Precision Voltage References
LTC6655: 0.25ppm Noise Precision Reference
Low Noise: 0.25ppm
Low Drift: 2ppm/°C Max
High Accuracy: ±0.025% Max
Fully Specified from –40°C to 125°C
100% Tested at –40°C, 25°C and 125°C
Load Regulation: <10ppm/mA
Sinks and Sources Current: ±5mA
Low Dropout: 500mV
Maximum Supply Voltage: 13.2V
Low Power Shutdown: <20µA Max
Available Output Voltages: 1.25V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V,
for the LTC6655-2.5
4.096V, 5V
Available in an 8-Lead MSOP Package
(0.1Hz to 10Hz)
The LTC®6655 is an ultra-stable voltage reference with outstanding noise performance, with only 625nV
noise (0.1Hz to 10Hz),
temperature drift less than 2ppm/°C, and initial voltage accuracy within ±0.025%. It can be powered from as little as 500mV above
the output voltage, up to a maximum supply voltage of 13.2V. Superior load regulation of 3ppm/mA and ±5mA source and sink
capabilities, coupled with only 5ppm/V line rejection, give consistent performance over a wide range of line and load conditions. A
shutdown mode allows the power consumption to be reduced to less than 20µA. The combination of extreme precision and high
temperature operating range make the LTC6655 an ideal voltage reference for the most demanding automotive, industrial and
instrumentation applications.
LT6656: 1µA Precision Voltage Reference
Low Drift
A Grade: 10ppm/°C Max, B Grade: 20ppm/°C Max
High Accuracy
A Grade: 0.05% Max, B Grade: 0.1% Max
Ultralow Supply Current: 850nA
High Output Drive Current: 5mA Min
Low Dropout Voltage: 10mV Max
Fully Specified from –40°C to 85°C
Operational from –55°C to 125°C
Wide Supply Range to 18V
Reverse Input/Output Protection
Available Output Voltages: 1.25V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V,
4.096V, 5V
Thermal Hysteresis: 25ppm
Low Profile (1mm) ThinSOT™ Package
6656 offers high precision, very low dropout and incredibly low supply current in a ThinSOT package. Initial voltage
The LT
accuracy is within ±0.05% and temperature drift is less than 10ppm/°C. The combination of precision, size and minimal power
specifications will be attractive in a wide range of power-sensitive applications, and can be used as either a traditional voltage
reference or a precision LDO regulator. In battery-powered devices, the LT6656’s minimal space and power requirements allow it to
be easily added to designs for improved precision without significantly impacting the existing footprint and power.
L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered
trademarks and ThinSOT is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
LTC6655B 0.025% 2 0.25 ±10 7 0.5 MS-8 H
LT1461A 0.04% 3 8 50 0.05 0.3 SO-8 C, I
LT1027B 0.05% 2 0.6 –10 to +15 3.1 3 DIP-8 C
LT1027C 0.05% 3 0.6 –10 to +15 3.1 3 DIP-8 SO-8 C
LT1019A 0.05% 5 2.5 ±10 1 1.1 DIP-8 SO-8 C, I
LT1031B 0.05% 5 0.6 ±10 1.7 1 TO-39 C, M
LT1236A 0.05% 5 0.6 ±10 1.2 2.2 DIP-8 SO-8 C, I
LTC6652A 0.05% 5 2.8 ±5 0.56 0.3 MS-8 H
LTC6655C 0.05% 5 0.25 ±10 7 0.5 MS-8 H
LT1027D 0.05% 5 0.6 –10 to +15 2.7 3 DIP-8 SO-8 C
LT6656A 0.05% 10 24 –0.1 to 10 0.001 0.01 SOT-23 C, I
