Pub. 988-0154-512
Terrain Awareness Upgrade
For AirMap 2000
This Terrain Awareness upgrade allows
your AirMap 2000 to show the ground in
color shaded relief format, and uses different
colors to highlight terrain with potentiall
hazardous altitudes. The topography is represented by dark green, dark yellow and
brown. Terrain awareness is represented b
light green, yellow and red highlights.
The software upgrade comes loaded on an
MMC or SD card. It also contains the latest
Jeppesen Americas and Lowrance Obstructions aeronautical databases, the terrain mapping data and airport taxiwa
mapping data. The terrain data includes
high resolution maps for North and South
merica and lower resolution maps for the
rest of the world.
ou must have the terrain awareness car
inserted in the unit in order to use the terrain awareness features
The software upgrade will not run if the
batteries in your AirMap 2000 are low. We
recommend you run the upgrade with the
unit attached to external power. If you're not
using external power, make sure the batteries are fresh before beginning the upgrade.
1. Insert the upgrade card into the AirMap.
2. Connect the unit to external power. 3.
Turn the unit on, and the upgrade begins
The Terrain Awareness feature can be
turned on and off in the Map Categories
Drawn menu by checking (on) or uncheckin
(off) the Terrain Awareness category. If you
turn off the Background subcategory, the
map screens will not show shaded relief. I
you turn off the Warnings subcategory, potentially hazardous terrain will not be highlighted in various colors.
Color Code
s you fly, the AirMap notes your curren
altitude and the height of the terrain below
you. The relief map shows areas with different risk levels in different colors, accordin
to the following perimeters:
• Red highlight: indicates terrain that is at
your current altitude or higher.
• Yellow highlight: indicates terrain 500
feet below your current altitude.
• Green highlight: indicates terrain 1,000
feet below your current altitude.
• When flying over the ocean, the surface
shading in the Profile Window reverts to a
pattern of small Xs, indicating no risk o
flying into elevated terrain.
ll map screens will show the terrain relie
shading except for the Navigation Panel and
the Aviation Map option. On those screens,
the terrain awareness color highlight does