Lowrance electronic 100 User Manual

Pub. 988-0161-001
Radar & RIM 100
Radar Interface Module
Installation Instructions
Copyright © 2006 Lowrance Electronics, Inc.
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Table of Contents
Warnings and Cautions ............................................................. i
Section 1: Introduction............................................................. 1
What is radar? ............................................................................... 1
Antenna...................................................................................... 1
Side lobe ..................................................................................... 2
Characteristics of Radar Wave..................................................... 2
Targets difficult to display on screen ....................................... 2
Radar Shadow Zones................................................................. 2
False echoes ............................................................................... 3
A. Ghost echoes...................................................................... 3
B. Multiple echoes ................................................................. 3
C. False echoes caused by side lobe...................................... 3
D. Distant false echoes caused by duct phenomenon.......... 3
Radar interference..................................................................... 4
Installation Considerations .......................................................... 4
Location...................................................................................... 4
Obtaining sufficient dip angle .................................................. 5
Mounting Base........................................................................... 5
Section 2: Radar Installation .................................................. 8
Preparations .................................................................................. 8
Installation Procedure .................................................................. 8
Section 3: RIM 100sp Installation ........................................ 10
Cable Connections and Wiring Diagrams.................................. 12
Lowrance Radar Specifications .................................................. 16
FCC Compliance.......................................................................... 17
Warnings and Cautions
Use this radar at your own risk. This radar was designed for use as a navigation aid. It should not be used for purposes that require precise measurements of direction, distance, topography or location. Always compare the navigation information received from your radar with data from other navigation aids and sources. When a conflict arises between the navigation data from your radar and data from other navigation aids, make sure you resolve the conflict before proceeding with navigation. A CARE-
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea man­date that when radar is on a vessel, the radar must be used at all times, regardless of weather conditions or visibility. Numer­ous court decisions have not only ruled the radar must be used, but that the radar operator must be knowledgeable in all opera­tional aspects of radar performance or otherwise face a greater risk of liability if an accident occurs.
If you purchased an open array radar antenna, make sure it is installed in an area free of hardware obstructions and free of po­tential obstructions like sails, lines or other vessel components that could intermittently intrude or be caught up in the array antenna's rotation path.
WARNING: High Voltage Hazard Dangerously high voltages are present within the radar scanner unit. The unit contains no user-serviceable
parts. The cover should be removed only by a qualified radar service technician. Technicians must exercise ex­treme care when working inside the unit. ALWAYS re­move power before removing the cover. Some capacitors may take several minutes to discharge, even after switching off the radar. Before touching the magnetron or any high voltage components, ground them with a clip lead. There are no internal connections or adjust­ments necessary for installation.
WARNING: Microwave Radiation Hazard The microwave energy radiated by a radar antenna is harmful to humans, especially to the eyes. NEVER look
directly into an open waveguide or into the path of ra­diation from an enclosed antenna. Radar and other ra­dio frequency radiation can upset cardiac pacemakers. If someone with a cardiac pacemaker suspects abnormal operation, immediately turn off the radar equipment and move the person away from the antenna. Turn off the radar whenever it is necessary to work on the an­tenna unit or other equipment in the beam of the radar.
Section 1: Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this Lowrance Radar with the RIM 100 radar interface module. Your radar consists of three main components: the radar scanner unit, a display unit (sold separately) and the RIM 100 radar interface module which connects the scanner unit and the display unit.
We know you’re anxious to begin the installation, but first, let us tell you how this manual is organized.
The first section describes how your radar works. We'll also discuss is­sues to consider when selecting an installation location as well as im­portant safety requirements.
The second section will tell you how to install the radar scanner unit.
The third section covers installing the RIM 100 radar interface module.
Radar operation is covered in another manual that corresponds to your display unit.
The radar scanner unit includes the radar antenna, transmitter, re­ceiver and necessary electronics. The mounting hardware kit and inter­connecting cable also are included with the radar scanner.
What is radar?
The word "radar" is an acronym for "RAdio Detecting And Ranging." In simple terms, this is how it works:
A radio transmitter sends out a quick microwave pulse. A receiver lis­tens for that signal's echo when it is bounced back from something in its path. When it returns, it is processed by a computer to determine relative distance, position and bearing of the object that reflected the signal. This information is displayed on the display unit's screen. Other boats or ships, navigational markers, landmasses and the like are re­ferred to as targets.
By knowing how long it takes for a signal to return, the distance to a target can be determined. As the radar antenna scans through a 360 degree rotation, it can show where the target is relative to your posi­tion. By repeated scans, you can see which direction another vessel is moving.
How radar will perform is largely determined by its antenna or scan­ner. Increasing the size of the antenna improves long-range perform­ance and target discrimination — the ability to distinguish two sepa-
rate targets at a distance. The critical factors are the antenna's beam width and side lobe level. Typically, a radar antenna will radiate a tightly focused beam from the front of the array. The longer the an­tenna array is, the narrower the beam width. Additionally, it will also emit smaller amounts of energy to each side. A lower side lobe level lessens the effect of a false echo.
Side lobe
The beam radiating the strongest radio signal from the antenna is called the "main lobe". Those beams radiated in other directions are referred to as "side lobes". The side lobe level indicates the difference in level (signal strength) between the largest side lobe and the main lobe.
