Lucent Technologies 108596560 User Manual

GuestWorks® and DEFINITY
Release 8 Hospitality Operations
555-230-723 Comcode 108596560 Issue 6 December 1999
Copyright  1999, Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.
Every effort was made to ensure that the informa ti on in this book was complete and accura te at th e time o f prin tin g. Howev er , in format ion is subject to change.
Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your tel ec ommunications system by an unauthorized pa rty, for example, persons oth er th an your com-
pany’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your company’ s beh alf. Not e t hat t her e may be a ris k of toll f raud a ss oci ated with your telecommunications system and, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
This equipment returns answer-supe rvi sion signals on all DID calls forwarded back to the public switched telephone network. Permissible exceptions are:
A call is unanswered
A busy tone is received
A reorder tone is received
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) Interference Information
This digital apparatus does no t exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions set out in the radi o int er ference regulations of the Canadian Department of Com m unications.
DEFINITY and GuestWorks are registered tradem arks of Lucent Technologies. INTUITY is a trad emark of Lucent Technologies.
You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your system, such as programming and confi guring your equipment to pre­vent unauthorized use. The system manager is also responsibl e for reading all installation, instruc t ion, and system administration docu­ments provided with this pro duct in order to fully understand th e fe a­tures that can introduce risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product is immune fro m or will prevent unauthorized use of com­mon-carrier telecommunication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.
Lucent Technologies Fraud I n tervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistan ce , c al l the Lucent Technologies National Customer Care Center support line at 1-800-643-2353. Ou tsi de the continental United States, contact your local Lucent Technologies authorized representative.
Federal Communications Commission Statement Part 15: Class A Statement. This equipm ent has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to pr o vi de rea­sonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate rad io fre quency energy and, if not installed a nd used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to ra dio communi cati ons. Ope rati on of this e quipme nt i n a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Part 68: Network Registration Number. This equipment is registered with the FCC in accordan ce with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. It is identi­fied by FCC registration number AS593M-13283-MF-E, ringer equivalence 3.0A.
this equipment to be operated in a manner that does not provide proper answer-supervision signaling is in violation of Part 68 rules. This equipment returns answer-supervi s io n sign als to the public switched network when:
Answered b y the called station
Answered by the attendant
Routed to a recorded anno uncement that can be admini s-
Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling. Allowing
tered by the CPE user
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Order: Document No. 555-230-723
Comcode 10859656 0 Issue 6, December 1999
For more information abou t L uce nt Technologies documents, refer to
the section entitled “Related Documents” in “About This Document.”
Product Support
To receive support on your product, call 1-800-242-2121. Outside the continental United State s , contact your local Lucent Technologies authorized represen tati ve. To receive support for Teledex room tele­phones, call 1-813-824-6003.
European Union Declaration of Conformity
The “CE” mark affixed to the eq uip ment described in this book indi ­cates that the equipment co nfo r ms to th e following European Union (EU) Directives:
Electromagne tic Compatibility (89/336/EEC)
Low Voltage (73/23/EEC)
Telecommunica tions Terminal Equi pment (TTE) i-CTR3 BRI and i-CTR4 PRI
For more information on standards compliance, contact your local dis­tributor.
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GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Contents iii Hospitality Operations 1
About This Document 1
Purpose 1 Organization 2 Conventions 2 Related Documents 4 Product Support 4
Hospitality Services Overview 5
Telephone Support 5 Guest Services 5 PMS Integration 6
December 1999
Issue 6
Messaging Services 7 Flexibility 7
Guest Operations 8
Automatic Wakeup 8 Do Not Disturb 12 Emergency Access to the Attendant 13 Retrieving Messages 14 Dial by Name 19
Front Desk Operations 20
Attendant Backup 20 Check-In/Check-Out 21 Automatic Wakeup 25 Controlled Restrictions 38 Do Not Disturb 43 Message Waiting Notification 48 PMS Alarms 49 Call Accounting Alarms 49 Crisis Alert 49 Maid Status, Housekeeping Status, and
Room Occupancy 50 Recorded Announcements 52
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Automatic Selection of DID Numbers for Guest Rooms 53
Voice Messaging Operations 55
Administrative Mailbox on INTUITY 55 Connecting Guests to the Voice Messagi ng
System 56 Restoring a Deleted Voice Message 58 Retrieving Messages for Checked-Out Guests 59
Call Accounting Operations 61
Night Audit Procedures 61 End-of-Week/End-of-Month Audit Procedures 62 Printing Key Reports 63
Housekeeping Staff Operations 66
Status Codes 67
Reports 69
December 1999
Issue 6
Administration Reports 69 Printer R ep o rts 73
Guest Operations Artwork 76
Index 83
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations

