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Copyright and legal notices
Copyright 1999, Lucent Technologies
All Rights Reserved
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Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an
unauthorized party, for example, persons other than your company’s
employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your company’s
behalf. Note that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your
telecommunications system and, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in
substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your
system, such as programming and configuring your equipment to prevent
unauthorized use. The system manager is also responsible for reading all
installation, instruction, and system administration documents provided with
this product in order to fully understand the features that can introduce risk of
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 iii
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PagePac Plus is a registered trademark of Harris Corporation.
PhoneLine is a registered trademark of CCOM Information Systems.
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DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 vi
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About This Documentxv
This document provides an overview of the features, components, an d capabilities of DEFINITY®
ProLogix™ Solution s. This do cument provi des high-l evel inform ation about the sy stem; it d oes not descr ibe
how to install, administer, or maintain DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions. For this in form ation, refer to the
enclosed documentation library compact disk (CD) (document numb er 555-23 5-807) . See Appendix B for a
listing of the libraries contained on this CD.
You should read this document to u nde rstand
•the features of DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions,
•the components of DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions, and
•the additional capabilities that are available for you to further tailor DEFINITY
ProLogix Solutions to your needs in the future.
Intended Audiences
This document is written for the person(s) who will adm inister and maintain DEFINITY ProLogix
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 xv
About This Document How to Use This Document
How to Use This Document
Since this document provides an ov erview of the features, components, and capabilities of DEFINITY
ProLogix Solutions, you should read this document to get a basic understanding of DEFINITY ProLogix
Solutions. This document describe s all of the capabilities that you can add to your DEF INITY ProLogix
Solutions, helping you to identify applications that increase the productivity and effectiveness of employees
in your company.
This document consists of the following chapt e rs:
•Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides an overview of DEFINITY ProLogix
Solutions, including the features and hardware and software components.
•Chapter 2, “Desktop/Console Solutions,” describes the telephones and consoles
that are available with DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.
•Chapter 3, “Adjuncts,” describes the adjuncts that are available with DEFINITY
ProLogix Solutions.
•Chapter 4, “Messaging/Voice Response Solutions,” describes the voice
messaging systems that are available with DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.
•Chapter 5, “Call Center Solutions,” describes applications that provide advanced
call-handling and call center management capabilities.
•Chapter 6, “Wireless Solutions,” describes applications that enable employees in
your company to keep in touch with co-workers and clients while moving about
freely inside and outside your build ing.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 xvi
About This Document How to Use This Document
•Chapter 7, “Computer Telephony Integration Solutions,” describes the
applications that merge computer and telephone functions, enabling employees
in your company to control their telephones from their personal computers and to
use caller ID to access client information.
•Chapter 8, “Telecommuting/V irtual Off ice Solution s,” describes applications that
enable employees in your company to work effectively off-site.
•Chapter 9, “System Administration Solutions,” describes applications that can
help you manage DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.
•Chapter 10, “Trunking a nd Networking Solutions,” descr i bes applications that
provide connections to a variety of voice and data networks, helping you to
network your e quipment and solutions.
•Appendix A, “Features,” lists the features of DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.
•Appendix B, “Documentation Library,” lists the documents contained in the
Document Library CD.
An index is also provided at the back of the book.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 xvii
About This Document Conventions Used in This Document
Conventions Used in This Document
The following conventions are used in this document:
•The term system is used in general to represent DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.
•The term switch is used to represent other telecommunications switchin g
The Security of your DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions is extremely important to Lucent Technologies. You
must refer to the BCS Products Security Handbook (555-025-600) and the DEFINITY ECS documentation
for the security measures you should implement for your DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 xviii
About This Document How to Order Documentation
How to Order Documentation
This document’s order number is 555-235-100, Issue 2. The comcode for this document is 108432139. To
order this document, contact:
Lucent Technologies BCS Publications Center
2855 North Franklin Road
Indianapolis, IN 46219-1385
Vo ice: 1 800 457-1235
Fax: 1 800 457-1764
International Voice: 317 322-6791
International Fax: 317 322-6699
To order paper versions of the documents contained on the documentation library CD or any other
documents, provide the ord er numb er(s) fo r the docu ment(s) y ou want to order. Appendix B contains the l ist
of ordering numbers for all documentation contained on the CD.
