Remote Repair
How to install
your new Harmony 900
Front Cover/Touch Screen
Important! Before you begin working on your Harmony 900, you must discharge any static electricity you
may be carrying around. Ideally, you should wear an anti-static wrist strap as you work. If you do not own
an anti-static device, at least touch a grounded appliance (the metal on the back of a computer tower works
well) before you begin working. The components inside the H900 are sensitive to static electricity so it is
very important to take these precautions!
Before you get started, familiarize yourself with the parts pictured below.
Back Cover
Front Cover/ Touchscreen
Logic Board Button Guide
Button Pad (back side)
Button Pad
(front side)
“Rubberized” Back Plate

Disassembly Procedure
Remove the battery compartment cover. There are
four screws in this area that need to be removed. Two
are immediately visible on either side of the serial
number sticker. Remove them with a small Phillips
head screwdriver and set them aside. There are also
two hidden screws under the sticker (if there is no
sticker, all four screws are visible). To remove the
sticker, use an x-acto blade or razor to get underneath one of the corners and peel it up gently. Once
you get it started, you can use tweezers or small
pliers to peel it off. If you are careful, you can lift the
sticker and still be able to re-apply it later. Remove
the two screws and set them aside.
Now it is time to remove the black ‘rubberized’ back
plate. This looks like soft rubber but it is actually a
hard piece of plastic. Start at the top using a small
pry tool and pry up the left corner. Then, move to the
top right corner and pry that up as well. Once the
two top corners are free, you can move the pry tool
to the middle and, like a lever, bury it deeply and
pull gently forward, prying the back plate towards
you. This is not an exact science and you may need
to experiment and pry in a few different places. You
may also pry at the sides and use your hands to keep
the piece from locking itself back in its side groves.
There is a tab in the middle/center of the plate that
will offer some resistance so the plate may come free
suddenly. The only thing you need to really be aware
of is that, on some H900’s, there is a sticky piece of
double-sided tape at the very bottom of the plate
(just below the raised dot). So, if the plate seems to
come free but appears stuck in this area, use your pry
tool to ‘peel’ the plate off of the tape. Once the plate
is off, we can move to the next step.

Removing the plate will expose three screws; one
at the top left and two at the bottom on either side.
These screws are the same size as the ones you
already removed. So, use your Phillips head screwdriver and place these screws with the others.
Now, this is probably the trickiest part of the dis-
assembly. It is time to separate the two clamshell
halves of the 900. A larger bladed pry tool is best for
this work. Start with the remote face-up in your hand
and take the pry tool and force it into seam of the
clamshell casing at the top right-hand corner. Once
you get the tool into the remote, pressing down and
slightly pulling the silver casing outward, slide the
blade down the side of the remote. This will usually
pop some of the locking tabs, but not always all of
them. You may need to do this more than once. If
only some of the tabs disengage don’t be concerned.
Do the same procedure on the other side. It may be
easier for you to rotate the remote around so that
you are sliding the pry tool away from you. Alternate sides until the front/body of the remote separates completely from the back cover. Sometimes it
helps to pull the back cover slightly as you do this.
Just don’t force anything. Be patient and use the pry
tools. Note that when the back comes free, nothing will fall off the remote! The logic board is still
screwed tightly to the front cover, so you don’t need
to be concerned with parts falling off as you separate
the pieces. The only exception is that sometimes the
small plastic ‘window’ that covers the learning port
at the back of the remote will fall off. So, make sure
you do the disassembly in a place where you will
be able to nd this almost invisible piece should it
fall! When you are done, the back cover of the 900
can be set aside and you are left with the front cover
touch screen and logic board.