Littelfuse MP8000 Instruction Manual

el: +1-800-832-3873
Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2018 Littelfuse. All rights reserved.
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MP8000 Motor Protection Relay
REV. 0-A-030818
All brand or product names appearing in this document are the trademark or registered trademark of their respective holders. No Littelfuse trademarks may be used without written permission. Littelfuse products appearing in this document may be covered by U.S. and Foreign patents.
Littelfuse, Inc. reserves all rights and benefits afforded under federal and international copyright and patent laws in its products, including without limitation software, firmware, and documentation.
The information in this document is provided for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Littelfuse, Inc. has approved only the English language document.
This product is covered by the standard Littelfuse 5-year warranty. For warranty details, visit or contact your customer service representative.
MP8000 Motor Protection Relay
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1 Preface .......................................................................................3
1.1 Manual Overview .................................................................3
1.2 Safety Information ...............................................................3
1.2.1 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions ...........................3
1.2.2 Safety Symbols ........................................................3
1.2.3 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ..............................4
1.2.4 Compliance Approvals .............................................4
1.3 General Information .............................................................4
1.3.1 Typographic Conventions .........................................4
1.3.2 Examples ..................................................................4
1.3.3 Product Labels .........................................................4
1.3.4 Instructions for Cleaning and Decontamination ......4
2 Introduction and Specifications ...........................................5
2.1 Overview ..............................................................................5
2.2 Features ................................................................................5
2.2.1 Standard Protection Features ..................................5
2.2.2 Monitoring Features ................................................5
2.2.3 Communications and Control ..................................5
2.2.4 Connectivity .............................................................5
2.2.5 Security ....................................................................5
2.2.6 Power Supply ...........................................................5
2.3 Models, Options, and Accessories ......................................5
2.3.1 Models .....................................................................5
2.3.2 Accessories ..............................................................5
2.4 Applications .........................................................................6
2.5 Getting Started .....................................................................7
2.5.1 Powering the Relay ..................................................7
2.5.2 Establishing Communication ...................................7
2.6 Specifications .......................................................................7
2.6.1 Compliance ..............................................................7
2.6.2 General ....................................................................7
2.6.3 Type Tests ................................................................8
2.6.4 Current Transformers (CTs) ......................................9
2.6.5 Relay Elements ........................................................9
2.6.6 Metering ................................................................11
3 Installation ..............................................................................12
3.1 Overview ............................................................................12
3.2 Phone Application ..............................................................12
3.3 Relay Placement .................................................................12
3.3.1 Physical Location ...................................................12
3.4 Relay Features and Connections ........................................12
3.4.1 Relay Mounted on DIN Rail ...................................13
3.4.2 Relay Mounted on Solid Surface or Panel ............14
3.5 Relay Connections ..............................................................14
3.5.1 Terminal Block Connections ..................................14
3.5.2 Wire Sizes ..............................................................14
3.5.3 Voltage Connections (L1, L2, L3)............................14
3.5.4 Power Supply Connections (A1, A2) ......................15
3.5.5 Relay Contacts (1 Form C and 1 Form A)
Connections ...........................................................15
3.5.6 Current Connections .............................................15
3.5.7 Power Supply Connections (A1, A2) ......................15
3.5.8 Inputs, PTC, ZSCT Connections .............................15
3.5.9 Input Connections (I.1) ...........................................15
3.5.10 PTC Connections (T1, T2) .......................................16
3.5.11 Zero-Sequence Current Transformer (ZSCT)
(Z1, Z2) (for Ground Fault detection) ......................16
3.5.12 Connecting to a PC ................................................16
3.5.13 Connecting to the Littelfuse MP8000 App ............16
3.6 AC/DC Control Connection Diagrams ................................16
3.6.1 Three-Phase Motor under 100 FLA with
optional ZSCT and PTC connected ........................16
3.6.2 Three-Phase Motor over 100 FLA ..........................17