The documentation library CD is part of the standard customer documentation package. If you would like
additional copies of th e CD, co nt act t he Pub l icati o ns Cent er and use ordering number 555-235-807, Issue 2,
comcode 108432014.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 xix
About This Document How to Comment on This Document
How to Comment on This Document
Lucent Technologies welcomes your feedback. Please fill out the reader comment form at the back of the
document and return it.
If the reader comment form is missing, fax your comments to 1 908 95 3-6912, and mention this document’s
name and number, DEFINITY® ProLogix™ Solutions Release 2.0 (Software Releases 7.1 and Later)
Overview, 555-235-100, Issue 2.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 xx
1 Introduction
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Overview
DEFINITY® ProLogix™ Solutions is an extremely flexible, global communications system that you can
design to get precisely the features and functionality your mid -s ized b usiness locations need. As your
business grows and your needs change, you can select the tools you need to help manage your time and
communications processes effectively, including an array of prepackaged advanced applications (known as
“Application Starter Packages”) and service and support options.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions is a member of the powerful DEFINITY family and provides many of the
features found in the other DEFINITY ECS systems. As your company grows, DEFINITY ProLogix
Solutions gives you the ability to mi grate easily an d cost-effectively to the larger DEFINITY ECS. If you
move to the DEFINITY ECS, you will keep all of the DEFINITY ProLogix Soluti ons applications and
almost all of your hardware, thereby protecting your initial in vestment.
Depending on your needs, DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions can cove r a sing le site or network multiple
locations (for example, a satellite office within a larger business or branch locations around the world).
Multisite companies can centrally maintain their DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions via remote diagnostics and
alarming and can centrally administer their system using one of our system administration tools.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-1
1 Supported Applications
Supported Applications
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 supports the following platforms:
•INTUITY™ AUDIX® Voice Messaging System, Release 4.3 or later
•DEFINITY AUDIX Voice Messaging System, Release 3.2 or later
•Octel® 100 Messaging
•BCMS and/or BCMS Vu software
•CentreVu Call Management System
•INTUITY CONVERSANT® Interactive Voice Response
•IP-Trunks (voice and fax over IP)
•BRI Trunks and St ati ons
•Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH)
•C-LAN (TCP/IP connectivity for networking, INTUITY, and CentreVu Call
Management System)
•DEFINITY Wireless Business System Release 2 - PWT and DECT Adjunct
•TransTalk™ 9000 Digital Wireless System
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-2
1 Supported Applications
•DEFINITY Site Administration (DSA)
•PassageWay® Direct Connection
•Data access products from Paradyne™, Ascend® Communications, and
•DEFINITY PC Console Release 2 or later
•DEFINITY Attendant Console
•Telephones including the globally-designed 6400 series as well as 8500, 8400,
9400, 9100, 8100, 7400, 7300/ATL, and 6200 series
•MasterDirectory and PhoneLine applications
•Access Security Gateway (ASG) Guard and other security devices
•Miscellaneous adjuncts including Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS),
Overhead Paging, and Call Accounting software
•Remote and local access products for LAN access, Internet access, and voice
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-3
1 Application Starter Packages
Application Starter Packages
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions offers Application Starter Packages that enable you to implement advanced
applications at your own pace, easily and cost effectively in small sizes. When you are ready, you can
increase the capacity of the Starter Packages you purchase. Refer to the individual section for more details
about each Starter Package.
The following Starter Packages are available:
•Virtual Office
The Vir tual Of fice Starter Package lets you p rov ide voice and data access for offsite workers and telecommuters. Ideal for businesses with employees who often
work at home or other remote locations, this package allows workers to access
your business LAN or the Internet from a remote office or home. Off-site
workers can even receive telephone calls using a single telephone number no
matter where they are, enabling them to work where needed.
The Wireless Starter Package enhances mobility within your business locations
by enabling employees to receive important calls when they are away from their
desks. Available in single-zon e and multizone packages for anywhere from 1 to
25 users, the Wireless Starter Package gives workers convenient business calling
features in compact handsets.
