The ZA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors
are radial leaded varistors (MOVs) designed for
use in the protection of low and medium-voltage
circuits and systems. Typical applications include
motor control, telecom, automotive systems,
solenoid, and power supply circuits to protect circuit
board components and maintain data integrity.
These devices are available in five model sizes:
5mm, 7mm, 10mm, 14mm and 20mm, and feature
a wide V
voltage range of 5.5V to 615V.
See ZA Series Device Ratings and Specifications
Table for part number and brand information.
• Lead–free, HalogenFree and RoHS
• Wide operating voltage
range V
4V to 460V
• DC voltage ratings
5.5V to 615V
• No derating up to
85ºC ambient
• 5 model sizes
available: 5, 7, 10,
14, and 20mm
• Radial lead package for
hard-wired or printed
circuit board designs
• Available in tape and
reel or bulk pack
• Standard lead
form options
ZA Series
Absolute Maximum Ratings
• For ratings of individual members of a series, see Device Ratings and Specications chart
ContinuousZA SeriesUnits
Steady State Applied Voltage:
AC Voltage Range (V
DC Voltage Range (V
Peak Pulse Current (I
Single Pulse Energy Range (Note 1)
Operating Ambient Temperature Range (T
Storage Temperature Range (T
Temperature Coefficient (a
Hi-Pot Encapsulation (COATING Isolation Voltage Capability)
(Dielectric must withstand indicated DC voltage for one minute per MIL–STD–202, Method 301)
COATING Insulation Resistance1000MΩ
For 8/20µs Current Wave (See Figure 2)50 to 6500A
For 10/1000µs Current Wave (W
)-55 to +125ºC
) of Clamping Voltage (VC) at Specified Test Current<0.01%/ºC
CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only
rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is
not implied.
Phenolic Coating Option -- ZA Series Varistors for Hi-Temperature Operating Conditions:
• Phenolic coated ZA Series devices are available with improved maximum operating temperature of 125°C
• These devices also have improved temperature cycling performance capability
• Ratings and specications are as per standard ZA Series except Hi–Pot
Encapsulation (Isolation Voltage Capability) = 500V
• To order: add 'X1347' to part number (e.g. V22ZA3PX1347)
• These devices are not UL, CSA, VDE or CECC certied
• Contact factory for further details
• Product marking:
& RoHS Compliant
LF 9
Phenolic Coated
Current Energy and Power Dissipation Ratings
Should transients occur in rapid succession, the average
power dissipation is the energy (watt-seconds) per pulse
times the number of pulses per second. The power so
developed must be within the specifications shown on the
Device Ratings and Specifications Table for the specific
Figure 1A - Power Derating for Epoxy Coated
Peak Pulse Current Test Waveform
device. The operating values of a MOV need to be derated
at high temperatures as shown above. Because varistors
only dissipate a relatively small amount of average power
they are not suitable for repetitive applications that involve
substantial amounts of average power dissipation.
Figure 1B - Power Derating for Phenolic Coated
Figure 2
ZA Varistor Series
01 = Virtual Origin of Wave
T = Time from 10% to 90% of Peak
T1 = Rise Time = 1.25 x T
T2 = Decay Time
Example - For an 8/20 µs Current Waveform:
8µs = T1 = Rise Time
20µs = T2 = Decay Time
Revised: February 13, 2014
Please refer to for current information.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.