LSI SYM22801 User Manual

SYM22801 Dual Channel PCI to Ultra SCSI Host Adapter

User’s Guide


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This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.
Document DB15-00106-00, Second Edition (March 1999). This document describes Version 2.0 of LSI Logic Corporation’s Symbios Channel PCI to Ultra SCSI Host Adapter and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
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SYM22801 Dual
The product in this manual is not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of this product in such applications without the written consent of the appropriate LSI Logic Corporation officer is prohibited.


Chapter 1 Using the SYM22801 Host Adapter
1.1 General Descripti on 1-1
1.2 Features 1-2
1.2.1 PCI Interface 1-2
1.2.2 SCSI Interface 1-2
1.2.3 Board Characteristi cs 1-2
1.3 Interface Descriptions 1-3
1.3.1 The PCI Interface 1-3
1.3.2 The SCSI Interface 1-3
1.3.3 Ultra SCSI 1-4
Chapter 2 Installing the SYM22801 Host Adapter
2.1 Quick Installation Pro cedure 2-1
2.2 Detailed Installation Procedure 2-3
2.2.1 Before You Star t 2-3
2.2.2 Inser ting the Host Adapter 2-4
2.2.3 Connecting the SCSI Peripherals 2-6
2.2.4 Making Intern al SCSI Bus Connections 2-8
2.2.5 Making Exter nal SCSI Bus Connection s 2-15
2.3 SCSI Bus Te rmination 2-18
2.3.1 Internal S CSI Connections 2-19
2.3.2 External SC SI Connections 2-20
2.3.3 Internal an d External SCSI Connections 2-21
2.3.4 Internal S CSI Connections for Both Inter nal Connectors 2-22
2.3.5 Setting SCSI IDs 2-25
2.4 Setting Interrupts 2-27
2.5 Completing Your Installation 2-28
Contents v
Chapter 3 Configuring the Host Adapter
3.1 When to Configure the S YM22801 Host Adapter 3-1
3.2 Starting the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility 3-2
3.2.1 Configuration Utility Ma in Menu 3-3
3.2.2 Utilities Menu 3-6
3.2.3 Device Selections Menu 3-10
3.3 Exiting the SCSI BIOS C onfiguration Utility 3-13
Appendix A Technical Specifications
A.1 Physical Environment A-1
A.1.1 Physical Characteristic s A-1
A.2 Electr ical Characterist ics A-2
A.2.1 Thermal, At mospheric Character istics A-3 A.2.2 Electromagnetic Com pliance A-3 A.2.3 Safety Characteristics A-3
A.3 Operational E nvironment A-3
A.3.1 The PCI Interface A-3 A.3.2 The SCSI Interface A-6 A.3.3 The LED Interface A-9
Appendix B Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations


Customer Feedback


2.1 Hardware Connect ions for the SYM22801 Host Adapter 2-5
2.2 Inser ting the Host Ada pter 2-6
2.3 SCSI Cables 2-7
2.4 Inter nal Wide SCSI Ribbon Cable to Hos t Adapter Connection 2-9
2.5 Inter nal SCSI Ribbon Cable to Host Adap ter Connection 2-10
2.6 Inter nal SCSI Ribbon Cable to Inter nal SCSI Device Connection 2-11
vi Contents


2.7 Connectin g Additional Interna l SCSI Devices 2-12
2.8 Multiple Inte rnal SCSI Devices Chained Together 2-13
2.9 Using Both In ternal Connec tors on a Channel 2-14
2.10 SCSI LED Connector s 2-15
2.11 External Cable to Ho st Adapter 2-16
2.12 External Cable to External SCSI Device 2-17
2.13 Multiple Exter nal SCSI Devices Chained Together 2-18
2.14 Internal SCSI Device Termination 2-20
2.15 External SC SI Device Termi nation 2-21
2.16 Internal and External SCSI Device Termination 2-22
2.17 Internal and In ternal SCSI Device Termination 2-23
2.18 Ter mination Override Switc h Settings for U1 and U2 2-25
A.1 SYM22801 Mechani cal Drawing A-2
2.1 SCSI ID Record 2-26
2.2 Setting Interr upts 2-27
3.1 Global Default Se ttings 3-1
3.2 Device Default Settings 3-2
A.1 PCI Connector J1 (Front) A-4 A.2 PCI Connector J1 (Back) A-5 A.3 SCSI Connectors J2/J6 a nd J3/J7 A-7 A.4 SCSI Connectors J4/J8 A-8 A.5 LED Connectors J5/J9 A-9
Contents vii
viii Contents



