Dec 12 06 ny changes to reflect new order and doc changes
Dec 16 06 ny changes to reflect new order and doc changes
Universal address
TMCCengine and retrofit engines
Custom Read/Write Memory Modules
Entering engine options
aming procedure
Addressing with the Lionel Legacy Control System
Accessory Route Train Engine
SPEED GRAPH may move to new position
Official RR speed control
Arrival and departure sequence
Fine tuning velocity throttle sequences
Sequence options
Engine options
Train options
Accessory options
Route options
Switch options
Direct control options
Sequence control options
Base options
Remote options
Dec 6 06 ny changes to text
Dec 13 06 ny changes to text
Welcome to the world of Lionel Legacy Command Control.
Congratulations on your purchase of this new operating system. It is the
system others will be judged by in the years to come.
The Lionel Legacy Control System controls every product made over the
history of LIONEL, 107 years at this date, in a way that is superior to any
control available. It is truly the Lionel Legacy Control System.
Contemporary control systems for all model train gauges have been
developed over the years to enhance your experience with electric trains.
Command control is the most advanced way to control a layout and many
operators are using command control systems on their layouts today.
This system is different. It integrates all of the new effects that Lionel has
made so popular. Sounds, smoke effects, servo-controlled speed and more
are easily accessed during the normal course of operation. The Lionel
Legacy Control System makes these features and effects available to you
in an unprecedented variety of operating possibilities.
The Lionel Legacy Control System improves operation of every LIONEL
ever made, starting in 1900. Enhanced speed resolution brings new realism
to our pre-war and post-war products, whether they are the originals that
made history, or the TMCC equipped engines and operating cars that
celebrated our heritage by bringing the latest technology to these great
products. This control system is another milestone in LIONEL history.
The Lionel Legacy Control System improves all of the interfaces operators
have become accustomed to using with modern command control trains.
The new real-time “quilling” Whistle-Horn control is a great example. In
place of our pioneering original method, pressing a button and triggering
an onboard sound device, or hearing a pre-recorded sound from an
electronic source, the Lionel Legacy Control System pioneers new control
of the warning sounds through a spring-loaded lever that makes it possible
for you to “play” the whistle just like real engineers did in the hey-day of
steam operations. But that’s not all. You will also experience
revolutionary new ways of controlling brake, boost, bell, direction,
switches, routes and more. It is all new.
The hallmark of this new Lionel system is simplicity. Yet under the
surface is a state of the art operating system with pioneering advances that
have never been seen, felt, or heard before. This system makes and
supports Lionel history.
One interface, the throttle, has been re-invented to provide an operating
experience that is unparalleled in model trains to this date. Just imagine
controlling all the train effects from your throttle while watching your
train and rarely having to look at the controller to find a button or read a
The Lionel Legacy Control System is here! Congratulations! You are
onboard and right on time!
Dec 6 06 ny changes
Dec 12 06 ny added 3 prong socket reminder.
Dec 13 06 ny added factory ID # 1 …
Here’s how to start.
Take your system out of the box, become familiar with the contents and
set it up following these instructions:
Insert diagram 1(command base connection and lights description) here
First, plug in the Command Base power cord to a three prong socket and
connect your command base to the track with the single wire included.
Check out the diagram and see if you have everything right. The lights
should be on. Remember, this system requires a three prong socket for
Before you operate your new Lionel Legacy Control System equipped
engine, give your engine an ID # and set it up correctly by adding it to
your system’s roster of engines. Follow the directions that came with your
locomotive or read on in this manual.
Note that your new Lionel Legacy Control System equipped engine comes
with a factory ID # 1 and will respond to that address immediately.
Now, it’s time for the engine. You can start by giving your new engine a
Insert diagram 1.5 address assignment (program run switch) here
To give your new Engine an ID#:
1 Slide the program/run switch to “Program”.
2 Power down your track.
3 Put the engine on the track.
4 Power up your track.
5 Make sure no other CABs are in use
6 Press EN
7 Enter a unique engine ID # 1 to 98 with Cab 2
Insert diagram 1.1 (assign ID#) here
8 Press SET
Insert diagram 1.2 (set button) here
9 The horn should blow, the headlight pulse, or both.
10 Take the engine off the track (optional) and
11 Slide the program/run switch back to “Run” right
12 Power down your track.
13 Put the engine on the track again.
14 Power up your track.
15 You are ready to operate.
If you would like to run all the trains on your layout at once with one
address, just address ID # 99 to start up all your engines at once. Every
engine will respond to ID # 99. It is not necessary to program the engine to
ID # 99.
All engines are factory programmed to respond to ID #1 or ID # 99 at the
factory. You can change the ID # 1 but not the ID # 99.
