LINEAR TECHNOLOGY LTM9001 Technical data

COVER ARTICLE Complete IF Receiver Has
16-Bit, 130Msps ADC, Fixed-Gain Amplifier and Antialias Filter in
11.25mm × 11.25mm
µModule™ Package .............................1
Todd Nelson
Linear in the News… ...........................2
DESIGN FEATURES Voltage and Current Monitoring from
7V to 80V in 3mm × 3mm DFN-10 ........5
Zhizhong Hou
Increase I2C or SMBus Data Rate and Reduce Power Consumption with
Low Power Bus Accelerator .................8
Sam Tran
6-Input Supervisors Offer Accurate
Monitoring and 125°C Operation ......10
Shuley Nakamura and Al Hinckley
High Power, Single Inductor, Surface Mount Buck-Boost µModule Regulators Handle 36VIN, 10A Loads
Manjing Xie
1.5% Accurate Single-Supply Supervisors Simplify Part Selection
and Operate to 125°C ........................20
Bob Jurgilewicz and Roger Zemke
Versatile Current Sense Amplifiers Offer Rail-to-Rail Input, 150°C
Operating Temperature ....................24
William Jett and Glen Brisebois
Compact Hot Swap™ Solution Simplifies Advanced Mezzanine
Card Design ......................................27
Chew Lye Huat
(complete list on page 31)
New Device Cameos ...........................37
Design Tools ......................................39
Sales Offices .....................................
Complete IF Receiver Has 16-Bit, 130Msps ADC, Fixed-Gain Amplifier and Antialias Filter in
11.25mm × 11.25mm µModule Package
by Todd Nelson
In the design of high speed receiv­ers for communications, test or instrumentation equipment, several specialized disciplines converge in one place—the analog-to-digital con­verter (ADC). Unfortunately, the ADC is not a simple black box where an RF designer applies the signal and a digital designer retrieves the accurate output. Careful design of the signal conditioning circuitry to drive the ADC is critical. Something as seemingly straightforward as board layout can degrade the downstream signal by a few precious decibels. The problem is that the disciplines required for the engineering on either side of the ADC, namely RF/IF design and digital design, do not include mastery of the art of ADC interface design. Someone has to put in the effort to properly drive the ADC. But who? Instead of adding more work to either designer’s plate, what if the ADC were really a black box, already loaded with integrated signal conditioning components in an optimized layout? Now, that would be a better solution.
The LTM9001 is built using
Linear Technology’s µModule
technology to create an IC
form factor System-in-a-
Package (SiP) that includes
a high speed 16-bit ADC,
antialiasing filter and a low
noise, differential amplifier
with fixed gain. It can
digitize wide dynamic range
signals with an intermediate
frequency (IF) range
up to 300MHz.
The LTM9001 is exactly that black box. It is built using Linear Technol­ogy’s µModule™ technology to create an IC form factor System-in-a-Package (SiP) that includes a high speed 16­bit ADC, antialiasing filter and a low noise, differential amplifier with fixed gain. It can digitize wide dynamic range
continued on page 3
, LT, LTC, LTM, Burst Mode, OPTI-LOOP, Over-The-Top and PolyPhase are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. Adaptive Power, Bat-Track, BodeCAD, C-Load, DirectSense, Easy Drive, FilterCAD, Hot Swap, LinearView, µModule, Micropower SwitcherCAD, Multimode Dimming, No Latency ΔΣ, No Latency Delta-Sigma, No R Filter, PanelProtect, PowerPath, PowerSOT, SmartStart, SoftSpan, Stage Shedding, SwitcherCAD, ThinSOT, True Color PWM, UltraFast and VLDO are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. Other product names may be trademarks of the companies that manufacture the products.
, Operational
= 3.3V V
= 3.3V
130Msps ADC
0VDD = 0.5V TO 3.6V
LTM9001, continued from page 1
Figure 1. A typical application and simplified block diagram of the LTM9001
signals with an intermediate frequency (IF) range up to 300MHz. Figure 1 shows a typical application.
How is a µModule component different than a traditional IC? The µModule construction allows the LTM9001 to mix standard ADC and amplifier components regardless of their process technology and match them with passive components for a particular application. The result is a high performance product with no process technology compromises and the potential for semi-custom adaptations.
What’s Inside?
The µModule receiver consists of wire­bonded die, packaged components and passives mounted on a high perfor­mance, 4-layer, Bismaleimide-Triazine (BT) substrate. BT is similar to other laminate substrates such as FR4 but has superior stiffness and a lower coefficient of thermal expansion.
In time, several different versions of the LTM9001 will be available. The LTM9001-AA, as the first release, is configured with a 16-bit, 130Msps ADC. The amplifier gain is 20dB with an input impedance of 200 and an input range of ±250mV. The match­ing network is designed to optimize the interface between the amplifier outputs and the ADC inputs under these conditions. Additionally, there is a second order bandpass filter designed for 162.5MHz, ±25MHz to prevent aliasing and to limit the noise from the amplifier.
Linear Technology Magazine • March 2008
Extracting the full performance from 16-bit, high speed ADCs requires careful layout as well as good circuit design. The substrate design carefully shields sensitive analog traces, maxi­mizes thermal conduction through multiple ground pads and minimizes coupled noise by including bypass capacitors inside the module and close to the ADC. A common problem with traditional ADC board layouts is long traces from the bypass capacitors to the ADC. The bare die construction with internal bypass capacitors pro­vides the closest possible decoupling and eliminates the need for external bypass capacitors.
The passive filter network imple­ments an antialias filter and matches the amplifier outputs to the ADC in­puts. Most communications receiver applications utilize a highly selective filter between the mixer and the ADC driver. The antialias filter between the ADC driver and the ADC inputs limits the wideband amplifier noise and helps preserve the high SNR of the ADC. Printed circuit board (PCB) layout has a significant impact on the performance even if the circuit topol­ogy and component values are correct. The signal paths must be symmetric and isolated from the clock inputs and digital outputs.
The low noise, low distortion ampli­fier stage provides gain without adding significant noise or distortion to the signal. Despite the low noise of the amplifier, the noise is multiplied by the same gain as the amplifier, so higher
gain unavoidably adds noise to the system. However, the input range of the amplifier is proportionately smaller thanks to the gain and this smaller input range allows for lower distortion from the preceding components. The amplifier inputs present a resistive 200 differential input impedance which is simple to match to most common, high speed, single-ended or differential signal paths. This presents a more straightforward interface than a switched-capacitor ADC and simpli­fies the connection to the final stage of the RF signal chain.
Why 162.5MHz?
The ADC inside the LTM9001 has a full power bandwidth of 700MHz and the amplifier is suitable for in­put frequencies up to 300MHz, so why was 162.5MHz chosen for this first version? Nyquist theory tells us that the minimum sample rate for a given input frequency is twice that frequency. Working backwards, an ADC sampling at 130Msps can cap­ture a frequency range up to 65MHz wide. Undersampling allows us to move that frequency range. Hence the first Nyquist zone is DC – 65MHz, the second is 65MHz to 130MHz, the third is 130MHz to 195MHz, and so on, see Figure 2.
instrumentation applications. In such applications, the linearity and dynamic range requirements are extremely high. Traditional instruments utilize preselectors and multiple down-con-
The LTM9001-AA is intended for
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