Hospitality Operations

Hospitalit y Operations

About This Document

December 1999
Issue 6
1About This Document


This document contains the procedures for using the hospitality features of the
and DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server (ECS) family of products. These services include a group of switch-based features that support the lodging and health industries. Hotels, motels, and hospitals use these features to improve their property management and to provide assistance to their employees and clients.
Each procedure in this document is intended for one of the following groups of users:
Guests (or patients)
Attendants and front desk personnel
Housekeeping staf f memb er s
The hospitality services are assembled into this document for the system managers, attendants, and front desk personnel who use the services and explain the procedures to guests and housekeeping staff. Guests and housekeeping staff will have access to simplified instructions for the specific procedures they use.
This document does not addre ss ba si c telephone or attendant console operation.
Attendants and fr ont desk personnel should receive specific training in hospitali ty operations.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations


This document is organiz ed under the fol lowi ng major topics:
Hospitality Services Overview
Guest Operations
Console Operations (attenda nt and back up)
Voice Messaging Operations
Call Accounting Operations
Housekeeping Staf f Opera tions
Administration Options
Guest Operations Artwork


December 1999
Issue 6
2About This Docu me nt
The following conventions are used in this document:
Unless specified otherwise, the term “switch” si gnifies the D EFINITY
ECS or GuestWorks.
The term “attendant console” signifies the Model 302B, 302C, or PC
console that is usually found at the front desk. The term “backup telephone” signifies either a Model 6408D+, Model 6424D+, Model 8410D, or Model 8434 telephone with attendant-type feature buttons. Other multiappearance telephones can be used, but the preferred models are the 6408D+, 6424D+, 8410D, or 8434.
Buttons you press on the console or backup telephone are shown as
The buttons shown in this document use label designations provided by Lucent Technologies. Since the button labels can be customized for each site, some button labeling may have different designations.
Some button labels, such as Serial Call, span two lines. Because of line spacing in this document, they are shown across one line of text, such as
Administration comma nd path s and o ptions yo u ente r in t he admi nistr atio n
fields are shown as follows:
change system-parameters hos pita lity
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Field names shown on the administration screens are shown as follows:
the Extension of PMS field
The term “dial keypad” refers to the touch-tone keypad where you dial
(enter) telephone numbers and feature access codes.
When a procedure refers to a “room number,” the reference is to the
extension in the room. The two numbers are not always the same.
Times entered for features such as Automatic Wakeup and Do Not Disturb
consist of the hour followed by minutes in a multiple of 5 minutes; minute entries that are not multiples of 5 minutes are rounded off by the switch to the nearest multiple of 5.
December 1999
Issue 6
3About This Docu me nt
For example, to enter 7:00 a.m ., press the a.m., press the
1 1 3 0 buttons. To enter 10:15 p.m., press the 2 2 1 5
0 7 0 0 buttons. T o ent er 1 1:30
buttons. Times entered in the range from 13:00 to 00:59 represent 1:00 p.m.
to 12:59 a.m. Times entered in the range from 01:00 and 12:59 could represent either a.m. or p.m., so the switch prompts you to designate the correct time.
In all of the procedures where you enter the time of day, 12:00 a.m. is midnight and 12:00 p.m. is noon.
You hear the following tones during normal operation:
— Dial tone — a steady tone you hear when you select an idle call
— Ringback tone — the normal r inging tone you hear af te r you dial an
extension or outside number.
— Busy tone — a slow on-off-on-off tone you hear when the person
you are calling is busy.
— Reorder tone — a fast on-off-on-off tone you hear when calling
facilities are not available or are out of order.
— Confirmation tone — a three-burst tone you hear after successfully
using a feature access code.
— Intercept tone — a high-to-low tone you hear when a call or feature
access code is not accepted.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
The following table lists the features described in this document. Ask your
administrator for these codes and write them down in this table.
Feature Feature Access Code
Announcement Automatic Wakeup Call Emergency Access to Attendant Group Control Restrict
Deactivation Trunk Answer Any Station (TAAS) User Control Restrict
December 1999
Issue 6
4About This Docu me nt
Deactivation Verify Wakeup Announcement Voice Do Not Disturb

Related Documents

BCS Products Secu ri ty Handbo ok — 555-025-600
PC Console Quick Reference User’s Guide — 555-230-795
INTUITY™ Lodging Guest Artwork Package — 585-310-739
INTUITY™ Lodging Administ ratio n and Feature Operations — 585-310-577
Console Operations — 555-230-700
Console Operations Quick Reference — 555-230-890
INTUITY™ Lodging Call Accounting User’s Guide
ECS Administrator’s Guide — 555-233-502
ECS System Description — 555-230-211

Product Support

T o rece ive suppor t on your DEFINITY ECS or GuestWorks, call 1-800- 242-2121. Outside the continental United States, contact your local Lucent Technologies authorized representative.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Hospitality Services Overview

Keeping guests satisfied is the key to a successful lodging establishment, and providing full guest services through up-to-date communication enhances guest satisfaction. DEFINITY ECS and GuestWorks most advanced hospitality communications package currently available. The package was designed to assist lodging management with sales, housekeeping,
and guest services with a minimum of assistance from the property’s communications staff.
The switch provides a digital telephony base for the property where Lucent T echnol ogies’ I Accounting, and enhanced guest services are integrated with the switch. The hospitality package provides the custom hospitality features with or without a Property Management System (PMS) or a call accounting system.