Characteristics of Radar Wave
Radio waves travel out from the antenna, bending slightly along the earth's surface. The amount they bend depends on atmospheric condi­tions. The sight distance of a radar generally is about 6% longer than the optical sight distance and is calculated using this equation:
Where h is the height of the scanner, the distance to the radar horizon in nautical miles (Nm)
= 1.22 h(feet) or 2.21 h(meters)
Targets difficult to display on screen
The intensity of the reflected radio signal from a target depends on the distance, height, size of the target, the target's material and shape along with the radar’s transmitter power output and antenna size.
Targets made of fiberglass, wood, or other low-reflectance materials or those that have a small incident angle are difficult to display on a screen. Sandy beaches and sandy or muddy shallows can be difficult to pick up. A coastline can actually be closer to your boat than it appears on the screen, because there's not much to reflect a signal back to you.
Radar Shadow Zones
Radar waves propagate in a straight line. A high outcropping of land or a large ship will create a shadow zone behind it and prevent you from seeing targets on the other side. Radar is a line-of-sight view of targets and obstructions.
More importantly, if a mast or some part of the boat's superstructure is in the path of the antenna's sweep, this will also create a shadow zone. No targets will be recognized behind it and it could create a dangerous situation.
False echoes
Sometimes radar will display targets on screen that do not exist in the real world. You should be aware of how and why this happens.
A. Ghost echoes
Sometimes one large object very near your boat will appear as two dif­ferent targets onscreen. One is the actual radar echo. The other is a ghost echo generated by a re-reflection of the original signal. It comes back to your own boat, bounces back to the target, and then is picked up by the antenna on the second bounce.
The actual echo appears at the correct distance and bearing on the screen. The ghost echo appears somewhere behind your boat. This type of false echo is also generated by re-reflection of radar waves from bridges, quay walls or buildings along the shore.
B. Multiple echoes
If there is a large vertical reflecting surface near your boat, as in the case when you pass alongside a large ship, radar signals are repeatedly bounced back and forth between your boat and the other object. Two to four images may appear on the screen at equal intervals in the same bearing.
This is called a multiple echo. The image appearing closest to you is the real echo. Multiple echoes will disappear as you move away from the reflecting object or its bearing changes.
C. False echoes caused by side lobe
An antenna's side lobe emissions are low power, and will not register distant targets. However, if there is a strong reflecting target near your boat, it sometimes may appear as a circular-arc false echo on the screen.
D. Distant false echoes caused by duct phenomenon
The duct phenomenon sometimes occurs when meteorological condi­tions create a temperature inversion between layers of air. When this happens, radar waves propagate erratically and can reach a location considerably farther away from your boat than the radar's maximum distance range.
What appears onscreen is a false echo that looks to be nearer than the actual target. Since the true echo from the distant target is outside the measurement capabilities of the radar, its apparent distance will change when you change ranges, and you can conclude that it's a false echo.
Radar interference
If another boat's radar is operating on the same frequency as yours, it can create interference on your display.
The interference usually appears as spiral or radial patterns. This ra­dar has an interference rejection control to eliminate interference. Turn it on to reduce or eliminate the interference.
Installation Considerations
Prior to actual installation of the radar scanner unit, several factors must be considered to assure maximum performance.
The scanner must be located so that passengers and crew are not ex­posed to the direct radar beam.
To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, the ra­dar antenna for this scanner must be installed a mini­mum distance of 1 foot (0.3 m) or more ABOVE all per­sons.
This is a bad installation! The radar beam will be obstructed by the helm. This can create blind spots or shadow zones on the radar dis-
play. More importantly, it will expose persons at the helm to harmful
levels of microwave radiation.
The scanner unit should be mounted on the center line of your vessel in a location that has an unobstructed view forward and is as clear as pos­sible the rest of the way around the unit.
A location as high as practical to improve maximum range is desirable, keeping in mind that minimum range objects may be overlooked if mounted too high.
Position the unit forward of large structures and exhaust stacks. Large structures or stacks cause blind spots. Contamination from engine ex­haust on the scanner housing also reduces radar performance.
Antennas for GPS, radio communication or other equipment should not be in the radar beam. Use non-metallic extension poles to move the ac­tive area of antennas above the radar beam.
In selecting a location, consider the suitability of the mounting surface. It must be flat and approximately level with the vessel’s water line. The surface must support the weight of the scanner and have access to the underside for installation of the four mounting bolts. (Weights are listed in the specifications table in the back of this manual.)
Obtaining sufficient dip angle
Raise the scanner position so that there is a sufficient dip angle avail­able between the line of sight from the scanner to the obstacle and the horizontal line. By raising the dip angle above 5°, it is possible to pre­vent mid- and long-distance shadow zones. The radar cannot detect ob­jects below the line of sight.
Mounting Base
Use a mounting base such as the one shown below, or you can install the scanner directly to a roof or other flat surface. Make sure you keep the water drain tube clear. It's located at the bottom of the scanner unit.
Note: If the mounting bracket or surface has a curvature of more than 2 mm, use spacers with the mounting bolts to prevent stress on the scanner housing.
Mounting base for radar scanner unit.
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