3.6.3 Single-Phase Applications .....................................18
4 Littelfuse MP8000 Smartphone and Tablet App ...............19
4.1 Overview ............................................................................19
4.2 Installing the Android App .................................................19
4.3 Installing the iPhone App ...................................................19
4.4 Running the Littelfuse MP8000 App ..................................19
4.5 Advertising Page ................................................................19
4.6 Configuration Pages ...........................................................20
4.7 Configuration Basic Page (Protective Features) .................21
4.7.1 Low Voltage (LV) ....................................................21
4.7.2 High Voltage (HV)...................................................22
4.7.3 Voltage Unbalance (VUB).......................................22
4.7.4 Overcurrent (OC) ....................................................22
4.7.5 Undercurrent (UC) ..................................................22
4.7.6 Current Unbalance (CUB) .......................................22
4.7.7 Trip Class (TC) ........................................................22
4.7.8 Restart Delay Zero (RD0) .......................................22
4.7.9 Restart Delay One (RD1) ........................................23
4.7.10 Restart Delay Two (RD2) ........................................23
4.7.11 Restart Delay Three (RD3) .....................................23
4.7.12 Undercurrent Restart Attempts (RU) .....................23
4.7.13 Other Faults Restart Attempts (RF) ........................23
4.7.14 Basic Settings Default Values ...............................23
4.8 Configuration Advanced Page (Protective Features) ..........23
4.8.1 Current Transformer Ratio (CT) ..............................23
4.8.2 Potential Transformer Ratio (PT) ............................24
4.8.3 Undercurrent Trip Delay (UCTD) ............................24
4.8.4 Linear OC Trip Delay (LINTD) .................................24
4.8.5 Ground Fault Trip Current (GFTC) ...........................24
4.8.6 Ground Fault Trip Delay (GFTD) .............................24
4.8.7 Low Power Trip Limit (LKW) ..................................24
4.8.8 High Power Trip Limit (HKW) .................................24
4.8.9 High Power Trip Delay (HPTD) ...............................25
4.8.10 Stall Percentage (STLP) .........................................25
4.8.11 Stall Trip Delay (STTD) ...........................................25
4.8.12 Stall Inhibit Delay (STID) .......................................25
4.8.13 Advanced Settings Default Values ........................25
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4.8.14 Hardware Configuration Fields
Single-Phase Motor (SPM) ....................................25
4.8.15 Communication Settings ........................................26
4.8.16 RTD Module ...........................................................26
4.8.17 Change Device Name ............................................26
4.8.18 Change Password ..................................................26
4.8.19 Reset Password .....................................................26
4.9 Real-Time Page (Measurements & Monitoring) ................26
4.9.1 Device ID ................................................................26
4.9.2 Reset Relay ............................................................26
4.9.3 System Status ........................................................26
4.9.4 Active Timer ...........................................................26
4.9.5 Line-to-Line Voltage...............................................27
4.9.6 Voltage Unbalance.................................................27
4.9.7 Line Current ...........................................................27
4.9.8 Current Unbalance .................................................27
4.9.9 Power .....................................................................27
4.9.10 Power Factor ..........................................................27
4.9.11 Run-Time ................................................................27
4.9.12 Start Count .............................................................27
4.9.13 Thermal Capacity ...................................................27
4.9.14 Fault Page ..............................................................27
4.10 Time Settings ...................................................................28
4.11 Real-Time Page (Measurements & Monitoring) ..............28
4.11.1 DHCP Assigned IPv4 Address ................................28
4.11.2 Point to Point IP Address Assignment (no
DHCP) .....................................................................28
4.11.3 Setting a Static IP Address ....................................28
5 PC Interface ............................................................................31
6 Troubleshooting .....................................................................32
6.1 Overview ............................................................................32
7 Ground Fault Testing Procedure .........................................33
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1.1 Manual Overview
The MP8000 Motor Management Relay Instruction Manual describes common aspects of motor relay application and use. It includes the necessary information to install, set, test, and operate the relay.
An overview of each manual section and topics follows:
Describes the manual organization and conventions used to present information.
Describes the basic features and functions of the MP8000; lists the relay specifications.
Describes how to mount and wire the MP8000; illustrates wiring connections for various applications.
Describes the features, installation methods, and types of help available with the Littelfuse MP8000 App, including setting the relay, meter and monitoring, control, and fault retrieving.
