Ljzsoft XLCALENDAR User Manual

User Manual
Version 1.7
Copyright© 2006-2009 LJZsoft Corporation
All rights reserved
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION............................................................................................................3
2.1 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................3
2.2 INSTALLING XLCALENDAR ............................................................................................................3
2.3 UNINSTALLING XLCALENDAR .......................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 3 QUICK START...............................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 4 DIRECTORIES AND FILES.........................................................................................6
CHAPTER 5 CALENDAR TEMPLATES AND PARAMETERS....................................................7
5.1 ABOUT CALENDAR TEMPLATES .....................................................................................................7
5.2 CREATING A WORKSHEET FOR MONTHLY CALENDAR ...................................................................7
5.3 CREATING A WORKSHEET FOR YEARLY CALENDAR.......................................................................8
5.4 ABOUT PARAMETERS .....................................................................................................................9
5.5 PARAMETERS FOR MONTHLY CALENDAR.....................................................................................10
5.6 PARAMETERS FOR YEARLY CALENDAR........................................................................................12
CHAPTER 6 FILE FORMATS..........................................................................................................15
6.1 PARAMETER FILES........................................................................................................................15
6.1.1 About Parameter Files.........................................................................................................15
6.1.2 [Monthly Calendar] Section ................................................................................................15
6.1.3 [Yearly Calendar] Section...................................................................................................18
6.2 HOLIDAY FILES.............................................................................................................................22
6.3 XLCALENDAR.INI.........................................................................................................................23
6.3.1 About XLCalendar.ini..........................................................................................................23
6.3.2 [Environment] Section.........................................................................................................23
6.3.3 [Monthly Calendar] Section ................................................................................................24
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6.3.4 [Yearly Calendar] Section...................................................................................................26
6.3.5 [MonthName] Section..........................................................................................................29
6.3.6 [WeekdayName] Section......................................................................................................29
CHAPTER 7 CUSTOMIZING CALENDARS..................................................................................31
7.1 MODIFYING CALENDAR PARAMETERS ..........................................................................................31
7.2 MODIFYING CALENDAR TEMPLATES .............................................................................................31
7.3 ADDING YOUR OWN CALENDARS ..................................................................................................31
7.4 ADDING YOUR HOLIDAY FILES......................................................................................................32
7.5 ADDING MONTH NAMES AND WEEKDAY NAMES ...........................................................................32
CHAPTER 8 LICENSE AND SUPPORT..........................................................................................33
8.1 LICENSE........................................................................................................................................33
8.2 SUPPORT AND CONTACT...............................................................................................................34
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Chapter 1 Introduction
XLCalendar is a calendar generator for Microsoft Excel that outputs calendars in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. Using XLCalendar, you can easily make various kinds of perpetual calendars, and custom calendars in your own language, holidays and styles.
XLCalendar includes the following features: Outputting calendars in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format Use Microsoft Excel to make calendars, and output calendars in Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet format. It is easy to use, powerful and flexible. Supporting various kinds of calendars Using XLCalendar, you can make various kinds of perpetual calendars. For
example, monthly calendar on multiple worksheets, yearly calendar on one worksheet. The yearly calendar can be used with various month layouts, such as the 1x12 month layout, 2x6 month layout, 3x4 month layout and 4x3 month layout.
Customizing your own calendars You can make calendars in your own language, formats, layouts and styles,
add your own holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events, and add the month name, weekday name that you like.
Supporting various holidays and special events XLCalendar supports numerous holidays, such as Christmas, Easter,
Thanksgiving, and Labor Day. It supports various holidays for different countries, such as United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. You can represent holidays using day (such as Feb 14) or weekday (such as the first Monday in Oct).
Supporting week number You can add week number in calendars. XLCalendar supports the USA week
date system, ISO week date system and other week date system. Two years in one calendar You can combine two years in one calendar. For example, you can create an
educational school calendar starting with August and ending with June. Designing calendar directly in Microsoft Excel XLCalendar is a template-based calendar tool. All formatting is done directly in
Microsoft Excel. You can take full advantage of Microsoft Excel including cell
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formatting, conditional formatting, formulas, drawing and pictures, page setup, headers and footers, preview and printing, VBA, and more.
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Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista or later.
Microsoft Excel 97/98, Excel 2000, Excel XP, Excel 2003 or later.
2.2 Installing XLCalendar
Run installation program, and follow the instructions to complete XLCalendar installation. For Windows Vista, the data folder should be different from the application folder.
