LogTag Recorders TRIX-8, TRIX-16, HAXO-8, SRIC-4, TREX-8 Quick Start Manual

is Quick-Start guide covers preparation, use and maintenance to assist you in getting the best results from your LogTag®.
LogTag® Recorders offer a variety of different models. The product range is constantly being updated and new models added, so visit
www.thermoworks.com/products/logger/logtag.html to get the latest information and news about upcoming product releases.
You can nd a list of the most common models in table1. Using the LogTag® most appropriate to your measuring and monitoring task will ensure the best results.
LogTag® recorder products have a num­ber of features in common: a green OK LED, a red ALERT LED, a START/ MARK button and a mounting lug.
GettinG started
All you need to use the LogTag® recording system are a LogTag® interface, a PC running Windows XP or later, the LogTag® Analyzer PC application and the LogTag® recorder itself. Don’t plug the interface into the computer just yet, this will be done at the conclusion of the software installation.
software installation
Before using a LogTag® recorder you will need to download the LogTag® Analyzer software from LogTag’s web site at
. After registering you will be e-mailed with a link, from where you can download the latest version, which supports multiple languages, including those with special characters such as Chinese or Greek.
Once downloaded, start the executable to initiate the installation process; please note you will need local administrator rights to do this.
Wait until nished before installing your interface.
interface installation
After the installation is complete, you will see a new icon on your desktop. You can now plug your interface into a USB port, or an RS232 port if you were supplied this type of interface. For USB interfaces the drivers will now install automatically. Your operating system will notify you once the driver installation has succeeded. You can use multiple interfaces on one computer and also mix RS232 and USB interfaces.
When all interfaces are installed you are ready to proceed.
confiGurinG a loGtaG
You will need to congure a LogTag® if you want to take readings with it. Insert the LogTag® into the interface, contacts in rst and the LED’s towards the interface label as shown in the picture on the right.
Start the software. e easiest way to congure the LogTag® for a trip is the use of the LogTag® Wizard by clicking on the Wizard toolbar button or selecting
LogTag-Wizard from the menu.
e Wizard will
• Query all interfaces and any recorders inside them
• Download any data from recorders found and save them to les
• Allow you to enter parameters for a new trip, like shown in this screen:
• Upload the new conguration to the recorders
You can enter parameters such as start method (push button or date/ time), logging interval (30 seconds to 18 hours), logging duration, start delay, access passwords and not to forget Alert values, which are used for the Alert LED activation and the reporting functions in LogTag® Analyzer, and also add a description about your trip.
analysinG the results
Once loggers have completed a trip, you can use the LogTag® Analyzer software to analyse and archive the data, to export them to other programs such as MS Excel or to e-mail them and upload them to an o-site server.
A number of controls and displays assist you in operating the soft­ware.
• Menu
• Toolbars
• Status
• Data window with graph, list, summary and averaging tabs
• Multichart windows and annotations for adding notes
• Context menus allowing quick access to the most used functions.
Quick Start Guide
Display Recording
-40ºC to 85ºC 8,000 samples
-40ºC to 85ºC 16,000 samples
-40ºC to 85ºC 8,000 samples
-20ºC to 65ºC 4,000 samples
-40ºC to 99ºC 8,000 samples
-80ºC to 40ºC 8,000 samples
-80ºC to 40ºC 8,000 samples
-80ºC to 40ºC 8,000 samples
-30ºC to 60ºC 7770 samples
-40ºC to 99ºC 7770 samples
Table 1: LogTag Logger Models
alert led
oK led
start/MarK Button
Signal Sequence Occurrence
LogTag® wake-up signal
Sequence of four alternate ashes of green-red LED’s
• displayed after conguration has been successfully applied to the LogTag
• when a LogTag® is woken up from hibernation state Not to be mixed up with...
Sequence of sixteen alternate ashes of green-red LED’s
• displayed when the LogTag® starts its recording cycle
Mark signal Sequence of ve
simultaneous ashes of green and red LED’s
• displayed when pressing start/mark button while recording to indicate an inspection mark in the software
• displayed directly after the start-up signal following a push button start where a recording delay has been congured. In this instance the start-up signal is repeated when the actual recording begins
Logging active, no alert present
Single ash of green LED every 4 seconds (approx.)