Describes the features, installation methods, and types of help available with the Littelfuse MP8000 Software, including setting the relay, meter and monitoring, control, and events retrieving.
Describes common causes for various trip/fault conditions.
1.2 Safety Information
1.2.1 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions
This manual uses three kinds of hazard statements, defined as follows:
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or equipment damage.
1.2.2 Safety Symbols
The following symbols are often marked on Littelfuse products.
Refer to accompanying documents.
Earth (ground)
Protective earth (ground)
Direct current
Alternating current
Both direct and alternating current
Instruction manual
MP8000 Motor Protection Relay
Control Power Input: 90-265VAC
Advanced Motor Protection Overload Relay
Voltage Input (L-to-L): 90-690VAC 50/60Hz 1Ø/3Ø
Input Current: 0.5-100A Direct; 100-1000A*
Contact Rating: 5A @ 240VAC, B300
Pair Code Password: 966352
Setpoint Default Password: admin
MAC Address: 00:21:6F:00:41:F5
*With External CT’s Date Code: 2018/06
Contains FCC ID: TFB-1002 Contains IC: 5969A-1002
Patent Pending
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1.2.3 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Use of this equipment in a manner other than specified in this manual can impair operator safety safeguards provided by this equipment.
Installation should be done by qualified personnel following all national, state and local electrical codes. Have only qualified personnel service this equipment. If you are not qualified to service this equipment, you can injure yourself or others, or cause equipment damage.
Equipment components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Undetectable permanent damage can result if you do not use proper ESD procedures. Ground yourself, your work surface, and this equipment before installing this equipment. If your facility is not equipped to work with these components, contact Littelfuse about returning this device and related Littelfuse equipment for service.
1.3 General Information
1.3.1 Typographic Conventions
You can communicate with the MP8000 in three ways.
• Use the Littelfuse MP8000 app, iPhone/iPad or Android. The MP8000 uses Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE). The smartphone or tablet must have BLE to connect to the MP8000.
• Use the Ethernet port connected to a PC (via network) with Littelfuse MP8000 Software installed.
• Use the Ethernet port connected to a network and create a Modbus TCP or Ethernet/IP program using the MP8000 memory map.
1.3.2 Examples
This instruction manual uses several example illustrations and instructions to explain how to effectively operate the MP8000. These examples are for demonstration purposes only; the firmware identification information or settings values included in these examples may not necessarily match those in the current version of your MP8000.
1.3.3 Product Labels
The MP8000 label is shown below. The label is located on the right side panel of the product.
Product Compliance Label for the MP8000
NOTE: This device is shipped with default passwords. Default passwords should be changed to private passwords at installation. Failure to change each default password to a private password may allow unauthorized access. Littelfuse shall not be responsible for any damage resulting from unauthorized access.
1.2.4 Compliance Approvals
1.3.4 Instructions for Cleaning and
Use a mild soap or detergent solution and a damp cloth to carefully clean the MP8000 chassis when necessary. Avoid using abrasive materials, polishing compounds, and harsh chemical solvents (such as xylene or acetone) on any surface of the relay.
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2.1 Overview
The MP8000 Motor Protection Relay is designed to protect three-phase or single-phase motors. The basic relay provides locked rotor, overload, over­temperature, and unbalance protection. Voltage-based protection elements are standard. Additionally, the relay includes inverse time-over current elements suitable for overload protection. All relay models provide monitoring functions.
The relay operates as a fail-safe device. This means when the voltage is within the programmed limits, the relay will energize—the NO contact will close. When the unit loses power or senses a fault condition, the relay will de-energize and contacts will return to their original state. Once the unit has been installed and programmed, the unit is ready to operate. Once acceptable voltage is applied and the RD0 timer expires, the relay will energize—the NO contact will close.
This manual contains the information needed to install, set, test, operate, and maintain any MP8000. You need not review the entire manual to perform specific tasks.
