LSI D815-000319-00, ICH6R User Manual

Embedded SATA Software RAID for ICH6R
October 2004
Document DB15-000319-00, October 2004 This document describes the initial release of LSI Logic Corporation’s Embedded SATA Software RAID for ICH6R and will remain the official user’s guide for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual property rights of LSI Logic or third parties.
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Licensee agrees to defend and indemnify LSI Logic from any and all claims, suits, and liabilities (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or resulting from any actual or alleged act or omission on the part of Licensee, its authorized third parties, employees, or agents, in connection with the distribution of Licensed Software to end-users, including, without limitation, claims, suits, and liability for bodily or other injuries to end-users resulting from use of Licensee’s product not caused solely by faults in Licensed Software as provided by LSI Logic to Licensee.
Disclaimer LSI Logic certifies only that this product will work correctly when this product is used with the same system configuration, the same memory module parts, and the same peripherals that were tested by LSI Logic with this product. The complete list of tested system configurations, peripheral devices, and memory modules are documented in the LSI Logic Compatibility Report for this product. Call your LSI Logic sales representative for a copy of the Compatibility Report for this product.
Copyright © 2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Package Contents
You should have received the following:
a Embedded SATA Software RAID for ICH6R User's Guide
software license agreement
CD/diskette(s) with the software for Embedded SATA Software RAID
This book is the primary reference and user’s guide for the Embedded SATA Software RAID for ICH6R. Customer specific documentatio n may be included as well.
The Embedded SATA Software RAID supports four serial ATA ports, providing a cost-effective way to achieve higher transfer rates and reliability. The RAID levels supported are RAID 0, 1, and 10.
This document was prepared for users of the Embedded SATA Software RAID. It is intended to provide a description of the product, the configuration software utilities, and the operating system installation.
This document has the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Overview, provides an overview of features and benefits of the
Embedded SATA Software RAID for ICH6R.
Chapter 2, RAID Levels, describes the RAID level s supported by ICH6R.
Embedded SATA Software RAID v
Chapter 3, BIOS Configuration Utility, explains how to configure ICH6R
SATA and arrays, assign RAID levels, plan the array configuration, optimize storage, and use the ICH6R IDE Setup Utility.
Chapter 4, Operating System Installation, contains the procedures for
installing the Windows 2000, 2003, and XP, Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux, and Novell NetWare operating systems when using the Embedded SATA Software RAID.
Chapter 5, Hyper Configuration Utility, , describes the command line
utility for SATA RAID, which is used to configure and manage RAID levels.
Chapter 6, Spy Service, describes the Spy Service program, which looks for
errors, failed drives, and status changes in the hard drives.
Chapter 7, Troubleshooting, describes the problems you might encounter
while using ICH6R and suggests solutions.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following table describes the notational conventions used throughout this manual:
Notation Example Meaning and Use
courier typeface .nwk file Names of commands, directories, filenames, and on-screen text
are shown in courier typeface.
bold typeface fd1sp In a command line, keywords are shown in bold, non-italic
italics module In command lines and names, italics indicate user variables.
italic underscore full_pathname When an underscore appears in an italicized string, enter a user-
Initial Capital letters Undo
Edit Apply
brackets [version] You may, but need not, select one item enclosed within brack-
ellipses option... In command formats, elements preceding ellipses may be
typeface. Enter them exactly as shown.
Italicized text must be replaced with appropriate user-specified items. Enter items of the type called for, using lower case.
supplied item of the type called for with no spaces. Names of menu commands, options, check buttons, text but-
tons, options buttons, text boxes, list boxes, etc., are shown in text with Initial Capital lettering to avoid misreading. These ele­ments may appear on your screen in all lower case.
ets. Do not enter the brackets.
repeated any number of times. Do not enter the ellipses. In menu items, if an ellipsis appears in an item, clicking that item brings up a dialog box.
vi Preface
Notation Example Meaning and Use
vertical dots .
semicolon and other punctuation
been omitted from the text.
