The product described in this book is a licensed product of Lucent
Technologies Inc.
WaveMANAGER are registered trademarks or trademarks of Lucent
Technologies Inc.
•Microsoft MS-Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
•Adobe Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
All other brand and product na mes a re trad ema rks or re gister ed tradem arks of
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This Document was created by:
Lucent Technologies Nederland B.V.
Wireless Communications & Networking Division (WCND)
P.O. Box 755
3430 AT Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
An electronic copy of this document is also available on the enclosed
software CD-ROM. Updates of this document can be downloaded from the
ORiNOCO Library on the World Wide Web at
To view or print the electronic document, in Adobe’s Portable Document
Format (PDF), you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader®, included on the
enclosed Software CD-ROM.
Alternatively, consult the Adobe website at:
November 6, 2000
It is the policy of Lucent Technologies to improve products as new
technology, components, software, and firmware become available. Lucent
Technologies, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without
prior notice.
All features, functions, and operations described herein ma y not be marketed
by Lucent Technologies in all parts of the world. In some instances, drawings
are of equipment prototypes. Therefore, before using this document, consult
your Lucent Technologies representative or Lucent Technologies office for
information that is applicable and current.
Introduction G-1
Selecting the Right Card & Cables G-3
Regulatory Information G-7
HSupport & WarrantyH-1
Technical Support H-1
Warranty and Repair H-2
List of FiguresLOF-1
List of TablesLOT-1
About This Guide 1-1
Who Should Use This Guide1-1
Finding Additional Inform a tio n1-2
■Installing Outdoor Router Hardware 1-2
■Configuration and Management 1-2
■Context-Sensitive Help 1-3
■Hardware Specificatio ns 1-3
■Additional files on your Software CD-ROM 1-3
■Other Sources of Information 1-3
About ORiNOCO Outdoor Router 1-4
■ORiNOCO Remote Outdoor Router 1-4
■ORiNOCO Central Outdoor Router 1-5
■Upgrading the ORiNOCO Outdoor Router 1-6
About This Guide
This ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide explains how to install and
set-up an outdoor antenna installation based on ORiNOCO PC Cards that will
be used in combination with:
■ ORiNOCO Outdoor Router products
■ ORiNOCO Client products
There is also a chapter about verifying the wireless lin k qua l ity and correcting
problems that might arise during installation or operation.
This guide does not explai n how to erect antenna masts, or how to install a
safety gr ounding syst em. These are pre-requis ites that must be in place be f ore
the directional antenna is installed.
Who Should Use This Guide
The installation of Outdoor Antenna Li nks requires technical exp erti se . At th e
very least, you should be able to:
■ Instal l and configure the network components, such as the Outdoor Router
and the ORiNOCO LAN administrator’s station.
■ Understand or have a worki ng knowledge of the installat ion procedures for
network operating systems under Microsoft Windows 95/98 and/or Microsoft
Windows NT.
■ Mount the outdoor antenna and surge arrester. Lucent Technologies
recommends that the i nstallat i on i s performed by a qualified ant enna
installation service.
1 Formerly also referred to as WavePOIN T-II PTP, WaveACCESS Link WP-II or WaveCAMPUS.
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide1-1
About This Guide
The ORiNOCO Outdoor Router outdoor antennas are intended for
mounting on a roof, or the si de of a building. Installation shal l not be
attempted by someone who is not trained or experi enced in this type of
work.The antenna has to be installed by a suitably trained pr of essional
installation technician or a qualified antenna installation service. The site
pre-requisites have to be checked by a person familiar with the national
electrical code, and other regulations governing this type of installation.
Finding Additional Information
Installing Outdoor Router Hardware
ORiNOCO outdoor ant en na i nstallations are typically con nected to
Outdoor Router devices. The hardware installation of these devices is described
in the Getting Started Guide that is included wi th each Outdoor Router unit .
Configuration and Management
The configuration and management of outdoor antenna links is controlled via the
OR Manager pr ogr am ; an M S - W in dows based application th at can be installed
on almost any computer running Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT (v4.0).
How to install this program is described in the Getting Started Guide that is
included with each Outdo or Router unit.
How to use the OR M anager program is descr i bed in:
■ The “Context-Sensitive Help” as described below.