Telephone Support

NTUITY™ Lodging Voice Messaging, Lucent INTUITY Lodging Call
December 1999
offers the lodging operator the
Issue 6
5Hospitality Services Overview
The switch supports two types of telephones: multiappearance and single-line. Single-line telephones allow a user to handle two simultaneous calls: one active and one on hold. Some single-line sets have a data/FAX jack on the set to allow business people to keep in touch with their office.
Multiappearance telephones are equipped with multiple buttons that can be used for call appearances or featur es. Multiapp earance t elephones c an also be equ ipped with a digital display. Depending on the type of call and the feature being used, the display will show who is calling, the time of day, the length of a call, and the trunk group currently in use. The Model 640 8D+, 642 4D+, 8403, 8410, and 8434 are recommended for office staff use. The Model 6408D+, 6424D+, 8410D, and 8434 have digital displays and access to additional features by using special softkey buttons.

Guest Services

The switch provides automatic wakeup for guest rooms where guests can request their own wakeup call. The request pr ocess can use the Speech Synthesi zer circu it pack to prompt the gues t thr ough th e reque st. The wakeup c all c an be a s simpl e as a silent wakeup c all, or a cust om sales mess age in the native lan guage of the guest, tailored to the time of day and day of the week.
In this document where native language is discussed, it should be understood that the switch can deliver the different languages when the messages are recorded into the Announcement circuit pack. It is the customer’s responsibility to record the messages.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Hospitality is the ability to activate Do Not Disturb and the assurance that the
feature will turn off at the predetermined time. Do Not Disturb is just that — it turns off ringi ng at a station (a form of terminating res triction). When activate d, only Priority Calling and Automatic Wakeup calls can ring at the station. This restriction ensures fewer distractions when a guest does not want to be disturbed.
Hospitality is having a check-in and check-out button on the attendant console or backup telephone. When a g ues t is ch ecked in , th e desk cl erk pr esses t he chec k-in button; the switch prompt s f or a n ext ension number, marks the room as occupied, and turns the telephone on. At check-out, the reverse happens.
Hospitality for the business traveler is providing the Model 8411 telephones. The 8411 telephone uses digital technology to provide simultaneous voice calls and data calls o ver one pai r of wir es. These t elephones can repl ace exist ing an alog room telephones without rewiring your property.
Hospitality is the hou sekeeper c leaning a r oom, going to th e telephon e and diali ng a feature access code to change the room status from “dirty” to “clean and ready for occupancy.” All of the above are done i n the switch, without the use of a PMS.
December 1999
Issue 6
6Hospitality Services Overview
A GuestWorks feature, called Dial by Name, allows guests to call other guests in the hotel by entering their name instead of their extension number. This feature uses the Call Vectoring feature to give guests another option when placing calls.

PMS Integration

When a PMS is added, many of these switch features mentioned above become enhanced for the needs of the lodging management. The PMS interfaces to the switch using a digi tal port . When t he guest c hecks into the hot el, all i nforma tion is entered in the PMS and then transferred to the switch. If the PMS has the names registration feat ure, the gues t’ s name is t ransferred a utomatical ly to the switc h and is added to the station screen.
This means that when Jim Smith calls for room service, the person answering the telephone sees “Jim Smith” in the digital display and answers “How can I help you, Mr . Smith .” Th is kin d of per sonal ized s ervic e is wha t disti nguishe s one ho tel from another.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Messaging Services

Hospitality is a message waiting lamp on a guest’s telephone, where the lamp has been turned on by t he Lu cent I by the console attendant. When written messages are taken at the front desk, they can be left in the guest’s voice mailbox. This makes sure that when the guests call in to retrieve their messages, they get all their messages with one telephone call. When guests retr ie ve all of their messa ges, the voice messagi ng sy ste m turn s the ir message waiting lamp off. The Lucent I the prompts heard when guests retrieve their messages) are available in a number of languages. You can use one language as the default but specif y other languag es as required by your guests.
To provide guest FAX messaging services, you must provide a separate telephone number to receive these messages.
If your switch is not equi pped with voice messaging, the front desk personnel can take messages manually and turn on the guest’s message waiting lamp. When the guests call the front desk and get their messages, the front desk personnel can manually turn off the guest’s message waiting lamp.
December 1999
Issue 6
7Hospitality Services Overview
NTUITY Lodging messaging syst em, b y th e PM S, or
NTUITY Lodging system greetin gs (suc h as


