user manual
version 1, 20120627
! ! http://www.electricimp.com

electric imp, inc
What is Electric Imp?
Electric Imp is a service that connects devices to the internet, allowing them to communicate with each other and
also with users via their smartphone or computer. The imp card is the communication link between the device and
the Electric Imp service.
What do I need to get started?
An imp-enabled device
An iOS device (iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad) running iOS 4.0 or later, or an Android device running Android 2.3 or
Access to Wi-Fi; you will need the Wi-Fi network name (sometimes called an SSID) and password, or physical
access to the Wi-Fi access point or router (if you are going to use WPS setup).
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electric imp, inc
How do I get started?
Step 1: Installation
If the device the card is going into is AC powered, disconnect it from power before installing the card. If it is battery
operated, remove the batteries before card installation.
Insert the imp card into the imp-enabled device, with the contact end going in first. The card will only go in one
way up, so if it doesn’t slide in easily, try the other way up.
Insert this way
Indicator LED
Push the card gently until it clicks and locks into place, then connect power or insert batteries as appropriate.
The indicator LED on the imp will flash to indicate its status. If you have not used the card previously, it will be
flashing red and you will need to refer to Step 2 to setup the Wi-Fi network.
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