Packages are available for DEFINITY Wireless Bus iness Systems as well as
TransTalk 9000 systems.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-4
1 Application Starter Packages
The Networking Starter Package includes th e h ardwar e an d software you need to
provide consistent, enhanced communications among multiple company
locations cost effectively. Depending on your business needs, you can select a
networking package to provide centralized voice mail, remote call coverage,
interoffice C al lin g Par ty / Call ed Party displays, and other productivity-enhancing
•Information Management
The Information Management Starter Package includes the software you need to
collect, modify, and synchronize directory information from a wide variety of
sources (such as PBXs, telecom databases, and corporate databases) and then
provide online access to this up-to-date directory information in networked,
stand-alone, and mobile computing environments. With this package, you can
build and maintain corporate directories and then distribute this information to
users throughout your organization.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-5
1 Differences between DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions and DEFINITY ECS
Differences between
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions and DEFINITY ECS
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions is a member of the powerful DEFINITY family and provides most of the
features found in other DEFINITY ECS systems. (Appendix A provides a list of the features supported by
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions.) However, there are some differences between DEFINITY ProLogix
Solutions and the DEFINITY ECS as listed below:
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions uses a new cab in et , pr oces so r, and power supply
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions does not support DC power.
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions does not support Common Control duplication.
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions does not support an internal modem for the
remote access port. Instead, an external modem is used.
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions supports a maximum of 600 total ports: a
maximum of 400 trunks/500 stati ons.
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions does not support Expansion Port Networks
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-6
1 Differences between DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions and DEFINITY ECS
•DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions does not support BX.25 system links that are
used for INTUITY/DEFINITY AUDIX DCIU Integration, R3 Call Manageme nt
System (CMS), CentreVu CMS, or for signaling for DCS networks. However, CLAN supports TCP/IP connectivity for DCS networking and adjuncts such as
CentreVu CMS and AUDIX systems.
For more detailed information on the system’s robust capabilities, see the DEFINITY ECS Release 7 System
Description Pocket Reference, Issue 4, 555-230-211, and the DEFINITY ECS Release 7 Administrator’s
Guide, Issue 1, 555-233-502, which are available on your documentation library compact disk (CD).
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-7
1 Hardware
The main component of DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions is the new R7csi model, which uses the TN798B
processor (a RISC-based central processing unit) and TN2182B Tone-Clock. The TN798B supervises
system operation.
Cabinets are enclosed shelves composed of vertical slots that hold circuit packs. Circuit packs make up the
logic, memory, and switching circuitry for the system. Port circuit packs connect to telephones, computers,
and trunks. The cabinets are designed to accept any type of port circuit pack in each circuit pack position.
The circuit packs fit into connectors attached to the rear of the slots. Every connector is connected to signal
buses and power supplies in the cabinet. The cabinets also house the equipment that supplies ringing signal
voltage and mass storage for software translations. Each compact modular cabinet has its own power supply
and supports 10 universal slots. The first cabinet uses two slots for the processor and the tone clock.
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-8
1 Hardware
Compact Modular Cabinets
Figure 1 shows a compact modular cabinet.
Figure 1.Compact Modular Cabinet
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-9
1 Hardware
The compact modular cabinet weighs 50 to 60 lbs. and has the following dimensions:
•height: 24.5 inches (62.2 cm)
•width: 25.5 inches (64.8 cm)
•depth: 11.3 inches (28.7 cm)
The R7csi has the following characteristics:
•It uses the compact modular cabinet (CMC).
•Each CMC has its own power supply.
•Up to three cabinets can be connected together in a single-port network.
•It enables small organizations to expand while keeping the initial investment
•It is mounted on a wall. However, it can be mounted on a table or floor as long as
only one cabinet is required. For approved mounting configurations, refer to the
Installation and Maintenance guide on the Library CD.
•It contains 10 universal port slots.
•The first two universal port slots in the first cabinet are typically used for the
TN798B processor and the TN2182B Tone-Clock. (However, these slots are not
dedicated to the processor and Tone-Clock.)
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100Issue 2 June 1999 1-10
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