■ The "ORiNOCO OR Mana ger - User’s Guide" provided on t he softwar e CD-
ROM that came with the Outd oor Router device (i nse rt ed inside the backside cover of the Getting Started Guide that came with your product).
■ The "ORiNOCO OR Manager - User’s Guide" als o de sc ri be s ho w t o monitor
the performance of your wireless network, and provides hints and scenarios
for troubleshooting perfor m ance degradation.
To view and/or print these documents, you will need to install the Adobe
Acrobat Reader provided on the software CD-ROM.
1-2ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
About This Guide
Context-Sensitive Help
Context-sensitive help f or th e O R Manager program is available by clicking the
“Help” button on the screen or pressing the function key.
Hardware Specifications
■ Outdoor Router hardware specifications are described in the Getting Started
Guide that is shipped with each device.
■ Radio Frequency specifications of the Outdoor Router are described in the
"ORiNOCO PC Card Getting Started".
■ Hardware specificat io ns for th e ou tdoor antennas, the cabling sys tem and
the ORiNOCO Surge Arrester are listed in Appendices of this guide.
Additional files on your Software CD-ROM
All software CD-ROMs (or diskettes) that came with your ORiN O C O pr oducts,
include a file called “readme.txt”. This file contains infor m at i on ab out the
software version and/or dr iv er s on t he diskette.
You are advised to print and read t he “readme.txt” file prior to installing
your ORiNOCO products, as it may contain additional information that
was not avai l able when this document was pr inted.
Other Sources of Information
All documentation listed above can be downloaded from the ORiNO CO website
You are advised to visit the we bsit e at re gul ar intervals for the latest
available information, doc umentation and software updates and other
ORiNOCO news.
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide1-3
About ORiNOCO Outdoor Router
About ORiNOCO Outdoor Router
The ORiNOCO Outdoor Router enables you to setup a wireless system that
■ “ORiNOCO Remote Outdoor Router” functionality, or
■ “ORiNOCO Central Outdoor Router” functionality.
ORiNOCO Remote Outdoor Router
With two ORiNOCO Remote Outdoor Routers, it’s easy to setu p a wireless
Point-to-Point link as pictured in Figure1-1 below.
Figure 1-1 ORiNOCO Point-to-Point Link
The Point-to-Point (PTP) Link f unctionality enables you to setup a connection
between two locations as an alternative to:
■ Leased lines in building -to- building connections , or
■ Wired Ethernet backbones between AP-1000s i n ‘hard-to-wire’
1-4ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
About ORiNOCO Outdoor Router
ORiNOCO Central Outdoor Router
If you wish to connect more than two buildings, yo u can choose to:
■ Setup multiple Point-to-Point links, using multiple pairs of Remote Outdoor
Router systems, or
■ Setup a single Point-to-M ul ti poi nt sy st em using a single Central O utdoo r
Router and multiple Remote Outdoor Routers as pictured in Figure 1-2
Figure 1-2 ORiNOCO Point-to-Multipoint Link
Looking at Figure 1- 2 th e system is designed as foll ows:
■ The central building c is equipped with the Central Outdoor Rout er,
connected to either an omni-directional, or wide angle antenna.
■ The two Remote buildings a and b have both been equipped with Remote
Outdoor Routers connect e d to directional antennas.
Subject to local radio regula tions and legislation, the outdoo r an te nna
solutions described in this document may not be available in all parts of
the world. Consult Appendix G “Certified Outdoor Sol ut i ons ” for more
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide1-5
About ORiNOCO Outdoor Router
Upgrading the ORiNOCO Outdoor Router
If you wish to extend the feat ur es of previously purchas ed hardware you can
purchase dedicated Software Lic ense Kits to upgrade:
■ AP-1000 into one of the ORiN O CO O utdo or Routers described on the
previous pages.
■ Extend the features of a previously purchased ORiNOCO Outdoor Routers.
For more information about the software license upgrade program, please
■ Your authorized ORiNOCO Reseller or local Lucent Technologies Sales
office for more information.