In hotels with meeting facilities where there is an occasional need for telephone service in the me eting roo ms, there is the Terminal Translat ion Ini tializ ation (TTI ) feature. Wi th TTI, ports are translated as “administered, but inactive.” When the port needs to be activa ted, a hotel communi cations st aff member p lugs a telepho ne into the desired jack. He or she enters a feature access code, a security password, and an extension number. The telephone now is available f or that room. Wh en the telephone is to be removed, t he removal code is entered, foll owed by the passwo rd and the extension number. This arrangement requires that th e hotel has a port fr om the switch wired to every possible jack in the meeting rooms, which can have up-front costs but wil l pr ovi de a good level of customer ser vi ce. One way to limit the cost is to provide a li mit ed numbe r of ports to the meeting room area. A pat ch panel would allow hotel staff to wire extensions to specific jacks on a flexible basis. You still can serve several jacks with a limited number of ports.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Guest Operati ons

Guests can schedule wake up calls for themselv es, blo ck unwanted inc oming calls , make emergency calls, and retrieve voice and FAX messages from their extensions or from telephones outside of the property. The specific procedures required for each of these features depends on the type of telephone or telephone they are using. Room telephones should be supplie d with instruct ions that apply to them specifically; guests should never have to decide which kind of telephone they have to select the appropriate procedure.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to provide these instructions in something similar to a Guest Services Handbook or on a user card that is placed next to the room telephone . Refer to ‘‘
page 76 for some examples of what can be provided to your guests.

Automatic Wakeup

December 1999
Issue 6
8Guest Operations
Guest Operations Artwork ’’ on
Guests can ente r the ir own wakeup times, b ut the operation i s different de pending on whether you have a Speech Synthesizer circuit pack installed in your switch:
With a Speech Synthesizer circuit pack, guests can enter 1 wakeup call
using the voice prompts of the circuit pack.
If Speech Synthesizer circuit pack is not installed in your switch, guests
can enter 1 or 2 wakeup calls using the standard call progress tones to prompt them through the process (for example, dial tone and confirmation tone). For this operation, your switch must have the Dual Wakeup and Wakeup Activation via Tones features enabled.
With Speech Synthesizer
Provide the following procedures to your guests to activate and deactivate a wakeup call.
Guests cannot enter 2 wakeup calls when using the Speech Synthesizer circuit pack. Only attendants can enter 2 wakeup calls with this configuration.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Add Your Wakeup Call
Access to the Automatic Wakeup feature may be from a button on the guest telephone or by using a feature access code.
1. Pick up the handset of your tel ephone and press the wakeup button, or enter the Automatic Wakeup Call feature access code _____.
Listen to the wakeup instructions. You will hear “You have reached
the automatic wakeup s ervice. Plea se enter the t ime for your wakeup call followed by the pound sign.”
2. Using the dial keypad, enter the time that you wish to receive a wakeup call, followed by the over.
If you entered a time between 13:00 and 00:59, you will hear a
message saying “Thank you. Your request for _____ is confirmed.” You can hang up.
If you used a time between 01:00 and 12:5 9, the promp t says “A.M., press 2; P.M., press 7.”
December 1999
Issue 6
9Guest Operations
# button. If you make a mistake, hang up and start
3. Press the
2 button for an A.M. wakeup call or the 7 button for a P.M.
wakeup call.
You will hear a message saying “Thank you. Your request for
_____ is confirmed.” You can hang up.
4. Hang up the telephone.
When your wakeup time arrive s, your telepho ne will alert you with speci al 3-burst ringing. Answer the call (and listen to the message, if you like), then hang up. Your wakeup call is now finished and will not be repeated. If you do not answer the wakeup call within 30 seconds, it is repeated 2 more times at 5-minute intervals.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Change or Delete Your Wakeup Call
1. Pick up the handset of your tel ephone and press the wakeup button, or enter the Automatic Wakeup Call feature access code _____.
Listen to the wakeup instructions. You will hear “You have reached
the automatic wakeup service. Your current request for a wake-up call is _____. Press the delete.”
December 1999
Issue 6
10Guest Op erat ion s
2 button to change; press the 3 button to
2. If you want to change the wakeup time that you entered earlier, press the button.
You will now go through the original procedure for entering a
wakeup time again. Your new time will replace the old time.
3. If you want to delete your wakeup call completely, press the
You will hear the message “Thank you. Your request has been
canceled.” You can hang up.
4. Hang up the telephone.
With Wakeup Activation Via Tones
Provide the following procedures to your gue sts to activat e and deactivate wakeup calls if the Wakeup Activation via Tones feature is activated. The Dual Wakeup feature is required if you want to allow your guests to have two wakeup calls. Guests cannot activate a Daily Wakeup or a VIP Wakeup.
Add or Change Your Wakeup Calls
Access to the Automatic Wakeup feature may be from a button on the guest telephone or by using a feature access code.
1. Pick up the handset of your tel ephone and press the wakeup button, or enter the Automatic Wakeup Call feature access code _____.
3 button.
You will hear recall dial tone (3 short tones, followed by dial tone).
2. Using the dial keypad, enter the time that you wish to receive a wakeup call. The time must be entered using the 24-hour clock format (for example, 0900 is 9 a.m. and 2230 is 10:30 p.m.).
You will hear confirmation tone (3 s hor t t ones, followed by sile nce) .
If you make a mistake, you may hear intercept tone (siren tone).
Hang up and start over.
If you hear reorder tone (fast busy), the switch cannot accept your
request at this time. Try again later, or call the front desk.
3. Hang up the telephone.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
4. If you wish to have a second wakeup call, pick up the handset of your telephone and press the wakeup button, or enter the Automatic Wakeup Call feature access code _____.
You will hear recall dial tone (3 short tones, followed by dial tone).
December 1999
Issue 6
11Guest Op erat ion s
5. Press the
* button.
6. Enter the time that you wish to receive your second wakeup call. The time must be entered using the 24-hour clock format (for example, 0900 is 9 a.m. and 2230 is 10:30 p.m.).
You will hear confirmation tone (3 s hort tones, followed b y si le nce) .
If you make a mistake, you may hear intercept tone (siren tone).
Hang up and start over.
If you hear reorder tone (fast busy), the switch cannot accept your
request at this time. Try again later, or call the front desk.
7. Hang up the telephone.
When your first wakeup time arrives, your telephone will alert you with special 3-burst ringing. Answer the call (and listen to the message, if you like), then hang up. Your wakeup call now is finishe d and will no t be repea ted. If you do not answer the wakeup call within 30 seconds, it is repeated 2 more times at 5-minute intervals. Your second wakeup call follows the same procedure.
Delete Your Wakeup Calls
1. If you wish to delete your first wakeup call, pick up the handset of your telephone and press the wakeup button, or enter the Automatic Wakeup Call feature access code _____.
You will hear recall dial tone (3 short tones, followed by dial tone).
2. Press the
# button to delete your first wakeup call.
You will hear confirmation tone (3 s hor t t ones, followed by sile nce) .
3. Hang up the telephone.
4. If you wish to delete your second wakeup call, pick up the handset of your telephone and press the wakeup button, or enter the Automatic Wakeup Call feature access code _____.
You will hear recall dial tone (3 short tones, followed by dial tone).
5. Press the
* button, followed by the # button.
You will hear confirmation tone (3 s hor t t ones, followed by sile nce) .
6. Hang up the telephone.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Do Not Disturb