2.2 Features
2.2.1 Standard Protection Features
• Overload (Overpower) (49)
• Underload (Underpower) (37P)
• Undercurrent (Load Loss) (37)
• Current Unbalance/Phase Loss (46)
• Overcurrent (Load Jam) (51)
• Ground Fault—Zero-Sequence (50Ns)
• Manual Motor Reset input
• Phase Time-Overcurrent (51)
• Phase Reversal (47), voltage based
• Voltage Unbalance (47)
• Motor Starting/Running
• Start Motor Run-Timer
• Thermal Capacity Utilization (TCU)
• Contactor Failure Protection
• Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) Over­Temperature Switching Thermistor (49)
• Undervoltage (27)
• Overvoltage (59)
• Power Elements (32)
2.2.2 Monitoring Features
• Event Summaries that contain relay ID, date and time, trip cause, and current/voltage magnitudes
• Sequential Multiple Events Recorder (SER)
• Power Factor
• Running times
• Number of starts
• A complete suite of accurate metering functions
• Thermal Capacity Used
2.2.3 Communications and Control
• Ethernet Modbus TCP, Ethernet FTP, Ethernet/IP
• Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE)
2.2.4 Connectivity
• Voltage: direct connection (as high as 690 VAC, line-to-line); three-wire delta, open-delta or single­phase connected Potential Transformers
• Current: Built-in pass-through current transformers for 0.5-100A phase current measurements
• External current transformer inputs for >100A phase current measurements
• Zero-Sequence Ground Fault CT input
• Positive Temperature Coefficient Input (PTC)
• Digital Outputs: one Form-A output contacts, one Form-C output contact
• Digital Inputs: Externally wetted to 110/240 VAC
2.2.5 Security
• Pairing and Setpoint change pass codes on side labels, unique to each MP8000
2.2.6 Power Supply
• Wide input range 85-264VAC
2.3 Models, Options, and Accessories
2.3.1 Models
Complete ordering information is not provided in this instruction manual. See the latest MP8000 Model Option Table at
2.3.2 Accessories
Contact your Technical Service Center or the Littelfuse factory for additional detail and ordering information for the following accessories/options:
• Zero-Sequence CTs
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2.4 Applications
Section 3: Installation includes connection diagrams for various applications. The following is a list of possible application scenarios:
• With or without external current and/or voltage transformer
• Full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starter (across the line)
• Forward/reverse starter – Accomplished by placing the MP8000 “above” the forward and reverse contactors.
90 - 690 VAC
0.5 - 100A (100A+ using external CTs)
Figure 2.1 shows across-the-line starting AC connections with optional ZSCT and PTC. Refer to Section 3: Installation for additional applications and the related connection diagrams.
85 – 264 VAC
L1 L3L2 A2/L
Z2 T1
I.2 I.1
Figure 2.1 AC Connections - Across-the-Line Starting
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2.5 Getting Started
Understanding basic relay operation principles and methods will help you use the MP8000 effectively. This section presents the fundamental knowledge you need to operate the MP8000, organized by task. These tasks help you become familiar with the relay and include the following:
• Powering the relay
• Establishing communication
• Inputting configuration settings
• Checking relay status
Perform these tasks to gain a fundamental understanding of relay operation.
2.5.1 Powering the Relay
Power the MP8000 with 85-264 VAC.
• Connect the earth ground lead; see figure 2.1 for Power Supply Connections.
• Once connected to power, the relay does an internal self-check , flashing all LEDs. After the self-check, either the green STATUS LED, or the red ERROR LED will be illuminated. If the green STATUS LED is on, the relay status is “ok”, and the control relay will be closed. If any condition is present that will not allow the control relay to close, or the relay is tripped (and/or restarting), the red ERROR LED will be illuminated and the green STATUS LED will be off.
2.5.2 Establishing Communication
The standard MP8000 has a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface via Littelfuse MP8000 app and an Ethernet port via Littelfuse MP8000 Software. When the MP8000 has successfully connected to a Bluetooth Low Energy enabled device running the MP8000 app, the blue LED is illuminated.
See Section 4: Littelfuse MP8000 Smartphone and Tablet App for more information on app installation and operation.
See Section 5: PC Interface for more information on MP8000 Software installation and operation.
2.6 Specifications
NOTE: Motors/loads with FLA > 100 amps must use external CTs. You must use CTs that have a rated secondary current of 5 amps (examples 50:5, 100:5, 200:5, etc.).
