Lucent Technologies 6400 Series User Manual

6400 Series Multi-line Telephones
User ’s Guide
6400 Series Multi-line Telephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Headsets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Headpieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using the Softkeys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Entering Softkey Mode and Viewing the
Three Feature Menu Screens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Othe r S o ftkey Features Th at M ay Be On
Using the Softkeys to Activate a Feature
(an Example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Call-Handling Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Getting Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Selecting a Personalized Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Voice Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Display Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Time and Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Call Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Desktop Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Wall Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Removing the Telephone Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Installing the Designation Card. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Tones and Their Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Line and Feature Button Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
555-230-739 Comcode108138801 Issue 2 September 1997
While reasonable efforts were m ade to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the tim e of printing, Lucent Technologies can assume no res ponsibility for any errors. Changes or corrections to the information contained in this document may be incorporated into fu ture issues.
Contact: Lucent Technologies Publications Center
P.O. Box 4100 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Domestic: 1 800 457-1235 International: 1 765 361-5353 Domestic Fax: 1 800 457-1764 International Fax: 1 765 361-5355
Order: Document No. 555-230-739
Issue 2, September 1997
The 6400-Seri es voice terminals are Hear ing Aid Compatible (HAC). In
addition, some units have “HAC” printed on them.
You are responsible for the sec uri ty of your system. Lucent Technol ogies does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-ca rrier telecommu nication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies wil l not be responsi bl e for any charges that result f rom such unauthorize d use. Product administr ation to prevent unauthori zed use is your responsi bility and your syst em manager should read all document s provided with this product to fully understand the features available that may reduce your ri sk of incurring charges.
DEFINITY and AUDIX are regist ered trademarks of Lucent Technologies. Mirage, Star Set, and Supra are registered tr ademarks of Plantronics, Inc.
To learn more about Lucent Technologies products and to order any of these products, contact Lucent Direct, the direct-market organization of Lucent Technologies Business Communications Syste m. Access their web site at or call the foll owing numbers: custo mers should call 1 800 451-2100 or account executives can cont act Lucent Direct at 1 800 778 1880 (voice) or 1 800 778-1881 (fax).
If the “CE” mark is af fixed to this equipm ent. it means that it conforms to the European Union Electromagnetic Compati bil ity Directive (89/ 336/EEC) and the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
Prepared by © 1997 Lucent Technologies BCS Product Documentation Development All Rights Reserved Middletown, New Jers ey 07748-9972 Printed in USA
The most careful attention has been devoted to quality standards in the manufacture of your new telephone. Safet y is a major factor in the design of every set. But, safety is YOUR responsibility too.
Please re ad carefully the helpful tips list ed below and on t he next page. These suggesti ons will enable you to take full advantage of your new voice ter m inal. Then, retain these tips for later use.
This telep hone is NOT for resident ial use. It is for business systems applications ONLY. Use in a resident ial environment coul d result in an electrical short circuit when the telephone wirin g is set up to provide oth er applications, for example, for appliance control or power transformers. The AC power used in these applications may create a safet y hazard by placing a direct short circuit across the telephone wiri ng.
When using your tel ephone equipment, the fol lowing safety precautions should al ways be f oll owed t o reduc e the r is k of f ire, elect ric shock, and i njur y to persons.
Read and understand all instructions.
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the telephone.
This telephone can be hazardous if immer sed in water . To avoid the
possibi li ty of electric shoc k, do not use it while you are wet. If you accident ally drop the tel ephone int o water, do not retri eve it until you hav e first unplugged the line cord from the modular jack. Then, call service personnel to ask about a replacement.
Avoid us ing t he t elephone durin g elect rica l s torms i n your immedi ate ar ea.
There is a risk of electric shock from li ghtning. Urgent calls should be brief. Even though protective measures may have been insta ll ed to limit electr ical surges from enter ing your business, absolute protection from lightning is impossible.
If you suspect a natural gas leak, report it immediately, but use a
telephone away from the area in question. The telephone’s electrical contacts could generate a tiny spark. While unli kely, it is poss ibl e that this spark could ignite heavy concentrations of gas.
Never push objects of any kind into the equipment through housing slots
since they may tou ch hazardous voltag e point s or short out parts that could resul t i n a ris k of electric shock. Never spill liqu id of any kind on the telephone. If liquid is spill ed, however , refer servicin g to pro per service personnel.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this telephone.
There are no user serviceable parts. Openi ng or removing covers may expose you to hazardous voltages . Incorrect reassemb ly can cause electric shock when the telephone is subsequently used.
1. Before cleaning, unplug the telephone from the modular wall jack. Do not use liquid cl eaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
2. Unplug the telephone from the modular wall jack. Be sure to refer servicing to qualified service personnel when these conditions exist:
— If liquid has been spilled into the tel ephone. — If the telephone has been exposed to rain or water. — If the telephone has been dropped or the housing has been
— If you note a distinct change in the perf ormance of the telephone.