If you don’t have Microsoft Excel installed, please install it first. If your environment is Windows 95/98 and Excel 97, and you don’t have VB6.0
run-time files installed, please install it. For Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Excel 2000 or later, you do not need to install VB6.0 run-time files because they are included in OS and Excel. To install VB6.0 run-time files, just run vbrun60sp5.exe, and follow the instructions.
2.3 Uninstalling XLCalendar
1. Quit XLCalendar.
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Windows Control Panel.
3. Do one of the following: For Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Edition: Click XLCalendar in the Currently Installed Programs box, and then click
the Change/Remove button. For Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0: Click XLCalendar on the Install/Uninstall tab, and then click the
Add/Remove button.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete uninstalling the program.
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Chapter 3 Quick Start
Below is a screen shot of the XLCalendar interface followed by descriptions of each of the different objects.
One Year: Select the calendar including one entire year. Date Range: Select the calendar combining two years. Year: Appears when you select One Year button. Input a year. Start Year and Month: Appears when you select Date Range button. Input
the start year and month. End Year and Month: Appears when you select Date Range button. Input the
end year and month.
Template File: Select a calendar template file. Open: Open the calendar template file using Microsoft Excel. Modify: Open a dialog box allowing you to modify the parameters for the
calendar template file.
Save: Save the parameters for the calendar template file. Help: Open the help file. Generate: Generate a calendar in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format, and
open the calendar. Tips: Open Tip of the Day dialog box.
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About: Open about dialog box, display the name and version of the product. To make a calendar with XLCalendar, you should input a year, select a
calendar template file, and simply click Generate button.
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Chapter 4 Directories and Files
After XLCalendar is installed, some directories and files are created. You can add your own calendar template files and holiday files.
Directory Description {data}\holiday Contains the holiday files. {data}\output Contains the calendar files (.xls;.xlsx) generated by
{data}\template Contains the calendar template files (.xls;.xlsx) and the
calendar parameter files (.ini). The calendar parameter file has a same base name as the calendar template file.
{data} is the path of the data folder. You can select the data folder when you install XLCalendar. By default, the data folder is under the Application Data folder of All Users. If you install XLCalendar without administrative privileges, the data folder is under the Application Data folder of the current user. The data folder is usually at:
Windows 95/98: C:\windows\All Users\Application Data\LJZsoft\XLCalendar Windows NT: C:\WinNT\Profiles\All Users\Application
Data\LJZsoft\XLCalendar Windows 2000/XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\LJZsoft\XLCalendar Windows Vista: C:\ProgramData\LJZsoft\XLCalendar
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Chapter 5 Calendar Templates and Parameters
5.1 About Calendar Templates
To make a calendar using XLCalendar, you must select a calendar template file. The calendar template file is a Microsoft Excel workbook that defines the layouts, formats and styles of the calendar. For example, in the calendar template file, you can define the column width and row height, input title or description, set the font, size, color or borders, and insert pictures. Based on the calendar template file, XLCalendar will put date, holidays and others into the calendar.
XLCalendar supports a monthly calendar and a yearly calendar. The monthly calendar is a calendar on multiple worksheets, each month per worksheet. The yearly calendar is a calendar that has full year on one worksheet.
5.2 Creating a Worksheet for Monthly Calendar
To make a monthly calendar, you need to create a worksheet for one month in the calendar template file. The format of the worksheet is the same as the format in the calendar. XLCalendar will copy the template worksheet to 12 worksheets, one worksheet for one month, and add the calendar information of one month into each worksheet.
The worksheet for monthly calendar in the calendar template:
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5.3 Creating a Worksheet for Yearly Calendar
To make a yearly calendar, you need to create a worksheet for one year in the calendar template file. The format of the worksheet is the same as the format in the calendar. XLCalendar will add the calendar information of one year into the worksheet.
In the worksheet for a yearly calendar, you should select a layout of months. XLCalendar supports 1x12 months, 2x6 months, 3x4 months, 4x3 months, 6x2 months and 12x1 months.
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1 2
11 22 3 4
33 44
5 6
55 66
7 8
77 88
9 10
99 1010
11 12
1111 1212
1 2 3
11 22 33
4 5 6
44 55 66
7 8 9
77 88 99
10 11 12
1010 1111 1212
1 2 3 4
11 22 33 44
5 6 7 8
55 66 77 88
9 10 11 12
99 1010 1111 1212
2x 6 mo nths lay o ut 3x 4 mo nths lay o ut 4x 3 mo nths lay o ut
The worksheet for yearly calendar in the calendar template:
5.4 About Parameters
For each calendar template file, there are some parameters to tell XLCalendar how to output the calendar. The parameter file contains the parameters for a calendar template. The calendar parameter file has an “.ini” extension, is
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