LT1790A 0.05% 10 16 –3 to 5 0.06 0.1 SOT-23 C, I
LT1021C 0.05% 20 0.6 ±10 1.2 2.2 TO-5 DIP-8 C, I, M
LT1461B 0.06% 7 8 50 0.05 0.3 SO-8 C, I
LT1460A 0.075% 10 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 DIP-8 SO-8 C
LT1461C 0.08% 12 8 50 0.05 0.3 SO-8 C, I
LT1027E 0.10% 7.5 0.6 –10 to +15 2.7 3 DIP-8 SO-8 C
LT1236B 0.10% 10 0.6 ±10 1.2 2.2 DIP-8 SO-8 C, I
LTC6652B 0.10% 10 2.1 ±5 0.56 0.3 MS-8 H
LT1460B 0.10% 10 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 DIP-8 SO-8 I
LT1031C 0.10% 15 0.6 ±10 1.7 1 TO-39 C
LT1236C 0.10% 15 0.6 ±10 1.2 2.2 DIP-8 SO-8 C, I
LT1460C 0.10% 15 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 MS-8 C
LT6656B 0.10% 20 24 –0.1 to 10 0.001 0.01 SOT-23 C, I
LT1460D 0.10% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 DIP-8 SO-8 C
LT1790B 0.10% 25 16 –3 to 5 0.06 0.1 SOT-23 C, I
LT1460E 0.125% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 DIP-8 SO-8 I
LT1461D 0.15% 20 8 10 0.05 0.3 SO-8 H
LT1460F 0.15% 25 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 MS-8 C
LTC1798 0.15% 40 8 –2 to 10 0.0065 0.1 SO-8 C
LTC1258 0.15% 40 8 –2 to 10 0.0065 0.1 MS-8 C
LT1019 0.20% 20 2.5 ±10 1.2 1.1 DIP-8 SO-8 C, I
LT1460H 0.20% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 SOT-23 C
LT1460L 0.20% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 SO-8 I, H
LT6660H 0.20% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.2 0.9 2 x 2mm DFN C
LT1031D 0.20% 25 0.6 ±10 1.7 1 TO-39 C, M
LT1460M 0.20% 50 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 SO-8 H
LT1460G 0.25% 25 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 TO-92 C, I
LT1460J 0.40% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 SOT-23 C
LT6660J 0.40% 20 4 –1 to 20 0.2 0.9 2 x 2mm DFN C
LT6650 0.5% 30 Typ 50 ±0.2 0.011 0.1 SOT-23 C, I, H Adjustable
LT1460K 0.5% 50 4 –1 to 20 0.175 0.9 SOT-23 C
LT6660K 0.5% 50 4 –1 to 20 0.2 0.9 2 x 2mm DFN C
LT1021B 1% 5 0.6 ±10 1.2 2.2 TO-5 DIP-8 C, M
LT1021D 1% 20 0.6 ±10 1.2 2.2 SO-8 DIP-8 C, I
LT1389A 0.05% 10 20 Shunt 0.006 to 2 N/A SO-8 C
LT1634A 0.05% 10 7 Shunt 0.008 to 20 N/A SO-8 C, I
LT1389B 0.05% 20 20 Shunt 0.006 to 2 N/A SO-8 C
LT1634B 0.05% 25 7 Shunt 0.008 to 20 N/A SO-8 MS-8 C, I
LT1389B 0.075% 50 20 Shunt 0.006 to 2 N/A SO-8 C
LT1029A 0.2% 20 Shunt 0.6 to 10 N/A TO-92 C
LT1009 0.2% 25 Shunt 0.4 to 10 N/A SO-8 MS-8
LT1634C 0.2% 25 7 Shunt 0.007 to 30 N/A TO-92 C
LT1004 0.3% 20 typ Shunt 0.01 to 20 N/A SO-8 TO-92 C, I
LTC1431 0.4% 30 Typ 10 Shunt 1 to 100 N/A DIP-8 TO-92 C, I Adjustable
LT1029 1% 34 Shunt 0.6 to 10 N/A TO-92 C
LT1034B 1.2% 20 2.4 Shunt 0.02 to 20 N/A TO-92 C, I
LT1034 1.2% 40 2.4 Shunt 0.02 to 20 N/A SO-8 TO-92 C, I
LTZ1000 4% 0.05 0.17 Shunt N/A N/A TO-5 M
LM399A 5% 1 1.4 Shunt N/A N/A TO-46 C
LM399 5% 2 1.4 Shunt N/A N/A TO-46 C
*Some parameters vary between package, voltage and temperature versions. For a complete list of products and full specifications visit
Drift (Max)
0.1Hz - 10Hz
Current mAIQ/I
Voltage Package
Grades 1.25V 2.048V 2.5V 3V 3.3V 4.096V 4.5V 5V 7V 10V
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