If your switch is equipped with the Speech Synthesizer circuit pack, guests can enter their own Do Not Disturb requests. The following instructions should be provided to your guests so they can access this feature.
During the Do Not Disturb period, all calls are blocked from ringing your telephone, except for the following:
Emergency calls, cleared through the front desk
Wakeup calls scheduled before your Do Not Disturb period ends
Access to the Do Not Disturb featur e is done by usi ng a fe at ure access code or by using a feature button on the guest telephone.
Enter a Do Not Disturb Request (Feature Dial Access Code)
1. Pick up the handset of your telephone and enter the Voice Do Not Disturb feature access code _____.
December 1999
Issue 6
12Guest Op erat ion s
Listen to the Do Not Disturb instructions. You will hear “You have
reached the Do Not Dist urb service. Please enter the time you wish Do Not Disturb to end, followed by the pound sign.”
2. Using the dial keypad, enter the time that you want the Do Not Disturb time to end, followed by the
# button. If you make a mistake, hang up and
start over.
If you used a time between 13:00 and 00:59, you will hear a
message saying “Thank you. Do Not Disturb is activated. It will be turned off at _____.” You can hang up.
If you used a time between 01:00 and 12:59, you will hear a
message saying “A.M., press 2; P.M., press 7.”
3. Press the
2 button for A.M. or the 7 button for P.M.
You will hear a message saying “Thank you. Do Not Disturb is
activated. It will be turned off at _____.” You can hang up.
Change or Cancel a Do Not Disturb Request (Feature Dial Access Code)
1. Pick up the handset of your telephone and enter the Voice Do Not Disturb feature access code _____.
Listen to the instructions. You will hear “You have reached the Do
Not Disturb service. The current time for deactivation is _____. Press 2 to change; press 3 to deactivate the service now.”
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
2. If you want to cha nge the t ime your Do Not Disturb p eriod ends , press t he 2 button.
You will now go through the original procedure for entering the
time. Your new time will repla ce the old tim e.
December 1999
Issue 6
13Guest Op erat ion s
3. If you want to cancel Do Not Disturb completely, press the
You will hear a message saying “Thank you. Your request has been
canceled.” You can hang up.
Activate Do Not Disturb (Feature Button)
Press the Do Not Disturb button.
The lamp next to the Do Not Disturb button lights. Do Not Disturb
is now activated.
Deactivate Do Not Disturb (Feature Button)
When the Do Not Disturb lamp is on, press the Do Not Disturb button.
The lamp next to the Do Not Disturb button goes off. Do Not
Disturb is now deactivated.

