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Printed in U.S.A. © 11-13-09
Steel Grille with Screw-mount Installation for 4” Speakers
Steel grille for screw-mount installation
Grille Specifications and Companion Mounting Accessories (order separately)
Grille Speaker Grille Mounting Material Color Backbox or Mtg. Ring Choices + T-Bridge or Rails
Model Size* Size Provisions (Choose one, plus tile bridge or (if required for
rails if required.) suspended ceilings)
WB-4 4" 7.25" Dia 4 studs + 4 screws Steel White CP4, DX104................................................................LBS4-DX or SS Series rails
PR4 (mounting ring) ..................................................LBS4-DX or SS Series rails
No backbox ................................................................LBS4-R
*Lowell offers a selection of 4" speakers with factory wired 70V or 25V transformers - see list in the Description paragraph or get specifications on the website.
Lowell grille Model WB-4 is the industry standard when it
comes to steel ceiling grilles for 4" loudspeakers. Its
clean, contoured edge appearance and economical cost
makes it popular for installation in offices, hotels,
schools, airports, medical, retail, and commercial facilities all over the world.
Grille is precision formed from a single piece of 20gauge steel with a punched center and beveled edge for
attractive ceiling installation. Model WB-4 features four
8-32 x 3/4" welded studs with palnuts for concealed
mounting of a standard 4” (EIA 5”) speaker. It is additionally equipped with four white 8-32 x 1-1/2" Phillips-head
screws for attaching the speaker-grille assembly to the
backbox or mounting ring (order separately - see page
2). The grille is finished in white powder epoxy for long
lasting quality appearance.
Lowell offers a selection of 4" speaker drivers with
optional 70V or 25V transformer for distributed music
and voice paging. Popular 4" drivers include Model 4A30
(30W coaxial) and JR410 (15W high compliance cone).
A & E Specifications
The grille for 4" speaker drivers shall be Lowell Model
____ (WB-4). It shall be fabricated one-piece 20-gauge
steel reinforced with a peripheral flange. The grille diameter shall be 7.25" with a shallow mounting projection of
0.25". Model WB-4 shall include welded studs for mounting specified 4" (EIA 5”) speaker. Each grille shall also
have four 0.218" holes spaced at 90 degree intervals on
a 5.625" bolt circle plus four 8-32 x 1-1/2” white Phillipshead screws for mounting the speaker/grille assembly to
specified backbox or mounting ring. The grille shall be
finished in white powder epoxy and include white screws
for backbox installation.
Companion backbox or mounting ring shall be Lowell Model
_________(DX104, CP4, PR4). Companion tile bridge or
channel rails for suspended installations shall be Lowell
Model________ [LBS4-DX, LBS4R (for applications without
backbox), SS24 or SS30 rails].