• dec 4 06 ny (saving to custom read/write memory modules added)
• dec5 06 ny changes reflecting UPLOAD and changed uploading directions to use
“save IFO” prompt
dec 12 06 ny changes to ew Lionel Legacy Control System equipped Engines
Now it is time to insert the memory module and load the system with all
of your new engine’s information. This is a necessary step that you only
do once.
ew Lionel Legacy Control System equipped Engines
Each Legacy engine is packaged at the factory with a unique memory
module. Make sure you locate, use and save the memory module. It will
enter all the unique information about your engine when you plug it into
the CAB 2.
Now you are ready to insert your engine’s unique memory module into
CAB 2. It will be downloaded into the system and associated with the
TMCC ID # you have entered. All other remotes will have the information
TMCC Engines and Retrofit Engines
Custom Read/Write Memory Modules
Older TMCC engines have their Engine options entered manually. Here’s
how to save that info so you can take it with you to a new Legacy layout.
Once the info has been entered manually (see page XXX, Engine options),
address the engine, and insert a Read/Write memory module into Cab 2.
Follow the prompts to upload. Now you have saved the engine INFO into
the Memory Module.
TMCC engines do require a Read/Write memory module if you want to
take them to a new layout and would like to have the name and engine
options available to download into the new layout’s Legacy system base.
When you arrive at the new layout, pick up a CAB 2 and address your
older TMCC locomotive. Then insert the memory module into the Cab 2.
You have added all the INFO for that locomotive into the new layout’s
Legacy System.
Read/Write modules come with retrofit kits or are purchased separately.
Insert Diagram 3.7 (Insert Memory Module) here.
How to upload Engine Options to Memory modules
With your TMCC engine addressed, and Engine options manually
1 Address TMCC engine
2 Press INFO
3 Insert memory module into remote
4 Select “SAVE INFO”
When the information is uploaded (a few seconds, watch the Display
screen) you can remove the memory module from the CAB 2 and place it
in the optional TMCC 2 Legacy Roll-Top Memory Garage or another safe
Diagram 3.8 of memory module inserting into CAB 2 here
To view the saved information about your engine at any time, just press
Diagram 3 of display with engine name, road-number and TMCC ID#
Memory Garage
Store your Memory Modules in the Memory Garage
Insert Diagram 3.5 (Memory Garage), here.
The optional Memory Garage is a modular piece of the master control
Dec 4 06 ny changes
IFO is the where you find all of your train, engine, track, or accessory
options. These options are either downloaded from a memory module that came
with your LIOEL LEGACY product or entered manually for TMCC products.
Address train, engine, track or accessory
Press INFO.
Scroll through Options for the train, engine, track or accessory
Insert diagram 8 of IFO menu Options page here
After scrolling through, select from each of the categories in the Options
menu. Choose the description that matches your train, track, engine or
accessory. Move to the next category and choose again. Repeat until each
of the categories has a choice made to match your train, track or
accessory. This procedure only needs to be done once.
ow you have completed entering your TMCC engine’s IFO. The
Legacy system will know how to control your train, and how you want to
view it on the Display screen, whether it is LEGACY or TMCC.
Here’s how to do it step by step:
First, make sure you have addressed your engine by its ID#
To enter INFO:
Insert diagram 9 of a selection from engine options (control types) here
Pressing INFO will
1 Open the info display window
2 Scroll through the categories with the Rotary and
get familiar with them. Find “Engine Options”
Insert diagram 9 of a selection from engine options (control types) here
3 Enter the correct info in “Engine Options” by
a. Locating the correct EGIE OPTIO in the
center box
b. Select it by pressing the soft-key under it
c. Select one of the choices in the category
d. Move on to the next category
e. Check all the EGIE OPTIO categories and
make sure the choices are correct.
f. If a TMCC1 engine is retrofitted to LEGACY,
Choose LEGACY under Control types.
g. If a TMCC 1 engine is not retrofitted, choose
TMCC 1 under Control types.
h. If an engine is a Diesel, select Diesel under
Engine types.
i. If a sound system is RS 5, select RS5 under
Sound types
j. If an engine is an Odyssey, select Odyssey
under Speed Control.
k. Make sure you get every Engine Option right. It
will perfect the Legacy system operation of your
Velocity Throttle, Control Panel, Speed Graph
and Rail-sounds.
Dec 4 06 ny created
Dec 5 06 ny changes to use “numerics” for entering number
Names can be given to Engines Routes, Trains, Accessories and Switches. Follow this
method to use the Legacy Naming feature.
