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Printed in U.S.A. © 04-17-06
SCB300 / PC312
SCB300 8" Speaker & 12" Clock Grille / PC312 Recessed Backbox
Lowell Speaker-Clock Grille & Companion Backbox Specifications
Mounts (order separately)
Grille Model Description Dimensions Finish Speaker* Clock** Backbox
SCB300 Screw-mount speaker-clock grille 27.25"L x 17"W White 8" 12" PC312
*Lowell offers a wide selection of 8" speaker drivers including dual cone 10oz Series 810 and dual cone 5oz Series 805 with factory wired 70V or 25V transformers.
**Universal clock mounting bracket will accommodate most 12" analog clocks (by others).
Backbox Model Style Dimensions Knockouts Finish Mounts Grille
PC312 Recessed 26"L x 16"W x 3"D 1/2"-3/4" top, bottom & divider Black SCB300
Lowell combination speaker-clock grille Model SCB300 and
recessed backbox Model PC312 provide an architecturally
pleasing solution for recessed horizontal or vertical installation of a paging speaker and clock in school classrooms,
sports/recreation facilities, and medical or professional buildings of all kinds. Dual function speaker and clock mounting
solution is a practical approach that affords reduced fixture
and labor costs while providing a clean architectural appearance. Model SCB300 grille features a universal clock mounting bracket for problem free installation of virtually any 12"
analog clock (by others) and welded speaker mounting studs
for installation of a standard 8" speaker driver (order separately). Lowell offers a wide selection of drivers with optional
70V or 25V transformer for distributed voice paging and
music with clear intelligibility. Frequently ordered models for
speaker-clock grille use include driver Model 805 (12W dual
cone), 810 (15W dual cone), or CT830 (20W coaxial).
Grille Model SCB300 is designed for recessed installation to
backbox Model PC312. For a surface version, use grille Model
SCB700 and backbox Model PC712. This attractive grille is a
one-piece 18-gauge steel assembly with a square perforated
area for clear music and paging transmission, and a cutout for
mounting a 12" analog clock (by others).The clock cutout
includes hardware and provisions for installing Lowell's universal clock mounting bracket for horizontal or vertical orientation.
The perforated speaker area includes welded studs for
installing an 8" speaker driver. The grille assembly with mounted clock and speaker installs to recessed backbox Model
PC312 (order separately) using four (4) screws provided.
Overall dimensions of grille Model SCB300 are 27.25"L x
17"W. The assembly is finished in white powder epoxy for
attractive and durable performance.
Recessed Backbox Model PC312 is designed for recessed
installation of speaker-clock grille Model SCB300. It is formed from
20 gauge steel and measures 26"L x 16"W x 3"D with a divider
between the clock and speaker mounting sections. Symmetrical
design features uniform compound knockouts for 1/2" - 3/4" conduit
on the top and bottom, right and left sides, and in the divider for
error-free job site installation. Additionally, one side features
acoustic deadener to help absorb speaker resonance. The backbox is finished in black powder epoxy.
PC312 Recessed Backbox for Model SCB300
SCB300 speaker-clock grille mounts horizontal or vertical to recessed backbox
Model PC312 (grille shown with clock - by others). Order speaker separately.
One side features
acoustic deadener
to help absorb