Logicom DISCO ROBO User Manual

- WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Choking hazard.
- If small parts are ingested by a child, seek medical attention immediately.
- This product is intended for children of 4 years and over (4+)
- Please read this user guide carefully and follow the safety instructions when operating the device.
- Keep the device away from your face.
- The DISCOROBO must be used under parent supervision.
- The DISCOROBO is recommended for indoor use only.
- Do not use this device near water. Do not place any items containing liquid on top of the device.
- Do not install your device near a heat source such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other equipment, including ampliers, which produce heat.
- Never attempt to repair a damaged device yourself. You must consult a qualied repair technician
- Do not dispose of the device or batteries in re. There is a serious risk of explosion and/or release of highly toxic chemicals. Please follow the recycling instructions mentioned in the “RECYCLING” chapter.
- Do not expose the device to extended periods of sunshine or low temperatures.
- Do not submerge the device in water and do not use in damp or wet locations.
- The volume of the audio source should not be at a level which could damage the user’s hearing.
In exceptional circumstances, batteries may leak and cause chemical burns or damage the product. To prevent the batteries leaking, please follow the recommendations below:
- Non-rechargeable batteries should not be recharged.
- Rechargeable batteries should be removed from the product before being recharged.
- Do not mix alkaline, standard (zinc-carbon) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
- Do not mix new and used batteries.
- Only batteries of the same or equivalent type should be used.
- The batteries should be inserted observing the correct polarity.
- Used batteries should be removed from the product.
- The power terminals should not be short circuited.
- Do not leave batteries where a child or pet can play with them or swallow them. If ingested, seek medical attention immediately.
- Do not dispose of batteries in a re or bin. Ask your local dealer for special measures concerning recycling.
- Do not open the batteries, the contained electrolyte is corrosive and may burn hands, s kins and eyes, and is toxic if swallowed.
EN - 1
DISCOROBO requires 8 AA batteries (not supplied) The battery compartment is located on the underside of the DISCOROBO. To insert the batteries into the robot, use a crosshead screwdriver (not supplied with the DISCOROBO)
To insert the batteries into the robot, use a crosshead screwdriver (not supplied with the DISCOROBO)
Insert the 8 AA batteries observing the markings as indicated on the diagram above
Tighten the cover screws in a clockwise direction to close the battery compartment.
I dance to
your music
DiscoRobo’s facial expressions convey its emotions
Press the ON/OFF button to switch on or turn off your DiscoRobo
Battery compartment
DISCOROBO is easy to use.
To switch it on:
- Place the DISCOROBO near an audio source
- Press the ON/OFF button
- Start the music on your audio source. The robot dances to the rhythm of the music
To switch it o:
- Turn the music o on your audio source. The robot stops dancing.
- Press the ON/OFF button
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- Always hold the DISCOROBO by its stomach. (1)
- For best performance, always place the robot on a arge, at, smooth surface away from any edges.
- To return the robot to its initial position, hold down the ON/OFF button for around 2 seconds when turning o the robot. (2)
- For best performance, place the DISCOROBO close to the sound source. (3)
- Place the sound source behind the DISCOROBO for better sound detection. (3)
- Loud ambient noises such as a door slamming or people shouting may aect the DISCOROBO and prevent it following the rhythm of the music. (4)
- Using the DISCOROBO with poor quality sound sources, such as smartphone, tablet or laptop speakers, is not recommended. The DISCOROBO may not react to the music due to insucient bass volumes.
- Change the DISCOROBO’s batteries when you notice one of the following: if its face ashes continuously, if the robot’s movements are slower than usual or if its movements do not follow the rhythm of the music.
You can interact with your DISCOROBO using the DiscoRobo application available on Google Play, Apple Store and Lstore.
This application allows you to control the movements of your DISCOROBO with your smartphone. Invent sequences of movement which your DISCOROBO can automatically replicate.
To download the application, visit the Android store (Google Play, Lstore) or iOS store (Apple Store) and search for “DiscoRobo”.
For more information on the various functions, go directly to the DiscoRobo application and read the start-up tutorial.
EN - 3
- Check that the batteries inserted into the DiscoRobo are not at
- Check that the battery compartment is
Why is the DISCOROBO not dancing?
Why are the robot’s facial expressions not changing?
properly closed
- Check that the volume of the sound source is not too low
- Move the DiscoRobo closer to the sound source
- Check that the batteries inserted into the DISCOROBO are not at
- Check that the battery compartment is properly closed
Clean the DiscoRobo with a slightly damp cloth or anti-static wipe.
Note: Never use cleaning products. They may damage the device. Never use a dry cloth. This may cause a build up of static.
We, importer of the TOSY brand, LOGICOM SA, 55 rue de Lisbonne, 75008 PARIS, France, hereby declare that the DISCOROBO dancing robot conforms to the applicable essential requirements, particularly those of Directives 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys, 2004/108/EC on electromagnetic compatibility and 2011/65/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, in application of the following European standards:
EN 71-1:2011 “Safety of toys – Part 1: mechanical and physical properties” EN 71-2:2011 “Safety of toys – Part 2: ammability” EN 71-3:2013 “Safety of toys – Part 3: migration of certain elements” EN 62115:2005/A11:2012/AC:2013 “Electric toys – Safety” EN 55022:2010/AC:2011 Class B EN 55014-1:2006/A2:2011 EN 55024:2010 EN 55014-2:1997/A2:2008 This conformity applies as long as the product for which it is awarded is used according to the instructions provided in the user guide. Any unauthorised modication of the product voids this declaration of conformity.
