Loopcomm LP-7617 User Manual

Wireless LAN USB Adapter
User Manu al 1.0
© 2010
1. Ralink or Windows W ir eless Utility ...................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Ralink Wireless Utility and Windows Zero Configuration (WZC) .... 4
1.1.2 Windows Zero Configuration (WZC) ................................................. 5
1.2.1 Ralink Wireless Utility and Windows AutoConfig Service .............. 11
1.2.2 W indows AutoConfig Service .......................................................... 13
2. Ralink Wireless Utility (RaUI) ............................................................................ 19
2.1.1 Start RaUI ......................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Profile ................................................................................................ 25
2.2.2 Add/Edit Profile ................................................................................ 26
2.2.3 Example to Add Profile in Profile ..................................................... 27
2.3.1 Network............................................................................................. 31
2.3.2 Example on Adding Profile in Network............................................ 36
2.4.1 Advanced .......................................................................................... 40
2.5.1 Statistics ............................................................................................ 41
2.6.1 WMM ................................................................................................ 43
2.6.2 Example to Configure to Enable DLS (Direct Link Setup) .............. 43
2.6.3 Example to Configure to Enable Wi-Fi Multi-Media ....................... 46
2.6.4 Example to Configure to Enable WMM – Power Save .................... 47
2.7.1 WPS .................................................................................................. 48
2.7.2 WPS Information on AP ................................................................... 50
2.7.3 Example to Add to Registrar Using PIN Method ............................. 52
2.7.4 Example to Add to Registrar Using PBC Method ............................ 57
2.7.5 Example to Configure a Network/AP Using PIN or PBC Method ... 61
2.8.1 SSO ................................................................................................... 63
2.9.1 CCX .................................................................................................. 64
2.10.1 About................................................................................................. 64
2.11.1 Link Status ........................................................................................ 65
2.12.1 SoftAP(Only Window7 support) ....................................................... 66
3. Security ................................................................................................................ 71
3.3 Example to Reconnect 802.1x Authenticated Connection after 802.1x
4. Appendix ............................................................................................................ 107
5. FAQ .................................................................................................................... 110
1. Ralink or Windows Wireless Utility
1.1 Windows Zero Configuration for XP
1.1.1 Ralink Wireless Utility and Windows Zero Configuration (WZC)
Windows XP includes a wireless configuration utility named "Windows Zero configuration" (WZC) which provides basic configuration functions to the Ralink Wireless NIC. Ralink's utility (RaUI) additionally provides WPA functionality. To make it easier for the user to select the correct utility. RaUI will let users make a selection when it first runs after windows XP boots.
Right-clicking the icon will bring up the selection window and allow the user to make a selection.
Figure 1-1 RaUI.exe
RaUI can co-exist with WZC. When coexisting with WZC, RaUI only provides monitoring functions, such as surveying the link status, network status, statistic counters, advanced feature status, WMM status and WPS status. It won't interfere with WZC's configuration or profile functions. It is shown as Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2 Select WZC or RaUI
If "Use RaConfig as Configuration utility" is selected, please jump to Section 2 on running RaUI.
If "Use Zero Configuration as Configuration utility" is selected, please continue. We will explain the difference between RaUI and WZC. Figure 1-3 shows the RaUI
status when WZC is activated as the main control utility.
Figure 1-3 RaUI status with WZC active
When activating WZC, there are several difference with the RaUI status, compared to the RaUI status without WZC running.
The profile button will be gray. Profile functionality is removed since the NIC is
controlled by WZC.
The Connect and Add Profile function will be gray. Profile functionality is
removed since the NIC is controlled by WZC.
Please read through this document for full details on the other functions provided by RaUI.
1.1.2 Windows Zero Configuration (WZC)
If there is no connection or it is lost, the status prompt will pop up, as shown in
Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 status prompt for no connection
Right-click the network connection icon in taskbar.
Figure 1-5 Select WZC main status
Select "View Available Wireless Networks" and the "Wireless Network
Connection" dialog box will pop up, as shown in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6 Wireless Network Connection
Select the intended access point and click "Connect". Then click "Connect
Anyway" as shown as Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7 Select intended AP : AP1, then click "Connect"
Figure 1-8 Connect AP: AP1 successfully
If you want to modify information about the AP, click "Change advanced settings"
as shown in Figure 1-9. Then select the "Wireless Networks" tab shown as Figure 1-10.
