Bolt-down Fuses
Housing: Out of thermoplastic (UL 94-V0, heat-resistant)
100A - 30 0A: Visible melting element
Terminal: Copper alloy, gal. Sn
2 x M8 bolts, Distance 51 mm
Mounting Torque: 12.0 Nm +/- 1Nm
Breaking Capacity: 100 A - 300 A: 2.000 A, 32V, DC
400 A - 5 00 A: 1.500 A, 32V, DC
Complies with: ISO 8820-5
UL 248 Special Purpose Fuses
Ordering Information
Part Number Package Size
153.5395.xxxx 200
This BF2 fuse is rated at 32V and offers a bolt- on fuse for
high current wiring protection. Current rating 100A - 500A;
with transparent housing for easy detection of blown fuses.
Time Current Characteristics
Opening Time Min / Max (s)
% of Rating
100A - 250A 300A - 500A
75 – / – 4 h / –
100 4 h / – – / –
135 120 s / 1,800 s – / –
200 1 s / 15 s 1 s / 15 s
350 0.300 s / 5 s 0.500 s / 5 s
600 0.100 s / 1 s 0.100 s / 1 s
Part Number Current Rating Housing Color Typ. Voltage Drop Cold Resistance I2t
153.5395.610_ 100 A 110 mV 0.70 mΩ 46,800 A²s
153.5395.612_ 125 A
153.5395.615_ 150 A
153.5395.617_ 175 A
153.5395.620_ 200 A
153.5395.622_ 225 A
153.5395.625_ 250 A
153.5395.630_* 300 A
153.5395.640_* 400 A
153.5395.650_* 500 A
110 mV 0.52 mΩ 118,100 A²s
110 mV 0.42 mΩ 113,400 A²s
110 mV 0.36 mΩ 154,400 A²s
110 mV 0.34 mΩ 288,000 A²s
110 mV 0.29 mΩ 236,000 A²s
110 mV 0.25 mΩ 292,500 A2s
110 mV 0.21 mΩ 486,000 A²s
110 mV 0.13 mΩ 964,000 A²s
110 mV 0.12 mΩ 1,449,000 A²s
Last figure of article no. = packaging code
Corresponding holder see Section “Fuse Holders.”
* Parts with asterisk are short circuit protectors only.
www.littelfuse.com © 2012 Littelfuse • Transportation Products Catalog

Bolt-down Fuses
Dimensions in mm
Pre-arcing Time-limits
100 A - 300 A: FI = 1.25 (max. operating current: 0.8 x I
400 A - 500 A: FI = 2.00 (max. operating current: 0.5 x I
at 23°C)
at 23°C)
www.littelfuse.com © 2012 Littelfuse • Transportation Products Catalog