■ The ORiNOCO website at:
Please review all requirements outlined within the section s lis te d below before
starting the installation proced ur e:
■ Overview of the Indoor Installation (page 2-2)
■ Overview of the Outdoor Installation (page 2-8)
■ Before Climbing the Roof... (page 2-15)
Prior to climbing on the roof or an y ot her area where you intend to install the
outdoor antenna, you are ad vi sed to:
■ Verify you ha ve arranged all safety m easures for outdoor/roofto p instal l ation
(see the “Safety Precautions” on page 4-1 ).
■ Verify you have all equipment and tools required to install the outdoor
■ Install and verify proper opera tion of the equipment.
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-1
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Indoor Installatio n
Overview of the Indoor Installation
The indoor installation of th e l ink w i ll co nsi st of the following compo nents:
■ Outdoor Router Hardware, and
■ A Cable System.
Outdoor Router Hardware
There are two types of hardware installations to set up a wireless connection:
■ The Outdoor Router, and
■ The Outdoor Router Client.
Outdoor Router
T o setup a point-to-point wireless connection between two Outdoor Routers, you
will need:
■ Two ORiNOCO Outdoor Routers with PC Card, and
■ Two antenna cable systems (see Append i x App endix A “The Antenna
Cabling System”), and
■ Two outdoor antenna’s.
Figure 2-1 show s an overview of the hardw ar e set up for this indoor installation.
Figure 2-1 Overview Indoor Installation of the OutdoorRouter
2-2ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Indoor Installatio n
On each end of the wireless link you will need the following items as pictured in
Figure 2-1 on page 2- 2:
a. The ORiNOCO PC Card (see “Selecting the R i gh t Card & Cables” on
page G-3).
b. The Outdoor Router device that has been loaded with ORiNOCO
Outdoor Router softwar e.
c. The Cable Assembly to connect the PC Card to the Surge Arrester.
d. A surge arrester to protect your sensitive ORiNOCO equipment from static
discharge and transients that may occur to your anten na.
e. A low-loss antenna cable to connect the in door installation to the outdoor
f. A gr oun di ng system as described in “Grounding System” on page 2-12.
The ORiNOCO Outdoor Router, the ORiNOCO Surge Arrester and the
antenna mast must be connected to the sa m e gr ounding system.
Placement of the Outdoor Router Hardware
The hardware of your ORiNOCO OutdoorRouter device is designed for indoor
mounting and operation . T he ideal location to install your Outdoor Router unit
must satisfy the following requirements:
■ The location provides a co nnection to a grounding type AC wall outlet (100-
240 VAC), using the standard power cord as supplied with the unit.
The ground of the AC wall outlet must be connected to the same grounding
system as the ORiNOCO Surge Arrester and antenna mast (see “Grounding
System” on page 2-12).
■ The location must allow fo r ea si ly di sconnecting the Outdoor Router unit
from the AC wall outlet.
■ The location provides a connection to the network backbone that may either
■The E th er net LAN cable that connects it to a hub, br idge or directly into
a patch panel or
■The wir el ess connection via a seco nd ORiNOCO PC Card that is
inserte d i nto the other PCCard slot of the O utdoor Router device.
■ The location is as close as possible to the point where the antenna cable will
enter the building (see also “Placement of the Surge Arrester” on p age 2-5).
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-3
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Indoor Installatio n
Outdoor Router Client
To setup a wireless connection with the Outdoor Router Client, you will need:
■ One PC Card,
■ One Outdoor Router Cl i ent Li ce nse Kit, and
■ One antenna cabling sy st em .
Figure 2-2 show s an overview of the hardw ar e set up for this indoor installation.
On each end of the wireless link you will need the foll ow ing items as pictured in
Figure 2-2:
a. The ORiNOCO PC Card (see “Selecting the Right Card & Cables” on
page G-3).
b. The Cable Assembly to connect the ORiNOCO PC C ard (A) to the Surge
c. A surge arrester to protect your sensitive ORiNOCO equipment from static
discharge and transie nts that m ay occur to your antenna.
d. A low-loss antenna cable to connect the ind oor in stallat i on t o the outdoor
e. A grounding systems as described in “Gr ounding System” on page 2-12.
The ORiNOCO Outdoor Router, the ORiNOCO Surge Arrester and the
antenna mast must be connected to the same grounding sys te m.