Address an EN, TR, ACC, or SW
For Route, just press RTE
Press INFO
Insert display screen diagram “OPTIOS” here
If requested, Enter ID #
Scroll through Options to NAME
1 select name
Insert display screen diagram “Enter ame” here
You will see the Alpha-Numeric character choices.
1 Scroll to the first character.
2 Add the character by scrolling to it and pressing ADD
3 Add more characters
4 If using multi-words, insert a SPACE between them.
5 Delete what you want to change
6 Scroll to mistakes, delete them and replace them.
7 There is a limit of XX characters. Use abbreviations where needed.
8 When you are finished naming, Press set
9 Make sure Display prompt says SAVED.
Insert display screen diagram “Enter Road number or Lionel number” here
Follow the prompt to enter a Road number or Lionel number up to 4 digits bt
using the numerics on the touch screen.
Press set to save.
Dec 4 06 ny changes
Use CTC button to toggle between
Insert diagram 12 CTC toggle (two windows) here
Scroll clockwise for Base OPTIOS and counter-clockwise for CAB2 Remote
CAB2 Modes of Operation
There are two modes of operating your CAB 2
They are found in the CAB2 remote options menu
Cab 1 Mode
Cab 1 mode is just like operating a CAB 1
The display will show everything a CAB1 can do.
Cab 2 Mode (default)
CAB 2 Mode provides all of the new TMCC2 Legacy features.
Insert diagram 15 mode select here
Press CTC
1 Real Time Operation Display screen
2 Base and CAB options
1 Scroll to counter-clockwise to CAB2 Remote
2 Choose CAB 1 or CAB 2.
Dec 5 06 ny changes to select here
Dec 12 06 ny punctuation changes
Insert diagram 13 select Road number or Lionel number ( box
with 4 digit number) here
1 Press “SELECT” to address a unit by its number.
2 A display window appears for you to enter the
3 Enter the number in the display window.
4 Press the EN, ACC, TR or SW soft-key.
You are now ready to run your selected unit.
SCROLL (Rotary throttle)
Dec 5 06…… ny changes
Dec 12 06 ny changes to *route
Insert diagram 14 scroll ( 2 windows show names of 2 engines) here
Press EN, TR, ACC, *RTE, or SW.
Press Scroll
1 Scroll through the name selections
2 Locate the name
3 Press EN, TR, ACC, *RTE, or SW
4 EN, TR, ACC, or SW is now addressed
5 *RTE is thrown.
*Routes throw as soon as they are addressed.
Dec 12 06 ny changes to content
Insert diagram 15.5 CAB 2
Lionel Legacy addressing and controls for Traditional command control
operation are described in this section. This is the way your new CAB 2
and LIONEL Legacy products will operate the first time you try them.
There are a lot of new features available immediately with CAB 2.
When you leaarn to use the Options menu in the Cab 2, you will discover
that ther are many optional “advanced” methods of using the Direct
Controls. But for now the Direct Controls are default set up for basic
operation. You can access the advanced optional features in ENGINE
OPTIONS of the INFO menu
Take the time to read the following descriptions of how the CAB 2
controls work. It will be helpful. Although the signal on the track is
similar to Train-Master Command Control, the amount of commands has
been increased by many thousands, allowing for much more control of
your Lionel Railroad.
Dec 5 06 ny added “Addressing” to titles
Dec 6 06 ny added “ACCESSIG (type) OPTIOS”
Dec 6 06 ny added “ADDRESSIG (type) METHODS” to titles
Dec 14 06 ny…… clarification of terms
Dec 18 06 ny…… re-ordering of instructions and new line, “ first……” added
Address Keys
Address keys are used whenever you address. This section explains different
methods to address switches, accessories, routes, trains and engines. In
addition, options you can select to enable these different methods are
Insert diagram 60 address keys 1 here
First, you must enter all the options in the Switch Options section of the IFO
To access Switch Options
1 Press switch
2 Enter SW ID#
3 Press INFO
View the switch options screen
Insert diagram” Switch options” here
There is one just one option, name.
After all of the SWITCH OPTIONS have been entered, try these SWITCH
ADDRESSING METHODS to address your Switch. If your switch’s info has not been
entered in SWITCH OPTIONS of the INFO menu, only the Traditional ID# and Toggle
methods outlined in this section will apply.