Figure 1-9 Click "Change advanced settings"
Figure 1-10 Choose the "Wireless Networks" tab
Click "Properties" as shown in Figure 1-11. Then click "OK" button.
Figure 1-11 AP's properties
After filling in the appropriate value, click "OK." The pop-up will indicate the
status as shown in Figure 1-12.
Figure 1-12 Network connection status
Clicking the Ralink icon will bring up the RaUI main window. Users can find the
surrounding APs in the list. The currently connected AP will be shown with a blue icon beside it, as shown in Figure 1-13. Users may use the advanced tab to configure more advanced features provided by Ralink's wireless NIC. For details on configuring the advanced features, please check the Advance setting section.
Figure 1-13 Show connection status by using WZC to initiate the connection
1.2 Windows AutoConfig Servic e for Vista
1.2.1 Ralink Wireless Utility and Windows AutoConfig Service
In Windows Vista, the Auto Config service provides basic wireless configuration functions for the Ralink Wireless Network Interface Controller. In order to perform these functions, the Auto Config service should first be enabled (Refer to Section 1-2-2).
Once the Ralink wireless utility is minimized, click the Ralink icon as shown in Figure 1-1. This will bring up the option menu shown as Figure 1-2 for the user to restore the utility window or terminate the utility.
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
The Ralink wireless utility as shown in Figure 1-3, provides profile management, the available networks listing, a statistical counter display, Wi-Fi multimedia (WMM), protected Wi-Fi setup, Cisco compatible extensions (CCX), call admission control (CAC), radio controls, Ralink driver/utility information, and help functions.
Figure 1-3 Ralink Utility
The Ralink wireless utility starts in compact mode as shown in Figure 1-3. Clicking the expanding icon at the bottom-right corner can change to the full mode as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 Ralink Utility in full mode
1.2.2 Windows AutoConfig Service
The following steps outline the procedure for starting/stopping the Windows AutoConfig service.
Select "Control Panel" from "Settings" in the start menu
Double-click the "Administrative Tools" icon
Double-click "Services"
Double-click "WLAN AutoConfig"
Manage the AutoConfig properties in the dialog box
Windows profile manager can be accessed via control panel or network connection icon in the task bar.
1. Access via network connection icon
Right-click the network connection icon in the taskbar, then select "Network and Sharing Center" from the pop-up menu
Select "Manage wireless networks" from the tasks list
Right-click the network to bring up the profile managing menu
2. Access via control panel
Select "Control Panel" from the start menu
Double-click the "Network and Sharing Center" icon
Select "Manage wireless networks" from the tasks list
Right-click the network to bring up the profile managing menu
2. Ralink Wireless Utility (RaUI)
2.1 Start
2.1.1 Start RaUI
When starting RaUI, the system will connect to the AP with best signal strength without setting a profile or matching a profile setting. When starting RaUI, it will issue a scan command to a wireless NIC. After two seconds, the AP list will be updated with the results of a BSS list scan. The AP list includes most used fields, such as SSID, network type, channel used, wireless mode, security status and the signal percentage. The arrow icon indicates the connected BSS or IBSS network. The dialog box is shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1-1 RaUI section introduction
There are three sections to the RaUI dialog box. These sections are briefly described as follow.
Button Section: Include buttons for selecting the Profile page, Network page, Advanced page, Statistics page, WMM page, WPS page, the About button, Radio On/Off button and Help.
Figure 2-1-2 Button section
Figure 2-1-3 Move to the left
Figure 2-1-4 Move to the right
Function Section: Appears to present information and options related to the button.
Figure 2-1-5 Profile page
Figure 2-1-6 Network page
Figure 2-1-7 Advance page
Figure 2-1-8 Statistics page
Figure 2-1-9 WMM page
Figure 2-1-10 WPS page
Figure 2-1-11 About page
Status Section: This section includes information about the link status, authentication status, AP's information and configuration, and retrying the connection when authentication is failed.
Figure 2-1-12 Link Status
Figure 2-1-13 Authentication Status
Figure 2-1-14 AP's Information
Figure 2-1-15 Retry the connection
Figure 2-1-16 Configuration
When starting RaUI, a small Ralink icon appears in the notifications area of the taskbar, as shown in Figure 2-1-15. You can double click it to maximize the dialog box if you selected to close it earlier. You may also use the mouse's right button to close RaUI utility.
