Power control sequencers - Series SCS
Choose 1RU rackmount or chassis style
for time-delayed power up and down of equipment.
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Surface Mount Remote Power Control
Lowell Manufacturing Company • 100 Integram Drive • Pacific, Missouri 63069 U.S.A.
Call 800.325.9660, 636.257.3400 • Fax 636.257.6606 • Click www.lowellmfg.com
Lowell makes every effort to provide accurate information and reserves the right to change specifications and/or improve manufacturing methods.
Download and print this spec from www.lowellmfg.com to insure that you have the most current information
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19” EIA
AC Strips
AC Surge
/ Filtering
Low Voltage
Typical wiring with remote switches
Typical connections are made using
low-voltage, 3-conductor cable run from
the RPC terminal strip to remotely
located switches such as Lowell's wall
switch Model RPSB-P or rackmount
panel switch Model RPSW-R. Connect
the three barrier strip terminals on the
RPC unit marked "+24v Out", "Com",
and "Switch" to corresponding terminals on the RPSW or RPSB Switch
unit. Note: Single switch applications
use switches with a maintained closure.
Multiple switch applications use switches with a momentary closure.
Typical wiring with a sequencer
RPC controls are also a key component in Lowell's SCS Series sequential
control systems that provide time
delayed activation and power-down of
equipment. Typical connections are
made using low-voltage, 2-conductor
cable run from the RPC terminal strip
"Com" and "Switch" connections to corresponding terminals on the sequencer.
"Com" terminals may be tied together on
one conductor. Note the "+24v Out" con-
nection on the RPC is not used in
sequencer applications.
The switch connections are made from
the sequencer's barrier strip terminals
marked "24v Out", "Com", and "Switch"
to corresponding terminals on the RPSW
or RPSB switch unit.
Lowell accessory devices (order separately)
Momentary Switch Module
Model MSM
(Use with momentary-style switches)
Switches - Series RPSW and RPSB
Choose maintained or momentary-style closure,
wall plate or rackmount styling, rocker or key switch activation.
Lowell accessory devices
(order separately)
Switches with Maintained Closure
(single switch uses)
RPSW-P SPST lighted rkr 1 gang plate
RPSW-KP SPST lighted key 1 gang plate
RPSB-R SPST lighted rkr 19W x 1RU
RPSB-KR SPST lighted key 19W x 1RU
Switches with Momentary Closure
(multiple switch uses)
RPSW-MP SPST lighted rkr mom 1 gang plate
RPSW-MKP SPST lighted key mom 1 gang plate
RPSB-MR SPST lighted rkr mom 19W x 1RU
RPSB-MKR SPST lighted key mom 19W x 1RU
Momentary Switch Module
MSM Module for RPC & SCS-4
Power Control Sequencers
SCS-4R 4 ch time delay 19W x 1RU
SCS-4 4 ch time delay 7x3.25x1.5
SCS-8R 8 ch time delay 19W x 1RU
SCS-8 8 ch time delay 10x3.25x1.5
Equipment to be controlled plugs into the
3 individually switched duplex outlets.
Activation of these outlets is by contact
closures between the common terminal
and the numbered control terminals.
RPS Series
RPS Series
SCS Series
Power sequencer
RPC-1 (use if additional circuit is desired)
Equipment to be controlled
plugs into the 3 individually
switched duplex outlets.
SCS Series
sequencer can
be plugged into
the "Hot" outlet.
Surface Mount