There are three ways to address switches
Traditional ID#
Diagram 4 of traditional addressing here
1 Press SW
2 Enter the one or two digit SW #
3 Press the THROUGH or OUT key
4 The switch will throw
5 enter a new ID #
6 throw the switch
7 repeat
Insert Diagram 6 of name addressing here (name in box)
1 Press SW
2 Press SCROLL
3 Use the rotary to scroll to the desired name
4 Press SW
5 press “through” or “out”
Insert Diagram 7 of toggle addressing here (2 diagrams with button
press and different addresses)
1 Press SW
2 Press SW again to toggle between your last two
switch addresses
3 enter another ID #
4 throw the switch
5 repeat
Dec 14 06 ny…… clarification of terms
First, you must enter all the options in the Accessory Options section of the IFO
Dec 4 06 ny….. created
Dec 5 06 ny…… added TMCC to control types
Dec 14 06 ny…… clarification of terms
To access Accessory Options
1 Press Accessory
2 Enter Accessory ID#
3 Press INFO
View the Accessory Options screen
Insert diagram “Accessory Options” here
Choose from Control type, Speed Control, ACC type, Name
Control type Press Control Type
1 Legacy
Insert diagram “Accessory Control Type” here
Speed Control
Press Speed Control (choose one)
1 Speed control
2 Relative
Insert diagram “Acc Speed Control” here
Accessory type
Press ACC Type
1 Light (toggle)
2 Motor driven accessory (toggle)
3 Momentary
Insert diagram “ACC Type” here
Press Name
1 Access naming screen
Insert diagram “AME Accessory” here
After all of the Accessory info has been entered, try these ACCESSORY ADDRESSING
METHODS to address your Accessory. If your Accessory’s info has not been entered in
ACCESSORY OPTIONS of the INFO menu, only the Traditional and Toggle methods
outlined in this ACCESSORY ADDRESSING METHODS section will apply.
There are four ways to address accessories
Traditional ID# (see page XX)
Diagram 4 of traditional addressing here
1 Press Accessory
2 Enter the Accessory’s ID#
Lionel umber
Insert Diagram 5 of Lionel umber addressing here (4 digit Lionel
number in box)
eed diagram of old accessory and number plate
1 Press SELECT
2 Enter the Lionel number found on your accessory
3 Press Accessory
Insert Diagram 6 of name addressing here (name in box)
1 Press Accessory
2 Press SCROLL
3 Use the rotary to scroll to the desired name
4 Press Accessory
Insert Diagram 7 of toggle addressing here (2 diagrams with button
press and different addresses)
1 Press Accessory
2 Press Accessory again to toggle between your last
two Accessory addresses
3 Now pressing any key will activate that Accessory
4 Panel in the touch-screen and activate the NAME
and other info in the Display.
First, you must enter all the options in the Route Options section of the IFO menu.
Dec 4 ny….. created
To access Route Options
1 Press Route
2 Press INFO
3 Enter RTE ID #
View the Route Options screen
Insert diagram “Route Options” here
Choose from view, edit, clear, name, SPD
Press View
3 View shows all the switches and Routes in a Route.
Insert diagram “View Route” here
Press Edit
3 Edit takes you to the ROUTE BUILD Screen.
Insert diagram “Route Build” here
Press Clear
4 Edit takes you to empty ROUTE BUILD Screen.
Insert diagram “Route Build” here
Press Name
1 access naming screen
Insert diagram “AME Route” here
Press SPD
1 Adjust time between switch throws
Insert diagram “Throw Rate” here
After all of the ROUTE info has been entered, try these ROUTE ADDRESSING
METHODS to address your ROUTE. If your ROUTE’s info has not been entered in
ROUTE OPTIONS of the INFO menu, only the Traditional and Toggle methods
outlined in this ROUTE ADDRESSING METHODS section will apply.
There are two ways to address and throw Routes
Traditional ID#
Diagram 4 of traditional addressing here
1 Press Route
2 Enter a one or *two digit number
3 The route will throw
Insert Diagram 6 of name addressing here (name in box)
1 Press Route
2 Press SCROLL
3 Use the rotary to scroll to the desired name
4 Press Route
*Customize your ROUTE addresses to suit your own layout and keep fast
single-digit operation of your main routes.
Press CTC
1 Scroll to Base Options
2 Scroll to and choose Quick address
3 Select from Train or Route
4 Choose Route
Insert diagram 61.5 route address choices here
If you wish to have more ROUTE addresses, there is an easy method to
add them. This feature is useful if you have used all your addresses and
you have a yard but no addresses to access it with ROUTES. You can
select any number 1-9 and make any ROUTE address that starts with that
number be a two-digit address. If you want, you can make the 9 tracks of
your yard be all double-digit addresses, starting with 9. That would be 90,
91 92, etc to 99. This can be done with any number you choose, or all
numbers if you wish.
The advantage of single digit ROUTE addresses is speed and simplicity.
For that reason, you may want to retain some single digit ROUTE
addresses for your main Routes.
+ 56 hidden pages
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