Read Me First!
Important Equipment Warning
For GPS Module Connections
Your unit packs with cables, a black T connector and a terminator to
connect the GPS module to the unit. Plugs and sockets on these items
are keyed. That is, each male plug has a key that fits an alignment
notch or keyway in each female socket.
Left, T connector. Center, extension cable. Right, end view of the
socket on a female connector. Note the alignment notch or keyway.
You can over-ride the key protection feature if the connectors are misaligned and then forced together. This
can damage the unit or GPS module.
In the diagram at right,
asterisks (*) show where
damage can occur if plugs
and sockets are misaligned.
Pub. 988-0154-971 © Copyright 2007 Navico
Printed in USA or Mexico 052307
GPS Module