Summary Table of Engine Directions
Condition Direction Change Cycle
Case #1: First power up or without power longer than 5 sec.
E unit off (switch in PROGposition) N, F, N, F, etc.
E unit on (switch in RUN position) N, F, N, R, etc.
Case #2: Engine without power for less than 2.5 seconds
E unit off (switch in PROGposition) N, Last-Dir, N, Last-Dir, etc.
E unit on (switch in RUN position) N, F, N, R, etc.
With your 104 E reversing unit, position-
ing the switch in the PROG position locks
your engine into its last moving direction
plus neutral. Positioning the switch in the
RUN position resumes normal sequencing
Your Dash 9’s 104 E Reverse unit
The New E-Series Reversing Unit controls the direction of the engine. When
the reversing unit senses an interruption
in track power, it will cycle into the next
direction in the sequence. The sequence
is neutral, forward, neutral, reverse....
Track power interruptions are created
using the direction control on your
transformer or Cab-1, or by turning the
throttle to zero.
When power is first applied (or after a
5 second power interruption), the
engine will power up in neutral, always
before forward. A single press of the
direction button will set your engine in
forward motion. This will help eliminate unexpected start ups, derailments,
and crashes. Listed in the table below is
the direction sequence pattern that your
104 E unit will follow under the given
As always, a lockout switch is included to deactivate the 104 E’s sequencing
function. (for switch location see illustration below) A new feature is that now
you will have a neutral available even
when the reversing unit is “off”. In
addition, you no longer have to slow the
engine by hand to turn off the reversing
unit while the train is moving. Simply
stop the engine, and throw the switch.
The 104 E unit will be locked into its last
moving direction, plus neutral. Even
simpler, just put the switch in the
“PROG” position and keep power off
for 5 seconds. When you start, you will
be locked in neutral/forward. If you
want to lock your engine in reverse for
any length of time, it is recommended
that you reverse the spade connections
(blue and yellow) on the top of the
motors (see page 7). Otherwise, your
“reverse” lock will become a “forward”
lock after any 5 second power off.
NOTE: Due to limitations of the electronic components, it is hard to predict
how each engine will function when
power is interrupted between 2.5 seconds and 5 seconds. Engines will function either as in case #1 or case #2. This
solely depends on the tolerances of the
installed electronics and is not affected
or caused by your power supply.
Reverse unit control switch
ON/OFF switch (has no function until Railsounds upgrade is installed).
of Dash 9