When you see thi s warni ng sy mbol on the prod uct, r efer to this instructions bookle t packed with the product f or
more infor ma ti on before proceeding.
6400 Series Multi-line Telephones
The 6400 Series multi-line telephon es include the following:
The 6408 and 6408 Plus Telephones — Both of these telephones have
eight call ap pearance/ feat ure butto ns. The 640 8 ha s a one- way list en-onl y speaker. The 6408 Plus has a two-way speakerphone.
The 6408D and 6408D Plus Telephones — Both of these telephones
have eight call appearance/feature buttons and a 2-line by 24-character display. The 6408D has a one-way listen-only speaker. The 6408D Plus has a two-way speaker phone.
The 6416D Plus Telephone — This telephone has 16 call appearance/
feature buttons, a 2-line by 24-character display, and a two- way speakerphone.
The 6424D Plus Telephone — This telephone has 24 call appearance/
feature buttons, a 2-line by 24-character display, and a two- way speakerphone.
Familiarize yourself with your 6400 Series multi-line telephone, shown in Figure 1 and described on the next page.
14 13
12 11
Menu Exit Prev Next
Spkr Mute Hold
Redial Trnsfr Conf
1 4 7
Test Ring
2 56
O #
Tel #
FIGURE 1 The 6400 Series Multi-Li ne Telephone
2 3
The following features correspond to the numbers in Figure 1.
1) Display — The 2-line by 24-character display is available onl y on the 6408D, 6408D Plus, 6416D Plus, and the 6424D Plus.
2) Softkeys — The four ro und unlabeled buttons located directly below the display cor respond to words on the di splay screen. You can use the softkeys along with displ ay control keys to access up to 12 features on your voic e terminal
in addition to
those features adm inistered on the call appearance/
feature b utt ons. For more i nformation on the softkey and s oftkey features, see
“Using the Softkeys” later in this gui de.
3) Display control buttons — These four buttons on the 6400 Series multi-li ne telephones are labeled Menu, Exit, Prev, and Next. For a
description of their uses, see “Us ing the Softkeys” later in this guide.
4) Hold — A red button for putting a call on hold.
5) Call appearance/f eature buttons — Usual ly, at least thr ee of t hes e bu ttons
are devoted t o incomin g and outgoi ng call s (cal l appeara nces) and are la beled with an extension number; the remaining buttons access features (feature buttons) and are labeled with a feature name. Each has a red light telling you this is the line you are using or this is the lin e you wil l get when you lift your handset. The gr een status light next to each call appearance and feature button tells you the line or feature is being used.
Note: The 6408 tel ephones have eight buttons that can be used for call
appearances or features. The 6416D Pl us tel ephone has 16 call appearance/feature butt ons. The 6424D Plus has 24 call appearance/ feature buttons.
6) Message light — A red light which goes on steadily when a message has been left for you. This light is labeled .
7) Tray handle — Five qui ck reference cards are pro vided in the tray located under the base of eve ry 6400 Series telephone:
Card 1: Quick reference pro cedures for using Conference, Hold, and Transfer;
Card 2: Quick reference pro cedures for using Test, Speaker and Speakerphone, and Redial;
Card 3: Quick reference pro cedures for using the dis play, softkeys, and display control buttons;
Card 4: A l ist on which you can write the 2- or 3-d igit feature acces s codes for your telephone system;
Card 5: A l ist on which you can write number s or names associated with Abbreviat ed Dialing personal lists , and on which you can list trunk codes and frequently-used extens ions in your telephone sys tem such as the number for AUDIX
(or other voice mail system) or your system attendant.
Note: You may wish to rem ove the tray from the telephone , especially i f you
are wall-mounting the telephone. For this purpose, use the di rections
titled “ Removi ng the Telephone T ray ” in t he In stallati on se ction o f t his guide.
8) Volume control button — For adjusting the volume of the following:
The speaker volume whenever the speaker is on
The handset receiver level while a cal l is in progress using the handset
The tone ringe r when th e telephone is on-hook or when the telephone is
ringing and the speaker is off.
9) Dial pad — The standard 12-button pad for dialing phone num bers and accessing features. The letters “Q” and “Z” have been added to the appropri ate dial pad keys for directory access, and the “5” button on your dial pad has raised bars for visually-impaired users.
10) Conf/Ring button — For setting up conference calls. (Use this feature while off-hook.) while on-hook, you can select a personalized ringing pattern for your telephone. You can choose from among eight possible ringing patterns.
11) Redial button — For redialing the last number that you dialed using the dial pad.