This book is the pri mary reference and User’s Guide for the LSI Logic Symbios™ SYM22801 Dual Ch annel PCI to Ultra S CSI Host Adap ter. It contains a complete f unctional descripti on for the SYM22801 and includes comp lete physical and electr ical specifica tions for the SYM22801.
This document assume s that you have some familiarity with microprocessors and related suppor t devices. The people who benefit from this book are:
Engineers and manag ers who are evaluating the processor for possible use in a system


Engineers who are d esigning the proces sor into a system
This document has t he following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1, Using the SYM22801 Host Adapter, defines the
interfaces and characteristics of the SYM22801 Dual Channel PCI to Ultra SCSI Host Adapter Board.
Chapter 2, Installing the SY M22801 Host Adapter, provides both
quick and detailed inst allation instruct ions.
Chapter 3, Configuring the Host Adapter, describes the SCSI
BIOS Configuration U tility to configure a dapter and device settings.
Appendix A, Technical Specifications, describes the physical and
operational environments of the S YM22801 Host Adapter Bo ard.
Preface ix

Related Publications

Appendix B, Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, provides
definitions of various ter minology that is referenced throughou t this user’s guide.
PCI SCSI Device Management Sys tem SDMS 4.0 User’s Guide,
Document No. DB15-000099-01
x Preface
Chapter 1
the SYM22801
Host Adapter
This chapter describ es how the SYM22801 Host Ad apter interfaces to PCI computer system s and includes these topic s:
Section 1.1, “General Description,” page 1-1
Section 1.2, “Features ,” page 1-2
Section 1.3, “Interfa ce Descriptions,” page 1-3

1.1 General Description

LSI Logic’s Symbios™ SYM2280 1 Dual Chann el PCI to U ltra SCSI hos t adapter provides a SCS I-3, Ultra SCSI interface to PCI computer systems. Instal ling this ada pter in your P CI system allo ws connecti on of SCSI devices over a S CSI bus.
The dual channel SYM22801 board provides 16-bit, Singl e-Ended (SE), SCSI solutions for your com puter, using only one PCI slot. This board supports legacy Fa st SCSI dev ices, and the newest Ult ra SCSI dev ices. It is also backwards com patible with the existing SYM8751SP host adapter but with a different e xternal connector.
Symbios SCSI Dev ice Management Syst em (SDMS™) software operates the board, but the design of the board does not prevent other software from being wr itten and used with it. BIOS s upport for this host adapter is incorpora ted on the board in an 8 X 64 K Flash BIOS.
This guide and the
User’s Guide
help you gain the full benefits of the SYM2280 1 Dual Channel PCI to Ultra SCSI host ada pter for your computer system.
Symbios SYM22801 Dual Channel PCI to Ultra SCSI Host Adapter 1-1
PCI SCSI Device Ma nagement System SDMS 4.0
contain product in formation and installa tion instructions to

1.2 Features

This section provides a high level overview of the PCI Interface, the SCSI Interface, and Board C hacteristics for the SYM22 801 Host Adapter board.

1.2.1 PCI Interface

Full 32-bit DMA bus master
Zero wait-state bus mast er data bursts
Universal PCI bus vol tage support

1.2.2 SCSI Interface

Two independent SCSI channels
16-bit single-ended
Automatically enabl ed active termination
Three connectors per cha nnel: 68-pin VHDCI external 68-pin right-angle high density internal with jack blocks 50-pin vertical low dens ity internal
Fast and Ultra SCSI data transfer capability
SCSI TERMPWR source with autoresetting circui t breaker and TERMPWR shorted LED
SCAM (SCSI Configured AutoMatically) off in BIOS version 4.09 and later
Flash EEPROM for BI OS storage
Serial NVRAM (Non Volatile Random Ac cess Memory) on each channel for user configur ation utility and SCAM information storage
SCSI activity LED conn ector for each channel

1.2.3 Board Charac teristics

PCI board dimensions , 190 x 96.52 mm (7.50 x 3.80 inches)
Universal 32-bit car d edge connector
1-2 Using the SYM22801 Host Adapter

1.3 Interface Descriptions

This section provides a more detailed explanatio n about the PCI Interface, The SCSI Interface, and Ultra SCSI.