2-4ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Indoor Installatio n
Cable System
The Outdoor Router products are designed for indoor install at ion. A t a ll
times the location of the Outdoor Router unit must be indoors, to protect
the unit from extreme weat he r c onditions, excessive he at and humidity
and to keep the unit free from vibr at io n and dust.
Prior to mounting the Outdoor Router products you are advised to carefully
■ The distance between the intended location of your Outdoor Router unit and
the location of the antenna mast, and
■ The height of the antenna on the mast.
If the low-loss antenna ca bl e i s no t long enough to cover this dis tance you can
select from the following t w o options:
■ Select another cable length from th e Lucent Tech nologies l ow - loss cable
offering (see Appendix A “The Antenna Cabling System”), or
■ Select another location that satisfies the requirements listed on the previous
page to mount your Outdoor Router device.
As the length of the antenna cable may affect the actual range of your outdoor
antenna installat ion, the second one is the pr eferred opt i on.
You are not allowed to change the length of the Lu cent Technologies
low-loss antenna cabl e. Shortening the cable will void the
Lucent Technologies Warranty, and may conflict with radio certifications
and/or approvals.
How to install the Outdoor Ro ut er hardware is described in t he G et ti ng Started
Guide that was shipped with the Outdoor Router device.
Placement of the Surge Arrester
The ORiNOCO Surge Arrester is an indispensable part of your outdoor antenna
installation, to protect your s ensitive electronic equipm ent from transients or
electro-static discharges at th e antenna.
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-5
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Indoor Installatio n
For optimal protection the ORiNOCO Surge Arrester must be installed at a
location that satisfies th e fo llowing requirements:
■ A location as close to the loca tion w her e t he antenna cable will enter t he
building (see also “Placement of the Outdoor R ou te r Hardware” on
page 2-3).
■ The location allows for easi ly (d is -)connecting the surge arr est er from/to the
ORiNOCO PC Card in the ORiNOCO Outdoor Router using the Cables
Assembly pictured in Figure 2-1 on page 2-2.
■ The location provides a con nection to the same groun di ng s yst em as the
OutdoorRouter unit and th e outdoor ant enna mast as described in
“Grounding System” on page 2-12.
Antenna Cable Route
The antenna cable m us t be connected to the Outdoor Router unit via the
ORiNOCO Surge Arrester and Cable Assembly as pictured in Figure 2-1 on
page 2-2. To plan the route of the antenna cable please con sider the following:
■ Does the cable route requ ire dr i lling through a wall or ceiling?
■ Do you have a building plan of the desired location showi ng any other
existing cabling routes lik e electricity, telephone or networking?
■ Does the type of building m at er ial s re qui r e special tools for drilling
The cable should not be i ns talle d into “tight” posit io ns, as bending or applying
excessive fo rc e to th e co nn ectors may d ama ge t he a nt en n a ca bl e. Al w ays al l ow
the cable to bend natural l y ar ound corners. The recomm ended bend radius is
100 mm (4 in.).
The antenna cable m us t be secured along its complete lengt h. No part of the
antenna cable shou ld be al l ow e d to hang free. This is particularly impor tant for
cable parts that are installed outdoors.
2-6ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Indoor Installatio n
The antenna cable and ca bl e connectors are not designed to withstand
excessive f orce:
a.Do not use the connectors as “cable grips” to pull cable through
raceway or conduit .
b.Do not use the cable connector to support the weight of the cable
during or after installati on.
c.Do not use any appliance s to tighten the connectors.
d.Always seal the connectors using weather-p ro of ing tape .
Prior to sealing the outdoor connectors and permanentl y se curing the
cable to the wall using cable ties and wall hooks, you may wish to verify
if the installation and all components function properly.
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-7
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
The outdoor installation of the link ( po in t-t o- poi nt or poi nt - to -multipoint) will
consist of the following components:
■ The LucentTechnolog ies Antenna
■ The Lucent Technologies proprietary low-loss anten na cable (available in
different cable lengths).
■ Antenna Mast/Wall Bracket for the antenna.
■ An adequate “Grounding System” that meets the requ irem ents described in
“Grounding System” on page 2-12.
All outdoor cable connectors must be sealed with the enclosed weatherproofing stretch tape to permanently waterproof the coax connectors.