Figure 2-1-17 Ralink icon in system tray
Additionally, the small icon will change color to reflect current wireless network connection status. The status is shown as follows:
: Indicates the connected and signal strength is good.
: Indicates the connected and signal strength is normal.
: Indicates that it is not yet connected.
: Indicates that a wireless NIC can not be detected.
: Indicates that the connection and signal strength is weak.
2.2 Profile
2.2.1 Profile
The Profile List keeps a record of your favorite wireless settings at home, office, and other public hot-spots. You can save multiple profiles, and activate the correct one at your preference. Figure 2-2-1 shows the basic profile section.
Figure 2-2-1 Profile function
Definition of each field:
Profile Name: Name of profile, preset to PROF* (* indicate 1, 2, 3...). SSID: The access point or Ad-hoc name. Network Type: Indicates the networks type, including infrastructure and Ad-Hoc. Authentication: Indicates the authentication mode used. Encryption: Indicates the encryption Type used. Use 802.1x: Shows if the 802.1x feature is used or not. Cannel: Channel in use for Ad-Hoc mode. Power Save Mode: Choose from CAM (Constantly Awake Mode) or Power Saving
Tx Power: Transmitting power, the amount of power used by a radio transceiver to
send the signal out.
RTS Threshold: Users can adjust the RTS threshold number by sliding the bar or
keying in the value directly.
Fragment Threshold: The user can adjust the Fragment threshold number by sliding
the bar or key in the value directly.
Icons and buttons:
: Indicates if a connection made from the currently activated profile.
: Indicates if the connection has failed on a currently activated profile.
: Indicates the network type is infrastructure mode. : Indicates the network type is in Ad-hoc mode. : Indicates if the network is security-enabled.
: Click to add a new profile.
: Click to edit an existing profile.
: Deletes an existing profile.
: Activates the selected profile.
: Shows information of the related status section.
: Hides information of the related status section.
2.2.2 Add/Edit Profile
There are three methods to open the Profile Editor dialog box. You can open it by clicking the "Add to Profile" button in the Site Survey tab. You can open it by clicking the "Add" button in the Profile tab. You can open it by clicking the "Edit" button on the Profile tab.
Figure 2-2-2 Configuration
Profile Name: The user can chose any name for this profile, or use the default name
defined by system.
SSID: The user can key in the intended SSID name or select one of the available
APs from the drop-down list.
Power Save Mode: Choose CAM (Constantly Awake Mode) or Power Saving
Network Type: There are two types, infrastructure and 802.11 Ad-hoc modes.
Under Ad-hoc mode, user can also choose the preamble type. The available preamble type includes auto and long. In addition, the channel field will be available for setup in Ad-hoc mode.
RTS Threshold: User can adjust the RTS threshold number by sliding the bar, or
key in the value directly. The default value is 2347.
Fragment Threshold: User can adjust the Fragment threshold number by sliding the
bar or key in the value directly. The default value is 2346.
Channel: Only available for setting under Ad-hoc mode. Users can choose the
channel frequency to start their Ad-hoc network.
Authenticati on Type: There are 7 types of authentication modes supported by RaUI.
They are open, Shared, LEAP, WPA and WPA-PSK, WPA2 and WPA2-PSK.
Encryption Type: For open and shared authentication mode, the selection of
available encryption type are none and WEP. For WPA, WPA2, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK authentication mode, both TKIP and AES encryption is available.
802.1x Setting: This is introduced in the topic of "Section 3-2 : 802.1x Setting". Pre-shared Key: This is the key shared between the AP and STA. For WPA-PSK
and WPA2-PSK authentication mode, this field must be filled with a key between 8 and 32 characters in length.
WEP Key: Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithms. The key must be
identical to the AP's key. There are several formats to enter the keys.
1. Hexadecimal - 40bits: 10 Hex characters.
2. Hexadecimal - 128bits: 26 Hex characters.
3. ASCII - 40bits: 5 ASCII characters.
4. ASCII - 128bits: 13 ASCII characters.
2.2.3 Example to Add Profile in Profile
Click "Add" below the Profile List.
The "Add Profile" will appear.
Specify a Profile Name. Select an AP from the SSID drop-down list. The AP List from the last Network.
Now the profile which the user set appears in the profile list. Click "Activate".
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