Use as shown in the text.
Vertical dots indicate that a portion of a program or listing has
Preface vii
viii Preface
1.1 RAID Benefits 1-1
1.1.1 Improved I/O 1-1
1.1.2 Increased Reliability 1-2
1.2 Product Features 1-2
1.2.1 SATA Ports 1-2
1.2.2 BIOS Features 1-2
1.2.3 Driver Features 1-3
1.2.4 Manageability/Disk Console 1-4
2.1 RAID 0 2-1
2.2 RAID 1 2-2
2.3 RAID 10 2-3
3.1 Configuring Arrays 3-1
3.2 Configuration Strategies 3-2
3.3 Assigning RAID Levels 3-2
3.4 Performing a Quick Configuration 3-3
3.5 Configuring Arrays and Logical Drives 3-4
3.5.1 Starting the BIOS Configuration Utility 3-4
3.5.2 Selecting a Configuration Method 3-4
3.5.3 Configuring Physical Arrays and Logical Drives 3-4 Physical Drive Parameters 3-4 Logical Drive Parameters 3-5 Easy Configuration 3-5 New Configuration and View/Add Configuration 3-7
3.5.4 Initializing Logical Drives 3-9
3.6 Rebuilding Failed Disks 3-10
3.6.1 Inserting a Previously Removed Drive from a RAID 1 Array3-11
3.7 Checking Data Consistency 3-11
3.8 Using a Pre-loaded System Drive 3-12
4.1 Windows 2000/2003/XP Driver Installation 4-1
4.1.1 Updating the Windows 2000/2003/XP Driver 4-2
4.1.2 Confirming the Windows 2000/2003/XP Driver Installation4-2
4.2 DOS Driver Installation 4-3
4.3 Linux Driver Installation 4-3
4.3.1 Obtaining the Driver Image File 4-3
4.3.2 Preparing the Installation Disk(s) for Linux 4-4 Using a Windows Operating System 4-4 Using a Linux Operating System 4-5
4.3.3 Red Hat Linux Driver Installation on a New System 4-5
4.3.4 SuSE Linux 9.0 Driver Installation on a New System 4-6
4.3.5 SuSE 8.2 Driver Installation 4-7
4.3.6 SuSE SLES8 Driver Installation 4-8
4.4 Novell NetWare Driver Installation 4-8
4.4.1 Novell NetWare Driver Files Description 4-8
4.4.2 New Novell NetWare System Driver Installation 4-8
4.4.3 Existing Novell NetWare System Driver Installation 4-10
5.1 General Description 5-1
5.2 Installing HyperCFG 5-2
5.3 Using HyperCFG 5-2
5.4 Configuration File 5-8
5.4.1 RAID Information 5-8
5.4.2 Logical Array Information 5-9
5.4.3 Physical Drive Information 5-9
5.5 Return Codes on Error Condition 5-10
6.1 Starting or Stopping Spy Service under Windows 2000, XP, or 2003 6-1
6.2 Installing Spy Service under Linux 6-3
6.3 Installing and Running Spy Service under Novell NetWare 6-3
6.4 Uninstalling Spy Service 6-4
6.5 Spy Service Icon 6-4
7.1 Problems and Suggested Solutions 7-1
7.2 Embedded SATA Software RAID Problem Report Form 7-2
3.1 Physical Drives Required per RAID Level 3-2
3.2 Physical Drives Required per RAID Level 3-3
3.3 Logical Drive Parameters and Descriptions 3-5
5.1 HyperCFG Options and Attributes 5-3
5.2 Return Codes on Error Conditions 5-10
7.1 Problems and Suggested Solutions 7-1
7.2 Embedded SATA Software RAID Problem Report Form 7-3
2.1 RAID 0 Array 2-2
2.2 RAID 1 Array 2-2
2.3 RAID 10 Array 2-3
3.1 Configuration Menu Screen 3-6
3.2 Logical Drive Configuration Screen 3-7
3.3 Logical Drive Submenu 3-10
6.1 Control Panel Screen 6-2
Chapter 1 Overview
This manual describes the Embedded SATA Software RAID for ICH6R. This chapter provides an overview of this product and contains the following sections:
Section 1.1, “RAID Benefits,” p age 1-1
Section 1.2, “Product Features,” page 1-2
The Embedded SATA Software RAID supports four Serial ATA ports, providing a cost-effective way to achieve higher transfer rates and reliability. Embedded SATA Software RAID supports
RAID level 0 data striping for improved performance
RAID level 1 data mirroring for improved data reliability
RAID level 10 data striping and mirroring for high data transfer rates and
data redundancy
1.1 RAID Benefits
RAID has gained popularity because it can improve I/O performance or increases storage subsystem reliability. RAID 0 provides better performance, while RAID 1 provides better reliability through fault toleran ce and redundant data storage. RAID 10 combines both striping and mirroring to provide high data transfer rates and data redundancy.
