Cisco Wireless
IP Phone 7920 for
Cisco CallManager
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Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManageriii
1Getting Started 1
How to Use this Guide 2
Safety and Performance Information 4
Battery Safety Notices 6
Accessories for the Cisco Wireless IP Phone
Installing the Battery 10
Charging the Phon e Battery 12
2Overview of the Cisco Wireless
IP Phone 7920
Powering On th e Phone 18
Main Screen and Display Indicators 19
Shortcut Keys for P hone Functions 20
Document Conven tions 22
Using the Phon e M en us 23
Setting the LEAP U se rname and Password 24
Setting the User name or Password 24
Entering and Editing Text 25
3Basic Call Handling 27
Placing Calls 27
Answering and Endi ng Calls 29
Muting Calls 29
Adjusting the Speak er Volume 30
Placing Calls on Hold 31
Transferring Calls 32
Making Conference Calls 33
Making Meet-Me Conference Calls 34
Forwarding Your Cal ls to Another Number 35
4Using Advanced Call Features 37
Parking and Retrieving Parked Ca l l s 37
Redirecting a Ringing Call to Your Phone By Using
Call PickUp
Understanding S har ed Lines 39
5Using the Phone Book and
Speed Dial Features
Using the Phon e Book 41
Adding or Changing Entries in the Phone Book 42
Configuri ng Speed Dial Hot Keys 45
6Using Voice Messaging and
Call History Logs
Playing Voice Messages 49
Viewing and Placing Calls from the Call His t ory
7Using and Changing Prof i le s 53
Options for Profile Settings 54
Configuring Profiles 55
8Customizing Phone Set t in gs and
Viewing Phone Status
Change Phone Set tings 59
Changing Ring Tone Settings 60
Changing Phone Display Settings 61
Changing Phone Access Settings 62
Viewing Phone Status 64
Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManagerv
Getting Started
Before using your Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920,
make sure that the f ollo wi ng ite ms are in the b ox:
• Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920
• Standard battery
• Power supply
• Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 Guide
• Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
for the Cisco Wireless IP Phone 792 0
• Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 Accessory Guide
Inform your system administrator or supplier if any
items are m iss i n g .
NoteThe radio frequency (RF) for t his ph one is
configured for a specific regulatory domain.
If you use this phone outside of its regulatory
domain, the phone will not func ti on
properly, and you might vi olate loc al
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager1
How to Use this Guide
This guide provides you with an overview of the
features that are available on your phone. For
information about common tasks , re fer to the
following table. Contact your system administrator if
you have problems or need more infor matio n about
your phone.
If you want to...Then...
Review safety
Install the battery
Charge the battery
Use your phone
Set LEAP password
Understand the
phone screen
Make calls
Change the
speaker volume
See the “Safety and Performance
Information” section on page 4.
See the “Installing the Battery”
section on page 10.
See the “Charging the Phone
Battery” section on page 12.
Start with the “Overview of the
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7 920”
section on page 15.
See the “Setting LEAP Password”
section on page 24.
See the “Main Screen and Display
Indicators” section on page 19.
See the “Placing Calls” section on
page 27.
See the “Adjusting the Speak er
Volume” section on p age 30.
If you want to...Then...
Put calls on hold
See the “Placing Calls on Hold”
section on page 31.
Transfer calls
See the “Transferring Calls”
section on page 32.
Mute calls
See the “Muting Calls” section on
page 29.
Make conference
Listen to voice
Set up speed dial
See the “Making Conference
Calls” section on page 33.
See the “Playing V oice Message s”
section on page 49.
See the “Configuring Speed Dial
Hot Keys” section on page 45.
Lock and unlock
the phone
Choose ring types
for different
Set up a personal
phone book
Change ring tones
See the “Changing Phone Access
Settings” section on page 62
See the “Configuring Profiles”
section on page 55.
See the “Using the Phone Book”
section on page 41.
See the “Changing Ring Tone
Settings” section on page 60.
Change phone
display settings
Get information
about phone
See the “Changing Phone Display
Settings” section on page 61.
See the “Accessories for t he Cisc o
Wireless IP Phone 7920” section
on page 9.
Getting Started
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager3
Safety and Performance Information
Before installing and using your phone Cisco Wireless
IP Phone 7920 read th e foll owing s afet y not ices.
This warning symbol means danger. You
are in a situation that could cause bodily
injury. Before you work on any equipment,
be aware of the hazards involved with
electrical circuitry and be familiar with
standard practices for preventing
accidents. Use the statement number
provided at the end of each warning to
locate its translation in the translated
safety warnings that accompanied this
Read the installation instructions before
connecting the system to the power
This equipment will not be able to ac cess
emergency services during a power
outage because of reliance on utility
power for normal operation. Alternative
arrangements should be made for access
to emergency services. Acces s to
Getting Started
emergency services can be affected by
any call-barring function of this
The use of the Cisco Wireless IP
Phone 7920 in hazardous environments
such as areas where high levels of
explosive gas may be pr esent is n ot
recommended. Check with the site sa fety
engineer before using any type of wireless
device in such an environmen t.
The plug-socket combination must be
accessible at all times, because it serves
as the main disconnecting device.
This product requires short-circuit
(overcurrent) protection, to be provided as
part of the building installation. Install
only in accordance with national and
local wiring regulations.
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager5
Battery Safety Notices
These battery safety notices apply to the batteries that
are approved by the Cisco Wireless IP Phone 79 20
There is the danger of explosion if the
battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace
the battery only with the same or
equivalent type recommended by the
manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries
according to the manufacturer’s
Do not dispose of the battery pack in fire or
water. The battery may explode if placed
in the fire.