1.3.1 The PCI Interface

PCI is a high-speed standard local bus f or interfacing a numb er of I/O components to the processor and memory subsystems in a high end PC. The PCI functionality for the SY M22801 is contained within the Sy mbios SYM53C876 PCI to Ultra SCSI I/O Processor chi p. The SYM53C876 connects directly to the PCI bus and generate s timing protocol in compliance with the P CI specification.
The PCI interface ope ra tes a s a 3 2- bi t DM A bus m as ter. The connection is made through the edg e connector J1 (see Figure 2.1) . The signal definitions and pin numbers confor m to the PCI Loca l Bus Specific ation Revision 2.1 standard. Th e SYM22801 conforms to t he PCI universal signaling environ ment for a 5 V or 3.3 V PCI b us.

1.3.2 The SCSI Interface

The SCSI functionality for the SYM22801 is contai ned within the Symbios SYM53C876 PCI-Ultra SCSI I/O Process or chip. The SYM53C876 connects directly to the two SCSI bu ses and generates timing and protocol i n compliance with the SCS I standard.
The SCSI interfac es on t he SYM22 801 operate s as 1 6-bit, s ynchronou s or asynchronous, si ngle-ended bus, and supp ort Ultra SCSI protocols and 16-bit arbitrati on. Ea ch in ter fac e is m ade th rough two (and only two) of the connectors J 2, J3, and J4 (for Channel A), or J6, J7 , and J8 (for Channel B). Connectors J2 and J6 are 68-pin hi gh density right-angle receptacles. Connectors J3 and J7 are shielded 68-pin V HDCI 0.8 mm right-angle receptacle s that protrude through th e back panel bracket. Connectors J4 and J8 are 50-pin low dens ity vertical shrouded pi n headers. See Figure 2.1 for the location of these conn ectors.
Single-ended SCSI ac tive termination is prov ided on the SYM22801 board. Termination is automatic ally enabled when only o ne of the connectors J2 , J3, and J4 ( or J6, J7, and J 8) is used, or when an 8-bit device is connected to the 16-b it J3 or J7 connectors . In the latter case,
Interface Descriptions 1-3

1.3.3 Ultra SCSI

only the upper 8 d ata bits are automatically terminated. Th e SYM22801 supplies SCSI bu s TERMPWR (termination powe r) through a blocking diode and a self-reset ting 1.5 A short circuit p rotection device. The onboard LED lights when TERMPWR is shorte d. Separate switc hes for each channel allow user override of termination .
A 40 MHz oscill ator is installed on the SYM22801 to provide the c lock frequency to the SYM53C8 76 that is necessary to support Wide Ultra SCSI transfers o f up to 40 Mbytes/s.
The SYM22801 has full support for Ultra SCSI as well as supporting Fast SCSI simultaneously. Ultra SCSI is an extension of the SCSI-3 famil y of standards that expan ds the bandwidth of the SCS I bus, allowing faster synchronous data tran sfers. Special SCSI cabl es are specified for operation with Ultra SCSI dev ices, and you must consider th e total number of devices and the length of the S CSI bus when setting up your system. See Chapter 2, In stalling the SYM22801 Hos t Adapter for a detailed explanation of SCSI bus connections .
1-4 Using the SYM22801 Host Adapter
Chapter 2
the SYM22801 Host
This chapter prov ides inst ructions on how to i nstall the SYM22801 Ho st Adapter and includes these topics:
Section 2.1, “Quick I nstallation Procedure,” page 2-1
Section 2.2, “Detaile d Installation Procedure ,” page 2-3
Section 2.3, “SCS I Bus Termination,” page 2-18
Section 2.4, “Setting Interrupts,” page 2-27
Section 2.5, “Comp leting Your Installation,” page 2-28