1.1.1 Improved I/O
Although hard drive capabilities have improved drastically, actual performance has improved only three to four times in the last decade. Computing performance has improved over 50 times during the same time period. RAID 0 and RAID 10 allow you to access several disks simultan eously.
Embedded SATA Software RAID 1-1
1.1.2 Increased Reliability
The electromechanical components of a disk subsystem operate more slowly, require more power, and generate more noise and vibration than electronic devices. These factors reduce the reliability of data stored on disks.
RAID 1 and RAID 10 systems improve data storage reliability and fault tolerance compared to single-drive computers. The additional drive in each RAID 1 array makes it possible to prevent data loss from a hard drive fail ure. You can reconstruct missing data from the remaining data drive to a replacement drive.
1.2 Product Features
1.2.1 SATA Ports
The Embedded SATA Software RAID supports four ports.
1.2.2 BIOS Features
The BIOS features include
RAID support before the operating system loads
automatic detection and configuration of disk drives
ability to handle configuration changes
support for Interrupt 13 and Enhanced Disk Drive Specifi cation
support for RAID levels 0, 1, and 10
special handling of error log and rebuilding
ROM option size of 64 Kbyte
automatic resume of rebuilding and check consistency
support for BIOS Boot Specification (BBS) (If available in system BIOS,
this allows the user to select the adapter from which to boot. Specification v1.01, January 11, 1996)
co-existence with SCSI and CD devices
48-bit LBA support for read, write, and cache flush functions
independent stripe size configuration on each logical drive
1-2 Overview
ability to select a logical drive as boot device
support for power-on self test (POST) Memory Management (PMM) for the
BIOS memory requirement (Specification v1.01, November 21, 1997)
enhanced disk drive support (Specification 2.9, revision 08, March 12 ,
Industry-standard EBDA
Self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology (S.M.A.R.T.) notification
run-time BIOS support for device insertion or removal
independent support for WC, RC, and UDMA (direct memory access)
support for Stop On Error during bootup
support to disable/enable BIOS state
1.2.3 Driver Features
The driver features include
special interface for configuration information, configuration changes, and
optimized disk access
support for RAID levels 0, 1, and 10
support for Stand-by and Hibernation in Windows 2000, XP, and 2003
The following items require Spy Service to be running in order to work.