Paris, 28 August 2013 Bernard Bessis
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The symbol shown here and on the product means that the product is classed as Electrical or Electronic Equipment and should not be disposed with other household or commercial waste at the end of its working life. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2012/19/EC) has been put in place to recycle products using best available recovery and recycling techniques to minimise the impact on the environment, treat any hazardous substances and avoid the increasing landll.
Product disposal instructions for residential users: If you no longer use the device, remove and dispose of the batteries, as well as the device, in compliance with the local recycling procedures. For more information please contact your local authority or the retailer where the product was purchased.
Product disposal instructions for business users: Business users should contact their suppliers and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract and ensure that this product is not mixed with other commercial waste for disposal.
The LOGICOM provider warranty is valid for normal use of the device, as described as part of the instructions. This warranty excludes damage caused by external circumstances. Specically, the warranty does not apply if the device is damaged as a result of a bump or drop, an operating error, a connection that does not comply with these instructions, or i nadequate protection against heat, humidity, or freezing temperatures. The legal warranty for hidden defects applies in compliance of your local regulation
Manufactured by:
Imported by:
LOGICOM SA - 55 Rue de Lisbonne - 75008 PARIS FRANCE Tel : +33 1 48 63 77 64 - Fax: +33 1 48 63 72 47 Email : contact@logicom-europe.com - www.logicom-europe.com
EN - 5
- ATTENTION ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36mois. Petits éléments. Danger d’étouement.
- En cas d’ingestion de petits éléments par un enfant, consultez immédiatement un médecin.
- Ce produit est destiné aux enfants de 4ans et plus (4+)
- Veuillez imprérativement lire attentivement ce manuel d'utilisation et respectez les consignes de sécurité pour faire fonctionner l'appareil.
- Gardez l’appareil loin du visage.
- Le DISCOROBO doit impérativement être utilisé sous la surveillance des parents.
- Il est recommandé d’utiliser Le DISCOROBO uniquement en intérieur.
- N’utilisez pas cet appareil à proximité de l'eau. Ne posez pas sur l'appareil un récipient contenant du liquide.
- N'installez pas l'appareil près d'une source de chaleur telle que des radiateurs, des registres de chaleur, des fourneaux et autres appareils, y compris des amplicateurs, produisant de la chaleur.
- N’intervenez jamais vous-même sur un appareil endommagé. Vous devez impérativement faire appel à un technicien dépanneur qualié
- Ne jetez jamais l’appareil ou les piles au feu. Il y a un risque sérieux d’explosion et/ou de rejet de produits chimiques hautement toxiques, veillez à respecter les règles de recyclage mentionnez dans le chapitre «RECYCLAGE».
- Ne pas exposer l’appareil trop longtemps au soleil, au froid.
- Ne plongez pas l’appareil dans l’eau et ne l’utilisez pas dans un environnement, humide ou mouillé.
- Le volume de la source audio ne doit pas être à un niveau sonore pouvant endommager l’oreille de l’utilisateur.
Dans des circonstances exceptionnelles, les piles peuvent fuir et causer des brûlures chimiques ou endommager le produit. An d’éviter une fuite des piles, veuillez suivre les recommandations suivantes :
- Les piles non rechargeables ne doivent pas être rechargées.
- Les piles rechargeables doivent être retirées du produit avant d’être rechargée.
- Ne pas mélanger des piles alcalines, standard (carbone-zinc) ou des piles rechargeables (nickel-cadmium)
- Ne pas mélanger des piles neuves et usagées.
- Seules des piles du même type ou équivalentes doivent être utilisées.
- Les piles doivent être insérées en respectant la polarité.
- Les piles usées doivent être retirés du produit.
- Les bornes d’alimentation ne doivent pas être court-circuitées.
- Ne laissez pas les piles à un endroit où un enfant ou un animal pourrait jouer avec ou les avaler. En cas d’ingestion, consulter immédiatement un médecin.
- Ne pas jeter les piles au feu ou dans une poubelle. Renseignez-vous auprès de votre revendeur pour connaître les dispositions spéciales pour leur recyclage.
- Ne pas ouvrir les batteries, l’électrolyte qu’elles contiennent est corrosif, et pourrait causer des brûlures aux mains, à la peau et aux yeux et serait toxique si on l’avalait.
FR - 1
DISCOROBO fonctionne avec 8 piles AA (non fournit) Le compartiment à piles se trouve sous le DISCOROBO. Pour insérer les piles à l’intérieur du robot, veuillez-vous munir d’un tournevis cruciforme (non fournit avec le DISCOROBO)
Pour insérer les piles à l’intérieur du robot, veuillez-vous munir d’un tournevis cruciforme (non fourni avec le DISCOROBO)
Insérez les 8 piles AA en respctant le marquage comme indiqué sur le schéma ci-dessus
Refermez le compartiment batterie en revissant le vis du capot dans le sens horaire des aiguilles d’une montre.
Je danse sur
ta musique
Ressentez ses émotions grâce à ses expressions faciales
Appuyez sur le bouton ON/OFF pour allumer ou éteindre votre DiscoRobo
Compartiment à piles
DISCOROBO est simple d’utilisation,
Pour l’allumer :
- Placer le DISCOROBO près d’une source audio.
- Appuyez sur le bouton ON/OFF
- Lancez la musique sur votre source audio, le robot danse sur le rythme de la musique
Pour l’éteindre :
- Eteignez la musique sur votre source audio, le robot s’arrete de danser
- Appuyez sur le bouton ON/OFF
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