Looking for a powerful and flexible reporting tool that’s easy to use, cost effective and extract data from any database? Microsoft Office is your choice. With the help of XLReportGen, Microsoft Excel is a powerful and flexible reporting tool. XLReportGen is a report generator for Microsoft Excel that outputs reports in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. If you know how to use Microsoft Excel and write SQL statements, you can use XLReportGen to create all kinds of reports as you need.
n Use Microsoft Excel as your reporting tool You have installed Microsoft Office in your computer, and you almost use Microsoft Office every day. You are familiar with Microsoft Excel, and already know how to use it. Use Microsoft Excel as reporting tool, it is very convenient. n Easy to use You already know how to use Microsoft Excel. It is easy. Get data using SQL. It is simple. You can create reports without programming experience. Easy to learn, use and maintain. n Powerful and flexible XLReportGen is powerful and flexible because Microsoft Excel and SQL are powerful and flexible. You can create extremely complex reports. n Saves money You do not need to buy extra costly reporting tools. No training is necessary because everyone uses Microsoft Office. n Saves time Reduce development time and training time.
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n Improves productivity More productive when reports are in familiar formats like Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. n For various users For IT users, you know Microsoft Excel and SQL, it is enough. No programming is required. For business users, you can create report templates using Microsoft Excel. XLReportGen enables you to design reports like defining the layouts, styles, formats of reports. For developers, XLReportGen can be called by your program. It enables you to integrate Microsoft Excel into your application.
XLReportGen is a report generator for Microsoft Excel that outputs reports in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. If you know how to use Microsoft Excel and write SQL statements, you can use XLReportGen to create all kinds of reports as you need. To create a report, XLReportGen
need to read a report template file and an XRF file. The report
template file is a Microsoft Excel
workbook that defines the layouts and formats of a report.
The XRF file contains SQL statements and some information, and tells XLReportGen how to get data from database and how to put data into a report. First XLReportGen creates a blank report using the report template file, and then executes SQL statements in the XRF file to get data from database, and fills data into the report to generate the desired report in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.
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n Using Microsoft Excel as your reporting tool Just use Microsoft Excel as your reporting tool. You design reports like layouts, formats and styles directly using Microsoft Excel. And you will get reports in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format as a result. Microsoft Excel is powerful, flexible and familiar. You do not need to buy and learn extra reporting tools. n Making report template directly using Microsoft Excel The main advantage of using XLReportGen is based on the fact that all formatting is done directly in Microsoft Excel. You can take full advantage of Microsoft Excel including cell formatting, formulas, filtering and sorting, drawing and pictures, charts, multiple sheets, page setup, headers and footers, preview and printing, VBA, macros, and more. n Accessing to databases using SQL XLReportGen executes SQL statements to extract data from database. Supports all type SQL: DML, DDL and DCL. Multiple SQL statements can be executed in one report building process. You can perform queries on databases, insert data into databases, and create database objects like tables. The power of SQL can be harnessed for maximum efficiency in reporting. n Creating reports without programming experience You know how to use Microsoft Excel and how to write SQL, it is enough. It does not require programming to create reports. n Connection to all databases using ODBC XLReportGen connects to databases using ODBC. Access to all databases which support ODBC such as Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Teradata, MySQL, Microsoft Access, dBase. n Supporting multi-databases in one report XLReportGen supports multi-databases in one report. You can get data from
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