error logging in the operating system event log an d on disks
support for online mirror rebuilding
support for check consistency for mirrored disks
bootable RAID 0, 1, and 10 support
customized messages specific for OEM (original equipment manufacturer)
soft bad block management
Product Features 1-3
1.2.4 Manageability/Disk Console
The features you can use to manage the logical and physical disks in the system include
configuration information display (in BIOS Configuration Utility and Hyper
Configuration Utility)
support for RAID levels 0, 1, and 10
online mirror rebuilding (in BIOS Configuration Utility)
online consistency checks (in BIOS Configuration Utility)
array management software
error logging and notification
support for power management features
support for hot device insertion and removal
automatic resume of rebuilding on restart
support for manual rebuild
physical drive roaming
independent stripe size configuration per logical drive
ability to create up to eight logical drives per array
auto-configuration support of newly added physical drive
support for hotspares
support for disk coercion
array initialization support (fast and normal)
offline data (RAID 1) verfication with auto-recovery mechanism
ability to prioritize configurable tasks (for online rebuild, check consistency,
migration, and expansion)
logical drive availability immediately after creation
variable stripe size options from 8 Kbyte to 128 Kbyte
1-4 Overview
2.1 RAID 0
Chapter 2 RAID Levels
Embedded SATA Software RAID supports RAID levels 0, 1, and 10. These RAID levels are discussed in the following sections:
Section 2.1, “RAID 0,” page 2-1
Section 2.2, “RAID 1,” page 2-2
Section 2.3, “RAID 10,” page 2-3
RAID 0 (Figure 2.1) provides d isk striping across all configured drives in the RAID subsystem. RAID 0 does not provide any data redundancy, but does offer the best performance of any RAID level. RAID 0 breaks up data into smaller segments, then stripes the data segments across each drive in the array as shown in Figure 2.1. The size of each data segment is determined by the stripe size parameter, which is set during the creation of the RAID set.
By breaking up a large file into smaller segments, Embedded SATA Software RAID can use both IDE ports and drives to read or write the file faster. This makes RAID 0 ideal for applications that require high bandwi dth but do not require fault tolerance.
Uses Provides high data throughput, especially for large files. Any
environment that does not require fault tolerance.
Str on g Po i n ts Provides increased data throughput for large files. No capacity loss
penalty for parity.
Wea k P oi n t s Does not provide fault tolerance. All data lost if any drive fails. Drives One to two
Embedded SATA Software RAID 2-1
Figure 2.1 RAID 0 Array
2.2 RAID 1
Segment 1 Segment 3 Segment 5 Segment 7 Segment 8
Segment 2 Segment 4 Segment 6
RAID 1 (Figure 2.2) dupli cates all data from one drive to a second drive. RAID 1 provides complete data redundancy, but at the cost of doubling the required data storage capacity.
Uses Databases or any other mission critical environment that requires
Str on g Po i n ts Provides complete data redundancy. RAID 1 is ideal for any
Wea k P oi n t s Requires twice as many hard drives. Performance is impaired during
Drives Two
fault tolerance.
application that requires fault tolerance.
drive rebuilds.
Figure 2.2 RAID 1 Array
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 4 Duplicated
2-2 RAID Levels
Segment 1 Duplicated Segment 2 Duplicated Segment 3 Duplicated
2.3 RAID 10
RAID 10 is a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0. RAID 10 has mirrored drives. It breaks up data into smaller blocks, then strip es the blocks of data to each RAID 1 RAID set. Each RAID 1 RAID set then duplicates its data to its other drive. The size of each block is determined by the stripe size parameter, which is set during the creation of the RAID set. RAID 10 can sustain one drive failure in each array while maintaining data integrity.
Uses Works best for data storage that must have 100% redundancy of
RAID 1 (mirrored arrays) and that also needs the enhanced I/O performance of RAID 0 (striped arrays). RAID 10 works well for medium-sized databases or any environment that requires a higher degree of fault tolerance and moderate to medium capacity.
Str on g P o in t s Provides both high data transfer rates and complete data
Wea k P o i nt s Requires twic e as many drives.. Drives 4
Figure 2.3 shows a RAID 10 array with four disk drives.
Figure 2.3 RAID 10 Array
Disk 2Disk 1 Disk 4Disk 3
Segment 2
Segment 1 Segment 3 Segment 5
Segment 1 Segment 3 Segment 5
Segment 2 Segment 4 Segment 6
Segment 2 Segment 4
Segment 4 Segment 6
Segment 6
RAID 10 2-3
2-4 RAID Levels
+ 50 hidden pages