2.6.1 Compliance
CE Mark: EMC Directive Low-Voltage
IEC: IEC 60947-1 Edition 5.2 (UL 60947),
IEC 60947-8-1, EC 60947-4-1 UL, cUL: UL-1053, C.22.2 No. 14 RCM: AS/NZS 4417.1 AS/NZS 4417.2
2.6.2 General
AC Current Inputs—Phase
Full Load Amperage (FLA): 0.5–100.0 A
(> 100 A with external CTs) Rated Frequency: 50/60 Hz Burden (Per Phase): 0.0025 VA @ 30 A
Zero-Sequence CT Current (IN)
Zero-Sequence CT Ratio: 100:1 Input Rated Current Range: 0.010–50.0 mA Input Rated Continuous
Thermal Current: 150 mA
One Second Thermal
Current: 1.5 A Saturation Current: 5-50 mA Burden: 0.09 VA at 50 mA
AC Voltage Inputs (Line-to-Line)
Rated Operating
Voltage (Ue): 90–690 VAC Rated Continuous Voltage: 800 VAC Rated Frequency: 45/65 Hz Burden: < 0.72 VA @ 690 VAC
Power Supply
Rated Supply Voltage: 85-264 VAC Power Consumption: < 5 W Interruptions: 20 ms minimum
Output Contacts
Mechanical Durability: 100,000 no load operations Pickup/Dropout Time: < 10 ms
(coil energization to contact closure)
AC Output Ratings for relays;
ALARM (Form C) Contact Rating
Designation: B300
(B = 5 A, 300 = rated insulation voltage)
Maximum Operational
Voltage: 250 VAC Maximum Operational
Current: 5 A Rated Frequency: 50/60 ±5 Hz Electrical Durability Make
VA Rating: 3600 VA Electrical Durability Break
VA Rating: 360 VA
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Optoisolated Control Inputs
(Externally Wetted to 110/240 VAC)
Maximum Current Draw: 5 mA @ 110 VAC, 10 mA @ 240 VAC Rated Impulse Withstand
Voltage (Uimp): 4000 V Pickup Time: < 200 ms Dropout Time: > 1000 ms
Frequency and Phase Rotation
System Frequency: 50, 60 Hz Phase Rotation: ABC, ACB Frequency Tracking: 45–65 Hz
Format: Unix Time (UTC) Accuracy (Clock Drift): 10 minutes per year, typically
Communications Ports
Ethernet Port: Single, 10/100BASE-T copper
(RJ45 connector)
Communications Protocols
Modbus TCP, FTP, Ethernet/IP
Operating Temperature
Rated Operating Range: -40° to +70°C (-40° to +158°F) Rated Storage Range: -40° to +85°C (-40° to +185°F)
Operating Environment
Pollution Degree: 3 Overvoltage Category: III (up to 300 VAC to earth) II (up to 600 VAC to earth) Atmospheric Pressure: 80–110 kPa Relative Humidity: 5–95%, non-condensing Maximum Altitude
Without Derating: 3000 m
(Consult Factory for Higher Altitude Derating)
Height: 74.4 mm (2.9 in.) Width: 103.6 mm (4.1 in.) Depth: 121.7 mm (4.8 in.)