Emergency Access to the Attendant

In an emergency situ ati on, you can send the attend ant an ur ge nt cal l for hel p. This call does not automatically place a call to an emergency service agent; a separate call is required. The attendant will receive both audible and visible signals that indicate the emergenc y call. Ther e are two ways to place an emer ge ncy call to the attendant:
3 button.
Pick up the handset of your telephone and enter the Emergency Access to
Attendant feature acces s code _____. The switch then sends an emerge ncy signal to the attendant.
If you cannot pr ess the c ode, take th e hands et of f the telephone . After bein g
off-hook for the admin ist er ed t ime i n t erv al , the switch automati ca ll y sends an emergency signal to the attendant.
This feature has administrable parameters that are documented in DEFINITY
Enterprise Communications Server Administrator’s Guide.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Retrieving Messages

Usually, guests will re trieve their voice messages from thei r rooms, but they may also need to retrieve their messages from other guest rooms, from a house telephone, or from a location away from the property. When retrieving messages from other locations, passwords assigned at check-in will need to be used for guest security. If administered on the voice messaging system, guests also can create their own personal greeting to be used during their stay at the property.
The procedures given in this section apply to the Lucent INTUITY Lodgi ng voice messaging product. If your installation is using a different voice messaging system, use the instructions provided with that system. Refer to
NTUITY Lodging Administration and Feature Operations for more
information about voice and FAX messaging services.
These procedures need to be communicated to your guests. You also can provide them a Guest Quick Reference Card t o help them use the Lucent I voice messaging.
December 1999
Issue 6
14Guest Op erat ion s
NTUITY Lodging
Retrieving Messages from Your Room
1. Call the message retrieval telephone number.
Listen to the message retrieval greeting and the notification of the
number and type of messages. Mes sages may be voic e, F AX, or t ext. Text messages are usually written messages collected at the front desk.
Messages are played one at a time. Each message is prefac ed with
the time, day, and date it was received. FAX messages are always presented after the voice messages have been accessed. Refer to
‘‘Retrieving FAX Messages’’ on page 16
2. After each message is played, you may do any of the following:
Press the 2 button to replay the message.
Press the 3 button to delete the message and listen to the next
Press the 4 button to save the current message and listen to the next
message (this option is administrable and may not be available on every system).
Press the 0 button to transfer to an attendant for assistance or to
retrieve text messages.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
If no keys are pressed, the current message is saved (if the system is administered to save old messages) and the new one is played. To keep your mailbox space free for new messages, delete unwanted messages.
If the system is not admini stered to save old message s, once you listen to a message, the message is deleted automatically and the next message is played.
3. After th e last messag e, you will hear a closing message.
Retrieving Messages from Locations Other Than Your Room
1. Call the operator, give them your name, and tell them you want to retrieve your voice messages. The operator will do one of two operations:
a. The operator transfer s your ca ll immedi atel y to the v oic e messagi ng
system. Continue with Step 2.
b. The operator will ask you for your room number and your voice
messaging password. The operator calls the voice messaging system, enters your room number and your password, and then transfers you to the voice messaging system. Continue with
Step 3.
December 1999
Issue 6
15Guest Op erat ion s
2. Enter your room number followed by your password.
T o protect against abuse of voice mailboxes, passwords should be assigned. If the voice-messaging mailbox you are accessing does not have a password, contact the front desk personnel to request that a password be assigned.
The system prompts you with the message “Press 1 to listen.”
3. Press the
1 button to listen to your voice messages. Messages are played
one at a time.
4. After each message is played, you may do any of the following:
Press the 2 button to replay the message.
Press the 3 button to delete the message and listen to the next
Press the 4 button to save the current message and listen to the next
message (this option is administrable and may not be available on every system).
Press the 0 button to transfer to an attendant for assistance or to
retrieve text messages.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
If no keys are pressed, the current message is saved (if the system is administered to save old messages) and the new one is played. To keep your mailbox space free for new messages, delete unwanted messages.
If the system is not admini stered to save old message s, once you listen to a message, the message is deleted automatically and the next message is played.
5. After th e last messag e, you will hear a closing message.
Retrieving FAX Messages
1. Call the message retrieval telephone number.
Listen to the message retrieval greeting and the notification of the
number and type of messages. Mes sages may be voic e, F AX, or t ext. Text messages are usually written messages collected at the front desk.
Messages are played one at a time. Each message is prefac ed with
the time, day, and date it was received. FAX messages are always presented after the voice messages have been accessed.
December 1999
Issue 6
16Guest Op erat ion s
2. After all of the voice messages have played, press the
6 button when
prompted to retrieve your FAX messages.
3. After pressing the
Press the 1 button to receive the messages on the same telephone
6 button, you may do any of the following:
call. To do this, you must be calling from a FAX machine or from a telephone that has a data port connected to your computer. The computer must have FAX software that can receive the messages.
Press the 2 button t o print the messa ges to an in-room FAX machine.
Press the 3 button to send the messages to the guest services FAX
machine (usually at the front desk).
Press the 4 button to send the messages to a machine outside of the
hotel. You will be prompted to enter the FAX machine’s telephone number.
All FAX messages in your mailbox are printed as a group.
4. Depending on the option selected, you will hear a closing message or the call will disconnect after all FAX messages are d elivered.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Recording a Personal Greeting
To use this feature, the Lucent INTUITY Lodging system must have software Release 1.1 or later.
1. Call the message retrieval telephone number.
Listen to the message retr ieval greetin g.
December 1999
Issue 6
17Guest Op erat ion s
2. When prompted, press the
5 button to hear the personal greeting and
change password options. The following personal greeting options are given:
To record your personal greeting, press the 1 button.
To listen to your personal greeting, press the 2 button.
To erase your personal greeting, press the 3 button.
3. Press the
1 button to record a personal greeting. You are then prompted to
record your personal greeting after the tone.
When recording your personal greeting, if is recommended that you do not give out your room number or any other information that may compromise your personal security.
4. When recording is completed, you may do any of the following:
To re-record, press the 1 button.
To review your recording, press the 2 button.
To erase and go back (to your messages), press the 3 button.
To save and go back (to your messages), press the 4 button.
5. Once you are satisfied with your personal greeting, press the
4 button to
save your personal greeting. You will receive a confirmation message and will be retu rned to message retrieval.
6. If you already have a personal greeting, press the
2 button to listen to your
personal greeting.
After listening to your personal greeting, you are returned to
message retrieval.
7. If you already have a personal greeting, press the
3 button to erase your
personal greeting.
After erasing your personal greeting, you are returned to message
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Changing Your Password
At check-in, you were assigned a 4-digit password to use when retrieving your messages while away from your room.
To use this feature, the Lucent INTUITY Lodging system must have software Release 1.1 or later. Passwords cannot be the same as your room number and cannot be the same 4 digits. For security, it is recommended that you use a random number pattern.
To change your password, perform the following:
1. From your room, call the message retrieval telephone number.
Listen to the message retr ieval greetin g.
December 1999
Issue 6
18Guest Op erat ion s
2. When prompted, press the
5 button to hear the personal greeting and
change password menu.
3. Press the
4 button to change your password.
You are given instructions on how to change your password.
4. Enter a valid 4-digit password.
5. Enter your new password a second time.
You will receive a confirmation message stating that your password
has changed.
6. Press the
5 button to go back to your messages, or hang up if finished.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Dial by Name

