Lowell SG-8VP Specifications

Model No.
Square Screw-Mount Grille
• For 8” speaker
Model SG-8VP is a heavy-duty yet architecturally pleasing grille that features a secondary steel barrier screen to protect speakers from damage in applications where vandalism and abuse are a concern. It is ideal for installation in schools, hospitals, manufacturing and distribution centers, transportation terminals, de­tention centers and correctional facilities.
14-gauge steel grille nished in white powder epoxy
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Made in the
22-gauge steel barrier screen (painted black) and open chipboard gasket.
The protective barrier screen features 1/16” diameter holes on 3/32” stag­gered centers resulting in a 40% open area for protection and clear speaker performance.
Four 8-32 x 1” welded studs with nuts for concealed mounting of an 8” EIA
speaker or Lowell’ Unihorn Model LUH-15T with 3.72” depth.
Four white 8-32 x 1-1/4” tamper-resistant screws for attaching the speak-
er-grille assembly to the recessed or surface backbox (ordered separately).
A&E Specifications:
The tamper-resistant grille for 8” speakers or Unihorn Model LUH-15T shall be Lowell Model SG-8VP. It shall be heavy duty 14-gauge punched steel reinforced with a peripheral ange. It shall include a 22-gauge steel barrier screen, painted black, and a chipboard gasket to protect the driver from damage. The grille shall be 11.438” SQ with a shallow mounting projection of 0.125”. It shall have 8-32 x 1” welded studs with nuts for mounting specied 8” EIA speaker. Each grille shall also have four 0.218” holes on a 9.062” centers for mounting specied re­cessed or surface backbox using tamper-resistant white screws provided. Grille shall be nished in white powder epoxy.
Compatible Components: (order separately)
Speaker Model No ......................810, 8C10MRB, CT830A, 8A50
Horn (Unihorn) Model No .............LUH-15T
Recessed Backbox Model No .......P68X, P68X-6
Surface Backbox Model No ..........CB84-SGVP
NOTE: Grille SG-8VP will t Unihorn Model LUH-15T using backboxes noted.
Lowell makes every effort to provide accurate information while reserving the right to change specications and/or improve manufacturing methods without notication. ©2015 Lowell Manufacturing Company, 100 Integram Dr., Pacic MO 63069 | 800.325.9660 | www.lowellmfg.com
Technical Drawing:
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8” speaker or Unihorn mounts to 8-32 studs using nuts provided
22-ga. steel barrier screen painted black
14-ga. steel grille painted white
White tamper­resistant screws
Accessory Selection Chart
Grille No. Size (in) For Speaker Size (in) * Backbox No. ............................................T-bridge or Rails (for suspended tile ceilings)
SG-8VP 11.438 sq. 8 (or Unihorn LUH-15T) P68X, P68X-6 ............................................ SS series rails
CB84-SG ...................................................n/a
Lowell makes every effort to provide accurate information while reserving the right to change specications and/or improve manufacturing methods without notication. ©2015 Lowell Manufacturing Company, 100 Integram Dr., Pacic MO 63069 | 800.325.9660 | www.lowellmfg.com