Pre-Assembled Welded Construction
– No Field Assembly Required
Another Space-Saving Idea
Lochinvar’s Copper-Fin technology not only makes our
water heaters and boilers more efficient, it means they also
have a smaller footprint. So they save space as well as
operating costs.
And now there’s a way to get greater flexibility and
reliability, save even more space, and get a system that’s
perfectly matched to a facility–thanks to the use of a Stack
Frame from Lochinvar.
Match Load And Capacity
With this versatile stand, you can stack almost any combination
of our Armor®, Knight®,Copper-Fin®, Copper-Fin II®,
Efficiency+®, and SolutionTM water heaters and boilers. So you
can achieve the perfect Btu/hr capacity for each application.
For example, a facility needs a Copper-Fin II boiler with a
total capacity of 1.6 million Btu/hr. Instead of installing an
oversized CHN1801 unit or a smaller CHN1441 model, now
you can combine two units – CHN991 and CHN651 models–
to exactly match the facility’s needs.
Plus, the total footprint of this combined system is just over
10 inches wider that the CHN651 unit alone, making it smaller
than either the CHN1801 or CHN1441 model.
Stack Frame
Two Lochinvar
stacked for a total capacity of almost 2 million Btu/hr.
No Assembly Required
Lochinvar’s Stack Frame is fully factory assembled and
shipped in one piece. The frame is welded using square steel
tubing by certified welders ensuring integrity for the
life of the frame.
990,000 Btu/hr Copper-Fin II water heaters
Our compact Efficiency+ requires even less space when
stacked on a Stack Frame.
Added System Benefits
This modular design provides two other important benefits.
First, it allows for system turndown for greater efficiency
when demand is lower. Second, it ensures against system
failure by utilizing two independent but complimentary units.
For residential and light commercial needs or commercial
applications of up to 4 million Btu/hr, the Stack Frame gives
greater flexibility without a significant increase in stack size
or overall system dimensions.
Once you’ve determined a facility’s requirements and the
exact models needed, utilize the charts provided to calculate
total system dimensions.
NOTE: Stack Frames are for indoor applications only.

Dimensions and Specifications
ARMOR® Water Heaters (Models 150-800)/
Heating Boilers (Models 080-800)
SolutionTM Boilers/Copper-Fin® Water Heaters
and Boilers (Models 045-500)
Water Heaters and Boilers
(Models 150-300)
MODEL # PART # A* B** C Wt. (.lbs)
AW 150-199 MSF3043 90-1/2” 26” 26” 60
AW 285-500 MSF3044 109” 26” 34” 72
AW 600-800 MSF30002 109” 26” 49” 94
KB 080-210 MSF3043 90-1/2” 26” 26” 60
KB 285-500 MSF3044 109” 26” 34” 72
KB 600-800 MSF30002 109” 26” 49” 94
Note: Heater height is 33-1/4” KB 80-120
and AW 150-199 models.
Heater height is 42-1/2” KB 285-800
and AW 285-800 models.
Copper-Fin® Water Heaters and Boilers
MODEL # PART # A* B** C Wt. (.lbs)
CB 045 MSF 3034 65-1/2” 36” 39” 73
CB 075 MSF 3034 65-1/2” 36” 39” 73
CB/CW 090 MSF 3034 65-1/2” 36” 39” 73
CB/CW 135 MSF 3034 65-1/2” 36” 39” 73
CB/CW 180 MSF 3034 65-1/2” 36” 39” 73
CW 199 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CB 215 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CW 225 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CB 260 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CW 270 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CB/CW 315 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CB/CW 360 MSF 3035 65-1/2” 48” 39” 84
CB/CW 399 MSF 3036 65-1/2” 65” 39” 147
CB/CW 500 MSF 3036 70-1/2” 65” 39” 147
Note: Heater height is 29-1/2” (45 - 399) and 34-1/2” (500).
(Models 495-745) (Models 986-2066)
MODEL # PART # A* B** C Wt. (.lbs)
EB/EW 150 MSF3021 71-1/4” 37” 24” 72
EB/EW 200 MSF3021 71-1/4” 37” 24” 72
EB/EW 250 MSF3021 71-1/4” 37” 24” 72
EB/EW 300 MSF3021 71-1/4” 37” 24” 72
Note: Heater height is 28” on all models.
MODEL # PART # A* B** C Wt. (.lbs)
CB/CW 495 MSF3002 81-1/2” 51” 24-1/2” 70
CB/CW 645 MSF3003 84-1/2” 70” 26” 128
CB/CW 745 MSF3003 84-1/2” 70” 26” 128
CB/CW 986 MSF3007 80” 68 “ 36” 170
CB/CW1256 MSF3008 80” 88” 36” 214
CB/CW1436 MSF3008 80” 88” 36” 214
CB/CW1796 MSF3009 80” 114” 36” 251
CB/CW 2066 MSF3009 80” 114” 36” 251
Note: Heater Height is 33-1/4” (495-745) & 36” (986-2066)
Copper-Fin II® Water Heaters and Boilers
(Models 401-2071
Lochinvar Corporation • 300 Maddox Simpson Pkwy • Lebanon, TN 37090 • 615-889-8900 / Fax: 615-547-1000
MS-12 (Replaces MS-11 12/09)
MODEL # PART # A* B** C Wt.
CH/CF 401 MSF3022 67-1/2” 59” 24-1/2” 83
CH/CF 501 MSF3022 67-1/2” 59” 24-1/2” 83
CH/CF 651 MSF3023 67-1/2” 80” 24-1/2” 132
CH/CF 751 MSF3023 67-1/2” 80” 24-1/2” 132
CH/CF 991 MSF3007 80” 68” 36” 170
CH/CF 1261 MSF3008 80” 88” 36” 214
CH/CF 1441 MSF3008 80” 88” 36” 214
CH/CF 1801 MSF3009 80” 114” 36” 251
CH/CF 2071 MSF3009 80” 114” 36” 251
Note: Heater height is 31-1/2” (401-751) & 36” (991-2071)
* To vent connection
** Allow space for plumbing connections
1/10-Printed in the U.S.A.