2.1 Quick Installation Procedure

This section provi des quick setup instr uctions for the experi enced computer user with pri or host adapter installati on and SCSI bus setup experience. If you p refer more detailed guidan ce in installing the SYM22801 host adap ter, please follow the instructions in Section 2.2, “Detailed Installati on Procedure.”
For safe and proper ins tallation, check the u ser’s manual sup plied with your computer and pe rform the following st eps.
Step 1.
Step 2. Switch off and unplug the sy stem. Step 3. Remove the cabinet c over on yo ur comp uter to access the PCI
Symbios SYM22801 Dual Channel PCI to Ultra SCSI Host Adapter 2-1
Ground yourse lf
Remove the SYM22801 Dua l Channel to PCI Ultra S CSI Host Adapter board from t he packing and check that i t is not damaged. An example of this host adapter board is shown in Figure 2.1.
slots. Refer to the use r’s manual for your computer.
before removing th is host adapter board.
Ground yourse lf
by touching a met al surface before handling boards. Stati c charges on yo ur body c an damage electronic components. Handle plug-in boards by the edge; do not touch board components or gold connector contacts. The use of a static gro und strap is recommended.
Step 4. Locate the slots for PC I plug-in board installa tion.
Refer to the user ’s manual for your computer to confirm the location of the PCI s lots. The SYM22801 require s a PCI slot that allows bus master operation.
Step 5. Remove the blank panel on the back of the computer aligned
with the PCI slot you intend to use. Save the bracket screw.
Step 6. Carefully inse rt the edge connector J 1 of the host adapter into
the PCI slot. Make sur e the edge connector is pr operly engaged before pressing the board into place. See the example shown in Figure 2.1.
You may notice that the components on a PCI host adapter face the opposite way from those on other non-PCI adapter boards you have in your system. This i s correct, and the board is keyed to go in only one way.
Step 7. The bracket around the conn ectors J3 and J7 (see Fig ure 2.1)
should fit where the bl ank panel was removed. Sec ure the bracket with the bracke t screw before making th e internal and external SCSI bus c onnections.
Step 8. If you are conne cting any interna l SCSI devices, plug a 68-pi n
connector on the e nd of the internal SCSI ribbo n cable into connector J2 or J6 for Wide SCSI, or a 50-pin connect or into connector J4 or J8 for normal SCSI (see Fi gure 2.1). Make certain to match pin-1 on both connectors.
It is possible to use both internal co nnectors on a c hannel if no external devices are att ached to that chan el. You may use only two of the thre e connectors on each chan nel at once.
Step 9. Connect your computer’s LED cable if desired. This is designed
to drive the front panel L ED found on most PC cabi nets to indicate activity o n the SCS I bus. See Table A.5 in Appendix A for the signal name an d pin numbers for this LED interface.
2-2 Installing the SYM22801 Host Adapter
Step 10. Replace the cabinet c over as described in the user’s manual
for your computer.
Step 11. Make all external SCS I bus connections. Remember:
Step 12. Finally, refer to the
The SCSI bus requires proper termination, and no duplicate SCSI IDs.
PCI SCSI Device Mana gement System
SDMS 4.0 User ’s Guid e
will use) to load the driver software for your particular operating system.

2.2 Detailed Installation Procedure

This section provi des step-by-step instr uctions for installin g the SYM22801 host adap ter and connecting it to y our SCSI peripherals. If you are experience d in thes e tasks, you may pre fer to u se the p re ced in g Section 2.1, “Quick Inst allation Procedure.” If you ar e not confident that you can perform the tasks as described her e, L SI L ogi c sug ges ts get ting assistance.

2.2.1 Before You Start

Before you start, lo ok through the task list be low to get an overall idea of the steps to perfor m.
Open your PC cabin et and select an open PC I slot
(or the guide for the software that yo u
Insert the host adapter
Connect your SCSI peri pherals – Internal –External
Te rminate the SCSI bus
Set the peripheral S CSI IDs
Make any configuration changes
Close your PC cabinet
Install the software
Detailed Installation Procedure 2-3
The SCSI host adapter ac ts on your computer ’s behalf as the host to your suite of SCS I peripherals. Each chai n of SCSI peripheral devices and their host adapter work together, and are referred to as a SCSI b us.
Each SYM22801 hos t adapter that you inst all can access up to 1 5 peripheral devic es per channel.