If you can’t remember at which room your associate is staying, you can use the Dial by Name feature to place a call. This feature is available on GuestWorks.
1. Call the Dial by Name extension as provided by the hotel. You are routed to the auto-attendant procedure and are prompted to enter
the person ’s name.
2. Enter the first 4 characters of the person’s last name. If only one name matches the 4 charact ers ent ered, the call is placed to th at
person. Otherwise, continue with step 3.
3. If there is more than one match fo r the fir st 4 char act er s, you ar e prompted to enter the re st of the characters in their last name. After you ente r the rest of the characters, press the
If only one name matches the characters entered, the call is placed to that person. Otherwise, go to step 4.
December 1999
Issue 6
19Guest Op erat ion s
# button.
4. If there are still multiple matches, you are prompted to enter the first 2 characters of the person’s first name.
If only one name matches the characters entered, the call is placed to that person. Otherwise, the call cannot be complet ed using Dial by Name. Pre ss
0 button to connect with the front desk.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations

Front Desk Operations

Almost all operations that are done from a traditional “attendant console” (Model 302B, model 302C, or PC console) can now be done from an Attendant Backup telephone (a telephone that has “console” permissions). The operations given in this section include the following:
Attendant Backup
Check-In and Check-Out
Automatic Wakeup
Failed Wakeup Notification
Controlled Restrictions
Do Not Disturb
Message Waiting Notification
PMS Alarms
December 1999
Issue 6
20Front Desk Operations
Call Accounting Alarms
Maid Status and Room Occupancy
Recorded Announcements.
Refer to DEFINITY Console Operations and DEFINITY Console Operations Quick Reference for standard console feature operations not related to hospitality.