Weight 0.4 kg (0.9 lbs) Terminal Connections
Compression Plug
(Black, 5.08mm spacing) Tightening Torque Maximum: 0.62 Nm (5.5 in-lb)
Earth Ground Lug Tightening
Torque Maximum: 0.89 Nm (7.9 in-lb)
2.6.3 Type Tests
Dielectric Strength and Impulse Tests
Dielectric (HiPot): (See Table 2.1)
Table 2.1 MP8000 Insulation Between Inputs And Outputs
Dielectric Strength (Volts)
Measuring Input (L1, L2, L3)
Measuring Input (L1, L2, L3) X 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380
Power Supply (A1, A2) 2380 X 1528 1528 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 1528 1528
Relay-Alarm (C (13), NO (15), NC (14)) 2380 1528 X 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528
Relay-Control (C (95), NO (96)) 2380 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528
ZSCT (Z1, Z2) 2380 1528 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 1528
PTC (T1, T2) 2380 1528 1528 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528
Digital In (I.1) 2380 X 1528 1528 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 1528 1528
Ground Terminal 2380 1528 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 X 1528 1528 1528
RS485 2380 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 X 1528 1528
CAN Bus 2380 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 X 1528
Ethernet 2380 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 1528 X
Power Supply (A1,A2)
(C (13), NO (15), NC (14))
(C (95), NO (96))
ZSCT (Z1, Z2)
PTC (T1, T2)
Digital In (I.1)
Ground Terminal
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RFI and Interference Tests
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): IEC 61000-4-2, Level 3, 6kV contact,
8kV air
Radio Frequency Immunity
(RFI), Conducted : IEC 61000-4-6, Level 3 10V/m
Radio Frequency Immunity
(RFI), Radiated: IEC 61000-4-3, Level 3 10V/m
Fast Transient Burst: IEC 61000-4-4, Level 3,
3.5kV input power
Surge: IEC 61000-4-5, Level 3, 2kV line-to-
line; Level 4, 4kV line-to-ground
FCC Rating: Part 15.107 for emissions, Part
15.247 for intentional radiators
Fault Events Recorder
Number of faults stored: 1,000 (most recent faults) Time-Stamp Resolution: 1 second Time-Stamp Accuracy
(With Respect to Time Source): ±1 second
2.6.4 Internal Current Transformers (CTs)
Our Full-Load Current
(FLA) Limits: 0.5–100.0 A
NOTE: Motors/loads with FLA > 100 amps must use external CTs. You must use CTs that have a rated secondary current of 5 amps (examples 50:5, 100:5, 200:5, etc.).
Relay Elements
See section Littelfuse MP8000 Smartphone and Tablet App >
Configuration Page for details on programming relay behavior.
The numbers in parenthesis in the following specifications are
ANSI device numbers.
Phase-to-Phase Under Voltage (27)
NOTE: Motors/loads operating at voltages higher than 690 VRMS must use external PTs.
Parameter Name: Low Voltage (LV) Enable/Disable: No disable available
Setting Range: 90 V
Accuracy: ±1% of setting ±2 VRMS
High Power (49)
Parameter Name: High Kilo-Watt (HKW) Enable/Disable: Default is disabled Setting Range: Not limited Accuracy: ±5% of setting ±5 Watts
Under Power (37P)
Parameter Name: Low Kilo-Watts (LKW) Enable/Disable: Default is disabled Setting Range: Not limited Accuracy: ±5% of setting ±5 Watts
Undercurrent (Load Loss) (37)
Parameter Name: Under Current (UC) Enable/Disable: Default is enabled Setting Range: Not limited; Suggest 0.75–0.95 • FLA Accuracy: ±2% of setting ±0.01 ARMS Pickup/Dropout Time: 1 second + programmable delays
Current Unbalance and Phase Loss (46)
Parameter Name: Current Unbalance (CUB) Enable/Disable: Default is enabled Setting Range: Not limited; Default 5; Suggest
5–45% Accuracy: ±5% of setting Maximum Pickup/
Dropout Time: See Table 2.2. Additional delays for
motor startup may apply
Table 2.2 CUB Trip Time, CUTD=30
CUB setting
CUB setting + 1% 15 seconds
CUB setting + 2% 10 seconds
CUB setting + 3% 8 seconds
CUB setting + 4% 6 seconds
CUB setting + 5% 5 seconds
CUB setting + 6% 4 seconds
CUB setting + 10% 3 seconds
CUB setting + 15% or more
30 seconds
2 seconds
CUB setting = 5% If measured value of current
unbalance is 6% the MP8000 will trip in 15 seconds
Voltage Unbalance (47)
Parameter Name: Voltage Unbalance (VUB) Enable/Disable: Default is enabled Setting Range: Not limited; Default 5%;
Suggest 2%-25%
Accuracy: ±1% of setting ±2 VRMS
Phase Reversal (47)
NOTE: This condition is detected prior to motor startup. After startup this condition is not monitored.
Rotation Direction: Programmable; Default ABC
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