For your own safety, the antenna mast and the grounding system
should be installed only by experienced installation pro f essionals who
are familiar with local building and safety codes and/or the national
electrical codes.
Carefully read the instructions as described for the “Grounding System”
on page 2-12 and verify that your installation complies with the
appropriate regulat ions and codes before installing th e ant e nna.
Antenna Placement
To achieve maximum perfo rmance for your wireless outdoor connection, the
ORiNOCO Outdoor Ante nna must have clear line-of- si gh t. Li ne-of-sight can be
defined as:
■ No obstacles in the direct path between the two antennas.
■ No obstacles within a defined zone around the antenna beam.
You need to be aware that th e shape of a radio beam is not str aight and narrow
like a laser beam. The radio beam, also referred to as Fresnel Zone
“bulged” in the middle, l ik e fo r e xam ple a “rugby ball”. The exact shape and
width of the Fresnel Zone is determined by the path length and frequency of the
radio signal.
1 Pronounced as “Fray-Nell”
2-8ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
, is rather
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
If any si gnificant part of this zone is obstruct ed, a porti on of the ra dio energy will
be lost, resulting in reduced performance. Reduced performance may also occur
when obstacles that are close to the antenna beam cause signal reflections or
noise that interfere with th e ra dio si gnal.
Figure 2-3 shows som e typical examples of obs tacles tha t y ou m ust avoid for
the Directional Antenna to operate effectively:
a. Neighboring Buildings
b. Trees or other obstructio ns
c. Power lines
To allow optimal performance you will need to ensure that the type and
placement of the antennas leaves sufficient clearance of the Fresnel Zone at the
maximum width of the bulge, typically at the mid-point between the antennas.
For more information turn to Chapter 3 “Determine Range & Clearance”.
Figure 2-3 Potential Obstacles for a D irecti onal Antenna
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-9
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
To minimize the influence of ob stac les, si gnal interference or reflec tions please
note the following guidelines:
■ Mount the antenna as high as possible above the “ground” to allow
maximum clearance:
■In open areas “ground” is the actual surface of the earth
■In dense urban areas “ground” is to be interpreted as the height of the
highest obstacle in the sign al path be tw een the two antenna sites.
■ Avoid trees in the signal path to avoid sig nal absorption due to dynami c
changes in seasons (leav es/ice).
■ Install the antenna at least 2 m (6 ft) away from all other antennas.
Other situations where reflections of the radio signal may cause interference are
environments where larg e reflecting surfaces exist in parallel or partly
perpendicular to the an t enna beam.
Environments with larg e re f le ct ive surfaces include:
■ Mirrored-glass buildings
■ Crowded parking lots
■ Water or moist earth and moist vegetation
■ Above ground power/tel ephone lines
Weather conditions su ch as rain or snow usually will not have much impact on
the performance of your ORiNOCO Outdoor System, provided that you sealed
all cable connectors using the weather-proof i ng tape.
Seasonal factors th at cou ld have an effect on signal propagatio n m ay occur in
the following situations:
■ A marginal communications quality in late fall (w i th no leaves on trees in the
signal path) might fail in the summer.
■ In winter, an antenna link may fail when the antenna is exposed to ice
buildup, or when the antenna elements are covered w ith snow.
Radio paths over water or ex trem ely flat ground may requi re
optimization of antenna height at one end of the path. This i s due to
reflections adding in- phase or out-of-phase. Ad ju st m ent of antenna
height by 1 to 3 meters sho ul d m ove the signal from a null to a pea k.
In these cases consult your supplier to take appropriate steps to maintain or
optimize wireless performance.
2-10ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
Antenna Mast/Wall Bracket
Basically there are two way s to erect an antenna mast:
■ “Tripod Mount”
■ “Wall (Side) Mount”
Tripod Mount
The tripod mount is used pr im arily on peaked and flat roof s. The antenna mast
must be secured to the roof using 3 or 4 guy wires that are equally spaced
around the mast. When th e height of the antenna mast is m or e t han 3 meters
(10 ft), you are advised to use at least three guy wires for each 3 m et er (10 ft)
section of the mast.