12) Transfer/ Test button — For transferring a call to another t elephone. (Use this featu re whil e off -h ook.) pressing while on-hook, you can test the button lights and t he display (if the tele phone has one).
is printed below to remind y ou t hat by pressi ng
Conf Conf
is printed b elow to remind you that by
13) Speaker butt on — For accessing either the one-way, listen-only speaker
or the built- in two-way Speakerpho ne feat ure.
Note: Your voice terminal can be set for either the Speaker (listen-only)
feature system manager to see how your Speaker button is to be used.
14) Mu te b u tton — For turning off the microphone associated with the handset or the speaker, whichever is active, so the other person on the call cannot hear you.
Handset (not shown here) — A handset is provided for placing and receiving calls. In most ca ses, you mus t lift the handse t (go of f-h ook) bef ore you can use a feature.
the Speakerphone (listen and talk) feature. Check with your
Headsets for 6400 Seri es telephones allow one-touch hands-free operation. To answer a call, press (if administered on your telephone). Press the button again to disconnect. (The Headset feature must be administered for your telep hone.)
Headsets consi st of a headpiece and modular base unit. The base unit plugs into the Handset jack. See Figure 2.
Vol um e
FIGURE 2 The Headset Attached to a 6400 Series Telephone
The following headpieces can be used with thes e telephones:
Mirage StarSet Supra
Receiver fits over eit her ear. Not for noisy environment s.
Eartip fits in ear canal.
Monaural — Adjustable headband and soft ear cushion.
Supra Monaural Noise-Canceling (NC) — Same as above with
noise-canceling microphone that reduces background noise transmission by up to 75 percent.
Supra Binaural — Sound in both ears. Supra Binaural Noise-Canceling (NC) — Same as above with
noise-canceling microphone on flexible boom; features windscreen and reduces background noise transmission by up to 75 percent.
Note: The pri vacy of the Whisper Page announcem ent cannot be
guaranteed when telephones have headset adapters other than the M10L-8400 plugged into the Handset ja ck. The M10L-8400 (Comcode : 407639715; PEC: 3122-022) is the onl y headset adapter for the Hands et j ack that should be used for the 640 0 Series telephones.For more information, see the Whisper Page instructions in the Voice Features sectio n.
Using the Softkeys
If you are using a multi-line telephone with a display, the following information will help you use t he display, the softke ys, and the display contr ol buttons.
The softkey s are the four unlabeled rou nd keys located directl y below the display . The four round display control buttons, labeled Menu, Exit, Prev, and Next are located under the softkeys. Fi gure 3 shows the location of the softkeys in relation to the display above the sof tkeys and the display control buttons below them.
Softkey s
NextPrevMenu Exit
FIGURE 3 The Display, Softkeys, and Control Buttons
Display control buttons
Entering Softkey Mode and Viewing the Three Feature Menu Screens
There are t hree separ ate fe atu re option sc ree ns. Each of these s cre ens all ows you to select from four differ ent features.
You can enter Sof tkey Mode by pressing the Displ ay Control button lab eled Menu. The following is an exa mp le of a softkey feature menu screen.
Dir Drop HFAns Timer
The top li ne of each sof tkey f eature menu scr een sh ows you the sta tus of ea ch of the four featur es. An arrow a ppears above the feature name or abbrevi ation if that feature is act ive. If ther e is no arrow above the feature , the feature is not active. In the above example, the Timer feature is act ive because there is an arrow above tha t feature abbreviat ion.
The second lin e on each softkey feature menu screen shows the f eatures you can access. To use any of these features, you must press the softkey below the feature name or abbreviation. For example, on the feature option screen shown on the pr evious page, y ou c an ac cess t he Sy stem Dir ector y by pressi ng the softkey below Dir (the System Directory feature). If you want to drop the last person added to a conference call, press the softkey below Drop.
To see the next set of four features, press the display con trol button labeled Next; to move back a screen, press the display control button labeled Prev. Press th e Next or Prev button unt il t he featur e you want to use appe ars on the second line. The fol lowing flowchart (Figure 4) shows the defaul t features for the three feature option screens. These are the 12 softkey featur es available
when the telephone (wit h display) is shipped from the fact ory. Also, see “Other Softkey Feat ures That May Be On Your Display” lat er in this guide.
1st Screen
Dir Drop HFAns Timer
Internal Auto Ans wer
2nd Scr een
PCall AutCB Prog Pause
Priority Calling
Abbreviated Dialin g Program
Abbreviated Dialin g Pause
3rd Screen
LWC RngOf BtnVu Admin
Leave Word Calling
Ringer Off
Stored Number/View
FIGURE 4 The Three Default Softkey Feature Menu Screens
Call Display
A butto n should be administered, if access to System Directory is provided.
For a full description of th is feature (which a llows you to administer s ome features o n
your own telephone), s ee “Self-Administration” in the section titled Voice Features.