Attendant Backup

The Attendant Backup feature allows you to access most attendant console features from one or more specially-a dmin ist er ed mu lt ia ppearance telephones. Using this backup mode, yo u can a nswe r cal ls f aster, thus providing better se rvice to your guests and prospective clients.
The recommended telephones are the Lucent Technologies Model 6408D+, 6424D+, 8434, and 8410D,. When calls terminate at the attendant console during normal operation, users at the backup telephones can answer overflow calls by pressing a button or entering a feature acce ss c ode. You can then process the calls as if you are at the attendant console. Procedures for basic feature operation are documented in the quick reference guides for each telephone.
The Attendant Backup features cannot be used from guest rooms administered as “client” rooms even if they have a multiappearance telephone.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
When the attendant console is in th e day mode (t he Night l amp is of f ), you cann ot answer overflow calls at the backup telephones until the number of calls waiting in the atten dant queue has reached an administered threshold. Until the threshold is reached, the only indication the backup telephones receive that there are calls waiting in queue is when the Attendant Queue Calls and the Attendant Queue Time lamps go on. You can press the many calls are waiting and how long the oldest call has been waiting, but you cannot answer the call. The Attendant Queue Time lamp starts flashing when the time in queue warning level has been reached (this is usually set for 15 seconds), but you still cannot answer the call.
When the calls waiting in queue threshold has been reached, the backup telephones will beep e very 10 sec onds as long as the number of calls waiting s tays above the threshold. You then can answer calls using the Trunk Answer Any Station (TAAS) feature access code _____ or an automatic dialing button administered with that feature access code. You can turn off the beeping by pressing the
December 1999
Issue 6
21Front Desk Operations
ATTENDANT QUEUE TIME button to see how
When the attendant console is i n the night mode (th e Night lamp is on), all calls to the attendant console immediately beep at the backup telephones and the Attendant Queue Calls and the Attendant Queue Time lamps go on. You then can answer calls using the TAAS feature access code _____ or an automatic dialing button administered with that feature access code.
You also can install an external ringi ng d evice t hat so unds whene ver the at tendan t queue limit is reached and when calls can be answered with the TAAS feature access code. Attendant Backup is an optional feature.


Use the following proc edures to check h otel gues ts in and out. If yo ur swit ch has a PMS that supports guest check-in and check-out, use this feature from the PMS, not the attendant console. The only e xception to t his is if the li nk to the PMS is not operational.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
When a guest checks in and is assigned a room, the room’s status changes to occupied, and the room’s telephone controlled restriction changes to No Restriction.
Telephone restrictions sometimes are not cancelled when a guest is checked in. You should always verify that the telephones work correctly. If needed, remove restrictions manually (refer to page 38
December 1999
Issue 6
22Front Desk Operations
1. If you are not sure which rooms are available, press the button.
The lamps associated with the rooms already occupied will display
on the DXS selector console. Determine an unoccupied room from this information.
2. Press the
3. Enter the room number followed b y the
CHECK IN button.
The Check In lamp goes on.
The following displays:
# button.
One of the following displays:
This indicates that the check-in procedure was successful.
This indicates that you entered the wrong extension. Press the button to start over.
This indicates that check-in has already been done for this room.
This indicates that something failed with the check-in procedure. Press the
CHECK IN button to start over.
The console returns to the normal operating mode.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
When a guest checks out, the room’s status changes to vacant and the room’s telephone controlled restriction changes to Outward Restriction. Outward restriction prevents unauthorized users in the room from making outgoing calls. Check-out also cancels an y Wakeup and Do Not Disturb requests and tu rns of f the room telephone’s message waiting lamp.
To check a guest out of the hotel, perform the following:
December 1999
Issue 6
23Front Desk Operations
1. Press the
CHECK OUT button.
The Check Out lamp goes on.
The following displays:
2. Enter the room number followed b y the
One of the following displays:
# button.
This indicates th at there a re unopened messages for the guest . Access thos e messages and give them to the guest before they leave.
This indicates that there are no messages for the guest.
This indicates that you entered the wrong extension. Press the
button to start over.
This indicates that check-out has already been done for this room.
This indicates that something failed with the check-out procedure. Press
CHECK OUT button to start over.
The console returns to the normal operating mode.
GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations
Suite Check-in
Suite Check-in allows you to have the switch automatically check-in more than one phone with one chec k-in command (whet her from your Prope rty Management System (PMS) or an on-switch check-in from an attendant).
When a room phone is checked in, the switch looks for a hunt-to extension associated with that phone. If it finds one, the switch also checks in the phone found in the hunt-to field. The switch also:
removes controlled outward restricti on
adds the guest’s name to the phone record for that extension
stores the call coverage path
removes any Leave Word Calling (LWC) messages
marks the room as “occupied”
If the hunt-to (second or subsequent) phone has an extension in its hunt-to field, that phone also is checked in. The switch continues checking in phone until it meets a phone in the chain with a blank hunt-to field.
December 1999
Issue 6
24Front Desk Operations
Your system manager programs this feature into your console to occur automatically. Perform the regular check-in procedures described in ‘‘
on page 22.
Station Hunt Before Coverage
Station Hunt Before Coverage provides that when a call is made to a busy phone, the switch checks to see if there is a hunt-to phone assigned to the busy phone. If there is, the switch tries to connect to t he h unt -to phone before going to coverage. If the hunt-to phone is busy too, the switch continues hunting down the hunt-to chain. If all phone in the hunt-to chain are busy, the call goes to the principal’s coverage.
Your system manager programs this feature into your console to occur automatically.
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