Caution The battery pack is intended for use only
with this device.
Caution Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, or
incinerate the battery pack.
Getting Started
Caution To avoid risk of fire, burns, or damage to
your battery pack, do not allow a metal
object to touch the battery contacts.
Caution Handle a damaged or leaking battery with
extreme care. If you come in contact with
the electrolyte, wash the exposed area
with soap and water. If the electrolyte has
come in contact with the eye, flush the eye
with water for 15 minutes and seek
medical attent ion .
Caution Do not charge the battery pack if the
ambient temperature exceeds 104 degrees
Fahrenheit (4 0 deg ree s Cel sius ).
Caution Do not expose the battery pack to high
storage temperatures (above 140 degree s
Fahrenheit, 60 d e g re es Ce ls iu s) .
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager7
Caution When discardi ng a ba tte ry pa ck, c onta ct
your local waste disposal provider
regarding local restrictions on the disposal
or recycling of batteries.
Caution To obtain a replacement battery, contact
your local dealer. Use only the batteries
that have a Cisco part number.
Standard battery—CP-BATT-7920-STD
Extended us e ba tt er y —CP- BATT-7920-EXT
Caution Only use the Cisco power supply that was
provided with your phone. If you need to
replace your power supply , refer to the list of
Cisco part numbers.
North America—CP-PWR-7920-NA
Central Europe—CP-PWR-7920-CE
United Kingdom—CP-PWR-7920-UK
T o see translations of the warnings that appear in this
publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and
Safety Information for the Cisco Wireless
IP Phone 7920 document that accompani ed this
Getting Started
Accessories for the Cisco Wireless
IP Phone 7920
The following phone accessories ar e availabl e for
your phone:
• Standard and extended batteries
• Power supplies for various region s
• Desktop charger
• Standard wired earphone
• Carrying cases
For a complete list of accessories, refer to the
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 Accessory Guide that is
included in the phone box.
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager9
Installing the Battery
You must install and charge the battery before you
can use the Cisco Wireless IP P hone 792 0. To install
or remove the battery, follow these steps.
1. To install the battery, insert the battery catches
(as shown in Figure 1-1) in the c orres ponding
slots at the bottom of th e Ci sco Wireles s
IP Phone 7920. Make sure that the me tal
contacts on the battery and the phone are facing
each other.
2. Press the battery to the body of the phone until it
locks into place.
3. T o remove the battery, press down on the locking
catch, then lift and remove th e batter y.
Getting Started
Figure 1-1 Installin g and Removing the Battery
1Locking catch—Press to release the battery.
2Catches—Insert these into the slots near the
bottom of the phone at batte ry ins talla tion .
3Metal contact— Matc h the c onta ct on the
battery to the co ntact on t he phone .
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager11
Charging the Phone Battery
The Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 is power ed by a
rechargeable battery. To charge the battery, follow
these steps:
1. Connect the cable from the power supply to the
outlet in the phone.
2. Connect the power supply to an AC wall outlet as
shown in Figure 1-2.
If the phone is turned off, the screen displays the
message, “Battery Charging.” When the battery
is charged, “Charging Complete” dis plays.
If the phone is turned on, th e battery i ndic ator
bar blinks and displays the curr ent po wer leve l.
When the battery is charged, th e indi cator bar
stops blinking.
3. When the battery is fully charged, disconnect the
charger from the phone, and unplug the po wer
cord from the AC w all out let.
Getting Started
Figure 1-2 Charging t he Phone Battery
• The phone detects when the battery power le vel
is low and displays the warning message,
“Battery Low” with the warning tone specified in
your profile.
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager13
• The standard battery requires about 3.5 hours to
become fully charged and provides up to 3.5
hours of active service time or 21 hour s of
standby time.
• The extended battery provides up t o 4.25 hou rs
of active service time or 30 hours of standby time.
The battery becomes fully charged in about 4.5
hours. For more information about charging th e
battery , refer to the “Desktop Charger” section in
the Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 Accessory Guide.
Overview of the
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920
The Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 pr ovides th e
following features:
• Wireless access to your corporate phon e
extension and phone services
• Multiline appearances
• Up to eight speed dial hot keys
• Caller ID for incoming calls
• Call handling features such as forward, transfer,
hold, call park, conferenc e, call pic kup , and
group pickup
• Softkey access to menus and your per sonal
phone book
• Choice of profiles for pers onal us e
Figure 2-1 on page 16 shows the Cisco Wireless
IP Phone 7920. The ca llo ut table d escri bes t he
functions of the keys on the phone .
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager15
Figure 2-1 Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920
Overview of the CiscoWireless IP Phone 7920
Left and right softkeys—Activates the
item in the label abo ve the soft ke y.
2Answer/Send (green) key—Answers a
call or dials a number.
3Number keys (0-9)—Use these to enter
numbers and characters.
Number keys (2-9)—Use these to
activate Speed Dial hot keys.
4Asterisk (*) key—Toggles between ring
and vibrate mode.
Toggles between upper and lower case.
See the “Entering and Editing Text”
section on page 25.
5Arrow key—Moves from one function
to another. This guide uses these
directional arrows , , , or .
6Power/End (red) key—Turns the phone
on or off, silences a ringing call, or ends
a connected call. See the “Answering
and Ending Calls” section on page 29.
7Pound (#) key—Toggles between
locking and unlocking the keypad.
Allows you to access special characters
when you are entering text.
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 for Cisco CallManager17
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