Call Forwarding, you will temporarily see the digits you are dialing, rather than the
arrow, above the feature name.
The second line on each feature option screen shows the feat ures you can access. To
use any of these features, you must press the softkey below the feature name or
abbreviation. For exam ple , on the featur e option sc ree n sh o wn on the pre vi ous p age,
you can leave a message for another exte ns i on to cal l you back by pres s i ng the
softkey below LWC (th e Le ave Word Calling fe atur e ). If you wa nt to cancel the
message, press the softkey belo w CnLWC (the Cancel Leave Word Calling feature).
To see the next set of four featu res, p ress th e disp lay control button labeled ;
to move back a screen, pres s the d isplay control button labele d . Pre ss
or until the feature you want to use appears on the second line.
The following flowc har t (Figure 6) shows the default features for the three feature
option screens.
CFrwd CPark TmDay PCall
Dialing (AD)
Prog Pause Mark Wait
Figure 6. The Three Feature Option Screens
Note: On a DEFIN ITY Gene ric 2 or on System 85, the Call Forwar ding feature
accessed with the softkeys is Call Forwarding — Follow Me.
To use the Call Park softkey feature on a DEFINITY Generic 2 or on
System 85, the Call Park feature must be admin iste red as an Abbr eviat ed Dial ing
button and programmed with the Call Park trunk group access code. Call Park also
requires that the Recall feature be administered on one of the feature hardkey
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