Running your locomotive in the analog
Programming your locomotive in the analog environment (continued)
Program Option Message when Option
Option Name Entering Option Description
1 System Volume “Volume equals X” Sets the volume (17 levels),where level 16
(16,Max) is maximum volume and level 0 is off
2 Inertia “Inertia equals X” Select the starting and stopping
(0,No Inertia) momentum and enables Regulated
Throttle Control. Level 0 (no inertia),
Level 1 (RTC only),Level 1-15
(RTC with increasing inertia
from 5 seconds to 200 seconds).
3 Helper (Normal) “Helper equals Selects Normal, Lead, Mid or End helper
Normal, Lead, in consists. Normal Locomotive has all
Mid,or End” sounds and lights enabled.
Lead locomotive has rear light disabled. Mid
Helper has horn and bell and lights disabled.
End Helper has horn and bell and front
light disabled.
4-7 Reserved Reserved
8 V-Start (8.5v) “V-Start equals X” Sets track voltage that locomotive will
leave neutral. (See Example below)
9 V-Max (12v) “V-Max equals X” Sets track voltage where full power is
applied to motor.
10 Reserved Reserved
11 Programming Reset“Warning – The next time the direction switch changes
about to reset” positions,the bell rings followed by a
horn blast to indicate that the locomotive
has returned to factory default.
12 About “Model number” Each time the direction switch changes
position,the locomotive will announce
additional information about the Quantum
model number, software version,and date.
13 Horn Volume (11) “Volume equals X” Customizes horn volume (16 levels). Max is 15.
14 Bell Volume (13) “Volume equals X” Customizes bell volume (16 levels). Max is 15.
15 Motor Volume (7) “Volume equals X” Customizes motor sounds volume
(16 levels). Max is 15.
16 Fan Volume (8) “Volume equals X” Customizes the fan sounds volume
(16 levels). Max is 15.
17 Reserved “Reserved”
18 Whoosh Volume “Volume equals X” Customizes the turbine “whoosh”volume
(12) “whoosh”volume (16 levels). Max is 15.
19 Whine volume (8) “Volume equals X” Customizes the turbine “whoosh” volume
(16 levels). Max is 15.
“X”is the current value of the Program Option.
Defaults are shown in parenthesis next to the option name.
Table 1. Analog programming