Note: An error tone (on e beep) sounds when you have made a mistake i n
your softkey entries. Press the Exit button at any t ime to exit softkey mod e and return to
Normal (call-handling) Mode.
Other Softkey Features That May Be On Your Display
Figure 4 on the previous page shows the 12 default softkey features, those feature s that can be accessed with the softkeys when the 6400 Series telephone is initially i nstalled. Howeve r, the sys tem m anager may substitut e other softkey features in their place. The following table is a list of some of these alternate features and the feature abbreviation associated with each.
Note: The switch release to which your telephone is c onnected may provide
additional al ternate softkey features.
Alter n ate Softkey Featu re s
Abbreviation Feature
Acct Account Code Entry AD Abbreviated Dialing buttons (can be multiple buttons) CFrwd Call Forwarding All Calls CPark Call Park CPkUp Call Pickup CnLWC Cance l Le av e Wor d Calling Cns lt Consu lt Count ACD Stroke Count (can be up to 10 buttons) Dpkup Directed Call Pickup Excl Manual Exclusion GrpPg Group Pagi ng IAuto Automatic Intercom IDial Dial Intercom Inspt Inspect Mark AD Special Function Mark Park Call Park to other Extensions SAC Send All Cal ls SFunc Ab breviated Dialed Special Function Spre s Abbrev i ate d D ia lin g Sup press Stats ACD Agent Statistics Stop Abbreviation Dialing Stop/Indefinite Wait Wait A D Special Function Wait
Using the Softkeys to Activate a Feature (an Example)
Y o ur displ ay and soft keys all ow you to ac cess up to 12 swi tch-r elate d featur es. For example, you may want to use the Priority Calli ng feature to call another extension with a priority ring. You can activate this feature with the softkeys in the following way:
To access a feature with the softkeys (Priority Calling is used in this example)
1. Press the Menu button.
The display shows the initial softkey feature menu screen:
Dir Drop HFAns Timer
2. Press the Next button.
The display shows the second softkey feature menu screen:
PCall AutCB Prog Pause
3. To use the Priority Calling feature, press the softkey below PCall and then dial the extension.
Note: When the feature is activat ed, after the displ ay screen shows
you the digits you are dialing, an arrow appears above the feature, as in the example below. If there is not an arrow above the feature, the feature is off.
PCall AutCB Prog Pause
Note: When both parties hang up from the call, the arrow above PCall
(showing feature status indicat ion) disappears.
Call-Handling Features
The Conference feature allows you to conference up to six parties (including yourself) on a call.
To add another party t o a call (for a total of six parties )
1. Press . [dial ton e ]
Present call is put on hold; you are given a new call appearance.
2. Dial the number of the new party and wait for an answer.
3. When you want to add the new person, press again.
4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for additional conferenc e connections.
To add a call you have put on hold to another cal l you are connected to
1. Press . [dial ton e ]
Held call light and the current call appearance light flutter.
2. Press the call appeara nce button of the call on hold (fi rst call).
3. Press again.
All parties are now connected.
To drop the last person added to the conference call
1. If your telephone has a display, press the Menu button and then press the sof tkey below Drop.
If you do not have the Drop feature on your displ ay, press (if administered).
The Hold feature puts a call on hold until you can return to it.
To keep a call on hold while you answe r another call or perform another task
1. Press .
Green light next to the held call blinks .
To answer a new call while active on another
1. Press .
Green light next to the held call blinks .
2. Press the call appeara nce button of the incoming cal l.
Yo u are connected to the incoming call.
continued on next page
To return to the held call
1. Press the call appearanc e butt on of the held call.
The Redial (or Last Number Dialed) feature automatically redials the last extension or outside number you dialed.
To redial the last number that you dialed
1. Press .
The last number you dialed is automatically redialed.
Note: The redialed num ber can be an outside num ber (up to 24 digits), an
extension, or a trunk or featu re access code.
Speaker (Listen-Only) and Group Listen
The Speaker feat ure al lows you to place calls or access other features without lif ti ng the handset. However, in order to speak to the other party, you must use the handset. With the Group Listen feature , the handset and speaker are active at the same time.
Note: The 6408 and 6408D are equipped with a one-way, listen-only
speaker. The 6408 Plus, 6408D Plus, 6416D Plus, and 6424D Plus can be option ed for either a two-way listen-only
. Check with your system manager to see which
featur e you can use on your telephone.
To place a call without lifting the handset or for any listening-only feature (such as monitoring a call on which you have been put on hold or for group listening)
or a one-way,
1. Press .
Red lights next to and go on.
2. Place a call or access the selected feature.
3. Adjust speaker volume if necessary: To raise the volume, press the right half of the Speaker Volume control button labeled ; to lower the volume, press the left half of the Speaker Volume control button labeled .
Spkr Mute
continued on next page
+ 30 hidden pages