CellPipe 20A-USB
The Cellpipe™ 20A-USB is Lucent’s easy-to-use economical ATM-based IP
router/bridge digital subscriber line (DSL) modem with USB support. This
customer premise equipment (CPE) modem enables the residential user to
leverage their existing local copper loop infrastructure to utilize highspeed DSL services – at speeds 200 times faster than traditional dial-up
m o d e m s .
High-speed, high-bandwidth
s o l u t i o n s
The CellPipe 20A-USB modem is a key component in the Lucent end-to-end DSL solution,
providing the PC-to-DSL connection that supports a full range of high-bandwidth applications. It allows high-speed connections over a
single copper pair with data rates of up to 8
Mbps downstream and 1024 Mbps upstream for
asymmetric DSL (ADSL). Used with Lucent’s
external POTS splitters and filters, the ADSL
modem supports one baseband analog voice
line being carried over the same copper pair as
No waiting- always on
The CellPipe 20A-USB modem operates as a
standard network adapter with an "always-on"
connection. This means email is always up-todate, and users do not have to log on or dial
into the Internet or corporate network. In addition, this device boosts user efficiency with a
continuous high-speed connection to applications such as the Internet and intranet, Webbased research, videoconferencing, network
gaming, multimedia, Web hosting, and more.
2 0 A - U S B
H a rd w a re Specifications
D i m e n s i o n s
4 in. x 4.3 in. x 1 in. (10.2 cm x 10.9
cm x 2.6 cm)
We i g h t
0.5 lbs
LAN Interf a c e
Universal Serial Interface (USB),
Type B, Version 1.1
Operating Enviro n m e n t
Te m p e r a t u re :
32 - 120ºF (0 - 50ºC)
H u m i d i t y :
5 - 95% noncondensing
Power Require m e n t s
P o w e red from USB Interf a c e
Safety Compliance
EMC/RFI Compliance
FCC Part 15
WAN Interf a c e
ADSL (RJ-11 Connector)
S o f t w a re Specifications
ATM Layer
Up to 8 PVCs
RFC 1483, multi-protocol over AT M
RFC 1577, IPoA
RFC 2364, PPP over ATM (CHAP
and PAP support e d )
RFC 2516, PPPoE (PPP over
E t h e rnet) over ATM (with third
p a rty software )
M a n a g e m e n t
M i c rosoft Windows control panel
monitoring pro g r a m
P C O/S Support e d
M i c rosoft Windows 98, 98SE, 2000, ME
Apple Macintosh
Line Impedance
100 Ω
Line Code
ITU G.DMT (G.992.1), G.Lite
(G.992.2), T1.413 issue 2
Line Speed
Full Rate (G.DMT): 8 Mbps downs t ream, 1 Mbps upstream; G.Lite:
1.536 Mbps downstream, 512 Kbps
u p s t ream; T1.413 issue 2 rate: 6.144
Mbps downstream, 512 Kbps
u p s t re a m
To learn more, contact
your Lucent Technologies
Representative, Authorized
Reseller, or Sales Agent.
Or, visit our Web sites.
Specifications subject to change
without notice.
©2001 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.
07/01 • 01-BA-2
CellPipe is a trademark of Lucent Technologies Inc.
All other trademarks, re g i s t e red trademarks, service names, products, or brand names are the sole pro p e rt y
of their respective owners. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or
supplement any specifications or warranties relating to these products and services.