• indicates LogTag® is recording
• is is not displayed when pre-start is active and the main logging cycle has not yet started. It is also not displayed when the green LED has been turned o in the conguration screen
Logging nished, no alert present
Single ash of green LED every 8 seconds (approx.)
• indicates LogTag® has nished recording
• is is not displayed when the green LED has been turned o in the conguration screen. Will also be displayed when unit has been woken up from hibernation
Alert condition present
Single ash of red LED every 4 seconds
• displayed when the LogTag® has detected an alert condition and the Alert LED has been activated If an alert is present you cannot determine if the unit is still logging or has n­ished its log cycle. If the Alert LED has not been activated during conguration, in essence the visual indicators have been disabled, and the green LED will ash every 4 or 8 seconds as above.
Communication e green LED will
ash occasionally
• during communication with the interface the green LED will ash occasionally; no information is conveyed in this
Start button press red LED glows faintly
• is is by design but conveys no information
Table 2: Light Patterns
For a full list of features please see the LogTag® Analyzer User Guide, which can be accessed through the Help Menu. You can also call up on-line help information for all windows and dialogue buttons by pressing the F1 key.
loGtaG indicator leds
e LogTag® recorder itself can give you important status information by ashing its indicator LEDs in dierent patterns. Both the red ‘Alert’ LED and the green ‘OK’ LED convey information about conguration and trip parameters, Alert status and give feedback when users interact with the START/MARK button.
You will nd a summary of the LED patterns with a description about their meaning in table 2 on the right.
start/MarK Button
Once a LogTag® has been congured, pressing the START/MARK but­ton has a dierent outcome depending on what the recorder is doing at the time the button is pressed.
• If the recorder is congured for a push but­ton start, pressing this button will activate the main recording. ere is no need to be concerned about any lost data if the user forgets to press this button, as a pre-start recording feature can be activated, logging data even before the trip is started.
• Once the LogTag® has been started, pressing the button will insert an inspection mark in the data recordings, which is displayed when viewing the data in the software.
• If congured, Alert Conditions can be reset when this button is pressed.
custoMi;inG the software
The software allows you to customize many of the features to your individual requirements. Not only can you change some of the more basic options like display language and temperature units, but also adapt some of the more advanced parameters for e-mail and FTP functions, storage folder location, le name and frequency for automatic software updates.
GettinG the riGht results
When you use the LogTag® units, please take a moment to consider the application and how
to best approach the monitoring task. Allow the units to be located in a place with good air movement, make sure HAXO units are not lying at so water and dust cannot gather around the sensor lter and pro­vide adequate insulation around access holes for sensors with probes.
LogTag® has achieved certication with a number of Authorities, demonstrating the quality and suitability of the LogTag® Recorders for applications where accuracy and consistency is required. Such certica­tions have - amongst others- been issued by such organisations as the FCC, CE, C-TICK, TÜV and the WHO.
fda title 21 cfr 11
Compliance to the FDA requirements is available to users via a special server utility, available on request, which can log events and be used to digitally sign data les.
LogTag® recorder products are rugged and need little maintenance, it does pay however to observe some basic rules when handling the recorders to maximize their use.
Battery rePlaceMent
Most LogTag® recorder products have a replaceable battery, some of which may be soldered to the electronics to avoid contact issues that exist with other branded loggers; for these you will need some soldering expertise and a battery replacement kit from your distributor. Please also note that the products do contain a non-rechargeable Lithium Bat­tery, which must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
To prolong the life of your recorder you can hibernate it between trips via LogTag® Analyzer when it is not being used for extended periods. Please refer to the User Guide in the section about ‘Hibernation’
All LogTag® recorders can be calibrated with spe­cial utility software, which will be made available to calibration labs upon request. Re-calibrated loggers can be identied and traced back to the calibrating lab thus reducing the risk of fraudu­lent data tampering.
Basic trouBleshootinG
water inGress
Please carefully observe the IP rating for your unit and remember that none of the LogTag® products can be immersed into liquids.
contact cleaninG
Keep the three metal contacts at the back of the recorder clean and free from tape residue, dirt or other contaminants, as these usually result in communications problems. If required, clean them with a soft pencil eraser, but don’t use abra­sive materials as you may permanently damage them.
GettinG helP
If after studying the User Guide you still need further information, please visit the Support sec­tion of the LogTag® Recorders website.
thanK you...
...for choosing LogTag® Recorders, we are looking forward to working with you!