Wall (Side) Mount
A wall (side) mount allows for mo unting an antenna (mast) on the side of a
building or on the side of an el evator penthouse. This wi ll pr ovide a convenient
mounting location when the roof overhang is not excessive and/or the location is
high enough to provide a clear line of sight.
In most situations mounting an antenna directly to the wall will not allow you to
properly align the antenna with the corresponding ant en na at the opposite end
of your wireless link. As poor alignment will typically result in poor performance,
Lucent Technologies advises you to always mount the antennas to a ma st.
Antenna Mast Requirements
To accommodate the ORiNOCO antennas, the antenna mast must satisfy the
following requirements:
a. The construction of the mast must be of a st ur dy, weatherproof and non-
corrosive material like for example galvanized or stainless steel construction
b. Typical diameter of the mast should be between 35 mm (1.4 in.) and 41 mm
(1.625 in.). Subject to the type of ant enna that you intend to install othe r
diameters may be possible as well.
c. The height of the antenna mast must be sufficient to allow the antenna to be
installed at least 1.5 m (5 ft.) above the peak of roof. If the roof is metal, then
the height of the antenna shou ld be a m in i m um of 3 m (10 ft) above the roo f
(see also Chapter 3“Determine R ange & Clearance”).
d. The mast or wall-bracket must be free from any substance that may prevent
a good electrical connec tion with the antenna; for exam pl e , paint .
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-11
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
Grounding System
Direct grounding of the antenna mast, ORiNOCO Outdoor Router bridge and
ORiNOCO Surge Arrester is very important.
A safety grounding system is necessary to prot ect your ORiNOCO Outdo or
installation from lightning strikes and the build-up of static ele ctri c ity.
The antenna mast, ORiNOCO Outdoor Router and ORiNOCO Surge
Arrester must be connected to the same ground, using an equipotential
bonding conductor.
A good electrical connection should be made to one or more ground
rods, using at least a 10AWG ground wire and non-corrosive hardware.
The grounding syst em m ust comply with the National Electrical Code
and safety standards that appl y in your country. Always check with a
qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether your ORiNOCO
Outdoor installation is proper ly gr ounded.
Antenna Alignment
For optimal performance of your wireless link, make sure that the antennas are
properly aligned (faci ng one another “eye-to-eye”). To align the antennas:
■ Use a pair of binoculars and/or a m ap of the area and compass to poi nt th e
antennas to one another.
■ Use the Wireless Link Test option of the OR Manager as described in the
"ORiNOCO OR Manager - User’s Guide" to analyze the radio link quality.
The Wireless Link Test option will enable you to display the strength of the
ORiNOCO radio signal related to the noise that may be appear in the signal
Looking at the Wireless Link Test screen, you can interactively optimize
antenna alignment if requ i red , by m aking small modifications in the antenna
■ Alternatively, consult a professional Antenna Installation Service to optimize
the antenna alignment.
Omni-directional ant ennas are characterized by a wide radiation pattern.
Therefore alignment of this type of antennas is l ess crit i cal than for directional
2-12ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
Figure 2-4 OR Man ager Wireless Link Test
Antenna Polarization
The standard mounting method for Lucent Technologies outdoor antennas is
designed for vertical polar iz at i on.
In some cases you might co nsi der mounting the anten na f or h or izontal
polarization. For example to minimize the influence of cross-talk between
antennas when:
■ You plan to mount multiple di re ct io na l an te nnas to the same mast.
■ Your wireless link “crosses” another radio beam from a nei ghb oring
Mounting for horizontal pola rization is only supported by the
Lucent Technologies 14 dBi Directional Antenna and 2 4 dBi D i rec t ional
Parabolic Grid Antenna.
For optimal wireless perfor m ance you must always ver ify tha t the
polarization on both ends of the wireless link is the same for both
Consult the corresponding appendices for instructions on alternating the
antenna polarization.
ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide2-13
Preparing for Installation
Overview of the Outdoor Installation
Antenna Cable Routing
The antenna cable must be routed and fixed in such a way to clear the passage
area for installati on technicians.
All connectors that ar e l ocated outdoors, must have a we at he rproof seal. You
are advised to seal connect ors only after you have completed final radio tests.
2-14ORiNOCO Outdoor Antenna Installation Guide
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