2.2.2 Inserting the Host Adapter

For safe and proper ins tallation, check the u ser’s manual suppl ied with your computer to perfo rm the following steps.
Step 1.
Step 2. Switch off and unplug powe r cords for all components in your
Step 3. Remove the cabinet c over on yo ur comp uter to access the PCI
Step 4. Locate the slots for PC I plug-in board installa tion.
Step 5. Remove the blank panel on the back of the computer aligned
Ground yourse lf
Remove the SYM22801 Dua l Channel PCI to Ultra S CSI Host Adapter board from t he packing and check that i t is not damaged. An example of this host adapter board is shown in Figure 2.1.
Ground yourse lf
removing the cab inet cover. Static charges on your bod y can damage electronic com pon ents . Hand le plu g- in boar ds by the edge; do not tou ch board components or gol d connector contacts . The use of a static ground s trap is recommended.
Refer to the user ’s manual for your computer to confirm the location of the PCI s lots. The SYM22801 require s a PCI slot which allows bus master operation.
with the PCI slot you intend to use. Save the bracket screw.
before removing th is host adapter board.
by touching a met al surface before
2-4 Installing the SYM22801 Host Adapter
Figure 2.1 Hardwa re Connections for the SYM2 2801 Host Adapter
Channel A
LED Connector
Channel A
68 -p in In te rn a l
High Density
SCSI Interface
Channel B
68 -p in In te rn a l
High Dens ity
SC S I In te rfac e
Channel B 50-pin Internal Low Density SCSI Interface J8
Channel B LED Connecto J9
Channel B Termination Override Switches U2
Channel A
68-p in Ex tern al
SCSI Interface
Channel B
68-p in Ex tern al
SCSI Interface
Channel A 50-pin Internal Low Density SCSI Interface J4
SYM22801 to PCI Bus Connector on Mainboard J1
Channel A Termination Override Switches U1
Step 6. Carefully insert the ed ge connector J1 (see Figure 2.1) of the
host adapter into the P CI slot. Make sure the edg e connector is properly engaged b efore pressing the board i nto place as shown in Figure 2.2.
Step 7. To plan on hooking up another host adapter on the same bus
as this host adapter, or an 8-bit device on 68-pin connector, see the Channel Switches section discussed later in this chapter.
Notice that the components on a PCI host adapter face the opposite way from those on other no n-PCI adapter boards you h ave in your system. This is correct, and the bo ard is keyed to go in only one way.
Detailed Installation Procedure 2-5
Figure 2.2 Inserting the Host Adapter
Bracket Screw
Step 8. The bracket around the conn ectors J3 and J7 (see Fig ure 2.1)
should fit where you re moved the blank panel. Secure it with the bracket screw (see Figure 2.2) before making th e internal and external SCSI bus connections.

2.2.3 Connecting the SCSI Peripherals

SCSI bus connections to the SYM22801 host a dapter inside the computer are made w ith an un shiel ded, 68 or 50- conduct or ri bbon cabl e (see Figure 2.3). One side of thi s cab le i s mar ke d with a c ol or to indicate the pin-1 side. Somet imes the connectors on this cable are keyed to ensure proper pin-1 connection.
2-6 Installing the SYM22801 Host Adapter
All external SCSI b us connections to the SY M22801 host adapter are made with shielded, 68-c onductor cables (see Fig ure 2.3). The connectors on thi s cable are always k eyed to ensure proper pin- 1 connection.
Figure 2.3 SCSI Cables
SCS I Cables for Internal Connections
68-pin High Density
50-pin Low D ensity
SCS I Cable for External Connections
68-pin VHDCI
You can connect up to six teen SCSI and Fast SCSI devices, including th e host adapter board, on a s ingle­ended SCSI bus onl y if they are at least .3 m apart on a 6 meter cable. For Ultra S CSI, you can connect up to eight devices, including th e host adapter board, on a single-ended Ultra S C SI bu s on ly if the y are e ven ly sp ac ed on a 1.5 meter Ultra SCSI cabl e (0.19m betw een device s). You can connect up to fou r devices if they are evenly spaced on a 3 meter Ul tra SCSI cable (0.75m be tween devices). Your single-ended SCSI bus sho uld not exceed
Detailed Installation Procedure 2-7
3 meters (total internal and external cable lengths), even with fewer than four dev ices. The SYM22801 autotermination sch eme is designed to opera te properly when plugging the end connector of the SC SI cables into the SYM22801 SCSI c onnectors.
If you connect the SYM22801 in the middle of the bus, you will incur improper ter mination since the swi tches are not assigned on that bus c orrectly. Refer to the Channel Switches section fo r more information.

2.2.4 Making Internal SCSI Bus Connections

This section provides step-by-step instructio ns about making internal SCSI bus connecti ons:
Step 1. If you are connecting an internal Wide SCSI d evice, plug the
68-pin connector on on e end of a wide internal SCS I ribbon cable into the connec tor J2, or J6 (see Figure 2.4). Make certain to match pin-1 on both connectors.
2-8 Installing the SYM22801 Host Adapter
Figure 2.4 Internal Wide SCSI Ribbon Cable to Host Adapter
Step 2. To connect an 8-bit intern al SCSI device, plug the 50-pin
connector on one e nd of an 8-conductor internal SCSI ribbon cable into the connector J4 or J8 (see Figure 2.5). Make certain to match pin-1 on both c onnectors.
Detailed Installation Procedure 2-9
Figure 2.5 Internal SCSI Ribbon Cable to Host Adapter
Channel B J8
Channel A J4
Step 3. Plug the 68 or 50-pin connect or on the other end of the internal
SCSI ribbon cable into the SCSI connector on the internal SCSI device. An example of this connection is shown in Figure 2.6. You must match pin-1 on all c onnections.
2-10 Installing the SYM22801 Host Adapter
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